Bernie Bush scandal pushed CO to resign early

| 13/04/2022 | 155 Comments
Michael Ebanks (left) and Julian Lewis

(CNS): Michael Ebanks, the acting chief officer in the Ministry of Home Affairs, has resigned from the civil service over the Bush scandal, and Julian Lewis, one of the two deputy COs in the ministry, is now acting in the post until the top job is filled, officials have confirmed. The news of Ebanks’ resignation follows the announcement that the premier had taken Home Affairs from Minister Bernie Bush’s portfolio and suspended him from office for two weeks over allegations that he interfered in staffing issues at the fire service.

Deputy Governor Franz Manderson said that while Ebanks, who had been acting CO for around two years, had tendered his resignation before this situation arose, it had pushed the senior civil servant to leave early.

“In January of this year, Mr Ebanks advised me that he intended to leave CIG to relocate with his family overseas,” the DG said. But last week Ebanks wrote to Manderson asking to be relieved of the responsibilities of that job. “He also advised that he wished to move forward the date of his resignation to 6 May,” he added. 

“Mr Ebanks set out clear reasons for his decision which merited the attention of the Premier who then took action. Mr Ebanks is currently on vacation leave,” Manderson said, adding that Lewis has now been appointed to act as chief officer. “I will make a decision on who will take over from Mr Ebanks in the long term and will make an announcement at that time. I thank Mr Ebanks for his excellent service. He is an outstanding Caymanian who has been a role model to many.”

When asked by CNS on Monday, the DG denied speculation that Eric Bush, the chief officer at the Ministry of Investment, Innovation and Social Development, had been earmarked to take up this key post.

Eric Bush is currently embroiled in a civil service investigation into his alleged role in the mismanagement of public funds right before the elections at former premier Alden McLaughlin’s Ministry of International Trade, Investment, Aviation and Maritime Affairs (MITIAMA). The controversy relates to the creation of the proposed overseas offices and an international trade show in Dubai.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday evening Manderson and Governor Martyn Roper issued a release saying they supported Premier Wayne Panton’s moves to sanction Minister Bush over accusations that he had breached both the Constitution and the Ministerial Code of Conduct.

Roper said he understood Panton’s reasons for taking such measures. “It is crucial to the good functioning of our democracy that ministers respect the constitutional boundaries and separation of powers,” he said, adding that public service appointments and civil service issues are the governor’s responsibility, a power that is largely delegated to the deputy governor as head of the civil service.

“Our good governance rests on full observance of our Constitution and I urge all elected representatives to fully respect the separation of powers,” Roper said.

“Ministers who use their position to influence which individual is selected for public service roles would be infringing on the Constitution and represents political interference. Ministers have a responsibility to act with integrity and to uphold the highest standards of behaviour towards everyone in our community, in particular, our civil servants with whom they work closely.”

Roper added that the civil service would continue to do its utmost to implement ministers’ objectives and policies.

Manderson said he was responsible for ensuring all staff feel respected and valued in the workplace. “I take these responsibilities seriously and when concerns are brought to my attention, as in this case, I will take action as set out in the Public Service Management Act,” he said.

“It is also my duty to ensure that the civil service remains apolitical. Now that action has been taken to address the serious concerns raised by civil servants, I will ensure that the civil service continues to serve the elected government and works to make the lives of those we serve better,” he added.

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Comments (155)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The guy was already leaving for personal reasons and couldn’t perform the position remotely from outside of Cayman borders….why make this some part of this political scandal?

    • Anonymous says:

      I suspect that Michael is too much of a gentleman to give his real reasons or leaving. Somehow I think that Bernie was not necessarily the only reason for his departure.

      • Anonymous says:

        He’s leaving the island with his family for lifestyle change….nothing to do with Bernie.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Michael Ebanks was one of the few COs who actually did some work, responded to emails and didn’t have an attitude. Huge loss for our civil service.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Mike is a man of unmovable straight character and high integrity. Kudos to him for not tolerating the behavior by the minister. Best of luck Mike ion your new journey.

  4. Anonymous says:

    OMG! We always lose the best! Look what the option is now!

  5. Soon Come says:

    What hope is there when the Standards in Public Life Legislation was amended to remove the requirement to declare membership of the Lodge?

    • Anonymous says:

      Needs to be amended further to reflect Lodge membership. There are going to be people running in the next election that will do it, if elected.

    • Anonymous says:

      Quite frankly, this happens all the time. Tell me why any of the quality Brackers who were in succession for DDC job didn’t get it?

      • Anonymous says:

        6:55 because they were not up to the task. Gone are the days when persons are promoted in the Civil service because of tenure. You should know that.

        A highly qualified Caymanian got the job. Be proud.

        • Anonymous says:

          Think you’re wrong here. There is a succession plan mandate…

          • Anonymous says:

            Succession plan does not mean that if you warm the seat for thirty years, you get promoted… happened in the old days. You have to earn it.

      • Anonymous says:

        The word “Quality ” says it all

    • Anonymous says:

      I hope none of you ever say that you support Caymanians ever again.

      Michael an outstanding Caymanian was pushed out of his job and all the bunch of you can do is try and tear down our DG whose actions recently helped save the life of a young Caymanian. Shame on all of you.

      What have any of you done for Caymanians?

    • Anonymous says:

      From reading these comments one thing is clear to me. Not one of you actually know the DG or what he stands for.

      Stop making up lies.

  6. Anonymous says:

    CNS: “like” and “dislike” tabs are not working. Is this too much traffic to your website?

    CNS: There was too much accumulated data from the thumbs and it was affecting the backend of the site. I’ll see if I can get them back tomorrow, but all the previous data will have been dumped, sadly.

  7. Aaron says:

    Its all very embarrassing for the people of cayman.

    Voting people in you like is all well and good but not being able to do a job correctly always seems to be the problem.

    Bernie bush was just an accident waiting to happen.
    Eric bush oh boy not again.
    Michael Ebanks? Poor man had to resign, he has very high standards. You all need to look and learn.
    Sabrina? Well i have to go now.
    Good luck Wayne

  8. Anonymous says:

    Freemasons have been and still specialize in infiltration to position themselves to wield power and protect other Lodge brethren.

    Lodge members should not be eligible to be senior civil servants, directors and executive management of SAGCs, or members of Parliament or Ministers in Cabinet or judges at any level.

    The risk of espionage or treason (much less nepotism and undeserved favoritism) where Lodge members are privy to sensitive public sector information and then it is unclear where their loyalty lies. Obviously to their Lodge brethren, who have all made blood oaths to protect one another.

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolutely agree with your comments. CUC, Flow and others blatantly wag OfReg’s tail thereby undermining their mission to fight fairly for the consumer. Panton’s recent statement about overhauling OfReg and seconding help from UK utility regulators is only good if the individuals helping are not Lodge members themselves.

    • Anonymous says:

      Attorney General and Deputy Governor positions should not be Lodge man neither.

    • Proudcivilservant says:

      What a bunch of jokers you are.

      A Minister who raves about Caymanians first. Caused a Caymanian to leave his Post. The DG stands up for Caymanians and the Premier takes action. But somehow you all blame our DG for doing his job.

      The jealously and the crab in the buckets mentality has to stop.

      Our DG is a rock star. Leave him alone.

      • Anonymous says:

        I really don’t want a rock star representing me in any way.

      • Anon says:

        Our Deputy Governor decided there should be no investigation into Dr John Lee after he lied on the court case with Doctors Express. Does anyone know how much of our money had to be paid to Doctors Express? Wonder if he would have been so protective of a Caymanian? We need people in charge that will look after Caymanians.

      • Anonymous says:

        A rock star? lol ok
        Check the reputation of many of them rock stars and, yeah, Franz might just fit right in. Smh

    • Pohan says:

      Thank you DG and Premier. Shame on bumbling Bernie he should resign.

      I am so proud of our civil servants.

      Thank you Michael for your service.

    • Anonymous says:

      We hear stories from the past where wearing a Masonic ring could get a judge to rule in favour of that person or acquit them of criminal charges. It’s uncertain this is still how it is, but many people still talk about it to these days.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is not just the ring, they have distress signals as well.

        • Anonymous says:

          I know. A drunk Mason explain one of them to me. Should me the little manual too.

          • Anonymous says:

            Drunk Masons need to learn to shut their mouths. They have said too much already. Thought Freemasons were supposed to be secretive. Guess not. Only takes xxx amount of drinks before they’re singing like canaries.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Lodge is destroying the Cayman Islands. Plain and simple. To much cover ups to protect Lodge man and their “associates”.

    • Anonymous says:

      The real issue with their blood oaths is that they supercede national loyalty.
      Some call this treason.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Can someone please explain the “Lodge” to me? Is this the Masons? A Cayman chapter? Does everyone know who the members are?

      • Anonymous says:

        For males, Cayman has the English Freemasons Lodge, for both Jamaica and Cayman.

        Their is also the Mechanics Lodge, which is a Order, but they stand together overall as “Lodge” brethren.

        They have all taken blood oaths, which are to be faithful to their Lodge brethren, that transcends laws and national allegiance.

  9. Anonymous says:

    It is high time that the Public Service Commission is brought back for the integrity and transparency of Civil Service recruitment. Many of these fiascos, including those at the very top have occurred since the PSC was disbanded with the less than transparent hand picking process that now obtains, resulting in less experienced and qualified persons being appointed to senior posts. The policy used to be that one must be a head of department before being considered to be a Permanent Secretary. That is now out the window apparently. Leadership and management experience must not be exclusively obtained at the highest decision making levels, but acquired in departments in preparation for assuming more responsibility. Succession planning again must be planned.

    • Anonymous says:

      Utter nonsense, 2:42. Oh, and by the way, the PSC had NOTHING to do with the appointment of Permanent Secretaries in those days. They were appointed entirely at the discretion of the Governor.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The scariest part of this situation is that Wayne is replacing Bernie with Sabrina, even as she remains in the mess of the health ministry she is in. This will not end well for our islands.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Oh hell no, not Eric again!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Retire now DG you’ve lost the plot

  13. Anonymous says:

    Manderson you been there since 1802 time to go Bo-Bo.

  14. Anonymous says:

    It is not clear who the voters of the Cayman Islands can hold accountable for the clear leadership and management failures taking place across multiple government entities.

    It does not appear that our politicians have the authority to address the issues so who exactly can voters hold accountable and what mechanism is in place to hold that individual accountable.

    • Anonymous says:

      It appears that the Lodge needs to answer to these accountability questions. Lodge tentacles are all over CS and Parliament.

      • Kelly says:

        Get a life. I wonder how these stupid comments keep coming through. You sound like someone who is extremely bitter and has nothing better to do than complain about “the lodge”. I am a woman with no affiliation to the lodge.

  15. Anonymous says:

    The civil service is a mess fix that now as it is sinking the Caymans

    • Anonymous says:

      12.34pm The type of Ministers they have to deal with are the problem. Michael is a brilliant generational Caymanian.

      • Anonymous says:

        Civil Servants at the very top are the major problem and accountable to no one including the DG. Some have no qualifications and should not be in the position but the DG makes excuses for the nonsense. The civil service is the problem for successive elected governments and the demise of these islands.

      • Anonymous says:

        Some ministers are a disaster that cannot be denied.

        Most Chief Officers e.g. Eric Bush are worse and protected by Manderson and the lodge which is deadly for these islands. Chief Officers do not appear to be held accountable for anything look at Care Pay gate, Eric Gate, Planning disasters to name a few.

        • Anonymous says:

          Lodge is threat to good governance, stability and undermines the rule of law.

          • Anonymous says:

            Cut the lodge crap! Plenty criminals in church too and that doesnt make the churches bad.

          • Anonymous says:

            Manderson is the problem. The man knows nothing about good governance and should not have been placed in that position. If he did, the favoritism and coverups would not be happening. He will go to any lengths to protect his cronies but will also try to destroy the brave ones who dare to stand up for what is right. His predecessor must live with much regret for misjudging and handpicking him to be placed in that post. What a disaster.

    • Anonymous says:

      Where are the Caymans?
      Are they closer to the Virgins or to the Channels?

    • CaymanianEducator says:

      It’s THE CAYMAN ISLANDS not the Caymans. Get it right! #soannoying

  16. Do the Right Thing Dwayne and Retire From Politics Forever says:

    Why was Jon-Jon not removed from his post for interfering with the appointment of the Chief Officer in his previous ministry? Nepotism trumps law once again.

  17. MI6 in Paradise says:

    What about the Auditor General’s investigation in the recent Eric Bush scandal? Why are they covering this up?

    Eric Bush was wrong and broke laws just like Bernie Bush. Justice must be done and seen to be done.

    Eric Bush signed the contracts and broke the law. He may have been instructed or allowed to do so but the accused and his accessory are CO Bush and DG Manderson. The buck stops at the top.

    The key question is what did the Governor know and when did he sign off on the course of action that caused CO Bush to breach the laws stated in the Auditor General’s report?

    That rabbit hole gets deeper by the minute.

    • Anonymous says:

      “MI6 in Paradise”, your comments have substance and are very accurate analysis.

      Your pseudonym is that of a clandestine operative, which is a bit concerning.

      James Bond in the Cayman Islands? Are you one of those MI6 lawyers or bankers sent to destabilize the Cayman Islands?

    • Anonymous says:

      A for accountability. PACT is honoring their promise to be accountable for their actions.

      The DG and his friends on the other hand, regurgitating world-class sounding terminology for which none of them knows how to apply.

      • Anonymous says:

        Smoke and mirrors. It’s called misdirection. Magicians do it all the time.

        PACT has not and still is not living up to its acronym. Talk about a PACT-branding backfire.

        Need to live up to what PACT name says that they stand for, but it’s done the opposite.

        PACT will be a one-term government. Elections will dismantle that. Fool me once……

      • Anonymous says:

        Not when it comes to maceeva bush. Throw all the letters out when it comes to him. He’s the one holding this PACT clown car together.

        • Anonymous says:

          The irony is that Mac is doing a great job a Speaker.

          Mac is making the rest of them look bad by his good performance as Speaker.

          Arguably, Mac is the top performing MP. I’m baffled. How on earth did that happen?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Go where? These people get into these cushy, do nothing high paying jobs for the rest of their working life and then get a great retirement package. None of them including the governor will ever just “leave”.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Please retire now DG for love of country

    • Anonymous says:

      To be replaced by who?

      Wes, Eric or Cannover seem to be the likely choices.

      What a mess.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lawd help us if Wes or Eric get the top job. Cannover who, surely you don’t mean Cannover aka ‘Conniving-Over’ though.

  20. A. Caymanian says:

    Premier Wayne is holding Minister Bernie accountable.

    Deputy Governor Franz is desperate to give Chief Officer Eric Bush a pass despite the findings in AG’s report.

    Both broke sections of the relevant laws. Yet only the elected one is punished and the lodge man in a top position of the Civil Service is rewarded by the DG.

    This is why the civil service is a joke and Franz and his lackeys need to go. Leadership has no standards nor shame.

  21. Anonymous says:

    1. Ministers Code of Conduct looks like it actually works based on this decision. I am in shock but thankful.

    2. Does Civil Servant management have any code to deal with breaches of laws or the Constitution for its staff? What are the consequences for breaking established rules, protocols?

    3. Why is there one standard for elected government but seemingly no standards or accountability for senior civil servants?

    4. When was the last time a senior civil servant was publicly held accountable for breaches of laws and policies?

    5. What gives senior civil servants including Chief Officers, HOD’s and other Public Officials appointed to boards special status that makes them above the laws of Cayman?

    These questions deserve answers if we are expected to take the rules seriously. Otherwise, it shows Cayman is all about who you know and the secrets you keep for others that must be protected at all costs.

    That is how corruption works in a Banana Republic.

    Recent examples of unanswered questions include:

  22. Anonymous says:

    As head of an SAGC about 10-15 years ago, I directly experienced and witnessed Lodge control of that organization via the Board (at least 5 Lodge members including the Chair) and the Ministry (at least 2 Lodge members) and some of the management team. It was toxic to the organization and was intended to intimidate the administrative leadership of that organization. Sadly, I’m aware of at least two other SAGCs which were in the same position, for the same reasons. From following the news it seems like it’s even worse now.

    Someone posted that the Lodge is full of “upstanding people” and “above board”!! NOT the Masonic Lodge I encountered. Corruption, influence-peddling and cover-ups prevailed, as did “pressure” on non-Lodge administrative personnel. A particular Lodge member/Board member’s company ALWAYS received ALL the consultancy awards, in a vast array of disciplines – I didn’t even know that company (an international accounting firm) had expertise in so many areas!!

    One particular Chairman who is now deceased referred to them as his “associates” whenever he brought Lodge directed issues to the table. “My associates would like us to take this or that approach…” Whistleblowing got me early retirement!!

    Fact – Lodge corruption and influence in Cayman’s public services is REAL, pervasive and grossly detrimental!! the Eric Bush decision is another example.

    Jim Bodden’s legacy – tear down that pirate’s statue!!

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you manage to blame everything wrong with CIG on one person who has been dead for 35 years? He didn’t even fire you 10-15 years ago because he’d been dead for two decades! What is really your axe to grind? Not saying Jim Bodden was perfect, but I see many, many far more culpable villains pulling the strings since! Stop misrepresenting your personal vendetta as gospel truth and national history.

      • Anonymous says:

        1.33pm Jim Bodden introduced dirty politics to Cayman and we’ve never recovered. Wasn’t it McKeeva who nominated him for National hero?

      • Anonymous says:

        Blaming Lodge more than Jim Bodden.

        • Anonymous says:

          What hope is there when the Standards in Public Life Legislation was amended to remove the requirement to declare membership of the Lodge?

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s like blaming Dart for all the speeding in the ETH because Dart built the roads. Deflecting blame is a National pastime. Jim Bodden played dirty politics so all the dirty politics that followed over the past 35 years are his fault. Jamaicans and Trinis like to bump and whine, so all the lewd behavior at Batabani and Cay Mas is their fault. Caymanians are just victims of influences and actions from expats. In the case of Jim Bodden, it was the dirty politics he learned in the unions in Texas.

        • Anonymous says:

          To commenters about Jim Bodden, that’s what the word “legacy” from the poster’s original comment means!

          Yes, his Texas union-style politics has negatively impacted Cayman’s politics and public service for generations. I’d call that a legacy!

          Yes, it was McKeeva who pushed him for “hero” (for what he did for tourism and development). Not my hero! Development? Jimbo was a real estate agent who sold most of the Seven Mile Beach for his own financial gain….a few others got rich in the process and the islands SOLD OUT! I’d call that a legacy.

          But not a good one! Tear down the statue!

          Sir John Cumber for National Hero!

  23. Anonymous says:

    How is Mr. Manderson so fixated on Bernie Bush who has been sanctioned by the Premier. However one of his Chief Officers Eric Bush is consistently caught up in scandals that prove he is not fit for purpose and cannot ever replace Manderson as Deputy Governor which has always been their plan?

    • Anonymous says:

      Fact is, Franz has himself had proven incapable of filling that position. He should never have been appointed.

      I hope that, when compared to the Erik Bush situation, Bernie understands how his “friend” Franz operates.

      This quote, from the above article, attributed to Franz is the biggest joke:

      “ Manderson said he was responsible for ensuring all staff feel respected and valued in the workplace. “I take these responsibilities seriously and when concerns are brought to my attention, as in this case, I will take action as set out in the Public Service Management Act,” he said.

      “It is also my duty to ensure that the civil service remains apolitical. Now that action has been taken to address the serious concerns raised by civil servants, I will ensure that the civil service continues to serve the elected government and works to make the lives of those we serve better,” he added.”

      All verbiage! We know that many civil servants, have felt disrespected by him and his cronies. This is the absolute worst that this organization has ever been! The bad management, backstabbing, intimidation and general corruption abounds. If a civil servant dares to take a stand against one of his favorites you can watch out! Simply put Franz needs to be replaced.

      • Anonymous says:

        The man is a joke. Does he actually believe what he says. Ask anyone who has complained to him.

  24. Anonymous says:

    DG has become the root problem in the civil service and embarrassed himself repeatedly

    • Anonymous says:

      Amen and amen 11:48 am. The man is indeed the root problem.

    • Anonymous says:

      Spot on!

    • Anonymous says:

      According to SAM MANEKSHAW:

      A ‘Yes Man’ is a dangerous man. He is a menace. He will go very far. He can become a minister, a [permanent]secretary or a Field Marshall but he can never become a leader nor, ever be respected. He will be used by his superiors, disliked by his colleagues and despised by his subordinates. So discard the ‘ Yes man’.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Franz Manderson has officially become a joke every time he speaks about standards of any kind. His management of the CS is a legacy of failure and double standards. His protection and commitment to Eric Bush no matter the situation given a track record of expensive decisions and incompetence which has been highlighted in the Auditor General’s report begs even more questions. Manderson’s poor leadership given the lack of accountability and lack of transparency is demonstrated at the top end of the civil service by his hand picked management team. Nothing world class about the service or leadership provided to date by the DG given all the recent examples. The time for him go is now as he’s passed his sell by date.

    • Mumbichi says:

      Agree, however herein is the problem: While there have been misappropriations, misuses, lack of accountability and more, the DG still, somehow, makes the machine sorta function. Loyalty to him by employees at all levels should not be dismissed.

      So, replaced by whom? Is there even anyone within the organisation that is more educated, or skilled or even insighful that would make an appropriate change? We demonstrate our dissatisfaction by criticising the individuals in stead of their office, and seeking their personal weaknesses for public display. These people (well, most of them) aren’t evil or criminal. They are cogs in a poorly-oiled system that tends toward entropy, instead of the renewal that we need.

      This very generational difficulty is, in my opinion, reflective of most levels of government, right up to the top. Many of us so desperately want positive change that we end up asking for change that is often detrimental to all us little worker bees; the new system cost lots of money we don’t have to retrofit everything, new forms, new people, and years later, it often shines less brightly than that which it replaced.

      The level of change that we need appears to be a complete and profound shift of our cultural paradigms.

      Yeah, I don’t know what the hell that means either, but it sounds big enough for what we need.

      • #REALITYCHECK says:

        Gloria Nixon
        Wesley Howells

        Are both competent, credible, educated, qualified, experienced candidates that are better candidates than DG’s favorite boy that he will defend to the death. Manderson has ruined his legacy with poor decisions and poor leadership. He only has himself and his minions to blame for his fall from grace as he condoned and protected them all.

        • Anonymous says:

          The truth hurts but we got to blame somebody

        • Anonymous says:

          The most accurate statement!

          I have witnessed firsthand his appointment of completely incompetent personal friends to high positions. You can guess the end results. Staff under such poor leadership suffers and are powerless because things only get worse for them if they don’t suck it up and truck on. Who is protected in this scenario? Not DG friends sure enough.

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