Cubans migrants arrive in two wrecked boats

| 10/03/2022 | 7 Comments
CBC Migrants arrive 10 March (Photo courtesy of CBC)

(CNS): Two separate groups of Cuban migrants were found in local waters over the last two days in vessels that were described as unseaworthy by the Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control. The first of the two was a makeshift wooden vessel that arrived at around 11am on Wednesday, 9 March, in East End carrying three men.

Being unwilling and unable to continue their journey, the migrants were taken into CBC’s custody and have since been taken to the CBC Detention Centre for quarantine, in accordance with COVID-19 protocols.

And today, Thursday 10 March, another seven men arrived aboard another very small unseaworthy canoe and told customs that they no longer wished to continue their journey. Those men are currently being held in CBC’s custody on Cayman Brac, where they will be placed in quarantine before being transported to Grand Cayman. 

These are the second and third Cuban migrant vessels to land in Cayman in 2022, after six men arrived in Cayman Brac in January. The regular steady stream of Cuban migrants arriving in Cayman waters stopped for about 18 months during the COVID pandemic. The first vessel since then landed in East End last November.

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Comments (7)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Please send them back or they all come. Then what? Caymanians have enough problems. I feel bad for them.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if the Cuban regime admirers see just how much better off Cubans are now that Obama opened up and surrendered to the communist regime. Cuba has really transformed hasn’t it?

    The *free* education and healthcare system is so good there, that people get on rafts just so to allow other people from around the world to have an opportunity to enjoy that great world-class free educational and free healthcare system.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Get off a Cuban migrant boat and straight to quarantine you go. get off a cruise ship feel free to wander around town and mingle with the locals.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I feel so desperately sad for these people – they’re just trying to find a better future for themselves. I hope they’re treated kindly whilst they’re here.

    • Anon says:

      Hello 9:17.
      You are right. They are trying to find a better life. The CI has been good to them in the past and church groups have donated food and water. A good Samaritan is what Brackers and others have been. We also feel sorry for Russians and Eukrainains now. War affects everyone and is hell. Pray for peace everyone. Pray they get on with growing grains and sustenance for their people and not warmongering and killing each other. Can we all just get along and keep helping each other. We all have faults and failures and should practice more forgiveness of our neighbors and family.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Any cigars lads, I’ve only got 6 left?

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