Absence of data undermines proposal for cruise vote

| 24/01/2025 | 15 Comments
cruise ships Cayman News Service
Four cruise ships in George Town Harbour (file photo)

(CNS): All relevant information and data on the plans, location, costs and environmental impacts relating to any proposed cruise berthing facility should be released to the public before the country is asked to vote on such a project, according to local activist group Cruise Port Referendum (CPR) Cayman, which disputes the need for such facilities. CPR is urging the minority government to focus on a sustainable tourism model.

However, the tourism ministry, Cabinet ministers and the Association for Cruise Tourism are stepping up the campaign for the proposed referendum on the principle of cruise berthing rather than a specific project.

CPR, the non-profit organisation formed in 2019 to campaign for a people-initiated referendum on the Verdant Isle cruise project proposal under the PPM administration, believes that any cruise project should be put to the people before the government commits to such a potentially huge and costly development. But in order to make an informed decision, the people must know what they are voting for.

The minority UPM administration, which no longer has a mandate to govern, is nevertheless attempting to steer a referendum bill through parliament, even though a majority of opposition members have said they will not support it, dooming it to failure.

The activists also dispute claims by Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan and ACT that the sector is reaching a crisis. They maintain that a sustainable tourism model that invests in overnight tourism and nurtures a boutique cruise sector will yield higher long-term returns for the local economy while minimising negative impacts on overall community well-being.

“Together, we envision a Cayman that leads the Caribbean as a beacon of sustainability, where
mindful community-centred development, a prosperous and happy community, and eco-tourism
pave the way for enduring success,” the activist group said in a statement released on Thursday.

CPR also noted a number of contradictions that the tourism ministry has made in recent months as part of the promotion of the pro-pier referendum campaign and the release of interviews with cruise line executives.

Last October, Bryan claimed that cruise ships would stay in port overnight if Cayman had piers. However, since then, Carnival Executive David Candib has said that berthing facilities would not change the current dynamics and that their ships would not stay overnight or into the evening.

This is largely because they need to leave so that they can open their casinos since gambling remains illegal in Cayman waters. But even if local gambling laws were changed to allow this, CPR has questioned how it would benefit the local economy since passengers are likely to return to the ship for pre-paid meals.

One of the CPR’s fundamental concerns is the impact that a cruise project in George Town Harbour would have on its unique marine environment. The group disputes cruise executives’ claim that building berthing facilities there would be environmentally and scientifically sound.

Studies showed that the 2019 Verdant Isle proposal, which Carnival was a party to, would have resulted in the dredging of 22 acres of seabed and the direct loss of 12 acres of coral reefs. Sedimentation from dredging would smother surrounding coral reefs, like Eden Rock, and permanently tarnish crystal-clear aquamarine waters with silt and turbidity.

CPR noted that the value of the loss of natural assets would have been around CI$550 million over 25 years. In addition, the destruction of natural coastal defences would increase the risk of storm flooding.

Carnival executives have predicted a decrease in cruise ship calls to George Town of 4.3% per year because they say they would not tender their mega-ships. However, Disney, Royal Caribbean and Norwegian cruise lines have all recently announced that they are still building smaller ships to visit more unique boutique destinations, like the Cayman Islands.

“Data shows that higher-end cruise lines like Disney, Celebrity and Norwegian cruise lines have actually increased their calls to Cayman since the overall record high year of 2019,” CPR said. “While overall cruise arrivals have declined, Cayman’s stayover tourism is experiencing near record highs. Data just released by the Department of Tourism shows that January to June 2024 saw the third highest visitation in recorded history.”

While making up only 20% of the visitor headcount, stayover tourists account for 80% of tourism revenue and contribute less strain to our limited carrying capacity.

According to the latest DoT figures, despite several weather events last year that impacted flights, Cayman welcomed 437,842 stayover visitors in 2024, a 2% increase over 2023. Revenue generated by tourism accommodation taxes and fees for January to November 2024 was around CI$38.5 million, an 8% increase over the same period in 2023.

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Category: Business, Tourism

Comments (15)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The rush to develop a new cruise port is about the greed of a few politicians and fixers who will deliver billion dollar contracts to developers for a fat fee. It is not the welfare of the Caymanians.

  2. Anonymous says:

    ACT’s campaign today is even worse than the PPM’s efforts back in 2018-2019

    No thanks I am voting NO

  3. Anonymous says:

    Foolio, Monique Simmons, Big Mac and the crappy PR campaign that lacks substance has exposed the shallowness of the group and hurt ACT’s efforts which is simply an embarrassment.

    Cayman will not support ACT or building cruise berthing piers. Expecting the public to support a potential project with not data defines all that is wrong with this project and ACT.

  4. VOTE NO says:

    VOTE NO for cruise berthing piers
    VOTE NO for Kenneth Bryan
    VOTE NO for McKeeva Bush
    VOTE NO for Joey Hew
    VOTE NO for Foolio Solomon
    VOTE NO for Jon-Jon Seymour
    VOTE NO for Ju-Ju from the Brac
    VOTE NO for UPM
    VOTE NO for PPM
    VOTE NO for ACT
    VOTE NO for cruise berthing piers

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thank God for CPR Cayman who stay on top of this issue and provide real data to inform the public how their positions are formulated.

    Facts matter especially during the silly season.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Numbers don’t lie… The Port website shows about 157K passengers in Dec 2023, 166K for December 2024 and already booked for 170K in 2025…

    Note that it is no coincidence that the cruise companies come and shake the tree during the summer months when the numbers are way lower and concerns running rife with the vendors as the experience the slow season.

    They will NOT send more ships or passengers during these slow months – they know the cruise industry focuses on Europe and Alaska then.

    They may send more in the winter months, but if the schedules are right, they are already meeting the demand with the smaller ships. They just want us to fund their economies of scale larger ships for their convenience.

    Believe me, there is NO loyalty or benevolency in the cruise industry…No cruise piers will change that attitude just ask our neighbors in Jamaica.

  7. Anonymous says:

    ACT have wasted a lot of money and their pr efforts have backfired. Elio and Eugene’s smug approach is not based on anything substantive. Cayman will vote a resounding NO THANKS

  8. Anonymous says:

    ACT are full of ignorant people that spout lies and nonsense instead of sharing data and facts.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Having Foolio as the face of the pro port campaign by ACT immediately kills any credibility of their movement. He is a loud mouth jerk talking pure bollocks. Arrogance is one thing but his ignorance completes this mess.

    To make matters worse the support and desperation of Bryan and McKeeva for the project has doomed it from the start.

  10. Anonymous says:

    No cruise pier and clear Public Beach.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Impressive, considering only non-waivered hotels and AirBnBs contribute to stay over room taxes, because that was also forfeited by PPM years ago in early NRA giveaways. Drawdown on capped duty waivers wasn’t being tracked by Roy McTaggart, a career accounting professional, even as he held the responsibility to know, as Minister. Much as the UPM might be trying to screw over the public on bogus cruise lobby promises today, the PPM began these rituals with stay-over revenue forfeitures over a decade ago, and still think they should hold district seats. There are individual law firms that contribute more than $38million a year to CIG General Revenue, to illustrates just how insignificant tourism is to running our show.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Pens and pencils should be down on everything until the next government in late April.


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