Starmer leads Labour to landslide victory in UK

| 05/07/2024 | 67 Comments
King Charles invites Keir Starmer to form the next UK government

(CNS): Sir Keir Starmer has been formally appointed by King Charles at Buckingham Palace as Britain’s new prime minister following a landslide general election victory. Labour won 412 of the 650 seats after support for the Conservatives, who have been in office for the last 14 years, collapsed. Rishi Sunak, the outgoing prime minister, has signalled his intention to resign from the leadership of the Tory party after his successor has been selected.

In his first speech as PM, made outside 10 Downing Street, Starmer, a former prosecutor and a human rights lawyer, urged the country to embrace “the sunlight of hope”, before heading inside his new home to begin working on shaping his new government.

Starmer, who was elected to parliament less than a decade ago, has managed to reshape the Labour Party in just four years after taking over from Jeremy Corbyn, who had led very much from the left, which led to a collapse in support for Labour in the 2019 election. Starmer has brought the party back to the centre ground.

Much of the swing to Labour was due to a complete rejection by voters of the chaotic Conservative rule since the country opted to leave the European Union. However, many of the votes that the Conservatives lost went to the new populist Reform Party under the leadership of Trump-supporting Nigel Farage, which helped seal the Tory doom.

The anti-immigration and anti-European party has connections to the rightwing racist movements that have long danced on the very periphery of British politics but have moved more into the centre of the political fray in recent years, not just in the UK but in many other European countries.

Farage won his seat in Clacton, a seaside town in Essex, which has some of the most deprived neighbourhoods in the country, after eight attempts during his checkered political career and carried three other members of that party to parliament with him. Although the party won just five seats in parliament, it took a 14.3% share of the vote.

The Liberal Democrats re-emerged as the credible third party after winning 71 seats, up from 11 in 2019, having also taken votes from the Conservatives and unseating several Tory ministers.

The UK Green Party finally increased its share of the vote to almost 7%, taking it from the realm of activism into the heart of the political fray. The party secured four seats, having had just one MP for the last 14 years.

Starmer is expected to begin appointing his new Cabinet later today, and among the first posts likely to be announced is that of foreign secretary. We can probably expect to discover who will be taking care of Britain’s overseas territories next week when the junior ministers are appointed.

While Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly will certainly send a message of congratulations, there will be some nervousness among local politicians and the business community in Cayman about what the new Labour Government will mean for this jurisdiction and its offshore financial services sector. Labour has said it will target raising an additional £5 billion a year by tackling tax avoidance, targeting offshore finance and focusing on making beneficial ownership public.

The party manifesto outlines a commitment to cracking down on money laundering in both the crown dependencies and overseas territories, though it has also promised to defend the right of the jurisdictions to sovereignty and self-determination.

This article has been updated to reflect the news that the Reform Party won a fifth seat, which was called around 11:30am Cayman Islands time on Friday.

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Comments (67)

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  1. Anon says:

    traveling to the e.u is not awful niether is it difficult, far to many brits went and lived in Spain and acctually thought they were legal to doso simply because the u.k was in the e.u,they really were never legal.few ever did the actual residence process and they thought they owned the place.brits have over the last 2 decades become addicted to cheap thier all up in arms because they have to abide by a foreign countries laws.smh didums.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Labour needs to do whatever to keep Nigel Farage and Reform UK at bay. Farage is banking on disrupting Labour’s agenda in order to strengthen his party. Labour needs to be astute and cut-throat with Reform UK.

    Europe is gradually shifting to the Right – Hungary, Italy, Holland, France, etc. Farage wants the same for the UK, while Trump sets up a Dictatorship in the USA.

    Keep Farage and Reform UK in the minority!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh dear, some of these opinions.

    Can we at least have a show of hands that can agree that Nigel Farage is an over-exposed, odious, bile fuelled, individual?

  4. Anonymous says:

    I just spoke with Keir and he gave me the top five problems he intends to fix for England and the world. He says this is the order in which he expects they be corrected, but he does admit that he may not live long enough to see them all done.
    1. Inflation.
    2. Global warming.
    3. National Health Services.
    4. Conflicts in the Middle East.
    5. England Football Team.

  5. Electoral College says:

    34 per cent of the popular vote. Some landslide. Thanks Nigel.

  6. Anonymous says:

    It’s worth reading the results carefully because Labour now have an unstoppable majority and that effectively makes the UK a one-party state.

  7. Anonymous says:

    God forbid he resurrects Tony Blair’s political career.
    Why do we keep getting the same type of people as politicians across the world?
    Dishonest, pro-war, pro-taxes, pro-Big Pharma, anti-free speech…this list goes on and on and on.
    Look at the bunch of politicians we have in Cayman.
    I’ll bet the average IQ of the “House” is less than 100.

    • Chamberlain says:

      4:20, You were no doubt one of the Bozo’s who supported BREXIT and got us in the fine kettle of fish we find ourselves in now.

      Basically all the Tories had an IQ of less than 100 because they did not learn their lessons on economics well at Oxford and Cambridge.

      The real dishonesty was Boris, Nigel and their friends who sold the British public that it was going to be mana from heaven once BREXIT was achieved.

      What friggin fools they were and now we are paying the price.

      • Anon says:

        your paying the price of every labor governments obsession with building a welfare state and Tony Blairs bullshit about the u.k needing 1 million immigrants a yr .

  8. Anonymous says:

    During a heated debate in the House of Commons at the beginning of the month, Boris Johnson accused the Labour leader Keir Starmer of being responsible for failing to prosecute Jimmy Savile when he was Head of the Crown Prosecution Service.

    Starmer had previously apologised on behalf of the CPS for its shortcomings in the Savile case, but there is no evidence that he had any personal role in the failure to prosecute Savile, and many suspect that the prime minister’s remarks were an attempt to distract attention from the ‘partygate’ scandal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Boris was not in the House of Commons at the beginning of the month. He resigned (or was shown the door) two years prior,

  9. Anonymous says:

    Priorities priorities

    “The UK’s support for Kiev remains unshakable,” the PM has said

    Britain has been one of the biggest backers of Ukraine during the conflict with Russia, pledging £12.5 billion (around $16 billion) in support for Kiev, including £7.6 billion (around $9.7 billion) in military aid, since February 2022.

    • Anonymous says:

      UK needs to start prepping for war, start national service.

      If the US pull out their support, as Trump favors being the Appeaser in Chief. It will be left for Europe to stop Russia, when they invade the Baltic States and Poland.

      The EU and UK, should start sending the illegal immigrants to the Kaliningrad Oblast. Or at the very least begin a blockade of the Russian enclave.

      After all it was only part of Russia since 1945, and they ejected all the Polish and Germans living there.

      Read up on the Circassian Genocide, where the Russians murdered or forced deported 97% of the 1.5 million native inhabitants in only 15 years. That is the plan Russia has for Ukraine

  10. Anonymous says:

    One of Keir Starmer’s first phone calls after taking charge of the UK government was with Vladimir Zelensky to assure Ukraine of ‘unshakable’ support

  11. Anonymous says:

    Here is their manifesto. Looks like BOTs and tax havens don’t figure too prominently. And quite honestly, it looks good enough to win in a landslide.

    • Anonymous says:

      But they’ve made it clear they’re going after taxes from non-doms.

    • Anonymous says:

      Reads very much like, “print magic money that doesn’t come out of anyone’s pocket, and spend it on shiny things that makes everyone happy, except those dastardly people who insist upon accountability.”

      We all wish we had a magic wand. Then, reality rears its ugly head, and we must deal with the dollars we have, and altruism becomes too costly, too destructive to the economy.

  12. Tundi says:

    let’s see if he actually has the balls to go for the BOT tax havens ( Labour words not mine) that they have always targeted whilst in opposition.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Well, they wanted change. Be careful what you wish for.

    Now, the UK can enjoy higher taxes, increased inflation and less personal benefit. Good show.

    • Anonymous says:

      Shut up Boris. Maybe check in to rehab.

    • Anonymous says:

      The key reason for inflation in the past 9 years in UK is due to BREXIT. You cannot suddenly cut yourself off from your #1 trading partner.

      A totally self inflicted economic wound.

      Thank Boris for a horrible gift.

      • Anonymous says:

        Complete nonsense!
        Remember that that the Remain campaign preached to the country that a vote for leave would trigger an emergency budget due to economic collapse – never happened did it?

        Inflation rates rose all around the world in 2022, including the G7 countries, where inflation rates varied from 2.5 percent in Japan to over eight percent in Italy. Inflation rates increased sharply all around the world through 2022, spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February that year. Especially gas and electricity were hit by price increases following the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war. Inflation rates were falling in all G7 economies except for Japan in 2023.

        • Sir Humphrey says:

          Yes, you are correct that inflation rates did rise globally, however, inflation rates were highest in the UK the past 5 years compared to ALL EU countries.

          Why did they rise the highest in the UK compared to all other EU countries?

          The answer is simple, it cost much more to import food and other products from EU countries and exports to EU countries dropped dramatically as BREXIT was implemented. Tariffs kill economies. We were all warned about this fact before the BREXIT vote.

          The economic statistics don’t lie BREXITER.

          • mervyn cumber says:

            So the Referendum must be blamed. The so called “majority” won! Not the politicians fault.

            • Sir Humphrey says:

              Mervyn, The politicians, Boris and his political friends, lied to the public very effectively. The majority of the UK public was conned. They were effectively convinced that BREXIT was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread for everyone.

              And you don’t blame the Tories? Just think Mervyn.

              Talk to some of your British friends who live / lived in Spain, Portugal, etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      But now they have a chance of winning Euro 2024.

      Did you know that every time England has reached the semi-finals of a major football tournament it was under a Labour Government.

      Can Starmer get England up to speed after less than two days in power?

      The game just started so I have to leave now.

      • Anonymous says:

        Erm, nope.
        Euros 2021 – Finalist – Tory Gov. 2022 World Cup semi finalist – Tory Govt

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah… be careful indeed.
      We too wanted change, and got an uneducated self serving rabble recycled UDP calling themselves UPM.

    • Anonymous says:

      The UK has been soo great for the past 17 years of Tory rule, it’s weird how the opposition had a landslide victory. A true mystery really

    • Sir Humphrey says:

      2:02, But we got higher taxes, increased inflation and less personal benefit for the past 14 years with the Conservatives. On top of that, they made traveling and living in EU countries hell for British citizens.

      Obviously you have been away from the home country too long.

      • Anonymous says:

        You forget that there was a little thing called Covid that cost the UK between £310bn and £410bn in furlow payments alone.

        Then, the world was hit by worldwide gas/electricity prices by virtue of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – and in reaction, the Conservative government subsidised domestic fuel bills to mitigate cost increases.

        So, what exactly do you expect?

  14. Sir Humphrey says:

    The British public voted on BREXIT. The results of BREXIT were a total friggin disaster and anybody who is an objective observer knows this fact. The people have rendered their verdict.

    Thank a lot Boris. 😢

    • Anonymous says:

      brexit and trump presidency show us that democracy does not always work.
      i think voting rights should be earned based on basic education standards.

    • Jim Hacker says:

      The riding results clearly show that those areas that voted solidly for BREXIT turned their backs on the Conservatives. Voters were totally disillusioned with the inability of BREXIT to provide any benefits but plenty of pain in terms of economic growth and rampant inflation. Furthermore, travel to the EU by British citizens is now difficult and absolutely awful for those Brits who lived in Spain, Italy, Portugal, etc.

      So many have paid a price for the fool hardy BREXIT adventure.

      Boris , Nigel and their friends sold the public years ago a false narrative.

      • Anonymous says:

        Let’s see if Starmer will reverse it with a BRENTER😂

        • Anonymous says:

          I hope not. That would make him a BRIDIOT, and I don’t believe he is one.

          • Johnny Canuck says:

            6:53, Hopefully Starmer can renegotiate the botched trade deal that Boris negotiated.

            Though might be very difficult as Boris effectively alienated the majority of people in Brussels.

        • Anonymous says:

          3:01, Problem is that the EU now does not want them back.

      • Anonymous says:

        WRONG. The globalists did not allow Britain to Brexit and the conservative leadership did not honor the voters wishes and instead allowed unlimited migration and implemented a liberal agenda.

        Farage is Britain’s only hope.

        • Anonymous says:

          9:57, Farage together with Boris, were the ones who clearly stated that BREXIT would solve all the UK’s economic problems by breaking the UK away from their top economic trading partner, the EU. Pure stupidity and both living in the world of Britain of a 100 years ago when Britannia ruled the waves.

          Problem Farage, Boris and Truss had is that they simply are ignorant when it comes to international economics and trade.

          • Anonymous says:

            Problem Farage, Boris and Truss had is that they simply are ignorant when it comes to international economics and trade.

            It would have been sufficient to say “they simply are ignorant”.

        • Jim Hacker says:

          9:57, The Tories effectively kicked out all the Central & East European immigrants many of who were tradesmen and now with all the Polish plumbers gone from London, it is difficult to find a plumber and when one finds a plumber it costs lot of money to get one.

          Thanks Boris.

      • Anonymous says:

        Turned their back on the Conservatives, and voted for Reform lol.

    • Anonymous says:

      “The people have rendered their verdict.” Indeed. As they did in the Brexit referendum. Don’t think it was entirely down to Boris now, was it? Amazing how democracy works.

      • Anonymous says:

        6:14, Well it was down to Boris because nearly everyone remembered Boris’s promises. Non of which came to pass.

        Truss and Sunak had albatrosses around their necks thanks to Boris. He basically took the Party down accepting zero responsibility for the mess he caused.

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