US fisherman dies after collapsing on boat in port

| 26/04/2024 | 5 Comments
Cayman News Service
Royal Watler Cruise Terminal

(CNS): An American citizen travelling from Panama through the Cayman Islands on a fishing boat died at the hospital in George Town on Tuesday night after he collapsed aboard the vessel when it was in port here. Gregg Sowder (64) was reportedly given first aid by a member of the Port Authority staff when the boat was at the Royal Watler Terminal at around 5pm that afternoon. When the ambulance arrived, he was taken to hospital but was later pronounced dead by the attending doctor.

The fishing vessel had made a stop at the terminal as Sowder began experiencing difficulties and collapsed.

The circumstances surrounding his death are now being investigated by the police, but officials from the RCIPS said in a press release Thursday evening that there are no suspicious circumstances at this time.

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Category: Local News

Comments (5)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I trust Customs searched the boat (from Panama, after all) thoroughly for drugs or other contraband items???

    • Anonymous says:

      No, they most likely ignored all standard CBP protocols for a foreign flagged vessel and let them land and go with no official documentation. Sarcasm flag…ON.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for you Mr. Gregg. I hope your life was full. I’m sure you had many adventures under your belt, and hopefully saw beauty and felt the wonder of life.


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