Road workers struck by speeding car on LPH
(CNS): Two men who were working on the expansion of the Linford Pierson Highway were taken to hospital today after they were knocked down by a car. This latest road accident, which occurred around lunchtime Tuesday, comes just a few days into the RCIPS Easter road safety campaign and its crackdown on rogue drivers. The police have not yet released the details of the collision, but they have confirmed that their officers and other emergency services were on the scene.
The police said that the collision occurred on the eastbound lanes, which have been closed while emergency services respond. It’s not yet clear if the road has been re-opened, and the closure could add to the evening commute congestion.
According to witnesses posting on social media as well as other sources who contacted CNS, the two men, who were in high-visibility shirts in the middle of the day, were hit by a car that appeared to have been racing with another car just before striking the working men, who are believed to be contractors working for the National Road Authority. At this point, there have been no details on how badly injured the men are or if the RCIPS has made any arrests.
Anyone with information on this latest crash is asked to call the traffic unit on 948-0331. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to or the app.
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It just gets worse and worse. Good lord.
If we simply banned all work permits in the construction sector then the roads would be safer, commuting times would be shorter, there would be more housing available to the local population and the developer lead destruction of our environment would be at least slowed a bit.
Based on the number of high vis clothing worn by idiot drivers if speeding resulted in the immediate loss of the speeder’s work permit that would probably deter some of the boy racers. Further, if people caught speeding were subject to an immediate loss of the vehicle for a week that would also be a deterrent – at least for some.
Some of the above posts are dumbfounding.
Do you all not know that these drives are just flat-out ignorant and uneducated? Don’t give them credit for being able to think, especially past what’s in their immediate view.
Give praise to our ignorant lawmakers for allowing us all to live in a dangerous country.
How do you see posts that havent been posted. if can please supply the next wi ning lotto numbers
Question for anyone with legal knowledge –
If one ends up injured through such reckless driving (as an NRA worker in this case or quite conceivably as another road user who is crashed into) is there recourse for suing the RCIPS (JDF) for creating an environment of lawless driving due to the non-enforcement of any traffic laws?
I think most of us are becoming aware that it is just a matter of time until we are involved in a road incident, no matter how well we drive, due to the number of infractions and idiots here. If you sustained life changing injuries would you have an argument in court? Or just have to accept that no one will be prosecuted and the offending driver will be back on the road in no time
who is downvoting this?! What, you think someone injured because of a jamaican moron who shouldn’t be driving should just shut up and accept it?
Plenty non-Jamaicans driving like tools daily.
This is a direct result of young men basing their own self-worth on the car they are driving and how fast they can drive it. I know it sounds idiotic to some, but I think if a lot of young men are honest with themselves, they would agree. There are too many young men in this country who have a low sense of worth. Be that because of their socio-economic status, or their level of education, or their level of employment, or how they feel they measure up to other young men, or how the fee society views them, etc. Everyone wants to be noticed and valued, and some of these young men use a hopped-up motor vehicle in an attempt to be noticed and valued. Try overtaking them and it hurts their egos and turns into a display of peacocking on our public roads with the motoring public as an audience. I’m not a psychiatrist, but I was a young man once and I do think the sense of self worth of some of our young motorists is part of the problem.
Just another one of 300 plus accidents per month on this island. Nothing will change until they start making changes from the Top down. I keep saying Traffic enforcement on this island is a joke. Until the RCIP’s get off their butt’s and start doing enforcement nothing will change.
It amazes me more construction people aren’t hurt. Lack of them working alongside the road with no signage amazes me. Then you have the areas that signs are up and never taken down.
Every day you walk, drive our Cycle along South Sound our church street you take your life in someone else’s hands. I am not sure what yellow lines mean it’s obviously no parking. There are vehicles on a daily basis blocking a half a lane of a barely 22 lane road.
Check double yellow lines at Smith Cove.
Dangerous parking on narrow road with busy crosswalk.
Police just drive by.
Which is yet another reason they cannot be taken seriously.
Seventy five percent of the drivers on our roads should not be allowed to drive. They are reckless imbeciles. Where are they going that they have to be in such a rush?. On Saturday while the CUC workers were trying to repair the pole that had been destroyed earlier in the morning on the Pedro road due to speeding, I heard some idiot on a motor bike going at top speed on the Beach Bay road. Higher penalties and fines need to to be implemented urgently. They are killing us off with no regard for our lives.
Wonderful. No expat drivers. They all must bike. walk or take public transit. Problem solved. You are a genius.
if only the non-expats knew what signals/indicators are for and knew that if their texting while driving they are not even looking at the road.
You can watch at the exit of the Gov building, 90% of the drivers leaving are on their phones driving off.
More maniacs who have no regard for anyone but themselves. The island roads are filled with these cretins and it is certain that these type of drivers were back at their campaign of terror on the roads within minutes.
We all see it daily. We shrug our shoulders and ask ourselves “where are the bloody police?!”.
This event could have been much worse, and there will likely be more carnage and possibly deaths this long weekend.
This was also an example of how fragile the road networks are. There are so many vehicles on the roads at the same times every single day, and 1 accident causes the house of cards to fall.
Maniacal drivers, fragile road network, minimal policing. Best pack some snacks and some drinks on your daily commute because it could be much longer than you expect in an instant.
NRA need to work with lawmakers to double fines and penalties for them that decide to speed in construction zones. This is madness how much road work go on and no real teeth for these jokers
Yes, but fines work only if they are given out. This is all on RCIPS for failing to enforce traffic laws. These speeders are everywhere and we all see them but no cops do anything. I actually watch the cops let traffic infractions happen in front of them.
The cops stand in the shade in school zones to catch people going 22mph.
So you’re saying the police are enforcing the traffic laws then? But they shouldn’t? Or just the parts of the law you think they should when and where you can see them?
The speed limit in that construction zone is 25. For a reason. Very sad to see that some people’s total disregard for safety has caused injury.
Hell why would they follow the reduced speed limit when they never follow any of the road codes to begin with? The police are useless because they mostly come from one Caribbean country and are afraid of there fellow countrymen.
nationalities of drivers will tell you everything you need to know
Tired of your xenophobia.
Every single accident I’ve been in while living in Cayman for the past decade has been a Jamaican at fault.
While I’ve befriended some here, I say that purely to be factual and not racist or xenophobic.
I have love for my Jamaican friends, but some of their people have absolutely appalling driving.
Simply look at the nationality of the 40 odd people who have died in single vehicle accidents the last few years. All Jamaican and Caymanian, maybe one Filipino? Facts don’t care if you call them names.
reckless drivers can be found in every country. you and your ilk are reminders that unity is impossible.
@9:37 AM Yeah, let’s do a census and see how many Americans and Europeans cause fatal car accidents. Jackass.
Yep, 8:07, these damn Canadian, British and American drivers need careful watching.
To be fair, no shortage of DUI amongst Brits, Canadians and US nationals . Caymanians and other nationals too, but disingenuous to suggest that these 3 nationalities are perfect road users.
This was entirely predictable.
Roadside work is usually badly segregated from traffic, or lanes are closed either unnecessarily, or with about 3 metres notice.
Then there’s the driving standards, or lack thereof. Too many road users have zero awareness, zero driving skills, and zero understanding of the impact their driving has on others. Here, two idiots caused misery for thousands of people. In many normal places, speeding in work zones has doubling of penalties. You could have that here, but since crap driving usually goes unpunished, a fine of $0 doubled is still $0.
In a few short words, the drivers do not give a dam and will continue the poor driving because that is the “style brethren”!
The traffic mess this pm had nothing to do with the East west highway. Wonder what Jay will blame it on now
Full moon and a broke down donkey!
The boogie?
Driving is beyond reckless here and i guarantee they are mostly from islands not too far away. Idiots all over the place i swear
Only place safe that is left is Little Cayman.
Little Cayman is full of people who speed up and down flattening every endangered local iguana and land crab that gets in their way. The whole island has one speed limit of 25mph and you can’t drive more than 6 miles in any direction to go from your place of work (aka construction site) to the store. And still they speed up and down. And, usual story, RCIPS nowhere to be seen.
It’s about time people who are involved in these type of careless driving, suing is the only option. So fast drivers beware and courts be prepared!!L
Agree with you, however what happens when you seek damages from someone who has no money and no assets other than their beater car?
Our insurers should use some of their ridiculous profits to set up MIB claims as they do in the UK (for decades now) to compensate victims of uninsured drivers.
Debtor’s prisons making a comeback?
you garnish their wages and seize any assets until the damages have been paid
The westbound traffic should have been the traffic diverted to South Sound and Crewe Road while the eastbound traffic used the southbound lanes. The people running this place are morons.
Listen to Nigel Mansell!
Listen to moron stuck in traffic unnecessarily.
Why wasn’t this on the radio or the national emergency alert thingie!
Stop asking sensible questions and pass the rum.
The drinking must continue until the economy improves.
I heard it on Kiss fm
At 4.30 the road was still blocked and traffic was un shambles! Why didn’t police stop commuters driving all the way down to the blocked area only to be turned back?!! Ffs!
Why didn’t they stop them cutting through Jose’s gas station and causing mayhem? Because they are imbeciles.
Foolish drivers have no regard for the safety of others.
Did they stop or flee?
Either way, jail for both plus restitution.
Poor workers just out there making a living. I pray for full and speedy recovery for both of you.
It occurred at 3:05 pm, not “around lunchtime”.
Civil service lunchtime, which starts a noon and runs through 4:00.
Police were still arriving at the scene at about 4.30 pm