ORIA short-term parking lot closed for lights upgrade

| 08/03/2024 | 36 Comments
Source: CIAA

(CNS): The short-term parking lot at Owen Roberts International Airport will close on Sunday for five days as the Cayman Islands Airports Authority installs new energy-efficient LED lighting in the airport car parks. Officials said these new lights will enhance visibility and reduce the airport’s energy consumption and carbon footprint. To facilitate the safe installation of new LED light poles, the car park will shut until Friday, 15 March.

Passengers and guests are encouraged to drop off and pick up at the kerb by the airport terminal or to park in the long-term parking lot. Travellers are encouraged to proceed with caution at the airport terminal and follow personnel directions carefully when navigating the parking areas.

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Category: Local News, Travel

Comments (36)

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  1. Nautical-One says:

    The airport needs multi-level parking! With roof designed to allow pick-up and drop-off covered – so people can get to / from the AP without getting wet during rainy weather.

    • Anonymous says:

      They’ll already be wet or about to get wet without the jetbridges anyway!

      • Nautical-one345 says:

        So let’s include jet bridges – if we truly want to be “World Class”. Think of the elderly, single parent travelling with children etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re jumping the gun! This won’t be done until after the next three redevelopment projects.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get a big umbrella or two. Or do you prefer $5 per 30 minutes to pay to keep your hair dry?

      • Anonymous says:

        What if I am going to visit my family in South Africa and get drenched before I get on the plane in Cayman? I’ll be spending 24/36 hours in wet clothes. If I buy an umbrella I’ll have to throw it away. I guess a plastic poncho is the solution.

    • Anonymous says:

      It needs a hell of a lot more than that, but that’s a good start.

  2. JTB says:

    Come on guys, give credit where it’s due. At least the payment barriers work sometimes.

  3. Anonymous says:

    5G flavour?

  4. Anonymous says:

    So these incompetent morons can’t close off and do half of the lot at a time? Idiots!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile staff still park in prime position rather than further away in order to accommodate the public. Everywhere else in the world staff park off-site. You can’t make this stuff up!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Doesnt seem so long ago that they said kerb side pickup and drop off was a security risk and we had to use short term parking. So what changed?

  7. Manfred Mann says:

    Why not do it section by section instead of closing the whole parking lot?

    Ah but this is the place that makes you go through a checkpoint to collect or drop off passengers. You know, for fool fool pretend security optics. But doesn’t think any bad actor can’t just walk in through the front entrances from off the main road or the airport parking lots.

    • Mumbichi says:

      There you go, making sense and using logic again. I thought we talked about this.

    • a says:

      ‘fool fool’. love your (non) language skills. Pure Cayman education at HUGE per-capita costs. Money well spent.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh dear. I am being schooled by a poster who in other posts has used “it’s” as the possessive.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Poorly designed airport strikes again.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Well that’s embarrassing

  10. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Islands Airports Authority doesn’t know what they don’t now.

    LED lights flash on and off at an extremely high speed and even though it’s not visible, your brain can pick up on this flicker. People report having LED light headaches amongst other symptoms like sleep disruption, neurological issues, eye strain, fatigue and blurred vision.

    Flickering Lights Health Risks and How to Avoid Them

    Health Effects of Artificial Light

    Photosensitivity and Seizures

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh my god you sound like the nuts a century ago who opposed electric lines

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for letting me know. There goes my hobby of sitting in short-term parking for 3 hours a night 4 times a week.

      • Mumbichi says:

        HA!! Good one

      • Anonymous says:

        it doesn’t take long to trigger an epilepsy episode.

        LEDs are so concentrated and have high levels of blue light, they can cause severe glare and cause the pupils of your eyes to constrict. Blue light scatters more in the human eye than the longer wavelengths of yellow and red, and enough levels can damage the retina.

        “Many species (including humans) need darkness to survive and thrive.”
        – American Medical Association Council on Science and Public Health (2012)

    • Anonymous says:

      Get your tinfoil hat on if this worries you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolute drivel from alarmists. Depends on how the LEDs are driven. LED arrays in street and area lights are typically not dimmed, they’re on full power all the time until switched off by a light sensor.
      In addition, LED arrays in high end area lights receive power from AC mains but the driver (transformer) supplies a DC current to the LEDs so unless they are the dimming type there is absolutely no flicker. You can check this by taking a video of the working lights. If there is flicker it will usually show up on camera.

    • Clicker says:

      Can we assume you watch your news on a huge, state of the art, CRT television?

  11. anonymous says:

    Short term parking lot is closed. Long term parking lot is always full. So basically, don’t go to the airport!

    • Anonymous says:

      Unless you are airport staff. Lots of parking for staff in prime location close to the terminal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pretty sure I saw fencing closing off part of the long-term parking lot last week as well.
      Excellent timing; right before the Easter rush…


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