West Bay man killed in early morning shooting
(CNS): Travis Alexander Ebanks (29) from West Bay was shot dead in the early hours of Sunday morning, according to the police, though they released very few details about the first murder of 2024. Around 4am yesterday, the RCIPS and other emergency services were called to King Road in West Bay after a report that gunshots had been heard in the area. Ebanks was found with what appeared to be gunshot wounds to the chest. He was taken by ambulance to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
Police have not said where Ebanks was found, if the location was his home, how he was shot or how many times. They have given no indication of any arrests or if they suspect this is a gang-related incident.
Ebanks, who was known to police, was understood to be on bail when he was killed.
Detectives are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to call the Major Incident Room at 649-2930. Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to caymancrimestoppers.
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RIP Carrot
Cayman as you knew it is finished. Now you have to be constantly aware of your surroundings as you might get mugged for your cell phone and pocket change. The people have adopted a culture most definitely imported from the most violent country in the Caribbean, to become the highest and corresponding lowest in our society. This island will continue to change and reflect the values of its newly imported replacements. Badman culture is prevailing and police that don’t care about ANYTHING help desecrate this islands
Police only care about issuing speeding tickets. To them, that is the root of all problems in Cayman. Solve the speeding and get to zero road fatalities, get to zero robberies, zero murders and achieve the perfect paradise.
Everything is being blamed on expatriates, it’s as if every ‘CAYMANIAN’is walking around with a halo over his head. They are all saints. Yet they don’t want to do the menial jobs and keep jacking up the same expatriates for money to buy ‘FOOD’.
Mumbichi I hear your lame apologist excuses 2 basic questions who responsibility isn’t it for national security of these islands my second if all is as you say why the tough talk when you have no effect on this dire situation. We are not paying her huge salary to be a good old soul Star !
I hear your anger, and share it with you. I am pragmatic, and you are not. Governor Owen has a responsibility, but no teeth or sand to enforce.
I was not defending her. I am saying that the responsibility for opposing these shitbags which are ruining the islands resides on our shoulders. All of us. Make it personal and see where you stand. Suppose someone assaults someone near and dear to you; is your response to blame various governmental bodies, or to track down the sonofabitch and give them their due? I ask you that in all seriousness. Me, I protect my family, and understand well the limitations of government.
Do I think the RCIPS could be doing more? Yes I do. I think there should be several armed undercover officers. But, oh wait! Now the people will protest that response, won’t they? No, we can’t have that. Armed officers actually stalking the dirtbags.
So, I encourage you to pick a lane, Sir. Me, I will never rely upon a temporary governor for resolution of violent problems. Why? What in the world can they actually do?
It is on us, Sir. You and me.
All best
Whoa! Calm down there, internet tough guy. You just relax in your armchair. This isn’t the old west.
No, Sir, it isn’t. I agree. It is the real world. I have watched our wee islands degrade and it pains me to see that the general response is to shake our heads sadly and blame somebody else. Look where it has gotten us.
I am the furthest thing from a ‘tough guy’. I am also unafraid of looking directly at reality.
OK, thank you for your mature reply. My apologies for jumping to conclusions about your persona & angle.
No worries, friend. The written word rarely translates to real discourse insofar as tone and intention ;o)
Be well. Thank you also for your mature and thoughtful reply.
It needs to friggin stop, bobo I going miss you so much!

Jamaica Jamaica we adapt the culture we must accept the criminal ramifications that accompany it .
why blame jamaica when uncle sam is so much worse
Uncle Sam ain’t landing illegally on our south shores at night with illegal drugs and illegal guns in some unsafe boat numnuts or did you miss that ?? Is that why Jamaicans always trying to to get to” Amerika” or the UK are you one of those deportees who could not get a Visa because you could not behave yourself in another people countries. There lies the real problem you too ungrateful and greedy and when you don’t get your criminal way you love to use violence to achieve it . That is where the blame comes from and it’s justified too or ask yourself why you not living in your homeland instead here blaming America for your problems Go Home to your crime ridden Country and stop exporting and spreading your criminality and violence everywhere Star!
those guns are made in America
Traded between Jamaicans and Haitians.
Yes but illegally imported into Jamaica by Jamaican criminal gangs give it a rest bredda!
Answer 729am Why you nah living there ?
I know it wasn’t the easiest of lives that you lived, Travis. No one deserves to be gunned down. It’s a shame that the young men of today aren’t able to become men and resolve differences and their grievances with resorting to the use of a gun..
Hostile Environment 100% For who Governor Owen ???
Has nothing to do with her. She can’t affect it. Don’t you get it? The Governors are appointed as figureheads. Think of them in the same way as you think of UK royalty, except they are more humble.
We occasionally get Governors who push against the norm and try to change things for the better. I believe Governor Owen is cut from that cloth, however it will not further her causes to accuse her of various implied shortfalls. The various connections to the Mother country are important for The Cayman Islands. We should never think they don’t matter. We should also not try to assign duties to them which are not in their purview.
I think the Governor is a good soul, and wishes the best for us, and perhaps that is enough in these troubled times.
Te problem is “Us!!!” We need to do better. We cant blame Jamaicans, the UK or the Governor for any of this. Especially cases where it is Caymanian on Caymanian violence. We dont have the facts on this one yet and we are already out on a witch hunt instead of looking the problem in the eye.. bad parenting, lack of appreciation for the Caymanian heritage, the acceptance of outside cultural influences and allowing other nationalities to come here and take control of our Government, private sector and sadly crime while we sat back, watched and now we want to cry about it like a bunch of idiots.
there is not one country on this earth where you can go pick up the most economically challenged of the population, import them to your island, pay them slave wages and not expect an increase in crime. But it seems as long as these employers can live in gated communities they are more than happy to continue this type of hiring.
They’re all Caymanians – re 9:17 am this isn’t a imported poverty issue.
I get someone passed and rest in peace to my fellow Caymanian, but yep, this one is homegrown and not a governor’s problem more like a parenting problem that isn’t new.
I follow his ex on social media. She been posting up the bar life and smoking cigs at 3 am since she was 16 while kissing up on grown men. Go figure. I only hope her mother gets her under control now because my god.. zero accountability for your teen.
Why have you been following his ex on social media since she was 16? Sounds like police need to investigate why you are following children.
i’m a girl that went to school with, and only bout 2 years older than her, smart@ss. it’s not like she hiding it either.. posted in his memory.
some of you think only 50 year old people read the news i guess
The problem is you and idiots this just like you !
Completely agree.
Mac & Jon-Jon (as they are men of the people) should get this resolved ASAP!
Please read this article below Mumbichi, it’s much more substantiated with what Governor Owens responsibility’s are and what she claimed herself she would action instead of the claptrap absolution you provide albeit not arguing ‘she’s a good person’. The reality is she said she will ‘affect it’ which we all understand is probably not much more than to placate the masses and our living truth witnesses more gun crime, robberies and murders making mockery of her statement. What portrays as a floppy ‘appointed figurehead’ falling short in a specified remit of responsibility doesn’t cut it Mumbichi, we need instead Jack Reacher
Understand completely. Those “responsibilities”….. how do you see them in your mind being enforced? Consider the actual application of the forces that oppose the violent criminal cowards. I say cowards, because all of these are cowardly opportunists.
Governor Owens has the responsibility, absent the teeth to make it happen. WE are the teeth, if we would only take up the challenge. IMVHO.
Mumbichi, It was our elected representatives such as Sir Alden, who very effectively stripped the Governor of her power during the last decade.
Elections have consequences.
As the figurehead of the Crown here in the Cayman Islands, Governor Owen is responsible for and is in sole and direct control of the RCIPS regardless of whether or not that be for better or worse. As such, Governor Owen is duty bound for what is termed as law and order and she is culpable for the lack thereof. It is most certainly within her “purview”.
Get Real,
You would have been correct 20 years ago but Sir Alden weakened effectively the powers of the Governor.
Okay, fine. It’s her responsibility. It’s her fault.
Now, what does that get us? Will it make us whole?
If you knew important information about these crimes, would you come forward, or just blame someone else?
Sure, right after she fixes the rampant corruption in *HER* police force.
‘Hostile Environment’ I’ll second that, – Ms Owen ?
But she gave McKeeva Bush an award!
CNS: Are you referring to this? If so, this was a political appointment, not an award, and a decision by the UPM. Nothing to do with the governor, other than a photo op.
CNS, Governor should have been sick that day or perhaps not smiled so much.
CNS: So that you could criticise her for taking a sick day when she wasn’t sick or for looking grumpy in the photo? Your point seems more like silly niggling than worthwhile objective opinion. That doesn’t mean you can’t criticise the governor, but in this instance she was performing an unavoidable part of her job.
Except it was avoidable. She would have passed that responsibility to the DG if she had any credibility whatsoever.
100% 9:39
CNS this something I have a real issue with. In a moral world I would hope that the Governor would decline to optically embrace the appointment and if told to get on the next plane so be it sending the no tolerance message in itself. This is the bulls*** nonsense from the top that in my opinion emboldens the underworld with the merit of ‘if he can do it, then so can I’
The Governor has been stripped of her powers by Sir Alden. If she didn’t do the photo op, they would get rid of her. Basically, she can’t do anything and I don’t expect her to.