Store clerk cut during armed robbery in West Bay
(CNS): Police are investigating an armed robbery that took place on Saturday afternoon at a small convenience store in West Bay, just off Birch Tree Hill Road. Two men entered the shop wearing face coverings, one armed with a machete and the other with a knife. One robber demanded cash from the register, threatening the clerk and cutting her hand with the machete. He then grabbed an undisclosed quantity of cash while the second man stole alcohol before they drove off towards Finch Drive in a grey Honda Fit rental car with no licence plates.
The male wielding the machete was tall, had a dark complexion, and spoke with a Caymanian accent. The second was about 5″ 7″ and of slim build.
Following the report, the RCIPS Air Operations Unit helped on-the-ground police units track the Honda Fit, which was found abandoned in a bush area on Andreson Road and has been recovered for forensic analysis.
Anyone with information on the first commercial robbery of the year is asked to contact the West Bay CID at 949-3999. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted to
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Stealing alcohol what a joke!
What’s an even bigger joke is the gross ineptness and relentless unwillingness of government to use some of its mountain of surplus budget revenue to squash this ghetto primitive crimes.
Let’s see it’s not that hard how about setup Singapore style HD cameras throughout the tiny island with China tracking AI ability software. Additionally supply distress clickers install under the counter to all stores in Cayman for fast response SWAT on standby. Raise the sentencing to ten years minimum in prison… but via exporting them to let’s say Honduras prison and pay them the annual cost to incarcerated them. That would give these primitive turds a second thought and perhaps go get a freaking job in this prosperous country instead.
Big guys, robbing a female and injuring her.
When they get caught, they need to be sued to the point they have no dry crap left on their stupid ^$Ses. They now have to buy the person they cut a whole new life. Ghetto idiots.
Seems like we have so many Honda Fits that they have now become a disposable item.
Offer a huge reward for info leading to the arrest and conviction of these dirtbags; they can’t have that good of friends, and somebody knows who these guys are. Hey, it’s the season to spend money we don’t have. At least this would actually benefit all of us to take people like this off the street.
The second step which is vitally necessary is to not release them on remand. I understand how the system works (contrary, say, to the U.S.) however if we have sufficient evidence to arrest, we should hold them until their very speedy trial. If convicted, they should go to prison. If they are not Caymanians, they should go to prison and then be deported after serving their sentence.
Our Penal and Judicial system needs to have sharper teeth. I get the feeling most criminals are unconcerned about consequences of their actions.
The third leg of change should be timely and accurate followup of stayovers, rollover or people whose WP has ended, including their dependents. I don’t assume that isn’t already being done, however I think it is a potentially weak link.
No, I’m not running for office.
Just to add to sentencing… once convicted, they should be made to dig 5ft deep hole and then fill the hole back in the hot sun before allowed to eat every single day while in prison. Consequences need be felt, not them relaxing in AC getting 3 meals a day for free!
I was in the army serving in Belize in the 80s. That’s exactly what happened to soldiers who got charged – jail in the guardroom , every morning out after breakfast, dig a hole,fill them in, dig another hole,until sunset-back into jail, rinse and repeat the following day. Very few cases of serious losers being drunk or other disciplinary offences.
Maybe make them dig pits for Water Authority. Hey, we might as well convert labour into profit.