Objector says cell tower would spoil community

| 29/01/2024 | 74 Comments
Sabre monopole

(CNS): An application by telecommunications company Logic for a 70-foot communications tower is facing an impassioned objection from one resident in the area, who claims that it would pose health risks and ruin the aesthetics of the community. Logic wants to erect a Sabre monopole antenna on Newport Avenue, George Town, behind the main hospital in a high-density residential area.

The objector, whose identity is not disclosed on the agenda for the Central Planning Authority’s meeting on Wednesday, said the tower would be an eyesore in a neighbourhood “rich with memories”. They said their family has lived in the community for three generations.

“It is a place that holds the stories of our ancestors and the promise of our descendants. It is a place that we hold dear to our hearts. The proposed 70ft antenna, if installed, would be an eyesore that disrupts the natural beauty of our surroundings. Our neighbourhood is characterized by its charm, with tree-lined streets, well-maintained gardens, and a sense of tranquillity that is increasingly rare in this fast-paced world. The presence of such a towering structure would mar the landscape, detracting from the scenic beauty that has been cherished for generations,” the objector wrote in a letter to the CPA.

They also raised the issue of property value, claiming that the tower could deter prospective buyers and tenants, and urged Logic to consider alternative locations for the antenna. “It is not just about the structure itself but the preservation of a place where families have flourished and grown for decades,” they added and asked for Logic to engage in open dialogue with the local community to discuss alternative options to achieve the desired technological advancements.

The CPA has listed the application for discussion in this week’s meeting agenda, and the consultants are expected to appear before the board to discuss the objection and the height of the proposed 70-foot tower in that location.

While the science is far from settled over whether cell towers pose a health hazard, and if so, how much, some research found that people identified as having “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” who live near them complained of health issues such as dizziness, nausea, headaches, tinnitus and insomnia.

The American Cancer Society says on its website: “At this time, there’s no strong evidence that exposure to RF waves from cell phone towers causes any noticeable health effects. However, this does not mean that the RF waves from cell phone towers have been proven to be absolutely safe. Most expert organizations agree that more research is needed to help clarify this, especially for any possible long-term effects.”

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Comments (74)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Gadget ‘allergy’: French woman wins disability grant


    I Am an EMF Refugee

    🤔Just a thought.
    Fifteen percent (15%) of the world’s population has Rh negative 🩸blood and the rest are Rh positive. Being Rh negative is not a disease.
    The Rh factor is a protein that can be found on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood cells have this protein, you are Rh positive. If your blood cells do not have this protein, you are Rh negative.
    Science has no idea why 15% of the world’s population doesn’t have Rh factor on the surface of their red blood cells and its possible consequences.
    Aside from Rh conflict in pregnancy nobody knows if there’s more significance to lacking Rh factor.
    Perhaps, just a wild guess, Rh negative people respond differently to environmental hazards such as man made EMF?

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s always possible. Do you have some statistics that show any correlation between Rhvnegative status and being EMF sensitive? You know, just to diary it from referring to some other basis for making an association between two minor groups based purely on the fact that they are a mini? For example, 10% of people are left handed. Perhaps they are end sensitive? See how it works?

      • Anonymous says:

        Jeez, your logic and critical thinking skills 🤦‍♀️ are mind boggling

        Do you even understand what you’re talking about?

        Without medical interventions a baby born with Rh conflict will die.

        Rh negative people can’t get Rh positive blood transfusions.

        This is not just a variation of normal like being left or right handed. The blood Rh difference is fundamental.

        From an evolutionary standpoint, the origin and selective advantage (or disadvantage) of Rh-negative blood type is still a topic of scientific debate and research. Is it a mutation? Transplant from other planets?

        You’re are trying to compare Newton’s laws of motion and quantum mechanics.

        Besides, the Rh factor example is hypothetical, for illustration purposes only.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I should think that the one making the objection does not use a cell phone. If this is not true then he is straining at the gnat and swallowing the camel.

    The specific absorption rate (SAR) exposure from the cell tower is generally lower than the exposure from the user’s own phone. The primary source of RF radiation exposure for a cell phone user is the phone they are using, not the tower.
    Does anyone here know if Cayman has set limits on SAR values to ensure that the exposure from cell towers remains within safe levels? If so, how and how often does anyone run tests on those levels? Who runs the tests?

    • Objector 1 says:

      Human populations are increasingly exposed to microwave/radiofrequency (RF) emissions from wireless communication technology, including mobile phones and their base stations. We identified several studies that assessed for putative health effects of mobile phone base stations. Seven of these studies explored the association between base station proximity and neurobehavioral effects and three investigated cancer. We found that eight of the 10 studies reported increased prevalence of adverse neurobehavioral symptoms or cancer in populations living at distances < 500 meters from base stations. None of the studies reported exposure above accepted international guidelines, suggesting that current guidelines may be inadequate in protecting the health of human populations.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The decision where to put the tower must be based on national recommendations or legally binding regulations.

    Does Cayman have safety standards and exposure limits to electromagnetic fields?

    Did anybody pay attention to this statement:
    “…310 people died in the Cayman Islands in 2022, the largest number of deaths ever recorded in a twelve-month period here and an increase of almost 14% on the previous year…”

    In Germany,
    compliance with the limits for the general public in the ranges of low-frequency and radiofrequency fields is regulated by law by the 26. BlmSchV (Ordinance on Electromagnetic Fields)

    In the Netherlands,
    for power lines the low-frequency reference levels according to the ICNIRP guidelines are applied. However, since 2005 there is also a recommendation by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment applying to newly built power lines in sensitive areas, according to which a magnetic flux density of 0.4 µT should not be exceeded

    in Switzerland,
    the limit of immission (i.e. the basis restriction) for 50 Hz magnetic fields from power lines is based on the ICNIRP recommendations of 1998 and is thus 100 µT – similar to the reference level in Germany. However, for the precautionary limitation of emission, the Swiss “Ordinance relating to Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation” (NISV) sets a reference level (so-called “installation limit value”; cf. Reference levels) of 1 µT for magnetic fields regarding installations that were built after 1 February 2000.

    In the radiofrequency range, Italy deviates from the ICNIRP guidelines insofar as the reference levels in the range between 3 MHz and 3 GHz are fixed instead of the frequency-dependent definition in the ICNIRP guidelines.

    In Belgium,
    especially low limits have been adopted for the Flemish part of the country and for Brussels


    • Anonymous says:

      Did you pay attention to how much the population increased on the last year – not surprising the absolute number of deaths increased.

      • Anonymous says:

        Most expats are in their prime. 25-45 age category.

        • Anonymous says:

          Except for those that aren’t. And of those that are, many are paid better than they have ever been before, and the fruits of their labour allow them to enjoy a wonderful daily cocktail of questionable substances. Writing off an increase in population as a contributing factor for an increase in deaths is silly.

          • Anonymous says:

            there were no population increase in 2022. the rocks was locked.

          • Anonymous says:

            According to the provided statistics report (page 14), population increase from 2021 to 2022 was 14.7%

            There are 2 columns in the table 1.03 that have no headings (Table 1.02B has all headings), I assume it is percentages, however they don’t make 100% in all cases (2020 and 2021 for example). I find this a very sloppy presentation.

            Some charts and tables include 2022, some information presented up to 2021 only.

            Since Cayman population growth in 2022 is mostly attributed to inflow of expats, we can’t directly tie the increase in number of deaths to this group of people. There is no data on how many expats died in 2022.

            Death statistics from 2017-2022 in the categories up to 40-49 remain the same (table 2.04) with significant increase in the age 50-90 category.
            50-59 from 20 to 43 (28 in 2021)
            60-69 from 39 to 53 (56 in 2021)
            70-79 from 37 to 69 (55 in 2021)

      • shake my head says:

        Increased? – but not much difference. … And what are you trying to prove? … lol … vaccine denier! 🙂

      • Annonymous says:

        4.23pm 75% of deaths are Generational Caymanians being killed by the stress of the arrival of all the newbies ruining their country.

  4. Anonymous says:

    🇫🇷France: Law on Public Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves Adopted.
    The main purpose of this law is to protect the general public from excessive electromagnetic waves.

    🌎Comparison of international policies on
    electromagnetic fields(power frequency and radiofrequency fields

    🇪🇺Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks. SCENIHR
    Opinion on
    Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Geovital Academy
    For over 40 years they have focussed with great intensity on the cause and effect relationship between EMF radiation exposure and its effects on health and wellbeing.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I was at a conference once, where on a Wednesday there was a temperature inversion in a valley close to my hotel which caused a lot of small birds to freeze and fall to their deaths.

    The Saturday there was a 5G demonstration, using equipment which was just being trucked over from 500 miles away on the same Wednesday morning that the birds died.

    A few years later, I was shocked to see photos of the birds in the forecourt of my hotel with a story saying they had been killed by a 5G demonstration.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s appears that Caymanians only believe if they can see and hear something, can touch, taste and smell it. Otherwise it doesn’t exist. If not for ECG machines they would’ve rejected that electricity runs our hearts.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This would never be approved on SMB or South Sound. Should be same rules regardless of economic standing

  8. Guido Marsupio says:

    Put it out at the eastern part of the island, in the middle of the forest or at a quarry. That’s what they are proposing on Little Cayman – put it at the dump.

    • Anonymous says:

      The tower would have been proposed at that location to deal with congestion with calls there. Therefore, it would serve no purpose to put it at a location many miles away. I guess it’s the price we pay for everyone having a cell phone and expecting to be able to make calls when using it.

  9. Anonymous says:

    And here folks is why Government should not seek public input for everything they do.

    Sometimes you just need to do infrastructural upgrades and listen to the crazies complain afterword’s.

    These are the kind of people who when cars became popular didn’t want roads because they thought the sound of car engines would make you sick or something.

    We will never improve anything if we keep trying to appease them. Can we just move on without them?

    • Anonymous says:

      “We would never improve anything….”

      How you like the “improvements” so far? To your liking is it? All the traffic improvements? Overbuilding of the beach improvements?

      About to “improve” most of us out of our houses, and our peaceful islands, as far as I can see. This was a far better place to live, before the allure of big developer money. Money talks, and money kills.

      Enjoy your developments, overcrowding, crime, and improvements.

      • Anonymous says:

        – commented from an electronic device requiring ISP infrastructure.

        But carry on. Let us know when you figure out how to comment on CNS via backyard smokepan signal.

        • Anonymous says:

          Let us know, also, when you have decided enough is enough.

          Your comment appears intentionally obtuse, focusing on the least important part of what was said.

      • Anonymous says:

        How you like the “improvements” so far? To your liking is it? All the traffic improvements? Overbuilding of the beach improvements?

        A lot actually. I like being able to google how to change a mixer valve for my shower. I Like modern medicine that lets me live without constant pain, I like my truck that lets me bring my new fridge home myself without having to hire a moving company.

        Don’t like progress? go live in a cave without any of it.

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair these things are fugly and there are much better alternatives out there. They probably cost more and therefore are unpopular with the companies that have to pay the cost but leaving companies ‘to do the right thing’ isn’t going to work. Developing Cayman and being smart about it isn’t that difficult, you can have nicer looking infrastructure that works and it benefits everyone, not just the developer or company.

  10. Anonymous says:

    5G frequency is the absolute worst frequency for immune systems.

    Lookup Dr. Edward Group who is the first person I’m aware of that warned humanity of 5G dangers.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Newport Avenue has the aesthetic appeal of a dumpster fire. It is the most average of neighborhoods, with nothing that suggests it’s more or less special than anywhere in the vicinity.

    This is NIMBY.

    • Anonymous says:

      MUCH better than in your back yard, yeah?

      • Anonymous says:

        I live within spitting distance of a slumlord special and the detention centre. I also don’t own the yard, since I can’t afford to buy.

        Put it by this yard, it’ll improve the area.

        Sorry for calling the area what it is…a charmless avenue, off a charmless larger road.

    • Anonymous says:

      Place it on top of mount trashmore? I would believe this would be the ideal place and less material would required. The highest point in the Cayman Islands.

  12. Anonymous says:

    place the antennas on the hospital roof. no eye sore and the hospital can use the much needed income.

  13. _||) says:

    And yet I bet you each and every single person living in the vicinity uses cellular comms and/or wifi daily. This is infrastructure that would serve one of the most densely populated areas in our islands! Complaining just to complain is really a sickening part of Cayman ena!

    What health risks would this tower and all other cellphone towers on Earth, which use NON-ionizing radiation, pose to someone other than the heating of the skin by 0.001% of a degree?

    Meanwhile, daily, people literally sunbathe on 7MB in actual ionizing radiation, which is shot at us at magnitudes more energy and can damage cells / DNA causing sunburn / cancer from the SUN.

    I live amongst idiots, and no, I don’t work for Logic. All of us hate slow data when we need it in this day and age – especially to send trivial and petty complaints to marl road et al.

    • Anonymous says:

      These people watching too much Better Call Saul

    • Anonymous says:

      Ask late McCain how did he get glioblastoma? Didn’t Verizon Wireless and AT&T install cell phone towers on his personal property so that he could get better reception?

      The biologic effects from EMF are not from the thermal release of energy. It is from the nonthermal effects. Our current standards for technology are still based on the thermal standards alone.

      EMF’s span large frequencies and except for visible light and infrared EMF, we can’t perceive any of these energies without instruments designed to find them.
      The problem is our brain senses them all without sensation being perceived consciously.

      • Anonymous says:

        Put your tinfoil hat back on – it will screen out the radiation and avoid any “biologic effects”.

      • Anonymous says:

        tin foil hat crap.

        • Q-Bert says:

          Chemtrails, flouride in the water making frogs gay, pizzagate, taylor swift a govt agent, etc., etc.

          • Anonymous says:

            excellent Straw Man argument of yours: Make comparisons to something that has nothing to do with the topic, and then conclude how bad it is.

            A little scientific research instead of unfounded brainless kneejerk accusations might serve you much better… … assuming you want the truth, rather than just a blank space in which to rant.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes and that distinguishing point of sense is between the line of ionizing and non ionizing radiation.

        You are quite literally comparing apple juice (cellphone radiation) to hard alcoholic cider (sunlight).

      • watcher says:

        Silly Rabbit. You can’t use logic and vetted science here. People want to argue from an emotional point, don’t you know that? You could produce valid scientific accreditation and it wouldn’t make a bit of difference to most people who post on this subject.

        People mostly argue from a position based upon personal politics, and their own personal opinions, involving absolutely no research.

        • Anonymous says:

          Logic and vetted science? Like someone has a cellphone mast near their house and they get cancer son it must be the cell phone tower? That doesn’t sound dreadfully scientific to me.

        • Anonymous says:

          So says watcher.

        • checker says:

          How ironic, “watcher”. The claim that the late Senator John McCain’s glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer, was caused by cell phone towers on his property is speculative and not supported by scientific evidence. Cancer development is a multifactorial process often influenced by genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. While there have been concerns about the potential health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by cell phone towers, no conclusive evidence directly links them to glioblastoma or other cancers.

          Furthermore research into nonthermal effects is ongoing, and the evidence is not conclusive enough to establish clear health risks. The human body, including the brain, is not known to have a mechanism to detect EMF in the way it perceives visible light or other sensory stimuli. While it’s true that most EMF frequencies, including those used by cell towers, are imperceptible to our senses, the claim that the brain detects them in some unrecognized manner is speculative and not supported by current scientific understanding.

          Let me reword it for you concisely: non-ionizing radiation from cellphone towers is considered harmless compared to ionizing radiation because it lacks the energy to cause cellular and DNA damage, which is the primary health risk associated with ionizing radiation. This is why there is little to no evidence showing non-thermal negative health effects.

          Let’s be real, if there were, we’d know – we all live within range of one.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Every time I hold my smartphone I start experiencing palpitations. What kind of proof science needs?
    Electromagnetic sensitivity and dirty electricity ARE REAL. I got really sick while in Cayman living in a brand new building. There are no building codes for EMF safety. But when a bedroom and a kitchen share a wall and there are high voltage wires to kitchen appliances in that wall and a breaker box for the entire unit is on the other wall, and WiFI router is in the bedroom it didn’t take long to get sick. And I don’t need any scientist to tell me there is no evidence. My common sense led me to the cause of the weird symptoms.

    • Anonymous says:

      Every time I hold my smartphone I start experiencing palpitations.

      Every time I grasp the hot handle of my cast iron skillet with my bare hands I experience a burning sensation. We need LAWS to protect us!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      and this kids is why getting your information from social media is bad…

    • _||) says:

      Placebo is one hell of a drug bobo

    • Anonymous says:

      6:10 and I bet you either did not get the covid vaccine or had palpitations when you did or “swooned away” or had any number of imagined reactions. Grow up. If necessary, throw your smart phone away and go off the grid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Remember kids, stay is school unless you want to end up like this person.

      These are the same kind of people who fought against germ theory and believed in blood letting and miasmas.

      These are also the same people who believe Bill Gates puts mind control chips in vaccines.

      Dont be like them, be better, try and make a better world. I’m sorry we didnt work harder to give you one.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hi 6:10

      Thank you you sharing your experience. A few thoughts to ponder from a different perspective:

      1) Could it be that you are a rare case who is hyper sensitive to said environment and are truly an outlier?

      2) If no, why wouldn’t more people ‘be sick’? Like, lots more since billions are exposed to described environment daily.

      3) Most life expectancies in the world continue to increase or level off- despite the rampant use of these technologies you mention around the globe. We eat less than stellar diets, are more sedentary than ever, exercise less, have more mental health issues- yet we have found ways to live longer than all past generations despite ourselves. Is your concern a real concern for all- or a hyper-sensivity that you may have?

      4) At what point in our lives do we all need to accept that sometimes s*it happens and life is unfair. Some people have less than adequate immune systems, some have outlier heart issues, some are more prone to obesity and so on. We don’t have to ban everything/anything because some group has an adverse reaction to something or become ill.

    • Anonymous says:

      So every time you hold it it causes you palpitations- but you still have one.

    • watcher says:

      See these responses to your post?

      They are hateful. That is all these folk bring to the table. They are angry, and search the internet for things to be angry about. Probably has nothing to do with you or your post. Pity them, but don’t let their shallow and non-researched opinions affect you.

      Your post contains anecdotal evidence, which is not measurable, but that doesn’t make it invalid, and certainly doesn’t make it right to attack your view. In case you are interested, most of those were consistent with Straw Man Logical Fallacies, which argues against an inaccurate version of your post, rather than what you actually said.

      Pity them. They have too much time on their hands, and they are angry without an outlet for that anger.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you.

        Pack mentality (also known as herd mentality, mob mentality, or gang mentality), unlike community-building, is defined by elements of hostility and fear.

        • Anonymous says:

          I posed real questions, from a different perspective, and you have chosen not to respond. That is your choice.
          However, in order to engage in dialogue on the topic, under your label of ‘community building’, one must participate.

          Participate beyond anecdotal sharing and your ‘common sense’ conclusion. That is called n=1.
          Balls in your court.

    • Anonymous says:

      dO YoUr OwN rEsEArcH!

  15. Anonymous says:

    dizziness, nausea, headaches, tinnitus and insomnia, vertigo and irregular heartbeat, autoimmune conditions

    there’s a site “we are the evidence”


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