Archive for November 9th, 2023

Dengue cases mount due to regional outbreak

Dengue cases mount due to regional outbreak

| 09/11/2023 | 5 Comments

(CNS): Local public health officials have confirmed that as of 7 November there have been 18 laboratory confirmed cases of Dengue in the Cayman Islands. Of those, nine were imported cases with the patients having a recent travel history, but the other nine were infected locally. Since the start of the year 97 cases have […]

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Mac resigns, leaving PACT in a tight spot

Mac resigns, leaving PACT in a tight spot

| 09/11/2023 | 121 Comments

(CNS): McKeeva Bush MP (WBW) has resigned from the PACT Government. Bush sent a letter about his resignation to Governor Jane Owen on Thursday, just before he was due to appear in court for a case management hearing relating to his sexual assault case next month. No official announcements have been made, and CNS has […]

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Jamaican murder suspect rounded up in Cayman

Jamaican murder suspect rounded up in Cayman

| 09/11/2023 | 18 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS has deported an unnamed Jamaican man back to the neighbouring island after they were alerted by their law enforcement partners there that a murder suspect had travelled to the Cayman Islands. The RCIPS said that officers worked in collaboration with Customs and Border Control to locate the man, who was detained on […]

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CoP worried by ‘insatiable appetite’ for guns

CoP worried by ‘insatiable appetite’ for guns

| 09/11/2023 | 28 Comments

(CNS): Over the last seven years, the RCIPS, with support from Customs and Border Control, has taken 126 illegal guns off the street, including 19 so far this year, countering what Police Commissioner Kurt Walton said was an “insatiable appetite” here for firearms. Concerned about the impact of gun crime, he told a large group […]

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Public transport overhaul could cost CI$50M

Public transport overhaul could cost CI$50M

| 09/11/2023 | 93 Comments

(CNS): The long-awaited report from Deloitte reviewing the local transport network indicates that replacing the current mismatched private transport system with an electric government-owned and managed fleet, with depots, community routes and bus lanes, could cost at least $50 million. However, this will cut traffic by more than 20%, reduce emissions and create a reliable, […]

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