Archive for November 3rd, 2023

Public urged not to dump in absence of bulk clean-up

Public urged not to dump in absence of bulk clean-up

| 03/11/2023 | 25 Comments

(CNS): Since the Department of Environmental Health moved the usual seasonal bulk-waste collection to May this year, there will be no pre-Christmas clean-up. The DEH is urging people not to illegally dump their big waste items but to make arrangements to take them to the George Town or Sister Islands landfills. The department said it […]

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PACI spent CI$56k on 2022 Christmas Party

PACI spent CI$56k on 2022 Christmas Party

| 03/11/2023 | 95 Comments

(CNS): Auditor General Sue Winspear has called out the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands (PACI) after it spent an “excessive amount” on a Christmas party last year, many times more than other government entities spent celebrating the festivities. The government limit is $40 per head, and with 166 employees at the end of 2022, […]

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Heritage Days dropped from Pirates Week

Heritage Days dropped from Pirates Week

| 03/11/2023 | 117 Comments

(CNS): The 2023 National Pirates Week Festival kicks off Friday in Little Cayman, but there will be no District Heritage Days this year. According to a press release about the event, the much loved and foundational element of the festival has been dropped “due to time and budget constraints”, which led organisers “to make a […]

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Owner of stolen car helps police catch thief

Owner of stolen car helps police catch thief

| 03/11/2023

(CNS): A 31-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of stealing a car on Cayman Brac after the owner helped find the vehicle and other members of the public helped track the suspected thief down. The owner of the stolen vehicle reported it missing on Monday morning after it was last seen at a garage in […]

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CI$8 million spent by CIG outside of rules

CI$8 million spent by CIG outside of rules

| 03/11/2023 | 102 Comments

(CNS): Although all public bodies must comply with the law when procuring goods and services, Auditor General Sue Winspear revealed in a report made public last week that government departments and public authorities spent more than CI$8 million last year outside of the rules. There were more than fifteen cases where significant amounts of money […]

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