PACI spent CI$56k on 2022 Christmas Party

| 03/11/2023 | 95 Comments
Port Authority of the Cayman Islands

(CNS): Auditor General Sue Winspear has called out the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands (PACI) after it spent an “excessive amount” on a Christmas party last year, many times more than other government entities spent celebrating the festivities. The government limit is $40 per head, and with 166 employees at the end of 2022, the budget for the bash should have been no more than CI$6,640. However, the authority spent that on fireworks alone.

The party cost a total of CI$56,522, which is more than what 66% of the Cayman Islands’ workforce earn in a whole year and did not represent value for money, the auditor general said.

PACI does not take revenue from central government but instead operates on its own earnings from the fees it collects from local businesses and residents for handling cargo, to the tune of more than $20.4 million last year, and cruise passenger fees, which generated around $1.8 million.

However, in the past, the publicly owned authority has fallen into deficit and has been subsidised by central government.

In her report to the PACI board and management, Winspear advised them to “spend wisely in ensuring expenses paid for entertainment are reasonable and should be aligned with the average spending” across the rest of government.

“We noted that CI$56,522 was spent on 2022 Port Authority of the Cayman Islands Christmas party,” she wrote in the report. “CI$6,000 alone was paid for fireworks. This expenditure was approved by the Port Director. In comparing to the civil service, Cayman Islands Government approved CI$40 per person as Christmas stipend for 2022. The amount spent by Port Authority is many times above that and deemed to be excessive taken in the context of public sector.”

While management at the port said the expenditure for the party was approved by the board, the audit office said the approval was not documented in board minutes. “This is a weakness in governance,” Winspear said, adding that it is essential that decisions are documented.

The port said that going forward, entertainment will continue to be taken to the board for approval prior to the expenditure being committed, though there was no mention of cutting the budget.

While the port did generate a significant surplus this year of $16M, much of it was as a result of a revaluation gain from investment property of $2M and a favourable movement on the remeasurement of the defined benefit obligation of $18M, rather than from sound fiscal management.

The port sustained an operating loss of $1.3M, even after a busy year and bouncing back from the pandemic with the second-highest cargo volume in the last five years. But writing in the annual report, the director said the operating loss indicated that port fees need to be increased.

Operating revenue underperformed by 2%, or some $600,000 less than budgeted, with operating expenses of $25.2M, some $1.7M more than the budget amount of $23.6M.

Although the port received a clean audit with an unqualified opinion, the auditors still identified a number of significant matters relating to internal controls. These ranged from excessive spending on the Christmas party to non-compliance with procurement regulations and the Public Authorities Act.

The audit uncovered deficiencies in inventory management, errors in translating US dollars to Cayman Islands dollars, inconsistencies in the number of cruise passengers counted, issues with leases, as well as numerous accounting and reconciliation problems.

See the OAG’s report to management and the 2022 PACI annual report in the CNS Library.

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  1. Graham Rankin says:

    I can tell port Authority one thing ..they can’t get me for no 6,000$ again, that was a deal, I na putting my barge out there again for under 10,000$ for that type of display. unnah should be making noise about all the concessions that we give to those suit case developers that jump off the plane only to use us…….

  2. Anonymous says:

    Has the Anti-Corruption Commission produced any meaningful results recently/ever? What exactly do they do?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Those dancing girls and catering a la Kenny sorry I mean “fireworks” don’t come cheap.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The road to corruption and national decline has a fast lane. If you want to see where Cayman is headed take to trip to South Africa. Or Jamaica.

    • Anonymous says:

      And it’s the Jamaicans that are taking us there…even tho they now call themselves Caymanians.

      • Anonymous says:

        The last time i checked, the Port Director was Caymanian and so were the Board Members. And Jamaicans cant become “Caymanians” without the Caymanians say so… But of course, everything bad in this country is because of Jamaica and Jamaicans.

  5. Al Catraz says:

    It’s surprising that so many people are against celebrating the birthday of Jesus. Let’s not lose perspective and keep in mind that celebrating Jesus’ birthday keeps him from becoming angry and smiting these islands. So, it’s really an investment in public safety.

    • Anonymous says:

      Quality WUM/trolling I must say!

    • Rodney Barnett IV says:

      I suggest that if people want to celebrate the birth of Christ, they spend the day in church. NOT at elaborate taxpayer supported parties.

      Also for the record, the Port Authority is subsidized by tax payers, not only in the form of feels charged for “handling” but also when revenue is down and costs are up. And that’s not to mention that the central government through taxes and fees will pay for any new facility construction, which will soon come!

  6. anonymous says:

    Where can we find a list of the Board members? Is this not on public record? Lets see who had all the fun at $500 a head.
    The waste since PACT took office is astounding. The last bunch wasn’t perfect, but this is outrageous.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Yes, waste of money, especially considering that there are multiple port employees who have family members receiving NAU assistance (note I did not say employees getting assistance).

    The same money wasted could have been used to assist some needy families at Christmas. You don’t have to look far or hard to know who they are – we all have them in our families – somewhere along the way.

    And it does not have to be “family”. Think of all the elderly who are struggling, all the widows, all the homes where the father has abandoned children.

    You get the point, it just goes to show that those in Senior Management prefer to waste money and choose to get a headline for their elaborate party.

    Sad this happens, but Port is not alone on this, could go on and on – but it is inherently part of our culture and will not end anytime soon.

    Government has the money, you cant do government too bad, government owes me – are these not the atypical attitude one hears????

  8. Patricia Bryan says:

    Reading the article this is unbelievable. Why do people in position tend to be so greedy? A few, not too long, years from now those on position will regret this greed and loose spending. The revenue doesn’t contribute to Government revenue so it is squandered. No wonder investors and offshore wealthy come to suckle on these shores. Our own are doing so and much more. There are so many in need and this is where revenue is used. Enjoy it while you can. The horse doesn’t know the value of the well until one day three is no more water.

    • Wa ya say says:

      What does greediness have to do with the spending . Might it not be that the Director and Board felt that the expenditure was justifiable and authorized it as a gesture of thanks to employees for their efforts throughout the year?. Did the Auditor General speak with the Chairman of the Board and it’s members . Notwithstanding there should have been a budget prepared and presented to the Board for its formal approval and this should have been placed in minutes of a meeting of the Board. Lesson to be learned and/or a reminder of best practice .

      • Patricia Bryan says:

        @Wa ya say…you seen to stick close to my comments though 🙂.
        Greed have much to do with the spending if that much money is spent for a Christmas celebration. Being greedy is to use more than is reasonable. “having any excessive desire or appetite”, “having or showing an intense and selfish desire (for wealth or power)” “an insatiable desire for more (income, possessions, influence, power, privileges…”. Without trying to be rude in my reply do you realize the occasion of Christmas and the time of year where there’s the most need? You are telling me those funds were warranted in order to show staff appreciation for a year? Maybe CBC and WORC staff should have shared in that because I believe they would be more deserving. Heck most of the junior civil servants would have loved to be included. They keep the public purse and services afloat (despite our complaints). Isn’t there much need in this small community? Come on I don’t know who you are but realistically speaking…do you really–deep down inside yourself–do some soul searching and say or fathom this could have been justified? Might I ponder whether you were on the guest list?😉🤨

  9. Anonymous says:

    Until we get rid of FRANZ MANDERSON as he really serve no purpose to King nor Country how I hate to hear him say World Class Government oh please nothing world class going on at Fire Service, CBC, Planning,Police and lots other areas AND UNTIL WE break up ALL THESE BOARDS ESPECIALLY THE PORT BOARD.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:38. You got in wrong. Our DG Manderson is not in charge of the port. However if you read the article which alludes to the fact that Manderson allows civil servants to spend $40 per person on their Christmas party, it would seem that our DG should be in charge of the port.

      It is so important to read and understand how Government works before commending.

    • Pohan says:

      8:38. did you read the article? Get help please.

    • Anonymous says:

      8:38. When you don’t understand a vision statement it’s time to get the help you really need.

      Private sector boards to govern our Authorities is a not a bad idea. It’s who is appointed to the boards.

      We have some of the best minds in the word in our private sector but politicians appoint their cronies and supporters. Reform the system.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Best minds in the world in our private sector”

        You gave me a good laugh with that one. This Island is full of people that can’t make it in the real world. Of course there are exceptions to that rule.

    • Patricia Bryan says:

      @ 8:35 p.m. Whoa.
      Maybe Mr. Manderson–with all due respect–can boast the most because he has traveled worldwide and have been privy to be amongst many other jurisdictions’ civil services. As one of the fastest growing countries in the west he may have right to say that. The Cayman Islands are still a free country, the dollar (though barely holding on) is still fairly strong and people worldwide flocking to this island. And although the civil service was suggested to be reduced some months ago it still seems to be operating pretty reliably. All their properties are modern, well kept inside and out, safe, have clean restrooms and water fountains, comfortable and most staff are polite (as is Caymanian tradition). Of course if you have a complaint, are you not satisfied with the service this is still one country where if you write in with a complaint you get an answer within a reasonable time or you have a place to go (Ombudsman’s Office) or press one of the smokey faces on the customer service stand (which is registered by the DOg’s office). As we consider the size of our Islands this article should not have been in here about the port’s spending; it is a disgrace. The Cayman Islands are no longer the islands which time forgot; we seem to be the islands of ridicule. When we have these types of Articles having to be written. Those who took part of the decision making to spend this type of money on such an occasion should perhaps be holding their heads down (even if they didn’t wake up with a hangover the next morning).

  10. Anonymous says:

    Just this year they increased port fees by 400% so they should be good to keep the party going. Groceries will go up for the rest of us but so it go.

  11. Anonymous says:

    heads will roll for this!…
    only joking…nothing stops the civil service clown show….
    welcome to wonderland

    • Anonymous says:

      6:27. Unfortunately port employees are not civil servants. The fact that the Port is an Authority should be a dead give away. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

      • Anonymous says:

        take a break jobsworth….
        anyone being paid from cig funds is a civil servsnt…no matter how you want to twist it….hence the incompetence and daily failures…

  12. Anonymous says:

    Sweet heavens Lord say it ain’t so.

    This needs to be looked at.

  13. Anonymous says:

    56k of public money for a Christmas party? Sorry that looks like fraud. The relationship between whoever authorised this and the people it was spent with should be investigated.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Simple solution, no Christmas funds for 9 years. Seems easy. If they want a Christmas party they throw thier own funds in.

    • Anonymous says:

      No Christmas funds at all! If you want a party then everyone should contribute. No public money whatsoever!

    • Sir Humphrey says:

      Having worked many years in the civil service in both London and Ottawa I have never heard of the state putting funds into Xmas parties for employees of the state.

      Everyone in London and Ottawa always contributed individually for Xmas parties.

      Problem we have here is that the CIG simply has too much money to throw around.

      Oh isn’t it nice to live in a place that is so rich and overflows with funds. 😢

      • Anonymous says:

        The problem is that the less principled board members have an inflated sense of self importance and entitlement , which in their minds, absolves them from the need to behave responsibly in positions of power.

      • Patricia Bryan says:

        @ Sir Humfrey thank you for an unbiased and independent input. Refreshing and certaining put the point into perspective.

  15. Anonymous says:

    This is why the public authorities fought against the public authorities act. They cannot accept civil service discipline when it comes to spending.

    I keep saying this. Another private sector board strikes again.

    When are we going to shut down this run away Authorities and return them to the civil service.

    • Anonymous says:


      Civil service discipline

      Franz, what is that ?

      • Anonymous says:

        3:17. Civil service allows their staff to spend $40 on their Christmas party. That sounds like discipline to me.

        Civil service has a travel policy that restricts business class travel. Ask the Authorities for their policies.

        Give credit where it is due.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Can’t expect too much from Humpy Dumpty and skinny Vennie father. can we ?

  17. Anonymous says:

    His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular
    salutes the PACI for their excellent use of the public purse. I have indeed much to learn from them.

  18. Elvis says:

    This is nothing compared to the rest of the foolishness going on if you look harder

    • Anonymous says:

      Just take a look at the vehicles being purchased for the ‘authorities’ and who get to use them.

      • Patricia Bryan says:

        @ 9:30 a.m. I give you credit here. But not only those vehicles. It appears there are now vehicles purchased annually for certain departments. And used frivolously. Including being parked in unscrupulous locations instead of adhering to the public’s services.

  19. Anonymous says:

    If the public does not see that the PACT GOvernment and its appointed Board(s) are on a spending spree it is simply because they do not want to see it!

  20. Anonymous says:

    SIPL Committee?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Fireworks?? WTF!!!who’s bright idea was this? The more I hear about these corruptions that continuously be swept under the rug the more I want direct rule. This is criminal. People homeless, people unemployed, can’t afford to live and you wasting our money on fireworks? So wrong on so many levels.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is that the one where the captain of the ship dockside was scared a firework would land on deck and Booooomm..?

  22. Anonymous says:

    Take off the 6k for fireworks, that works out about $300 per head, assuming 100% of staff turned up. What the actual???

    That money could be used to teach the drivers how to drive the big shipping containers around without lights on the rig that point into the faces of drivers directly behind them.

  23. 345Dude says:

    Such a shame and waste, just rlook what they’re doing with Expats’ “Tax” money. The public entities are truly being mismanaged.

  24. Anonymous says:

    NOT the civil service, please note. OK, bring it on, haters.

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair the unpaid civil servants (other than their salaries) do make a valuable contribution to the my experience.
      They have no vote and just watch as the greedy shout down any dissent .

  25. Anonymous says:

    Bet this isn’t the only government squander. No wonder CIG struggles with reporting on it’s accounts. Its a free for all and the party never stops.

    • Anonymous says:

      It isn’t, government appointed auditors are easily fooled and thrown off the scent.

      • Chris Johnson says:

        From what I see the Auditor General is doing a great job. Pray tell us what her team has missed. We do need whistleblowers.

        • Anonymous says:

          I said ‘appointed’ auditors, they sub-contract some of the work. As for whistleblowing, great idea but there is never any confidentiality in Cayman, this is how corruption continues. There is no fear of being called out, because they will know who did it and you pay heavily for it. You can’t be fired for whistleblowing so they will find another reason.

          • Anonymous says:

            Alternatively a long period of ‘gardening’ leave followed by an undisclosed settlement, and rock solid NDA. Money talks, BS walks!

          • Chris Johnson says:

            I am aware of some work being subcontracted out. I was a partner at Coopers and PWC for 31 years so I know the system. My firms certainly would have spotted any corruption. They were trained accordingly.
            Whistleblowing should be introduced. It would work.

        • Patricia Bryan says:


    • Anonymous says:

      The Carnival is very sweet, Don’t stop the Car-Ni-Val….

  26. Anonymous says:

    NO government entity should be spending public funds for entertainment and providing alcohol. They should be discouraging drinking and driving, not encouraging it!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Why are we not surpised.

    • Anonymous says:

      When you have a board whose members have political ambitions, or represent the interests of current MPs, then these gestures of generosity will stand them in good stead at election time.

  28. Anonymous says:

    The ice luge alone cost $15,000.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Hey why not, just open up the checkbook! They can always hike port fees if there is a shortfall.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Open to the public?

  31. Anonymous says:

    work hard! play hard!

  32. Anonymous says:

    Is there any room for me this year? Please!

  33. Anonymous says:

    What a disgraceful waste. Take the $56,000 out of the Port Director’s salary. If he refuses, fire him.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or just fire him and then file a judgment against him for the excess funds.

      Let’s set an example.

      • Anonymous says:

        Can’t fire him, he and all board members are UDP, and can see nothing wrong with dipping their hands in the public’s funds.

  34. Anonymous says:

    That is absolutely outrageous. And what will happen? Absolutely nothing. Nothing whatsoever. What a complete mess we’re in. Why doesn’t anyone do anything? Wayne? Where you at? Buffet lunch at some sustainability hot air event?

  35. Anonymous says:

    While excessive on paper, boosting morale through ways like this can go a long way in overall operating efficiency. Better to have a crew that WANTS to show up and work.

    We’re talking about a 0.2% figure factored into the yearly operating cost. Negligible. And no, I don’t work there, but my employer spoils us like this, and everyone loves to work there.

    • Anonymous says:

      so I guess you just skipped over the part where they are operating in a deficit.

    • Anonymous says:

      If a Christmas party is what it takes to make an eployee show up to work, those are the WRONG employees.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your employee might make a profit. They are in defect and we are funding it (not your employer). I’m all for morale boosting but not $6,000 on fireworks that literally go up in smoke. Stop government (& it’s related entities) spending money on those polluting waste of money fireworks and make a $1,000 donation to a needy family or two (boost their morale) & save the rest to offset your losses.

      • Anonymous says:

        I remember a former Port Board chairman who recommended that the Board should forego their annual Christmas dinner, and donate those funds to a Charity.
        That was done but evidently failed to set an example of responsible spending of public funds on the new board.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your employer is NOT spending the PUBLIC’S MONEY.
      Massive salary and stipend increases too in this uncontrolled self serving board.

  36. Anonymous says:

    my God. what a mess.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s just the trouble…lots of “WHAT A MESS” comments, but no action.
      The PACI board is made up of Politically appointed and protected members, with an added layer of protection offered by their minister Kenneth Bryan.
      Certain members are unfettered by the usual considerations of responsible behavior and leadership, and are enjoying their ability to stuff their pockets.

    • John says:

      That’s enough to take everyone to the Ritz-Carlton.
      As always, easy to be generous with someone else’s money.


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