COVID vaccine becomes a seasonal shot

| 14/08/2023 | 87 Comments

(CNS): Local cases of COVID-19 are on the decline and the last batch of Moderna vaccines on-island has expired. Therefore, the Public Health Department will no longer offer the shots on a monthly basis but will instead administer them seasonally, as is the case with the flu vaccines. Officials told CNS that since April, when the government last issued COVID statistics, no one has died after testing positive for the virus, and positive cases have been very low.

“Testing practices for COVID-19 have changed significantly from the peak of the pandemic. Currently, there is a much lower rate of testing and this typically occurs only if an individual is symptomatic and presents to a healthcare facility,” Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Gent said in response to CNS inquiries about the current situation relating to the coronavirus.

But in a press release about the change to seasonal vaccinations, he said the virus still poses a significant threat to the elderly and clinically vulnerable.

“As we move into the next phase of living with COVID-19, we will change our routine immunization programme to include making available annual boosters of COVID-19 vaccine to the elderly and vulnerable alongside our influenza immunization programme,” Dr Gent added.

Similar to the approach with the annual flu vaccines, Public Health will announce the new batch of COVID-19 vaccines once they arrive in the Cayman Islands. By the end of April, around 94% of people here had been given at least two doses of a COVID vaccine.

To date, 37 people died after testing positive for COVID-19 in the Cayman Islands. Around the world, more than 6.9 million deaths have been attributed to the virus since December 2019.

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Comments (87)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    And another thing…!

    The CIG/HSA has continued to cover up the issue of Long Covid. Their irresponsibility borders on being criminal.
    But what can you expect from the Panton-PACTless Clown Car?

    Mention Long Covid they look at you and then each other with blank stares, then recover with dumb looks on their faces. Then they begin to giggle and dance around and tweak each other’s red clown noses “Beep-beep-beep” while chattering:
    “Long Covid? Long Covid?
    No! No! Not true!
    Nothing to see here!
    Oh no! Not for you!
    No need for concern,
    No need to be blue,
    Just keep moving along,
    It’s not catching you!”
    And they prance away still chattering their silly rhyme…

  2. Jay says:

    No Vaxx Relaxx🤣🤣🤣

  3. Anonymous says:

    On the decline – are they serious – half the financial services / law firms are out with COVID

  4. Anonimous says:

    Since 1985, the Cayman Islands has seen 188 cases of HIV and 83 people have gone on to develop AIDS.

    The Caribbean Region has the second highest prevalence of the virus outside Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Globally, around 38.4 million people were living with HIV in 2021, with an estimated 1.5 million becoming newly infected last year.

    As many as 650,000 deaths were attributed to AIDS-related illnesses in 2021 and about 5.9 million people did not know that they were living with HIV in 2021.

    Most people infected with HIV experience a short, flu-like illness that occurs 2-6 weeks after infection.

    After this, HIV may not cause any symptoms for several years.

    HIV – Aids Symptoms

    The symptoms of HIV and AIDS vary, depending on the phase of infection.

    Primary infection (Acute HIV)

    Some people infected by HIV develop a flu-like illness within 2 to 4 weeks after the virus enters the body. This illness, known as primary (acute) HIV infection, may last for a few weeks.

    Possible signs and symptoms include:

    • Fever

    • Headache

    • Muscle aches and joint pain

    • Rash

    • Sore throat and painful mouth sores

    • Swollen lymph glands, mainly on the neck

    • Diarrhea

    • Weight loss

    • Cough

    • Night sweats

    The HSA is offering Free HIV-Aids Testing at the Red Cross, the Health Services Authority and at each District Clinic

    But what about the prevention measures to reduce tge spread of the virus in the community

    Years ago the Public Health provided Free Condums to patients who came into there offices for condums

    There were no HIV-Aids Preventative Marketing of this service to obtain Free Condoms or if it is still provided

    Little or no HIV-Aids Preventative Marketing on the number of people locally and regionally infected with the HIV-Aids Virus and no efforts by the Public Health Department to conduct site visits at bars and night clubs to issue locally and regional HIV-Aids Virus brouchers, flyers or pamplets with HIV-Aids Statistics along with Free Condums

    This may not only create full time HSA employment opportunities, but may it may also help to reduce the spread of the HIV-Aids Virus locally

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you. Much needed information
      I wonder why ministry of health is silent about this situation in Cayman.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I gOt tHe cOVid waCCiNe NAD I aM JUsT fInE. EVeN mY wRiTinG hsa IMpRoVed.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I have a few questions for the brightbox officials:

    I am elderly, with additional vulnerabilities; when/where can I get my booster?

    If the boosters are given on an annual basis, do the boosters offer immunity for an entire year?

    We need some followup info from these officials.

  7. Anonymous says:

    reading the comments it would be hysterical if it wasn’t so concerning just how cemented in your view you are, and yes, i mean you…all of you (except me of course).

    about 2 years ago you were not allowed mention ivermection without being labelled nuts or a horse. Now its slowly being acknowledged as the formidable mass use drug it always was, but don’t tell anyone who took 2 jabs and a booster that (and you’ll note, i didnt say ivermectin was a cure or treatment for covid, which it very likely is, but i have not said that)

    now we have the 2 jabs and a booster crowd astonished that the unvaccinated are still alive and equally in denial that there can be any link at all between ‘long covid’ or heart attacks or myocarditis or turbo-cancer and the jabs….the simple fact is nobody is 100% sure, but as time goes on, the odds are moving away from the jabs being safe and effective and towards the jabs being a potential cause for much of the excess deaths and sudden deaths and staggering injuries/’long covids’ we see reported daily wiht increasing frequency

    Covid is very similar to a super bad flu, and clearly affected obese and frail and old…just like super bad flus do.

    If you could remove the word ‘covid’ from the global mindset and just go back to calling things ‘flu’ and such, you’d stop panicking and maybe start getting a bit rational

    and btw, there are a lot of cancers, particularly rapidly progressing, in recent months and the past 2 years, and whether that is to do with ‘covid’ or the ‘jabs’, i dont know. But to simply discount either as a possibility simply because you took the 2 jabs and a booster OR didnt take any?


  8. Anonymous says:

    The comments and thinking on this article are truly scary. I suppose its as a result of the failing education standards here.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes….but we played their game.
      gat vaxxed so we can re-open and you can get to travel?
      it was a classic case of bait and switch.
      as a young healthy individual…i will not be taking future vaccines for a cold virus.

      • Anonymous says:

        Common colds don’t cause lasting complications in a significant percentage of people. And it’s not just older people or those who have pre-existing conditions who get long Covid. Young people get it, too, and it can be debilitating. There are medical studies about it, but no one has figured out why some people get long Covid and some people don’t. Being vaccinated don’t guarantee you won’t get long Covid, but it a) reduces the chances you’ll get Covid in the first place and b) reduces the chances you’ll get long Covid if you do get Covid. Assumedly, you are an adult, so you can make your own choices. But the question you have to ask yourself is, “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do you, punk?

    • Anonymous says:

      So true. Don’t Look Up is so applicable as is Idiocracy.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Can we do another prize raffle for the vaccine?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Never getting one again. I regret being scared into getting the first 2 and the booster. Now worried about the long-term affects.

    • Anonymous says:

      you do realize the long-term effects happen when you got COVID and were unvaccinated…..

      • Anonymous says:

        You can still have them removed in Florida if you hurry.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am unvaccinated and has had COVID twice and both times had no side effects. In fact I would not have known if another family who is fully vaccinated was very sick was tested and asked that we all in the yard be tested. From my experience the unvaccinated is riding this BAD-FLU MUCH BETTER than those vaccinated.
        just saying

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly – I was also scared into it despite not being in a risky age group. Now the side effects of the vaccine are becoming known, especially myocarditis in young men, this should only be recommended for adults 65 and over.

    • Anonymous says:

      Turn off facebook and tik tok liars, fraudsters, and scammers and worries about the vaccine go away. Turn on science based reporting and worry about the long term effects of Covid and how dangerous repeat infections are to your health.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Are there any statistics about how many people in Cayman are suffering from Long Covid, or have all of these mystery symptons and illnesses, or unexpected sudden onset chronic illness as a result of their covid infection?
    Getting covid may not kill you right away but it can certainly ruin your life in the long term.
    Taking the vaccine can reduce those risks we are told and I still want to get it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not sure we have the vaccine for the current spreading strain.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your body. Your choice. Foolish choice but it’s your decision.

    • Anonymous says:

      The vaccine won’t help other than give you peace of mind if you believe in it.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      I think the more important statistic is the amount of people on this island that have had a stroke or heart attack since taking the clot shot!

      I know personally of 4 people dead in the last year (less than 50) and 3 with strokes

      • Anonymous says:

        If it much more likely that the death, stroke, heart attack etc is as a result of the damage done to their vascular from their covid infection.
        I know it goes against everything you believe in, but please try to keep an open mind and read a medical review of these excess deaths rather than the conspiracy theories you read on the internet.
        The scientific research is quite compelling.

        • Anonymous says:

          Wow, I thought getting vaccinated was supposed to help. Why are people getting so sick and dying from strokes and heart attacks if they are vaccinated at a rate greater than 90%?
          Have you checked the deaths in Cayman the past couple of years? Or is that not part of your research?

          • Anonymous says:

            what is interesting, those who were over 70 and got jabbed, seem to be just fine, as far as I know. It is those who are younger than 70 were and are dying from clots, strokes and CVDs.

            • Anonymous says:

              that because most people over 70 is already on blood thinners and blood pressure medication they better not stop

        • Anonymous says:

          But nearly all Caymanians were vaccinated right away, they were standing in long lines to get it.
          How in the world did they damage their vascular system from the INFECTION?

      • Anonymous says:

        A supposedly sensible friend of mine pointed out that since Covid shots several people had died of cancer in Cayman and he is convinced they got it from the vaccine….forgetting of course….or ignoring the fact… they had been diagnosed before the whole Covid thing blew up. The idiocy of the vaccine naysayers is quite amazing.

        • Anonymous says:

          He probably forgot because his covid infections have caused degenerative neurological damage that is likely irreversible. I read scientific studies of people who were hospitalized with covid, and now genuinely have no memory of it ever happening to them.
          Brain fog, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, fatigue…all long covid symptoms but people are too sick to recognise them.

        • Anonymous says:

          cancer progression from stage 1 to 4 is now several weeks, instead of months. oncologists are overwhelmed, they try to save the younger ones, but it is unpredictable when 35yo comes in with a stage 4 of colon cancer

      • Anonymous says:

        will wait for you to post official stats on this…..zzzzzzzzzzzz

      • Anonymous says:

        Probably from their high carb diet of stew turtle and rice and beans, followed with a subway and popeyes supper..

      • Anonymous says:

        I see the decline in cognitive thinking from Covid is affecting you. Thoughts and prayers.

      • Anonymous says:

        So, esteemed medical examiner, what scientific methods did you utilize to arrive at this conclusion?

    • Anonymous says:


      The PPCC and HSA have been covering up Long Covid ever since clinicians and researchers started sounding the alarm about it on a global scale. Totally negligent.

  12. Anonymous says:

    How do we know local cases of covid are in decline? There isn’t any testing. Word on the street is that the opposite is true. There is currently an increase in cases. A lot of people are sick, but obviously there is no one to report it to and no one is keeping record.
    And the annual vaccine will only be available to the elderly and vulnerable? What about the rest of us that want to have one?

    • Anonymous says:

      You’ll thank them it’s not available later.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who cares ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Lost 2 family members to massive heart attacks within days of second CLOT SHOT! The UK and CANADA are now paying extensive compensation to ‘vaccine’ injury victims. US still has their heads up their a$$e$.

      Take it, if stupid enough! US CDC now admits that VACCINATED people are 90% of current cases!!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Just another cold virus. Take the vaccine if you want, but leave off the moral instruction (and bs quarantines.)

  14. Anonymous says:

    Positive cases are low because there is no longer a reporting requirement.
    There’s a new strain of Covid identified called ‘Eres’ so we still need to be vigilant.

  15. Anonymous says:

    yes sick with a mild cold virus…what your point?

    • Anonymous says:

      If youre sick, be considerate. Its not a fecking cold for everyone!

    • Anonymous says:

      The point is, that you are deliberately ignorant of, is that a cold for you may be more severe and dangerous for someone else.

      Unfortunately you live in a society with the rest of us. Don’t be a tool.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I can’t wait for my 27th booster!

  17. Anonymous says:

    if at risk get vaxxed….simple as that.
    no need to even mention the word COVID ever again to those healthy and under 65.
    you will never take my liberty away again.

    • Anonymous says:

      your liberty, lmao

    • Anonymous says:

      And there it is. The same tired trope that is blatantly untrue. Everyone that I know that has Covid now is fully vaccinated.

      As with every virus, it has mutated and is vaccine resistant. This is why the flu vaccine is changed every season.

      Critical thinking is a blessing. Try it sometime.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Fake news. Travellers are coming back with Covid infections daily. Ask anyone. They know of people sick with it.


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