Bush case stalls over legal costs

| 08/07/2023
Cayman News Service
McKeeva Bush

(CNS): Former premier and speaker of the House McKeeva Bush (68) appeared in Grand Court briefly on Friday, facing charges of rape and indecent assault, but the case was adjourned until next week as the veteran West Bay politician is facing issues over legal representation. Bush was still walking with the aid of a cane and wore a face mask as he entered the dock.

Currently represented by local defence attorney Dennis Brady, Bush is at this point paying for his own defence in this historic sexual assault case. He is already dealing with charges of indecent assault against two women at an official tourism event last September, which he has denied, and is due to face trial in that case later this year. Depending on his personal finances, he is entitled to appeal for legal aid, given the seriousness of the charges he faces.

No trial date has been set in the latest case, and Bush has not yet answered the charges, though he has categorically denied the allegations and is expected to plead not guilty.

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