Violent crime spike continues in GT
(CNS): Police are investigating a number of violent crimes that occurred over the last few days, including two armed robberies and a serious assault, all in George Town, as the current crime spike rolls on. On Monday morning, an undisclosed restaurant on Shedden Road, east of North Sound Road, was robbed by a masked gunman.
Officers were called out to the scene around 2am and were told that a masked man had entered the restaurant brandishing a firearm and demanded cash from the staff. He then fled on foot with an undisclosed sum of money from the register.
Police said no shots were fired and no one was hurt. The robber was about 5’5” and had a dark complexion. He was wearing a hooded top and light-coloured pants and had his face covered.
This followed a robbery early on Saturday morning, 25 June, at a property in Antony Drive, where a couple were robbed at their home by two men wearing all black clothes. One, who was armed with a gun, approached them as they arrived at the house at about 12:30am and they got out of their vehicle.
Officers who answered a report of suspicious activity in the area conducted inquiries and learned that the couple had been forced into their house by the armed men. The robbers then demanded money and fled the location in a small, light-coloured vehicle with an undisclosed quantity of cash and personal items.
No shots were fired, and no one was physically injured during the incident. The men are both described as being between 5’6″ and 5’8″. They wore black ski masks and gloves.
Then around 12:50am Sunday morning, police officers on patrol on North Church Street, near Kirk Market, spotted an altercation between three men on the roadside. As the officers approached, one of the men assaulted one of the others and then fled the location on a bicycle.
The police spoke to the remaining men, who said they were already at the location when the third man approached and tried to rob them. They resisted and a struggle ensued before the culprit made off on the bike. He appeared unarmed, but one of the other men received minor injuries during the struggle.
The suspect was about 6′ tall, of slim build and light complexion, and was wearing a grey t-shirt and black shorts.
Last Thursday afternoon, 22 June, around 1:50pm, a man received serious injuries after he was chopped in the head by another man with a machete. When the armed police arrived at the scene, the attacker had already left the area, and the victim was being treated by paramedics. He was taken to hospital, but his wounds were said not to be life-threatening.
So far this year, the police have recorded around 16 armed robberies, including the stick-up at a bank ATM and a list of violent assaults involving blades. One of these was a murder in which the victim and a second man who survived both received multiple stab wounds.
Anyone with information about any of these violent crimes is asked to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to
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Kenneth Bryan’s Constituency!!!
Kenny’s people.
Maybe stop letting the “fishing” boats cruise in and out? If they’re not bringing in drugs and guns I’ll eat my straw hat.
Pipe down! The cocaine in South Sound will be cut off!
Ever wonder why so many construction worker types travel around all day with their faces covered? COVID presented an opportunity to mask one’s identity without anyone questioning it. Since no one is really concerned about COVID anymore, why are these guys still masking up? I’ve heard some claim that it’s for sun protection but that’s bull. Construction guys never used to cover their faces before COVID, so why are they so concerned with sun protection now? The real reason is to make it harder to track their movement via security and traffic cameras. The bad guys know that criminals in Cayman have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted based on CCTV footage. Remember the 5 CNB bank robbers? CCTV footage is what got them busted and convicted. These guys are now masking up as they stake places out, plan escape routes, etc. Masking up means the cops can’t place them at the scene.
Guys driving around in broad daylight with their faces wrapped up should be pulled over, questioned and searched. Come on RCIPS, this practice doesn’t strike you as suspicious?
Temperatures can reach above 90 degrees. What is so unbelievable about sun protection? Why don’t you go work in the hot sun without a hat, shades and garter and come back and tell us how much if it is really bullSh*t?
Try keeping your side of the street clean for a change.
Nothing at all will be done so you may as well get the burglar bars up. Lets become more like Jamaica as that is what our politicians want anyway.
Can we not move some of these earlier in the day so they coincide with the cruise ship times in port? I’d like to offer a unique tour experience but the ships are leaving far too early.
Best comment ever
Drugs, numbers, guns, and gang-sponsored loan sharking means that government-sanctioned crime is heading higher. Ask how many gang leaders have been arrested since Sheldon Brown in 2006, and why that number is zero? Who has been in charge during that period? Who shot Dr Frank?
We can’t hear anything from the Churches either.
Put the word ‘gay’ into the subject and all the noises and prophecies will come up. That is literally the only way to hear from them.
Or just say it’s drag queens committing the robberies and every clergyman will talk about it on Sundays.
“Gay robbers terrorizing our community” That may work?
That for sure will wake them up.
Just give them their 10% and be quiet.
Me ??? They ain’t getting a cent from my gay self. They need to work for it, just like any good Christian should.
Past time for the UK to send in military police, armored units and armed patrols day and night.
Scotland Yard, we need real detectives post haste!
And if we can’t get this help, request a traffic patrol and anti gang division from the Americans, rather than flush millions of doLlars into worthless cameras.
RCIPS needs a basic performance audit. Any competent manager would have commissioned this internally years ago. Public Accounts Committee could externally recommend it, and for myriad other departments too. But the CIG doesn’t really want the public to quantify how much money is wasted. The fat cats don’t want to field criticism, publish failing grades, or change, even if to improve. “What’s happening with all that money”, nobody asks. It’s the winning question to get fired or put on indefinite paid leave.
No different from any CIG agency.
We’re not even talking about the level of expertise of RCIPS members, which doesn’t exist, everything is much worse, many are at the level of mental disability with cognitive deficits.
Many, most definitely, have learning disabilities which were never evaluated and addressed.
My assumptions are based on 2 encounters with RCIPS that left me in disbelief.
that does come down to where the officers are from unfortunately.
Why we have all the Jamaican officers on the payroll.
Caymaicans, bobo
And new airport terminal for the rich!! King Charles please save us from these politicians….
We live in a country smaller in geographic size than most small villages and towns elsewhere in the world. We have a population of no more than 80,000 full time residents, with maybe 20,000 stayover tourists at any one time. That’s 100,000 people. How many of those are in desperate straits to the point that they need to commit armed robbery? How many are just plain no-good and commit armed robberies just for kicks? I’d say, not many. So why can’t RCIPS find these guys and arrest them?
I believe it was back in the 90s that RCIPS called in Scotland Yard to assist with crimes that we couldn’t handle ourselves. Make the call Governor or Deputy Governor or Chief of Police or whoever needs to make it. Make the call, bring in the experts to investigate, gather evidence, arrest, prosecute and sentence. These crimes are a black mark on an otherwise peaceful country.
so 200 people per cop and they can’t catch anyone, can’t prevent crime, can’t solve crimes? When I was growing up we had and equivalent of “district” or “area” cops who knew every family, every troubled person in his area. Sort of like a “family” cop. Everyone knew him, and he knew everyone.
There weren’t that many immigrants back then
Exactly – this is surely our problem.. we have enough criminals of our own..we must stop importing criminals and property.
We must vet these people properly! And for God sake – stop this work permit, status and permanent residency we are at an exploding point. Big time Security risk is where we at!!
After decades of passive reactionary policing, we should understand that it doesn’t discourage opportunistic crime and acts of violence. Our street cops are too used to their comfortable function as unsolved mystery insurance reporting clerks. Redoubling this useless effort doesn’t nothing. Uniformed officers and vehicles need to be deployed visibly in the community, with eyes open, to provide a credible deterrence, and narrow the response time gap. The management-level cops need to be on the streets with them to provide revised performance expectations, and instructions. There are some very specific locations and times, where Terry-Stops should be a regular expected response for those continually doing stupid $#!%. Arrest gang leadership, and any politicians connected to them. Doing this will save lives and help restore years of forfeited public confidence. Might even help get us off the FATF watchlist.
RCIPS should be trained and armed, for their own safety and that of the citizens. If an officer happens to roll up upon an armed robbery in progress, he or she can do little except attempt to follow the criminal.
In the U.S., UK and other countries, snitches are paid informants. There is often funding for this specific purpose. We should embrace this useful option.
Arm our cops? Too frightening to consider.
Kenny will have a solution shortly!
If it involves spending some more of our money I am sure he will have a great deal of input.
Dam! Chopped in the head with a machete! What is this… Braveheart medieval island?
With the millions in budget surplus every year the politicians should be allocating Singapore surveillance cameras and tracking around this tiny island especially in crime hot spots.
Also funding of crime repercussions education to Cayman students every single semester with trained staff presenters with police and perhaps a field trip to Northward prison.
But alas politicians will likely instead fund tens of millions into floating docks research for cruise ships and other Peter Pan projects rather than social stability and security.
no surveillance on this rock…and this is by design…
Perhaps we need to go all authoritarian for once and demand people carry their work permits at all times. It is creepy but I feel we need to clean out our Islands and remove those that are here illegally.
Pick up people and make them produce their papers. If they don’t exist or are expired, immediately fingerprint, photograph and then deport them.
I don’t see another way but I’m certainly open for other solutions.
Jawohl, mein herr
“Your papers please!” reminiscent of Nazi Germany sounds cool
27 @ 6:26am ….or PRESENT day Israel!!
So what? Israel is surrounded by fanatical lunatics and they try to keep their country safe.
Everybody carries their wallet and purse with identification so why not have WORC issue a driver’s license like work permit?
Seems to be a step in the right direction towards ridding the country of illegals.
Israel is committing genocide against Palestine, but your cognitive dissonance will never allow you to think critically.
We can’t do that. It might bring to light that the criminals are Caymanian. Then what would you have to say. Oh yeah, they all turned to crime because the expats stole their jobs.
Wayne, McKeewa, Kenneth, Saunders we can’t hear you.
Blah, Blah, blah, blah….Can you hear me? They have been saying the same for decades.
Alden, Tara, JuJu and an army of others…. stand against domestic violence, child abuse, violence against women…rinse and repeat…