Bush says McTaggart is ‘incapable’ PAC chair
(CNS): McKeeva Bush took aim at Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart Wednesday in response to McTaggart’s criticism of his appointment to the Public Accounts Committee. Bush accused McTaggart of being an “incapable chair” and of leaking documents relating to the PAC when he was on an audit team before being elected to parliament.
In an angry address, Bush focused on his legal troubles and denied beating any women, despite his conviction for doing just that. But he claimed he had been forced out of office because of “political machinations”, and denied the current charges he faces as well as the assault conviction, even though he pleaded guilty to those charges.
Bush also erroneously claimed that video footage of his assault on the bar manager of the Coral Beach Bar, for which he was convicted, proved he didn’t assault the victim but rather that the victim and another person had beaten him up.
Bush said during his years of service, he had learned not to respond to non-credible people, but he set about doing so not because McTaggart was credible but because the criticism warranted a response.
The veteran MP for West Bay West repeatedly denied abusing women and said he had never abused his wife. He asked why some people had been horsewhipped by their wives and said that “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t pelt rock stones”.
Bush claimed he had a legacy of helping women, from the labour laws he introduced to the creation of the Ministry for Women’s Affairs, and that women in Cayman were “better off” now because of him.
Bush said he had served the country for decades with dedication and pride. He said he was a duly elected member, Father of the House, and had a right to serve on the PAC, but had thought long and hard about serving on it because he did not want to “serve an incapable chair”. However, because the government needed him, he was prepared to do it.
See Bush’s statement below on CIGTV:
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Category: Politics
To think that PACT has given the cloak of relevance to this ignominious screecher! This contributes even more to the already ample heap of evidence that they are truly deserving of the moniker “Panton-PACTless Clown Car”. And they just got bigger by adding another clown to their number.
Now the people can see the truth: Panton and Mac…truly birds of a feather.
It’s the Public Accounts Committee, not a Private Accounts Committee. He is not handling classified documents. In his pursuit of secrecy, Bush continues to vocalize acceptable reasons for his own disqualification.
We should ask ourselves, what does KeeKee have on people that he can continuously get appointed to positions he doesn’t deserve after every misstep during his career?
We should also ask ourselves, when are we going to force this usless governmental system we have to change instead of talking about it?
We have already asked that question in a myriad of ways. KeeKee has some hold on things which we cannot ken. Some of his constituents laud him as a mafia Don. Let us not forget: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=derikGAEE9g
Third world is as third world does.
PPM got married to McKeeva Bush and accommodated all his antics as the joint leader and Speaker for the PPM led UNITY government when all of this was politically expedient for them to get into power.
Alden married Mckeeva and all the PPM fanatics gleefully accepted him as one of their own even after successive scandals as Speaker of the House.
PPM have demonstrated they have mastered the art of pure politricks at all costs. Hoping that people forget about their sordid history and all the scandals as a government that sold out Caymanians and this country.
We must never forget who they are plus the special interests groups that are desperate for their return to power that own and control the PPM.
Unfortunately, former PPM Cabinet member and now Premier of Pact seems to have made the same mistake about Bush given his history of unruly behavior and lack of self control.
What a delusional FOOL!
McKeeva has presided over financial irregularities for decades. Some of us recall that McKeeva was an overseeing Director of First Cayman Bank which filed for bankruptcy in 1997, mere days after CIMA announced proposed sale to Gulf Union Bank, and then blew a smokescreen. The Bahamian Government had $100mln in bad loans on the associated Bahamas Resolve account via Gulf Union collapse. Other stakes included a $10mln loan with convicted felon and former Texas Oilman, Thomas “Mick” Hajacate. The Hajacate family had been famously indicted in early 1973 on 84 counts of conspiracy via a daisy-chain scheme where they sold “old pre-1973 oil” as “fresh oil” to USA refineries, banking an unsportsmanlike spread of >$9 a barrel (1973 dollars). Seems like they took that racket offshore with rival Qatari Sheik money. The then West Indian governments lost money, and some of the principals suffered accidents and/or disappeared. All these years later, the public still doesn’t know the full story, just little bits here and there. It is remarkable that McKeeva is still deemed clean enough to preside on a government financial oversight committee in 2023 by a regime, whose main industrial pillar, is also battling an international regulatory optics and credibility crisis.
Yes a sordid tale… You left out many things, including a number of highly questionable status grants. The fact is that many are indebted to him. Is that why there has seemingly never been any investigation, let alone prosecution, despite evidence being freely scattered about…
That’s oversimplifying a bit. There were also his underworld thugs and intimidators at his and rival campaign rallies, and of course the infamous West Bay park treating event that wasn’t prosecuted. The MPs that continue to stand in lockstep, and refuse to amend the Elections Law to banish those like him, were not the recipients of 2003 Status Grants.
Don’t forget the condos at the Ritz Carlton recieved by Mac from Michael Ryan. Anybody know what they were for?
He is absolutely horrendous. Cayman, you should be ashamed. He has zero remorse for anything.
We will never get off the grey list now. Wayne is a lawyer, he worked in a law firm, for crying out loud! Doesn’t he see the bad optics in appointing this man to the PAC, he should not be on any board, well maybe a washboard. We cannot prevent his constituents from electing him, they have the option, but he should never, ever be appointed to any board, never become the premier or deputy premier nor speaker again. Don’t make these ludicrous appointments and then expect the newly appointed Governor to get us off the grey list. The Premier and his Pack really need to realise that what we do on this Rock is world news. After all we are a financial center and people/ firms liaise with each other. So sick and tired of them!!
i have no sympathy for the Premier. He sacrifced his integrity in order to become Premier. Now he must lie with with these PACT members and get the fleas of incompetence. Has no one noticed that there was no debate on the Bills yesterday? Most of them probably did not even read them or understand them.
His contribution last night was at an all time low. Disgraceful.
ha ha ha! politics at its best…una dont talk politics to me next election…me no want hear it…lol….zzzzz
Baby Trump gonna baby Trump.
McKeeva is the most successful politician in Cayman history. Seriously, do the math. What does this say about us?
Yes. He should be replaced with Hunter Biden
Hey…. Maybe it’s worth a try.
McKeeva really has entertained us enough.
Time to call it a day.
Wayne needs to go. This whole thing is disgusting and his continuous enablement of Mac is actually scary.
They ALL need to go. Every last one of them is incapable of running these islands.
It is scary indeed that an uneducated buffoon should consider (the former senior partner of a very large accounting firm) Roy to be incapable as Chair of PAC.!!!
Who says Roy was that capable at that named firm Him?
Unfortunately, McKeeva is allowed to stay exactly where he is until 2025. Voters that don’t like this must petition to amend the Elections Law to disqualify those with criminal records. Criminals should be picking up trash, and flipping burgers, not handling money, setting policy, and passing loopholed laws for their donors in exchange for consultation fees and condos.
Mac, Mac, Mac! You don’t see what’s coming down the pipeline for you? They are tightening the noose around your neck and you are there trying to castigate a fellow native with your BS! Remember a few things, you have been in the Parliment for 4 decades and it’s now dawning on you that WB needs a high School? Tell the people why you never built a HS, a community center, expanded the WB clinic, gave all the CROWN land to the Dart Corporation, never thought of the elderly and less fortunate persons, bought land to expand the cemetery but sold it to developers and now have to bury your peps in a watering hole, etc etc etc!! Remember, you don’t have your friend to bail you out of these new allegations like he did in the past!!
I am wondering why they kept elected him?
I meant to type ” why they keep electing him?”
Microwaves, hams, turkeys.etc..simple minds are bought with simple things.
Do they? The 2021 West Bay West race was a photo finish. According to the Elections.ky count, Bush narrowly edged Mario Ebanks by just 27 votes. 458:431 Bush received 30 more votes by postal and mobile ballot than Ebanks. 200:170 and that’s what made the difference. It should be suspect that nearly half the district votes were tabulated by mail or mobile voting. Suspicious enough that the register for WBW ought to be scrubbed against immigration records to see who is properly and normally resident in the islands, who has died, and who voted twice.
It is commonly known as stupidity!
Casting aspersions on someone but not giving any details is Mac’s calling card. I highly doubt there is anything other than Mac desperately trying to make an honest person look bad and himself look like the innocent one. Mac needs to hang it up – its getting pathetic. Wayne com on man – what have you done to this country?
Quick question, did he use his walker to get into parliament yesterday or is it only for court appearances?
McTaggart is more equipped to be Chairman than he could ever be? At least Roy is a qualified accountant. Remind me of Mac’s qualification again.? Re getting a high school for west bay. That could be a benefit and a detriment- depending on which side one focuses on. Perhaps he should have a consultation with a physiologist before embarking on that.
“i just gine let you know my fellow caymanyun, I think you wotless, but I getting paid for this, so I’ll play along with your show.”
We are such crabs in a bucket 🙁
So because you ‘made’ women better gives you the right to beat up on them and harass them.
Someone should give ya a good lick old man…
Mac never been beat with a “horsewhip”.
cow cod?
What a sad deluded wretch Mac is. The fact that the Speaker allowed this idiot to use his parliamentary platform to repeatedly deny his crimes is also a major embarrassment🙄 I hope the piper claims his debt on Mac soon, Cayman needs rid of him for good.
I thought the judge would have warned him to keep his mouth shut about his case while it is active.
Parliamentary privilege is a legal immunity in which legislators are granted protection against civil or criminal liability for actions done or statements made in the course of their legislative duties.
Even if it influences the jury pool?
Correct. And, if I had Parliamentary privilege, I would make good use of it.
With regard to the accusation, made inside Parliament, of Roy McTaggart leaking (presumed audit) documents:
the accusation by Mac = Mac has Parliamentary priviledge, so he is protected
the accusation against Roy = Roy has no protection within Parliament for this.
This accusation needs to be investigated by his professional regulatory body(ies), either CIIPA and/or his CPA Accreditation regulatory body.
It may not mean that he will lose his Parliament seat, but he may be disciplined or lose his CPA if found guilty of the accusation.
Am I right?
Am I right?
Sure, every wild accusation made by Mac to distract from his own despicable behavior should be investigated. Hmmmmn, where do we start?
Don’t stop the Carnival!
Sorry Mac, you’ve got to own your conviction for beating that poor woman. You plead guilty! What a pig.
Is Mac still wearing a mask and using a walker, or is that just for Court appearances?
The Country made you lots of money while you were serving the Country
So? What is your point?
he served himself as they all do
The silence from those PACT supporters who say they promote good governance is alarming.
Reminds me of the stunt Harvey Weinstein pulled.
East End facility can’t open soon enough.
Please keep Jim in West Bay.
It’s “the Islands that time forgot”…not the politicians that forget time. Something that couldn’t be more up for this career megalomaniac. GET OUT.
You tell that fuddy-duddy big Mac as you are the man.
Looking good in that suit and green pocket treatment, no wonder all the ladies go crazy for you!
I cannot believe that this shameless repeat offender has such delusions of grandeur and relevance.
I also can’t believe that Wayne is still kissing up to him. Putting Mac in any position of authority, is like giving a pyromaniac a box of matches. Time will confirm what we already know about Mac.
Cayman on the progress scale… 0%
What a joke to the world we are.
We’re actually regressing
We really are regressing. It started with Big Macs status grants and has continued as we neglect Caymanians. In our heyday there was a strong focus on building up Caymanians and we owe a lot to the early foreigners who integrated and mentored the locals. Now, there’s a bunch or arrogant and selfish holier-than-thou types that have seized power and worked towards our destruction. What do you expect to happen if this continues? Everybody talking but nobody doing anything… empty soundbytes over and over and over
McKeeva’s stink started long before 2003. He was chalking-up foul global headlines for us in the early 1990s. Some of us still remember First Cayman Bank, all of the senior people that disappeared, and the hush that followed. Years before Stan Thomas faxes, Mike Ryan-Royal Bank of Scotland bailouts, Bush-Missick joint summonings to Colombia, Status Foundation donations, Nation Building Funds, Criminal Gang Leader negotiations, $250k per month gambling habits, and other career repertoire. For the last 30 years, whenever something stank in or for Cayman, he or one of his circle were either at the levers, or not far away.
Could the Attorney General please explain?
The Lutheran foundation bailed out RBS and Michael Ryan. The Ritz Carlton was a vanity project and went bust. Michael Ryan walked away very rich and the Lutheran’s lost all of their money ($240 million).
Speaking of mentoring youg Caymanians. Some of the dinosaur supervisors and managers didn’t want me to set a challenging curriculum since they feared being usurped. A sickening waste of talent.
Ceilings and obstacles should not exist within firms employing young bright school leavers. We are negating our future and chance of self sufficiency. HR needs to be ultravigilant to ensure young recruits have a nurturing environment. This is a tall supervision order for WORC too, I know but the buck ultimately stops at the Minister responsible for employment.
If all parties aren’t truely vested in the process Cayman will stagnate, the brain drain and our major reliance on work permits will continue.
You realize who Minister of Labour is , right? I won’t hold my breath that he can even understand the content of your message. We’re not in a good spot at all.