Westin 10-storey re-vamp needs traffic survey
(CNS): At a Central Planning Authority meeting last month, the board adjourned an application by Invincible Investment Corporation for a more than $153 million re-vamp of the Westin Hotel on Seven Mile Beach. The CPA has ordered the developers to undertake a traffic survey to assess the impact of the proposed ten-storey tower and expanded conference facility on the area. This is the second application by the Westin to redevelop the existing hotel site. The first attempt in 2020 was refused.
The application was knocked back two years, ago largely as a result of inadequate parking, most of which would be located offsite, and the impact on the West Bay Road. Although this second application has not changed significantly, according to the minutes of last month’s meeting, the reconsideration by the CPA has given the hotel owner another chance.
The CPA has directed the applicant to submit a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) based on the requirements of the National Roads Authority and approved terms of reference, which the board will ultimately approve. In the minutes the CPA said the assessment would “assist it in making a fully informed decision regarding traffic impact including the proposed off-site parking”, as well as the issue of the safety of pedestrians crossing the West Bay Road.
The NRA said that there would be a “moderate to significant” impact from making the resort larger on both the West Bay Road and the Esterley Tibbetts Highway, and there had been discussion with the developers about removing the turning lane and creating a median in the area based on the complete streets concept. “This is a good basis in which to handle the increase in traffic that will occur with this proposed project,” the NRA stated in its submissions.
The project will increase both foot and road traffic as the application proposes increasing the rooms at the Westin from 343 to 559 in a hotel annexe. It will include a much larger conference facility than currently exists, as well as several changes of use to the existing buildings and two new swimming pools, one on the ground floor and one on the rooftop. It will also see some of the existing hotel being demolished to make way for the ten-storey tower.
According to the minutes, there are no objectors to the project as the neighbouring Villas of the Galleon strata withdrew their objections following a meeting with the developers that addressed their concerns. Invincible Investment has also agreed to the Department of Environment’s directive and recommendations.
The DoE had reviewed and provided comments for previous proposals and found that an environmental impact assessment on the project was not necessary. However, there are several environmental concerns associated with the project that will need to be addressed. Having laid out the problems, including the risk to turtle nesting and the erosion of the beach, the DoE had issued a number of directions and recommendations. The experts also welcome the change in the new plans to remove a fire lane from the beach and other hard structures.
In addition to directions aimed at protecting nesting turtles, the DoE stressed the importance of retaining the sand that will be excavated during construction and putting back on the beach to stabilise it. “The sand reserves in front of the resort are important to the resilience of the beach system and are a natural source of sand which replenishes the beach profile after major storms,” the experts said.
During the meeting last month the developers’ representatives were questioned extensively about the parking issues and the plan to have most of it across the street. They told the CPA that they could not create integral parking on the site because of the water table and prohibitive engineering costs.
When asked about the timeframe for the project, architect Andrew Gibb told the board that it was hard to say. He said the owners were watching the financial markets daily as the price of some construction materials has come down while others have gone up. But with 70% of the final design drawings completed and some $5 million already spent, the project was moving forward. Once it starts, the construction will take anywhere between 28 to 30 months.
See the CPA meeting in the CNS Library (scroll down to “Westin”).
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Category: development, Local News
What a bad Mac impersonator or is he just Mac mouth piece/PR rep. Puppets on a string.
Who is Invincible Investments?
A large group of investors from Japan.
It’s not just managing cars, trucks, and pedestrians. The NRA have had a published plan, mandate, and budget to deliver bicycle infrastructure in every road design since 2015. Who are the NRA Board members that are waiving this requirement, and on whose authority are they obstructing this agreed effort? They need to be investigated for corruption and replaced. 7 years of budgets paid and spent. Where are they?
I’m all for responsible set back 7 to ten story like Caribbean club and watermark that looks after the beach, but this Westin one wants parking across the road. Save yoshi and the falls! People love the falls! That’s where their parking would be
Allowing developers to purchase empty lots which they then turn into “off site parking” simply enables them to build buildings that are too large for the land they occupy. It is also EXACTLY how they killed Georgetown. 7 mile beach, you’re next.
What about the elephants in the room, well on West Bay Road.
1/ Old Hyatt: an eyesore since 2004
2/ Lacovia: dead in the water, take down the hoarding
3/ Treasure Island-Margaritaville: soon to look like old Hyatt
4/ Grand Hyatt: A half a dozen guys sharing a hammer can not build a project that size.
5/ Kailani Hotel: Work has stopped, they even have removed the crane, it’s dead.
Driven down South Sound Road lately? Northwest Point?
and Royal Palms, Calico Jacks, Spanish Bay Resort, Britannia Gold Club House, the Yellow cottage next the Darts house…all eyesores…the owners should be ashamed!
Ashamed, and fined.
For 5/ Kailani (across from Kirk’s supermarket). I noticed that as well, no workers and the crane dismantled.
Wonder what happened?
George Town Revitalization team must have taken over the project.
7mb is nothing special anymore. Lost the island vibe a few years back w/ the tunnel and Kimpton. Closing Royal Palms and Calico killed it. Building all the cement high rise and highways around it demolished all hope.
Poor fool. The hotels are currently running near 100% occupancy.
100%? Got 2 friends working at 2 separate hotels and that isn’t what they are reporting.
Get some new friends who work at better hotels.
5:56, Simply not true.
Wonder? Some genius thought they could sell multi-million dollar condos on ironshore next to a cemetery. I built my house with ICF and was told it should not be exposed to UV for longer than 12 months. They are going on 4 years.
Sorry to say but the Seven Mile Beach corridor is going to hell. We are losing it with tourists as we are well over priced and the quality experience is no more.
Sad but true.
100% Miami Dave. The product is no longer there to justify paying the price.
I’m all for responsible set back 7 to ten story like Caribbean club and watermark that looks after the beach, but this Westin one wants parking across the road. Save yoshi and the falls! People love the falls! That’s where their parking would be
Cayman islander gets a pass…missing east side sidewalk, lighting, sporadic partial bike considerations – clogged with parked cars at the Ritz. Lots of 3rd world execution issues that tourists notice..
Grand Hyatt, Kailani, Lacovia will happen but likely the developers have put on hold until interest rates (as these are all bank financed) and construction cost inflation stabilise
The most beautiful, Caribbean designed hotel that’s got loads of character, a great beach, and just 3 storeys high needs a new design to look more like Miami
. This project should only be approved if its max 5 storeys high and doesn’t include another swimming pool.
only question is…where is the cig development plan for grand cayman?
My trip in August was my last. Too much concrete. Too much traffic. No longer an island destination. Love the people, but the island has been ruined as a relaxing, travel destination.
Go to little cayman?
I keep seeing these posts “ go to little cayman”. Can you tell me more? Thought little cayman was really only for divers? Anything else there to entertain someone for a week? Thank you.
No. Nothing else. And I hope that it stays that way FOREVER. If you cannot appreciate and enjoy it for what it is, do not go.
Are there beach bars? Small restaurants? Is it like GC back in the 80’s? I don’t need much, but I am a horrible cook. :-))
planning online system still down cant submit anything, when in the world will they fix this?
I really don’t understand how DART lost the bid on this hotel. Agreed it was pricey but they literally own all of the property from the Westin to the North Sound, they could have built a pretty incredible resort that included the golf course.
Their presentation failed to mention that the land across the street on which they proposed to locate the vast majority of their parking requirement, is in fact Crown owned land.
5:22 pm So is the land on which the hotel sits.
So that’s why they are charging outrageous rates! They need some extra $$$$ for this new construction which will just continue to destroy the look of 4mb and add to traffic congestion.
This is, in fact, not true.
Go ahead and publish the land registry documents for us then homie.
11:01 am Exactly. However, it’s impossible to post the registers here but the relevant information is as follows: Block 11D Parcel 45 is the main parcel which clearly shows Crown ownership. Then there are three “sub” registers for the leasehold interests. They are known as Block 11D Parcels 45/1, 45/2 and 45/3 (which is “Invincible”, the current applicant seeking to redevelop the site).
Except for the part where it is.
7:41 am In fact, you are wrong. Check the Land Registry details. The Westin Hotel is only on leased land owned by the Crown.
we need to spread this info
Perfectly said.
Once again with the stupid NRA pedestrian refuges. We tried that already, on the same strip of road, with white picket fences, and it was not only a disaster but very expensive unwinding and removing them. There is still a residual hump in the road from that failed exercise northbound turn lane into Coconut Plaza. It’s also a formula for bottlenecking all traffic twice a day. Welcome to Cayman, ye visitors, where the dumbest ideas are recycled and reign supreme.
Lol thanks for bringing back memories of my childhood. I will never forget watching an ambulance unable to get around traffic due to the refuges the very night they installed them. They were about as great of an idea as the nets at Marriott to hold in the sand… both were removed so quickly it was comical.
What about a multi-story parking lot?
Problem solved. Your welcome.
No need to pay me $5million for a consultation report etc…
In Cayman? I’m going to open a bodyshop right next door!
There are lots of multi story parking lots here already. What is the issue with them exactly ? I have never witnessed an accident or body work needing to be done any more than a regular parking lot ?
Someone, please remind DART about multi-story parking. Camana Bay is a mess with parking. More buildings coming up with no significant addition to parking.
4:13 pm Why remind Dart? They’ve got nothing to do with this application.
They sit half empty most days because people won’t use them as they are intended. There are at least two parking spaces in Camana Bay for every person who lives and works there. George Town now….
Because Ken’s army of genius architects being paid mid 6 figure salaries only specified the parking as high as the first-generation buildings done 15 years ago.
With zero foresight for the future.
Jackie & Van der Velde, what say you?
There’s ample parking dude, what are you talking about?
You mean build more multi-storey parking lots where people are too lazy to go beyond the second floor ? There’s always space at the top, people just can’t be bothered to go that far !
That’s because parking lots are not lucrative until you need absolutely need them.
Picadilly building’s car park was ahead of its time. Billy Adam had foresight. This will be appreciated in time.
Picadilly is a piece of shit. One of the three worst designed structures in Cayman.
Out of curiosity, what are the other two? Obviously somewhat subjective but you have my attention.
Got my attention too.
What are the other two “worst designed structures in Cayman”?
The Courthouse for one.
The Toronto parking garages tho.
That’s where the action is!!
Finally, a smart solution. But it’s the parking that needs to be 10 stories, to be effective for the next 25 years of development in the area.
Also, not just one.
Look to the South …..
Former Almond Tree site
Former Pageant Beach site
One George Town…
Next up : South Church STreet .
You want to see a multi storey parking structure on the beach side of 7MB??? what are you smoking?
Why not keep adding structures to 7MB. The beach is ruined. West Bay Rd. Is ruined. There is no more view of the beach. Just rows of concrete, one after the other. Might as well add whatever you want. Beach is done.
“During the meeting last month the developers’ representatives were questioned extensively about the parking issues and the plan to have most of it across the street. They told the CPA that they could not create integral parking on the site because of the water table and prohibitive engineering costs.”
The site can’t support an engineered parking lot, but it can support a 10 Storey fully occupied Hotel?! I ust be missing something…please exlain.
In other words, they don’t want cars taking up valuable room space.
Hopefully the removal of hard structures on the beach side sets a precedent for future redevelopments.
Not sure you’ve thought that comment through.
The wise man built his house upon the rocks. The foolish man built his house upon the sand.
Only foolish people build their house on the sand and next to the dump. But one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure or styrofoam.
A better idea would be for CIG to purchase the Westin and its lands, use a hybrid Private public partnership, let residents all buy into it also with debentures, etc and then give the beach back to the people, along with the governor property, and join the 3 (Westin/Gov house/public beach) into one, constitutionally designated public beach for eternity
The people deserve far more beach access than we have. it has effectively been stolen by non-residents in all but name
Funds can be repaid back either never (and just rolled over each budget) or on dividends (think CUC shares, us locals own loads of them to earn $2 a year!). the revenues funding the dividends (and thereby giving the debentures/shares/etc value) can be from the conveniences that CIG will properly deploy on the sites and also the concerts, etc that can be held on them throughout the years
But oh no…lets’ keep Caymans beaches for the tourists and non residents and get another 10 storey tower on the beach
Wow, did we ever let the crooks in when the Strata rules governing voting were attacked by certain realtors and then certain MLA’s voted in all the height changes
All for what? Its not for 99% of us.
Everything is such short term vision and to heck with Cayman and its people. There should be an outright moratorium on building heights above 3 stories water side of the current nearest mapped roads to the ocean. For ever. its a travesty
Perfectly said.
Tourists want locals to keep the beaches and stop the building of hotels and condos, especially the ones beachfront and over 5 stories.
“MLA’s voted in all the height changes”
This should read CAYMANIAN MLA’s voted in all the height changes
Only Caymanians can be MLA’s so why the need to mention it? Some will have voted naively, others because they felt it made sense, but yes some likely corruption
It’s now MPs (not MLAs), who are all Caymanian. You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?
It’s a very painful truth that some can’t handle.
The land is already owned by the Crown.
A traffic study? I would expect the new rooms would be occupied mainly by tourists with a few rental cars? Can’t see that having an impact.
2:13 pm Hotels with significant conference facilities create a great deal of traffic and parking demands. Need only look at the existing Marriott and Westin to see the issues.
How about look at eh Ritz> When they have an event West Bay road, a public right of way, becomes a parking lot.
What public right of way? Just because you think you are entitled, doesn’t make something a public right of way.
I think he means the private road.
I’d like to see the traffic study for when they closed Cardinal Ave.
2:02 pm Excellent point, but the powers-that-be likely didn’t consult with the CPA on that project.
the traffic will is bad and will be worse. end of survey.
cig has no plan for traffic management or sustainable development.
Please learn how to type…
Can they also be asked who they intend to employ, and how Cayman will benefit?
Infinity Filipinos
Answer 1 – People who show up for interviews / work and have a good attitude.
Answer 2 – Additional room tax, money spent in restaurants, stores, taxis, etc.
1:08, Caymanians don’t want to work in hotels. Proven over the years.
Lots of jobs on offer. Leave them to the Filipinos, Indians, Canadians, etc.
Bullshit. The hotels have excluded Caymanians, proved multiple times over many years.
Caymanians don’t work to work in hotels where they are underpaid* there I fixed it for you.
Across street parking and walking bride to the hotel.
Walking “bridge”?
It is West Bay…cash me outside mail-order honeymoon rentals?
A traffic impact study? Really?
200 more guest units, which likely means in any given hour, maybe 20 to 25 more vehicle entries/exits, or one additional every 5 minutes.
It is not like the existing 350 guest units are creating major traffic issues. A very quiet stretch of West Bay Road with never a traffic backup.
Just a stalling tactic. (Where were the traffic studies for multiple condo complexes currently going up around Grand Harbour?).
12:28 pm Read the CPA Agenda and Minutes (online at planning.ky) and see the recommendations from the NRA indicating a significant traffic impact on West Bay Road. This hotel application includes a very significant amount of conference facilities in addition to increasing the room count, yet reducing the amount of on-site parking. This will mean a major increase in traffic to/from the site to get to the off-site parking lot including a significant increase in pedestrian traffic crossing West Bay Road.
What was the result of the traffic surveys for the two multi story beach developments in the vicinity of the Wharf, where there’s a major traffic junction?.
and where was the traffic study for the watermark?
2:09 pm that decision was from the previous CPA. Obviously the current CPA is paying closer attention to these things.
On what planet does closing the middle turning lane help with doubled foot and vehicular traffic? Cayman’s bad idea machine keeps rolling along!
If there is an increase in Conference space for Cayman and it’s actually in line with the potential of bringing groups in so that there is enough space for break-out rooms it could be a win for Cayman.
Other than the Ritz there really isn’t a hotel that can accommodate a proper group who wish to hold a conference/convention and that is big business as well as encourage return guests.
Kimpton? Marriott?…I thought they had conference space?
not enough for a proper conference with 500+ attendees and breakout rooms/served lunches, dinners etc
The Pageant Beach development has 20 odd thousand square footage space in its plans. Estins increased slave will be insignificant.
80% sold. Coming in 2037!
Just buy the Governor’s residence next door and use that for parking.
Excellent idea. Thgere is already a valet on site there.
Bad idea.
Raze the compound and structures and expand that public beach area to make up for what will be lost at Public Beach up the road. We can’t retain our quality of life and tourist products without realistic caps on development. The Governor’s habitat doesn’t need to be there anymore. It’s too valuable.
The Governor respects and supports our legal right to peaceable enjoyment of the beach. The Westin, and the tourism industry generally, not so much…
No Bobo, they saving that for our future ruler after we go independent.
“His Imperial Majesty The Right and Honorable Lord Big Mac, Protector of The Lodge, Harasser of Women” has a nice ring to it.
When didKeke become a Progector and/ or member of a Lodge? And which one you afecteferring to, big math @6:37
not big enough space…That is why the Ritz benefit with no competition and charge so much including local fundraising events etc.