Two local men admit gun-related charges

| 04/10/2022 | 17 Comments
RCIPS van outside the courthouse

(CNS): The prevalence of illegal guns was illustrated Friday when two men appeared in court in relation to gun charges. Charles Walton III admitted robbing a man on the street while armed with a gun and Eddie Marlon Ebanks admitted having a pistol in his home. Walton was remanded in custody until 25 November, when he will be sentenced, after pleading guilty to two charges of robbery. He is accused of holding up two men and making off with their jewellery in central George Town in March.

Although Walton (27) was said to be armed during the street stick-up, the police never recovered the gun. As a result, he has not been charged with the possession of an unlicensed firearm, but the use of at least an imitation weapon will be factored into the case at sentencing.

In a separate case, Ebanks (41) pleaded guilty to the possession of an unlicensed firearm. He is now facing at least seven years behind bars after police seized a Polymer80 pistol from his home in Old Crewe Road following a joint raid with Customs and Border Control.

No other details of the circumstances were revealed in court but Ebanks, who was also remanded in custody, is now due to be sentenced on 9 December.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Admit, get lighter sentences, leave prison, reoffend.

    These guys are institutionalized. Prison isn’t a deterrent. We’ll see them again in 5 years or less.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is a chance for the Court and the DPP to show they are serious about about fighting the crime wave. WAlton’s history of lenient treatment, detailed below, indicates that we can’t necessarily expect anything different from them this time. Your firearms laws are tough. Why aren’t your courts. Time to step up and impose significant prison time.

  3. Anonymous says:

    OK, so unless there are 2 Charles Walton IIIs, this is the guy who was:

    1. Bailed in October 2021 after being arrested on suspicion of being involved in a shooting
    2. Breached bail and was sought by police in December, and was arrested and charged with breaching bail, firearms offences and traffic offences
    3. Has now been arrested for a street robbery in March 2022 in which he allegedly used a firearm.

    Anyone want to tell me how a man charged with firearms offences, bailed -despite being thought to be involved in a shooting – and then breached bail, gets arrested in December whilst in breach of his existing bail and then is magically on the street in March to commit a robbery (in which surprise surprise he allegedly uses a gun)? Anyone?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Do they really want the blood though? Excluding everyone who lived in the UK between 1980 and 1996 would indicate that they’re not that bothered, truth be told, otherwise they would change the rule

  5. Anonymous says:

    Deportation orders!


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