Speaker bows out as victim with ‘swan song’

| 11/10/2022 | 74 Comments
Cayman News Service
McKeeva Bush reads his resignation speech to the parliament

(CNS): McKeeva Bush said he would pray for those who are trying to bring him down, as he delivered what he called his “swan song” from the speaker’s chair on Monday evening. Bush made no apology and barely mentioned the reason for his departure, instead implying it was the work of his political enemies who, “no matter what they tried to do and are still trying to do”, would not succeed.

Bush admitted he was asked to resign but described the scandal as “a nasty ordeal” for his family, saying nothing about the women who were reportedly the subject of his inappropriate behaviour.

Speaking just before the house adjourned for what he said would be the last time as the presiding speaker, he said his departure was “a bitter-sweet moment” because of “the circumstances under which I opted to resign, considering the interference and undue influences being brought to bear publicly on the matter of the accusations against me”.

Bush said it was sweet because he was, he hoped, leaving parliament in the capable hands of his deputy, as he informally anointed Kathy Ebanks-Wilks as his successor, even though the next speaker must be elected by the whole parliament. He said he would be returning to the floor and the back bench, where he would be able to take part in debates on policy.

Bush said he was not seeking high office anymore and did not want to be in Cabinet. He claimed that he was proud to have been trusted in the “noble and distinguished office” by the parliament and that throughout his career he had served his country to the best of his ability and honesty.

The West Bay veteran MP also claimed it was his prerogative to decide his resignation notice period because the Standing Orders are silent on the timing of his departure. However, he said he had no intention of going beyond 30 November as he was trying to keep the peace and not trying “to blaggard [sic] our country”.

Bush said he would be an avid advocate to represent his constituency and support his West Bay colleagues and the country, as he thanked his colleagues in the face of those who “are trying to bring me down”.

Premier Wayne Panton, who had requested his resignation, acknowledged Bush’s comments and said he had acted in the best interests of the country, as he wished him and his family well.

See McKeeva deliver his resignation speech below:

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Comments (74)

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  1. daniel johns says:

    Wow, NO accountablility for his own actions, sounds like a mango sociopath that used to live in the W H

  2. Joe says:

    Just another victim of laws, ignorance, and being brought up third world as the Lord provided.

  3. Anonymous says:

    When Mac steps down as Speaker he will continue to be Premier in all but name, leading a group of like minded and like moraled individuals and get rich quick wanna-bees eager to learn from the master – as well as Wayne who will comfort himself shining the Premier sign on his door.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This right here:

    “He said he would be returning to the floor and the back bench, where he would be able to take part in debates on policy.”

    Watch machinations and overtures abound now as Mac begins his role as an active parliamentarian. Great job Wayne – thanks for allowing this farce to continue just so you can be premier, leading a bunch of inept, laughable, immature wannabes.

    • Anonymous says:

      To Anonymous 9:53am: You do understand that his constituency voted him as MP, which entitles him to sit in the chamber like everyone else. There is nothing anyone can do about that, it is up to the people in the next election, not to return him to that seat. We can only hope that all the teenagers who reached voting age since last election will outvote the elderly in his constituency and choose a better representative.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, it comes back to the electorate. Either they vote a woman-beater in, or they vote it out (‘it’ was used intentionally).

    • Anonymous says:

      @9:53am..Wayne has no power whatsoever to remove him from his MP job. WBW will handle that in the next election. Let’s be grateful he is no longer in the Speaker’s chair.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The man is not going anywhere. He is literally walking a few steps from the Speaker’s chair to the right where the government of the day pretends to conduct important business. Mac will now become a voting parliamentarian, sitting snugly nestled in the safe bosom of PACT, collecting a paycheck from the people’s money. Shame on you Wayne and other PACT members. By any means necessary to keep this worthless act together, eh? We need an election called now!

  6. Anonymous says:


  7. Anonymous says:

    The worst thing to happen to Cayman was Hurricane Ivan and Hurricane Bush.

    GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!!!!


  8. Anonymous says:

    Get this man the worlds tiniest violin and send him out to pasture.

  9. Anonymous says:

    About time….. Hopefully this will be the last we hear about this despicable man. Your family deserves better – I hope you can sober up and clean up your act.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately not. He now becomes an active parliamentarian in the government bench of the PACT administration, effectively keeping the sham going for a few months yet. Call an early election!

  10. Breezy says:

    He claimed that “…… throughout his career he had served his country to the best of his ability and honesty”. Well that’s an honest statement for a change! He always had no ability and no honesty, so that exlains his performance over the decades as an MLA / MP.

  11. Anonymous says:

    He’s obviously delusional and needs removing from Parliament permanently.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly!! Him stepping off the chair means nothing other than he’s not “presiding” over the kangaroo politics! Instead, he is JOINING the PACT gov’t benches to become an active VOTING parliament member.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Time Longer Than Rope….wouldn’t doubt that there is more drama coming very soon…

    • Anonymous says:

      certainly is. there are a number of far more unpleasant incidents just waiting to see the light of day linked to this vile man….

  13. Anonymous says:

    Don’t be surprised if in 2 months he says he’s not leaving because he has prayed about it more, and talked with his constituents, who have begged him not to resign since he did nothing wrong.

  14. Truth says:

    And of course there will be no charges brought against him for the sexual harassment, Drinking, breaking his curfew etc. Like it or not Bush is the true ruler of this little island. Not even the law has power over him.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stay tuned.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is a common misconception that Bush was still under curfew or prohibited from drinking from the terms of his conviction. neither is true; his term of home confinement and curfew ended some considerable time ago, and whilst his lawyer pleaded his supposed renunciation of alcohol in mitigation, it wasn’t made a term of his suspended sentence.

  15. Just me. says:

    Ignorance is bliss. And apparently still needs representation here. Bush is the perfect person for them and there is no way to get rid of him anyway.

  16. Anonymous says:

    CNS: please check again. I didn’t hear him say he would be joining the backbench.

    Let’s be clear, he is and remains a member of the PACT as he has not been removed and the Premier has certainly not refused to work with him again for the 2nd time.

    Remember the #sheissupported Wayne? We see who you’re really supporting. Time longer than rope

    • SSM345 says:

      We need to amend the constitution; it is very narrow in its language relating to the removal of an MLA for misdeeds.

      There literally is nothing we can do about it unless the Constitution is changed.

  17. Anonymous says:

    The country is just tired of this sad old man. Fortunately Cayman demographics are changing and narrow minded narcissistic dinosaurs like Bush will very soon be washed away from our memory.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I wish CNS and the rest of the Press would just stop giving him the spotlight and allow us to move on. Between him and Alden,I don’t know which one desires to be in the spotlight more..Enough is enough..stop giving these types of people the energy and fuel they need to continue..

  19. Anonymous says:

    Forever Honorable though, right, no matter what?

    Who will date bring a motion to change that?


    Then they are ALL scum.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Utter twat.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Zero remorse. Just a momuntenal ego.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Psych 101 – people with narcissistic personality disorder frequently see themselves as the victim, or play the victim when their transgressions are exposed. Just saying.

  23. Anonymous says:

    However, he said he had no intention of going beyond 30 November as he was trying to keep the peace and not trying “to blaggard [sic] our country”.

    CNS, I have neither the time nor the inclination to listen to McKeeva’s speech, but I suspect the word he used, albeit with his own pronunciation, was blackguard. A very common word in the Cayman vernacular when McKeeva was growing up.

  24. Anonymous says:

    He’s a pathetic, disgusting fool!

  25. Sheriff says:

    Ass Hat

  26. Un. B. Leave. Able. says:

    narcissistic maniacal mental man….politicians take notice of how the master works. he will guide you KB…the West Bay Jedi!!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Speaker who’d never ever have a chance at being promoted to Orator

  28. Anonymous says:

    Can we give him a washing machine to leave sooner and not return. ALT got some good deals on. I’m buying!

    • Anonymous says:

      You would have to fill it with money first – you now what he will get paid in salary, pension and expenses even if he is on the back benches?

  29. Anonymous says:

    More lies! What a stain on our history! And to think there’re plenty Caymanians that believe these lies.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Hey !!! Umm, Mr Bush !!!!

    I was one, just letting you know you should pray for me

  31. Anonymous says:

    This ranks right up there with the passing of Queen Elizabeth and Skeletor’s final episode. What an emotional goodbye from a legend. Mack Daddy will always be remembered and stay in all of our thoughts. I never forget when he helped Tyrone, Jamal Dirty Mike and boyz in da red Prius. Tanks Mack tanks

  32. Anonymous says:

    Everyone needs to leave Honorable Bush alone as he is a great man. This is a big setup job.

  33. Glass says:

    shameful of every caymananian who voted for this .

  34. Candid says:

    Mac will never become a better person until he admits his faults. Face your demons and you may become a better person. Deny them and you will eventually see destruction.

  35. Anonymous says:

    I pray that WBW NEVER elects him again. What a waste of oxygen!

  36. Anonymous says:

    Any investigation into First Cayman Bank?

  37. Anonymous says:

    Oh dear! I was hoping he would have said that he wouldn’t ever run for any office again. He reminds me of the great orange hope up north who will never accept blame for anything he does. Sounds as if he expected to do whatever, harass whomever he pleases and no one should call him out on it. You are not that special and you have brought shame on your family, the legislature, and the entire Cayman Islands so many times. . Thank goodness he has called it for what it is ” a nasty ordeal” please bear in mind that the Bible that Christians believe in states that before you pray for anyone and expect to have your prayers answered you must first repent of your sins, apologies to those you have harmed then pray for yourself. I hope you get help and live a wholesome life going forward in your senior years so that you and your family will be free from the nasty ordeals of life.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Yes Mac it has been a nasty ordeal for your family. In fact most of your elected life has been. All brought about by YOU and your terrible behaviour and greed.
    Please do not pray for me as I cannot take the risk of the entiry answering your prayers.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Truly a case of physician heal thy self.

    • Anonymous says:

      A truly sick little fella…

    • Anonymous says:

      Is it Vanity, stupidity or sociopathic blindness that drives this low life?
      He appears to have no knowledge or shame attached to any of his questionable behaviors.
      Yet his worshippers prop him up , which is a very sad statement of their characters.

  40. Eye roll 🙄 says:

    I cannot roll my eyes any harder at this shameless egotistical clown.

    Just. Go.

    You are a total shambles and a national embarrassment.

    • Anonymous says:

      For the best part of 40 years this person has been a blight on Cayman and has on numerous occasions, brought shame on the legislative assembly and latterly, the parliament. You will not be missed by anyone with half a brain. Just another narcissist who believes the crap that comes put of his mouth. Cheerio loser.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Pray! Oh my!

    Mr Bush for your deeds the devil in hell has a special place for you. I’m sure he is waiting with open arms.


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