Man stabbed to death in West Bay yard

| 15/10/2022 | 110 Comments
Crime scene of murder on Friday 14 October 2022 (from CMR)

(CNS): A 51-year-old West Bay man died after he was stabbed multiple times around 11pm Friday. Police have opened an investigation but have not said if an arrest has been made in relation to the murder. The violence took place at a yard on Birch Tree Hill Road, near the junction of Captains Joe and Osbert Road. Police said the suspect had left the scene by the time the emergency services arrived and took the badly wounded man to hospital.

The victim, who had suffered multiple stab wounds, including to his neck, succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead in the emergency room.

The killing comes against the backdrop of heightened concerns about another increase in gang-related and drug-fuelled violence in the Cayman Islands. At a recent National Security Council meeting, Police Commissioner Derek Byrne raised concerns about drug-related activities, including recent shootings on Grand Cayman and drug abuse on Cayman Brac.

Police are now appealing for witnesses to the fourth murder this year in Cayman. The death of the most recent victim follows the murder in July of Jovin Omar Fuentes, who was allegedly shot and killed by his friend in Bodden Town; Harry Wenworth Elliott (62), who was gunned down at a gambling shop in George Town in April; and crown witness Caine Demetree Thomas (21), who was shot and killed on Seven Mile Beach a few days later. Justin Kyle Jackson (23) has been charged with Elliot’s murder and has denied the allegations, but no one has been charged in the Thomas case.

Anyone with information about this latest killing is asked to call West Bay CID at 949-3999.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Where is the Commissioner? Does he have nothing to say about all this?

    • Anonymous says:

      “All reports I have received indicate that crime is stable. We are happy to report that we have issued 97 speeding tickets this quarter, and are really doing our part to better the community by ensuring that the poor worker bees who are struggling to get to work on time now have extra fees to pay. This ought to keep crime as low as possible, as we know that when people are struggling to make ends meet, crime usually tapers off.”

      • Gubna says:

        “I completely agree with everything our wonderful commissioner has said, the sun truly does shine out of his and Premier Panton’s rear ends”.

  2. 345 Mafia says:

    If 630pm and his supporters are to believe that single parenting is solely responsible for crime would they then accept that a very large percentage of those residing in the quality million dollar condos who have the means $$$$$ are responsible for the huge consumption of illegal drugs and thereby funding this terrible violence and crime we see on our streets. Or shall they too be blameless for their complicity and criminality. Unfortunately those like the victim are in fact deceived and victimized several times by believing that their destructive behavior will never catch up with them and cause them as in his case to lose their lives after a tremendous amount of pain and suffering they cause to themselves and others. Blaming others 630pm is what people like you do for doing absolutely nothing about it. Your Selfishness and self-righteousness statements are moral crime.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nice embellishment of adding “solely” responsible and depicting the tenants in SMB condos as raging coke heads.
      Ask a single parent hard working loving Cayman mother (there’s many out there) if her life would be easier with the father of her kids contributing $50-$80k a year to the family and there to discipline the kids. MASSIVE impact of those kids. Need some Coach Carters and Denzel Washingtons to guide and support the great kids in Cayman on the straightened arrow path for prosperous future as opposed to gangs and drugs. Cue the gospel music

      • Anonymous says:

        You are dreaming bobo and obviously out of touch. 345 knows what time it is and is on them corners obviously !

      • Anonymous says:

        Wake up bro you tripping 612pm who you think buying this shit up it ain’t us coz Get Real Denzel pleeease spare us !

    • Anonymous says:

      If we’re going to talk about blaming others, you need to re-read your own comment.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Always quick to blame others, especially Jamaicans for the failures of or lack of parenting.
    I’m sorry that Ian has lost his life in such a tragic way but look at his record and it will tell you that the police have been doing their job. The system might have failed him, but it was not for a lack of police action.
    For those calling for UK officers, we do have many in the Service, but you won’t find them on the front line dealing with socially influenced crimes.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I concur 6:18am and for you Mr Jibberish take the time and google the Billionaire ex Jamaican police officer drug kingpin Andrew Hamilton who built some of your High end quality million dollar condos and houses in Jamaica these are exactly the type of people who we are funding in Jamaica and here in Cayman when we buy and sell drugs to people and children here in Cayman.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Jamaican police are incompetent and not concerned about Cayman.
    They also turn a blind eye when its their own JA people. They are here for the money and perks and to get out of JA. Nothing will change until we get in real police officers and stop the influx of Jamaicans. Real Talk!!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    more Jamaicans equals more drugs, guns and violence. The locals are trading ganja and coke to the high end expat users as well as the gutter trash. But it’s their Jamaican suppliers that are the real concern. The government need to get their s**t together and get more police on the streets as its literally a drug war out there.

    • Anonymous says:

      6:18am Well said!

    • Anonymous says:

      Or, legalize it and allow it to be grown locally for personal us and for legal taxed sale like tobacco? Nah, that would make too much sense I suppose…

    • Anonymous says:

      But aren’t the “high end expat drug users” also gutter trash? Why segregate the rich users from the poor users, both have a disgusting habit that will only contribute to ruining their lives. Both turn into “gutter trash” as their habit gets out of control to the delight of the local drug pusher getting rich off of the users sad habit…

    • Anonymous says:

      at 6.18 Ehy not just say that they trade to expats and locals alike instead of the bigoted phrase that you use. As if somehow the expats are ‘high end’ and the locals are ‘gutter trash’. Put lipstick on a pig, its still a pig. An addict is an addict whether he runs a bank and lives in a mansion, or is unemployed and sleeps on the sidewalk.

      • Anonymous says:

        A big difference with a functioning addict, which offices all over Cayman are full of. Whether it be alcohol or another substance.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m an Expat. I don’t use drugs. I have paid off a 30 year loan for my property to a Caymanian bank. I have supported many local business over the past 35 years. And yet I am classified as a ‘drug user.’ Be careful how you phrase things, you ignore many positive aspects of many expats to your territory.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Not gang bangers. This was purely an argument out of control.

    Domestic crimes happen in every strata of every society in the world.

  8. Anonymous says:

    No surprise by Duffell as we called him just saddened to see him go like this. No one’s life should be taken from him in this manner just another life taken by this drug scourge here in Cayman. Yet nothing will change the Ranges and Audi and Benz’s still on their late night pickups no violent disagreements there No police stops or searches either and deliveries right to your front door for the wealthy nowadays and dope dealers on speed dial. Who cares for Ian Duffell anyway just another Caymanian who lost his life in the dirt beneath a tree in West Bay.

    • Anonymous says:

      He choose his path – I am glad he is not able to influence more children.

    • Kman says:

      So very true and sad😔.The RCIPS is rigged with poor leadership, corruption and incompetence.I knew Ian and his mental health issues should’ve been dealt with in his childhood, he was a victim of substance abuse and neglection which led to this path of bullying, drug use and a life of crime. We as a society have failed our youth and people because of greed, blindsided outlook and often lack of parenting.

  9. Haiti Crisis Contagious says:

    Cayman is not heeding the situation now occurring in Turks & Caicos but there are some common denominators here systemic Corruption both political and institutional a large migrant population now taking control of the socio-economic society and importation of their criminal associates who now mix with the already established local criminal element who become enveloped into their established international criminal network. Then add rampant local and imported poverty and economic disparity between local and residents and finally racial tensions between both. Pushing it over top with rampant crime, favoritism and nepotism especially with government allowing criminal or corrupt local businessmen who’s drug trafficking past to control government contracts and business for the benefit of themselves and business partners and political allies. If this picture is starting to take fruition, then we need to start to take action to mitigate and head it off. The ingredients are all here Cayman all it needs is something to ignite the TCI situation for it to occur.

    • Anonymous says:

      5.07 and 4.21 .
      BOth gifted writers of the truth.
      If you know the dark side of the stuff you write about, then please do something about it.
      Your silence adds to the layers of rot gripping our society.

  10. Warblers Boyz says:

    100% bracster been going on for ages some arrive up here for weekend and go right back down loaded by boat or plane no one checks a thing ! CBC Leadership knows exactly what is going on two many people benefitting from the business even lawyers now too. There was a time in the Brac when it was destroyed by the authorities and witnessed by the public when last has that happened so sad to see those involved in the past and present now in high positions pretending like they against drugs in the community what a real shame and talk about hypocrites.

  11. Anonymous says:

    We keep listening to the social and economic engineering experts telling us to increase our population we must therefore prepare ourselves for more crime corruption and violence diseases which come hand in hand with THEIR prosperity and we now see their contagions destroy or way of life assisted and aided by our own greed and that of lies told by our own fleas and parasites we call politicians. Nothing is Free Cayman stop selling off your land to just pay their whims and wants.

    • Anonymous says:

      Such jibberish. Crime does not come in when million dollar quality condos are built. Crime comes in with single parent mom’s getting knocked up trying to raise 3+ kids which perpetuates the cycle of poverty and lack of discipline with the father nowhere to be scene + poor screening and control of legal immigration and stopping any illegal immigration. Cough cough Trump economics.

      • Anonymous says:

        What drivel you elitist @$$ it’s your nasty bad habits and oblivious attitude that unfortunately bring this crap into play ask Haiti’s elite how that works ??

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes 630pm blame poor people for crime whilst you perpetuate bribery corruption and drug trafficking and embezzlement I guess it sounds better than Theft and robbery eh Fartsworth III

        • Anonymous says:

          Capital coming into the country brings wealth and employment. Bad or absent parenting with thug role models brings crime.

          • Anonymous says:

            Said all the poor laborers working for your condos they will never ever be able to buy

            …then they end up on our streets…dont you see how many grown men panheads mostly riding children bicycles around….

            • Anonymous says:

              Break out the violin. Cayman is the land of opportunity because it’s capitalism. Tell your sob story to Cubans, Venezuelans in depressed communism why they literally risk their lives to get out. Study hard, get an education and capitalism can bring people out of poverty. Riding a bike is living within your means and burns calories and a flat country like Cayman it works well. Yeah very few can afford Multimillion dollar Cayman condos and that’s a can of worms on that topic.

      • Anonymous says:

        ‘seen’ ??? Cayman educated?

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s gibberish.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cayman is by far the best place in the world to live. 4 murders are too many. But TCI and Jamaican has those numbers in 2 weeks.

        No one wants to leave Cayman.

        Our police have arrested persons for 2 of the 3 murders and I suspect all 4 murders will be solved.

        Keep calm folks!

      • Anonymous says:

        “Jibberish”? Did you mean gibberish?
        “With the father nowhere to be SCENE”? Did you mean seen?

        No offense but I can’t think of a simple enough way to explain the concepts of scaling laws to someone who can’t figure whether to use scene or seen in a sentence. Feel free to google scaling laws in relation to cities and maybe humble yourself before calling someone else’s opinion gibberish just because you disagree. Or at least learn to spell the words you’re typing to disparage someone else’s intellect.

        • Anonymous says:

          Your such an effing tool. Way to deflect on the reality of the Caribbean well entrenched habit of single parent mothers continually getting knocked up raising 2-4 kids on her own with their deadbeat father providing no support. Deflect all you want you twit but that’s the root cause of poverty in Cayman.

          • Anonymous says:

            Further to that if ALL black role models were class acts like Denzel Washington, Obama and Michael Jordan instead of thug gangster POS the whole mindset of youth would dramatically change along with strong Parental discipline in the home. Along with if the hate filled US media stopped stoking chaos.

          • Anonymous says:

            What’s up with the name calling? Dude said crime increases with increase in population and you’re saying no, crime increases with women having kids with absentee father’s. Youre literally agreeing with the commenters that you are calling names. What do you think happens when population grows… Do you think there are less deadbeat father’s or more? Maybe try actually reading comments instead of insulting people that don’t share your short sighted myopic views. I’m not even going to address the low-key prejudiced undertones you’re promoting. But I’ll ask you this, did you research scaling laws and how crime increases with population growth before you same in here slinging insults? Doubt it. Carry on.

          • Anonymous says:


        • Anonymous says:

          7:28 do some research of how many single parent working mothers are in Cayman raising multiple children and the correlation to that with who is struggling to get by. Compare that to two parent families raising kids and see the pattern. Discipline starts at home and it’s dam hard for a mother to be the sole breadwinner and do everything at home taking care and disciplining multiple kids. I’m sure your response is looking for grammar mistakes instead of addressing the problem of poverty which greatly increases the likelihood of juvenile delinquency. Something the left wing media refuses to discuss.

          • Anonymous says:

            You have me until the final comment. If you are referring to the USA Left wing – you are completely 100% wrong. Its the Republican conservatives who will not pass legislation to support families. It is the ‘moral and righteous white male conservatives’ who STILL support Trump in spite of mountains of corruption. Please form your opinions based on fact.

            • Anonymous says:

              What I am saying is the USA left wing media will never point the finger at the African American communities single parent families and lack of a father figure in the households. Don Lemon wayyy back in 2003 would raise this point but post 2012 approximately it was all Democrat identity politics which is why free thinkers like Tulsi Gabbard have left the Democratic Party.

            • Anonymous says:

              You have no clue.

        • Anonymous says:

          No one cares about your scaling law concepts. BTW people are typing with their thumbs ans stupid autocorrect so you can expect scene v seen.

      • Anonymous says:

        A racist twerp and elitist @$$wipe wrap up in one, very common and a touch of Narcissism taking absolutely no responsibility and blaming others for the problem now at hand the jibberish you speak is of your own tiny and narrow mind! Million dollar condos for million dollar criminals errry ting Kriss no need for police then I guess!

      • Anonymous says:

        6.30pm Crime does come in when Condos are built. Who do u think most of the absentee fathers are. The JA workers.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The West boys are Keystones.
    A few regular Bobbies would clean up the Birch Tree bangers in a flash.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Elect criminals, get crime. Not exactly rocket science.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Rip duffel, No matter who, Nobody deserves their life cut short in this manner. I just hope Justice will be served.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I never trust Jamaican Police; they take care of their own .

  16. Anonymous says:

    West Bay… Hmmnnnn, I thought that is where all the law-abiding folks hang out in reflection of their law-abiding Ministers (heavy sarcasm).

  17. Anonymous says:

    You can’t compare crime in Cayman to crime in the USA. The population of Cayman is smaller than some small towns in the USA.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sheesh, YES, you can. Just like USA can compare crimes in Chicago, Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Detroit. Try crimes per capita – 10’th grade education that you slept through I assume. And no wonder why the Caymanian electorate is so uninformed.

      • Anonymous says:

        lol.. the concept of ratios is taught well before the 10th grade, or at least it used to be. I remember it being taught in grade 3 when my father was a teacher.

      • Anonymous says:

        Those are large US cities that Cayman doesn’t compare and even if you take per capita the economic makeup would be different.
        It would be very difficult , but not impossible, to find a comparison to a small town with the same “ make up” as Cayman in the USA with a small population of 70,000.

        • Anonymous says:

          OK, I’ll bite. (I’m a 36 yr snowbird to Cayman almost annually) I live in a ‘medium town in Ohio’ 69,000 residents. Murders the last 10 years = 1!

          • Anonymous says:

            What’s your town’s name?

          • Anonymous says:

            I think you’re missing the point. The same population does not mean the same infrastructure, culture, cost of living etc etc. You’re comparing an isolated small island that is an overseas territory of a mother country across the Atlantic, to a town nested within a county within a state within a region within a nation. It’s not an apples to apples comparison.

            Would you really expect a rural town with a low population density to have the same crime rate as a more densely populated island with the same total population? The list of other contributing factors is long.

            In the same way you are comparing a territory to a town, i could compare an American TOWN in the Midwest with an American NEIGHBORHOOD or DISTRICT in a metropolitan city on the coast and make the same flawed argument you are attempting to make.

            I’m not saying the metric has no merit but context is key innit.

  18. Anonymous says:

    A drug crackdown in the Eastern districts is badly need men running around threatening people with gun telling people their family involved with the local political big Boss so police can’t touch dem .

  19. Anonymous says:

    The cocaine floating in Cayman Brac has obviously now arrive on the big island now the fun begins ! No worries Da east end and northside Boyz out Deh looking real hard mann never seen this amount of beach walkers in my life times hard you know. The female Cocaine hogs have been swarming around the bars lately and the overdose in Bodden town and those in recent weeks should have put this island on alert. if we only had real police patrolling our streets instead of them turning a blind eye to the doped up females driving about the place.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Are we suggesting that the police assign officers to babysit every known criminal ? When prominent members of the business community with political ties are involved in drug and gun importation and transshipment and just about every drug known to man is available and the culture of “informer must dead” is still alive and well there is very little the police can do. Ask yourself how many politicians campaigns have been financed with blood money!

    • Anonymous says:

      2:23pm How about just locking them up and have Northward babysit. Better locked up than dead.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes. A couple of police can park at a couple of locations ALL THE TIME and be an actual deterrent to a lot of West Bay crime and be close enough to quickly respond to more of these shootings and stabbings. You pay 400 cops. Take 40 armed police and have them “babysit”those drug gangs out of business. Do the same around Eastern Avenue. Then start requiring cash bonds or sureties set by a judge to get out of jail. “Police bail” is a joke as we see over and over when more crimes are committed by people released on bail. No one in Cayman appears to be serious about dealing with crime.

  21. Anonymous says:

    All of the big wigs should note that this is in a yard next to a main road. If they cant find witesses there, it says alot for trust in the current Police.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s Birch Tree Hill and Captain Joe, you think anyone in that part of West Bay is into cooperating with the police you need your head examined. Just Google how many shootings there have been within 100m of there

    • Conchbubby says:

      Current Police ???? Really, they are only interested in giving speed tickets between 745am and 10 am and leave when the sun is beating down on thier asses. Cayman is not for Caymanians!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      or, 1:50, the “omerta” or code of silence of complicit West Bayers.

      • Anonymous says:

        There is no “code of silence” No one just doesnt give a shit, and waste time testifying in court to get no benefit from it. Police dont care about anyone or their protection. Solve that shit yourself.

  22. Anonymous says:

    It is now time to enlist the help of the mother country and bring in a few dozen officers from the big UK forces i.e West Mids, GMP, West Yorks, Merseyside, Police Scotland. No nonsense boys and girls who won’t give their bredren a bly, fist bump them or greet them with a wah gwaaan and adopt a zero tolerance approach. Cos RCIPS just ain’t cutting it. Things AREN’T going to get any better!

    • Anonymous says:

      The uk police are understaffed, why would they send us their best officers?

    • Anonymous says:

      I assume you are joking?

    • Anonymous says:

      Mother country has a $hitload of her own problems. 400 RCIPs is plenty for 70,000 residents, 2/3 of which are law abiding people.

      • Anonymous says:

        More like 95%.

        • Anonymous says:

          Wrong. Only a very small minority are criminals, yet 95% of the news is all about them.

          • Anonymous says:

            Just like the schools have always been,5:17. 5% of the students give 95% of the problems and most of the time of staff is taken up dealing with them not the majority. The riff raff get all the attention in the smaller society of schools and then when they move into the larger society we all live in they get it again. Ah so it go.

      • Anonymous says:

        Indeed, we need to keep a low profile with the UK. They might try to tax us to keep the electricity bills paid at home.

  23. Anonymous says:

    LA got South Central, Cayman got WB Central, save the plane trip and drive down.

    • Anonymous says:

      meanwhile you eeejut one the killings were in Bodden and George Town respectively and the other on 7- mile beach (west bay south). Such a simple mind

      • Anonymous says:

        Apart from the latest one square in the middle of West Bay. Then of course you could look up how many murders and shootings there have been in this exact area of West Bay.

  24. DaBracster says:

    When you appoint and promote very corrupt criminals to very high and senior government and political positions what do you honestly expect ? Especially Persons who have very troubling past and involvement serious criminal situations. As for Cayman Brac’s drug situation which strangely has always been aTaboo subject especially for the dubious leadership we had installed down here in Grand Cayman who’s complicity in events like drug trafficking and even murder is so obvious it seems almost surreal . Don’t envy you Mr Byrne it will outlast you Cayman Brac had some good opportunities in late nineties and early 2000 to set things right with policing but lost criminal element with our government shut that down very quickly.

    • Anonymous says:

      The police that used to be in Brac did police work. They were at the airport every time, the drug dealers came to Cayman Brac. They kept a good eye on them. They would search them. There was a particular bar that had people smoking publicly. They sent a few policemen from Grand Cayman and stepped-up surveillance. I only see the police in Brac driving around once in a while or stopping people on the road. Once again, we have a particular bar that everyone can smell the weed all the time. They are smoking it outside. It looks like they are scared of our kingpin drug dealer destroying all of the lives in Cayman Brac.

  25. Anonymous says:

    The deceased was well known to Police, had they been actively fighting crime this was likely avoidable.This is why people dont trust West Bay Police.


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