PPM seeks no-confidence vote in PACT

| 21/09/2022 | 183 Comments
Cayman News Service
Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart addresses parliament

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has filed a no-confidence motion in the government, blaming what he said was Premier Wayne Panton’s lack of effective leadership and the belief that the Cabinet is split, opening up a political opportunity for the PPM to take power.

But the premier has dismissed the move, accusing the PPM of “plotting and scheming” while PACT is working to deliver results. The motion, which lists 14 reasons why the government should be voted out, was filed today with parliament, where McKeeva Bush remains as speaker since he has still not submitted his letter of resignation.

The PPM motion is seconded by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition Joey Hew, and McTaggart said it is supported by the entire opposition. He said the government was “beset by controversies of its own making, mired in confusion and internal division, and incapable of effective action”, and the country could not afford “a government asleep at the wheel”.

He said there were members of the government who want to see the country progress and have reportedly discussed “their frustrations with the current leadership, or lack of leadership, and the general unease in their caucus”. McTaggart urged them to vote in favour of the motion and for a fresh start and a new government that would be led by the PPM.

“We hope responsible members of the government will be persuaded by the debate that we will put to Parliament …The Progressives, along with a coalition of the capable, can then look to form a government to take the country forward over the two and a half years that remain before the next general election,” he added.

McTaggart said that from the outset, the opposition had tried to be constructive and to offer ideas to a government “that lacked experience and had no coherent programme”. But effective government was proving impossible “due to a lack of leadership coming from the current premier and the apparent divisions within the Cabinet and government caucus”.

He said the cost-of-living crisis is escalating, families are facing considerable hardship and businesses are grappling with rocketing costs and a squeeze on profits, while forecasts suggest that Cayman’s economy will still not have recovered to its pre-pandemic level by the end of this year.

Hew said the failure to deliver results was compounded by ineffective governance. “We have seen ministers breaking the Code of Conduct that they themselves devised,” he said. “We have seen ministers making policy announcements that they have to walk back due to a lack of support from their colleagues and the public.”

He added, “In recent days, we have seen the divisions in the PACT Government revealed again, with both the premier and a minister claiming credit for supposedly getting Speaker Bush to agree to step down as speaker, and with the premier publicly reprimanding his minister for not showing restraint.”

Hew accused the premier and the government of doing little to assist the people, claiming that what they have done was only after being prodded by the opposition.

However, the government has rolled out a number of initiatives to help people through the current cost of living crisis, from a nationwide free school meals programme across the entire public school system to direct subsidies on power bills over the summer.

Hew also complained about the lack of sittings of parliament where MPs could tackle the various problems the country faces. “The country deserves better,” he said.

McTaggart said the country needs an alternative government that is ready to step in and take action. “Cayman is crying out for strong, capable leadership. Our people need action from the government to support them through the challenges ahead. The country needs action that only an experienced Progressives-led government can deliver,” he said in his bid to become premier.

He added that the convention in the government system demands that a motion on a lack of confidence in the government is a matter that should be dealt with expeditiously. “Such a motion places the government in an untenable position and a position of uncertainty. So, we expect this motion to be dealt with when the parliament next meets on 5 October.”

But the motion has first to be accepted by the speaker, an office still held by Bush at the time of publication. If it is accepted and placed on the business paper, it will then need two-thirds of MPs to support the vote to succeed. This means the six-member opposition group will need seven members from the government benches, including at least three Cabinet members, to cross the floor, which is very unlikely.

While the PACT Government, which is made up of 13 independents, may have some policy differences, the coalition is unlikely to collapse in the face of a no-confidence motion. The premier, who was still in London on Wednesday when the motion was filed, dismissed the political move.

“The Progressive’s filing a motion of no confidence at this time, immediately after the  Period of National Mourning and while the country is facing the threat of a hurricane, is not surprising. It is typical of the Progressives. They once again prioritise political power over the needs of the Caymanian people. While they are plotting and scheming, we are working to deliver results for the people and doing a good job of it,” Panton stated.

See the opposition leader’s statement in full and the motion in the CNS Library.

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Comments (183)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Wayne praying that Mac and Jay stay with him. It’s a numbers game. It doesn’t matter what Mac does Wayne will have to swallow his pride and keep Mac as speaker.

  2. CaymanPlus says:

    I don’t like none of them after seeing their full support for vaccine mandates. They don’t represent the Cayman Islands – only the brainwashed.

  3. Anonymous says:

    caymanians elect these people so you have no-one else to blame but yourselves.
    and to make things worse, you also prevent the most qualified and successful people on island from being elected…
    welcome to wonderland.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wayne will leave with his tail between his legs and his reputation in tatters. Heather will be right behind of course.
    Shame on both of them.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Seriously, most of our electorate are morons! Hence the Governments we get!

    Whether one supports PPM or not, please stop criticizing their action of proposing a no-confidence vote in the Government. In times like these, this is what a good Opposition is SUPPOSED to do. We have a Westminster type Parliament.

    With so much drama, protocols being ignored and apparent leadership confusion in PACT, if PPM did not present this motion they would be failing in their duty.

    It has little to do with “sour grapes”!

  6. Anonymous says:

    It should be that Pact is filing a no confidence motion against the leadership of the Progressives.

  7. Anonymous says:

    do-nothing-ppm or no-plan-pact?????….neither thanks.
    direct rule for 2 years while a new raft of political candidates are selected/vetted based on qualifications, experience and integrity. then we have new elections.

    • Anonymous says:

      What kind of person would advocate direct rule from the UK? Cayman is fairly well governed, despite the few instances of poor management and the lack of quality business and management skills on display with some of our Members of Parliament a few Ministers.

      I do not like most of the politicians either but to suggest direct rule is ludicrous and can not get us around any challenges we face.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t know what help direct rule would do,the U.K. Government is not a good example to follow.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Time to call a general election

  9. Anonymous says:

    The PPM sound exactly like Trump – they just won’t let go the fact that they were voted out!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Everyone sure big Mac actually going to resign? Wayne formed a government with him… watch and see if Wayne doesn’t keep the groper on with government all in the name of keeping premier.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is it. Huge curve ball coming!

    • Anonymous says:

      Except that Wayne instructed McKeeva to tender his resignation by this afternoon, and cc’d the whole territory. Roper did the same. Jay did the same. McKeeva acknowledged and even seemed to concede that there was an incident, serious enough that it would be in the best interest of the territory to resign. Then, we must suppose he spoke with his lawyer Alberga, who must have reminded him of his other political obligations, and the tune flipped. An urgent “agricultural visit” to Honduras Atlantic Cartel hub, during Queen mourning period, is extremely suspect. There’s a reason why the DEA set up a field office in La Ceiba.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Honourable Mr. McTaggart,

    Please duly note that the code of conduct was established by the PACT Government. Now that the code of conduct is working effectively, you want to file a motion of no confidence to seize power? Again, you fail to understand what an effective opposition really does. Instead of challenging Government with new ideas and propositions and showing the people of Cayman what a great political party you are, you want to bring a no confidence vote to dismantle the Government and harm Cayman first?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Wayne, Roy and their groups need to put aside their differences and refuse to work with Mac and his cronies. Then we have a chance that the island may move forward.

    • Anonymous says:

      Roy has literally made that impossible now, By bringing forth this motion no other votes of no confidence (which is the only way Mac can be removed if he refuses to resign) can be brought forward until its been resolved.

      Roy is a petulant child who didn’t get his way so now he’s going to make sure no one else can.

      • Anonymous says:

        @1:55pm Roy has to do what Alden tells him..Only Alden could think he could pull this off..

        He is so hungry for power, he would sell out his own mother if she was still arrive.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Mac clearly has something on everyone in the house!
    Even PPM trying to keep him in gov, and I fully expect him to cross the floor with 6 others, and find himself in a cushy ministry under PPM…

    • Anonymous says:

      Make him the Minister for Gender Affairs. Would be a perfect summary of how little this has to do with decency and the best interests of Cayman, and how much it is about power and greed. High risk though – given the Governors recent announcement he would be surely tempted to simply dissolve Parliament and force a new election then be part of any re-organisation of Cabinet that left Mac in place. Or perhaps I am being hopelessly naive!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Pact in a mess and ppm in Distress those greedy political dingbats looking a big payday and speaker salary how truly sad for Cayman. No surprise though your political minders are no different in their mindset $$$$$$$ Cayman make this Right replace Mckeeva with the only Nemesis he ever had Miller from Northside and let the chips fall where they may Cayman. Problem solved

  15. Anonymous says:

    I have more confidence in Roy than Wayne any day!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Very tire of mentioning this…the present system of voting has to change. The only referendum that is needed. Until we change this, the same old…same old will continue.

  17. Anonymous says:

    @Wayne Panton. It’s not your decision whether PACT remains in power or not. Let the people decide. You guys are about the people – let there be a public vote. There’s decent people in PPM and PACT… form a coalition government for the people. We deserve better than what we have now.

    • Anonymous says:

      So many people were jumping up and down saying that man was only interested in winning and having power. Ask the constituents of Newlands how much attention their MP has given them since the election. People are so easily manipulated. Anyone who followed this man’s political career can see he wanted power and that is it. Having a public vote won’t make a difference if the voters keep falling for the same BS

      • Anonymous says:

        They really weren’t interested in anything besides how much they could munch off him. I guess the tide moved out!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Backroom deals are gone Wayne……become the leader we voted for!!

  19. Anonymous says:

    PPM showing their lack of concern for Caymanian people by taking advantage of a decades old embarrassment with this pathetic power play…….you are magnifying our international perception of instability. What a bunch of selfish greedy POS’s.

  20. Anonymous says:

    My good friend Wayne,

    Let’s put politics aside for a minute.

    The bottom line is you have members within your own government with their own self interest in having your lunch.

    At the start, it was a show of unity because of the newness of the election victory. But at this stage, as all the dust has settled, you have PACT members, desirous of becoming Premier coalescing with others to maintain leverage if it needs to exercised.

    The situation it seems to be is holding a wet bar of soap
    In your hands. If you squeeze too tight, it will slip out of your hand and you lose control.

    My analysis, is that this is a numbers game. At some point you will have to grab the bull by it’s horn and tell yourself is either you survive it or you don’t. Else your leadership will continue to be quietly undermined by some of those members.

    This is a major distraction which is hampering proper management of the country’s affairs.

    It’s not a good position.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The motion for a vote of no confidence in the PACT Government is only going to make the voting public have a higher level of no confidence in the PPM than already exists.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Whh are PPM getting involved and looking like the bad guys to the ignorant electors who don’t actually understand our Parliamentary system. Leave PACT alone and they will soon implode on their own.

    • Anonymous says:

      More than one way to skin a cat! Just suppose the PPM will not go ahead with the vote of no confidence and just suppose if Wayne and his few reliables negotiate with the PPM and form a government and send the bad apples across to the backbench where they will howl and bitch for the next two years. At least they won’t be able to cause any more havoc. Of course I am just supposing.

    • Anonymous says:

      @4:44pm Ignorant electors??? Is that what the PPM thinks of us?

  23. Corruption is endemic says:

    I have no confidence in any of them.

    But Wayne should look around his house for his big boy pants as this is getting ridiculous.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Marl road (the old one that Sandra doesn’t walk on) says there is going to be a coup by PACT members. Wayne will be kicked out and the new Premier will be female.

    • Anonymous says:

      No our Premier will be Sir Alden as he is the only person who can save Cayman. The King will make it a royal order that Sir Alden resume control so Cayman does not destroy itself. Praise you PPM!

    • Anonymous says:

      Barbara Conolly for premier! She won’t do a damn thing, so at least she won’t screw things up more than they already are.

    • lil Bobo in East End says:

      Return of the Juju!

      How exciting…

      • Anonymous says:

        You get a driveway…you get a driveway…you get a…wait I don’t know you…you get a driveway…you get a driveway…

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh dear, I wonder which one. There is no woman in the PACK with more than two brain cells. I hate to say it , really pains me, but Wayne is still far ahead of them. Please do not bring down more misery on us.

  25. Anonymous says:

    A good vote collecting weekend with the storm approaching, who would have thought MP’S would have time for this! Pollitricks…

  26. Anonymous says:

    If Alden and Roy had their way with the port project, the country would now be heading for bankruptcy.

  27. Anonymous says:

    PACT trolls are out in force to try to hold on to their crumb throwing leaders. PACT can’t get their act organized. Everything they do is completely disjointed and doesn’t benefit the country as a whole.

    You have Chris using Wayne as a puppet and Kenneth doing anything he likes while destroying our National carrier.

    Juliana is still lost and Jay, well he’s not sure what’s even happening because he’s never around.

    Let’s have unity and make these islands better. It takes a combined effort but we can all say that we were all better off prior to this current government.

    • Anonymous says:

      PPM parasites are trying to capitalize on the country’s decades long embarrassment ….Big Mac. Again showing their only interest is themselves and not the people of Cayman.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Give me a break you PPM jokers. Just squawk and toss a bone when they feel like it but really the target is Jamaican votes and to live the champagne lifestyle they become so accustomed too. It nah for Caymanians.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Our entire predicament is the result of a political class, which has given up on morality and simply pursues popularity at all costs.

    They will blame everyone but themselves, they will never reflect, never look in the mirror, never admit the need for improvement.

    Ultimately, our political class are a reflection of the people on the Island, they are us, and we are them.

    Might be worth us all looking into the mirror and holding to account every single middle manager and above on this Island, and there are a lot of them, building their own little fiefdoms and kingdoms at the expense of hard-working, knowledgeable and experienced Caymanians and expats alike.

  30. Anonymous says:

    PACT imploding is causing poor Sandra to explode. Marl Road government coming crashing down. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s my favourite thing about this sh/tshow. Sandra/CMR posturing, threatening, panicking and trying to distract, knowing she’s likely going to have an Ostrich sized egg all over her face. Karma Sandra, karma

      • Anon says:

        It’s no secret Sandra is being paid by PACT.
        She calls herself a journalist but is so bias in her reporting it’s embarrassing.
        Kind of shows the intelligence of her following if they haven’t figured that out.
        I’m no PPM fan but the one sided tripe she bangs on about
        Keep taking the back handers Sandra. Eventually you will fall on your sword
        And I can’t wait to see it .

  31. Anonymous says:

    Direct rule please. Let’s get some decent civil servants in charge to convert this place from a 3rd world back water to a real 1st world leader. Just like Hong Kong.

    Must be some Mandarins twiddling their thumbs in Whitehall waiting for a pet project surely?

    • Anonymous says:

      London is worse than here! no thanks.

      • Anonymous says:


        • Anonymous says:

          … you went public school, nah true?

          • Anonymous says:

            You probably didn’t go to school st all. Worst is a noun – meaning the most horrible thing that could ever happen. Egg on your own face!

            • Anonymous says:

              With all due respect (I.E., none whatsoever): you’re a moron. Please try to keep up with the conversation, or don’t take part at all. “Worst” being a noun doesn’t make its use correct in “London is ‘worst’ than here!”

              But sure, I’m clearly the one that lacks an education. Go far and stay long.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Some people busy trying to keep this government in power. In what world would anyone have Kenneth and Jay in cabinet with Mac as speaker? Wayne can be so much better than this.

    • Anonymous says:

      He’s hiding his ability well.

    • Anonymous says:

      PPM are relying on McKeeva voting in favor of his own self-impunity. He doesn’t possess that calibration setting. If voters don’t like any part of what happens next, they can petition to disband LA and call early elections. Voters can do a lot when they organize and sign a petition. One thing they haven’t done recently is vote in favor of the PPM party and their ever-melding manifesto. There will be no such mandate if PPM seize power by coup. We mustn’t normalize this stuff.

      • Anonymous says:

        You understand that a vote of no confidence, if successful, results in an election, right? Doesn’t just give PPM power. So what exactly is the point of objecting to this and saying we should petition for early elections instead?

        • Anonymous says:

          How wrong you are.

          • Anonymous says:

            I stand corrected. Should have read the constitution instead of assuming! So a successful vote of no confidence requires the Governor to either remove the Premier or dissolve Parliament. If he removes the Premier the “party members” voting for that no confidence vote – not the nay votes – then get to elect a new Premier. The new Premier then tells the Governor who he wants in his Cabinet. The Speaker position doesn’t change unless he resigns or is removed by a separate vote of no confidence. So theoretically possible that Mac and his buddies throw in their lot with Roy to get rid of Wayne in exchange for keeping/getting Cabinet seats, and the Speaker position gets left either for another day – maybe quietly forgotten – or a separate majority vote of all MPs. Interesting. Question is – would the Governor risk it playing out with a new government in place who then did nothing about Mac, or dissolve Parliament.

    • Anonymous says:

      He could, but then he would be on the back benches.

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean “should be” much better than this. This is what happens when you have tunnel vision. He is not street smart, easy to get them to sign up for battle especially when they saw all the shiny charms but keeping them in formation is much harder.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Called it – my post of 5:23 yesterday.

    Anonymous says:
    20/09/2022 at 5:23 pm
    A 2/3rds vote. Same number as to require a general election, which would coincidentally also remove the Speaker. Wayne to Roy – we need to get rid of Mac, he’s embarrassing. Says Roy – absolutely right, but whilst we are about it why dont we clear the decks and deal with the obvious problem that government ministers cant seem to agree with the Premier. Lets just have a fresh election (prior to which I’ll cut my own deal with Kenny, Chris, Jay, Juliana, Mac and Dwayne). Wayne – you cant do that, you need 2/3rds and I have the numbers. Roy – you sure about that? 12 ministerial appointments plus the Speakers chair to grant, think I may just find 6 to cross the floor, and Mac of course.

  34. Anonymous says:

    No confidence in any of them. They all have failed our country and our people. Caymanians have been struggling in our own Islands for far too long. They cater to the foreigners who come here. This is not an anti-expat post, we all have our place and purpose, however, locals should not be disenfranchised the way they have been.

    • Anonymous says:

      But these are all multi generational Caymanians – only ones eligible to run, in the theory that only they can be trusted to protect Caymanians. Voted for by Caymanians. So what’s the solution? Going to need to change the pool of electoral candidates and/or the voting system if you want a different outcome.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Honestly…I agree I have no confidence in PACT at all, they haven’t done a damn thing they said they would. However, I have no confidence in PPM either as they did nothing while they were elected either. Sad times in Cayman. These old dogs need to retired.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Hey CNS – is it possible to throw up an anonymous poll for the public to vote? all that’s needed is total number of votes and percentage yes/no. No other information need be captured or reported. for example. it doesn’t matter how the vote is split between men or women or caymanian or not.

    CNS: I can do one next week. Remind me on Tuesday in a comment and let me know What question you have in mind.

    • Anonymous says:

      Should the Elections Law be amended to disqualify anyone with a criminal record from a senior trust position as a district member of parliament? If yes, should major Traffic Offences like DUI also disqualify? Should the entire LA, and wider senior CIG have to adhere to a higher code of ethics, when charged with a criminal/public trust offence?

  37. Anonymous says:

    What an A-hole and power monger!

    These people will stop at nothing to have power…ugh!

    • Anonymous says:

      And what is politics about if not to get the power to carry out your political mandate ? Why are you crying about this ? This is democracy !

      • Anonymous says:

        Well the purpose of democracy is to give people representation in government…..not for costly silly power plays by greedy, weak and desperate old men. Time for your meds Roy.

      • Anonymous says:

        @7:39pm Power, like respect, should be earned and given by the people not usurped by unwanted politicians, who use whatever means possible to get power.

      • Anonymous says:

        Except in Cayman political mandates don’t seem to be driven by ideas or ideology; driven by power – status, income and opportunity to milk the cow. I had thought Wayne would be a voice for change, and maybe deep down he is a man with ideas and the betterment of Cayman at heart, but he lost all that when he cut deals with the corrupt and the ruthless to get into power.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes ‘Democracy’ is the PPM failing to get enough people to form a government (in fact they lost sitting ministers in 2021) and them trying to take over the country anyway

  38. Anonymous says:

    Oh, hell no Roy and Alden! Both of you had your chance and we suffered 12 years under your tyranny.

    What a pathetic way of trying to get power back into their hands again..They must really think that the people of this country are stupid.

    Roy and Alden, go find a couple of chairs and sit down and STFU.

    • Anonymous says:

      suffered?? You ok bobo, we’ve seen some of the biggest growth in the last 12 years, have enjoyed a huge amount of benefits and guidance under PPM under the watchful eye of God.
      In 12 months of PACT, we’ve had a hurricane, another on the way, multiple deaths from covid and the worst egos and blatant lies I’ve ever experienced. God knows and sees all

      • Anonymous says:

        Growth that benefitted who? Some developers with no work permits or even right to live in Cayman, a couple of hardware stores, and 20,000 foreign nationals, including importantly some Canadian realtors. The positive benefits for Caymanians is too often nominal, and often ought-right harmful.

      • Anonymous says:

        Drink some more Kool aid bobo……they did lasting damage on the future of Caymanians starting with ignoring Cayman priority for sake of record permit fees…..thank God for port referendum or they would have bankrupt us in short term.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Poor Roy and his little PPM’ers still trying…What a weak ass attempt to usurp power. They should be ashamed of themselves. Nobody except them and the few supporters they have left ever want to see them in charge of this country..

  40. Anonymous says:

    What a shambles.


    PPM had three terms, that is sixteen years in charge including the last eight years with an overwhelming majority to carry out the very things they are now demanding be achieved in the last 16 months. This is the definition of hypocrisy and playing “politricks” by a group desperate for power to repay the all the favors and funding from special interests groups. It has become clear who really drives the agenda of the Progressives and to whom they remain answerable to.

    Why have deliberately failed to tell the country they actually need thirteen members to agree with the motion of no confidence for it to carry? That requires seven Pact members to cross the floor. That seems highly unlikely at this time.

    The reality is they only have six MP’s on the Opposition benches so this is not about achieving a change in government or removing PACT.

    This is about creating the perception of political instability and testing the waters to see who in the PACT is as desperate for position and power as the PPM members. It’s rather embarrassing given the reality of the current political landscape.

    This appears to nothing more than a PR stunt or even a poker game for the PPM who are playing with the emotions of the public and making a spectacle of themselves whilst bluffing after been given a losing hand in the aftermath of the April 2021 general elections.

    Cayman deserves better.

    • Anonymous says:

      What’s embarrassing is Kenneth and Jay, both clowns and dumb as stumps

      • Fed up with the bs comments and slack media oh and Roy. says:

        What has Kenneth done that is so wrong exactly. He seems to be working his ass off getting the country’s tourism product to be strong and even better than it was. His peers locally and around the Caribbean seem to respect him, why can’t Caymanians be proud that he is putting us on the map? Is it because he’s strong and that is threatening? And all Jay wants is to get that road open so his people can get to work in less than 2 hours and the East side of the island can be opened up to housing. What is so wrong, please I’m asking cos I just don’t get the throw away comments with no substance. Roy your job is to be an effective opposition… oppose something other than just the fact that you’re not Premier, otherwise it looks like PACT are doing a great job.

        • anonymous says:

          @5:42 (1)Getting the country’s tourism product strong? Are you referring to Cayman or our competition? Please keep up to date with his proposals.
          (2)You got that one correct, his peers around the Caribbean and locally SEEM to respect him, emphasis on SEEM! My friend, its not about HIM its about the people of Cayman.
          (3)Putting Cayman on the map? I was born here in 1970 and far as i can remember we have always been a TOP tourist destination on the map.
          (4) Threatening? Very much so, for irrational, ill informed ,apathetic decisions that can affect generations of Caymanians.

      • Anonymous says:

        Then there’s Bernie, on a whole other level all of his own.

    • Anonymous says:

      You forget how close it was last time – it was only Wayne getting into bed with Mac that got him the Premiership. Look at the PACT composition and count how many switched sides. Roy is trying to out Wayne Wayne!

    • Anonymous says:

      Ju Ju and Jon Jon will flip in the blink of an eye. Count how many times already.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Let’s just face the truth. None of these people are equiped for the jobs they do, in any/either party. They don’t care about Cayman and its people. They only care about keeping these super-cushy jobs where they have to barely do any work, travel the world first class for free, and receive per year in earnings, benefits, pensions, and ‘bonuses’, what the rest of us can only dream of earning in a decade.
    I’m utterly fed up and disillusioned with the whole lot of them now, just openly filling their pockets while the rest of us can’t afford to eat healthy foods, turn on our air con, or visit the doctor.
    The only people who benefit from our governments recently, are the people who ‘serve’ on them and their friends and family.

  43. You ain’t ready says:

    Mctaggart please sir go sit down you are not ZOremier material. Sir Alden has used you like do many others fillingbya head up with visions of grandeur which you will never achieve.

    Indeed you are a nice fella , jovial in a sense and accounting learned, but Premier no sah ya na Talawa!

    • Anonymous says:

      Isent this around the time the plywood will be distributed by the Mp’s no mater what side? Let’s get cracking boys, the only work you do has begun!! Pathetic bunch

  44. Anonymous says:

    Roy. They are not perfect but they are spending a lot of time cleaning up a mess the PPM made. Cost of Living? What did you do other than keep salaries as low as you could while raising your own salaries and benefits, invite in thousands of minimum wage workers, drive up property prices out of reach of your people, grant permits and PR to everyone, destroy the education of generations, refuse to enforce laws, weaken the civil service, and destroy the career prospects of large numbers of Caymanians? All whilst refusing to hear from your own party members – let alone engage with the general public. I’ll take Wayne over the alternative, any day. Like him, I am a founder and former supporter of the PPM. Your party now disgusts me. It, and its principles, are a sordid lie.

    • Anonymous says:

      This was meant as a reply to Anonymous at 6pm 21/09/2022 but was posted as a separate comment:

      Thank you, and Amen. And ditto! Although PACT may not be living up to all of their promises (and what Government can?) – I am FAR more disappointed in the greedy, self-serving, sellout disgrace that PPM became.

  45. Chris Johnson says:

    For years the Cayman Islands have been a world financial centre brought to fruition by the financial community and in latter years with assistance from the CIG. Having said that the CIG have largely failed to communicate with the financial community when the drafting of laws has taken place.
    Notwithstanding that our products and the financial community are held in high esteem by financial institutions.

    The latest exhibition of our speaker with his previous exhibitions are not going unnoticed by investors and international financial institutions alike. He and others of his ilk must be stopped in their tracks to prevent further damage to our reputation.

    I suggest our politicians take note of this. The financial business is highly competitive. The goose that lays the golden egg must not be ignored. For years many of us have wondered how long the goose will live. CIMA reaps the rewards and the CIG spends their income. It be hooves our government to save something for a rainy day. It is not “if” it is “when”.

    • Anonymous says:

      I know one financial service that wasn’t held in high esteem after significant instances of fee abuse…..the reputation was however rebuilt by the likes of Ken Chris and others.

  46. Anonymous says:

    So let me get this straight.
    The current Premier removed a pervert from parliament that the previous leader didn’t have the guts to do, so he called an early election, and we are now voting in no confidence?

    Hypocrisy at its finest.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mac has not resigned

    • Anonymous says:

      Mac has not gone anywhere

    • Anonymous says:

      Removed? He has not resigned or been moved. Wayne only wrote a “strongly worded letter with a potential deadline”

    • Anonymous says:

      The current Premier did not remove anyone. He “suggested” that Mac step down. And moreover, he doesn’t have he power to remove Mac. Mac can only be removed by resigning, or by a motion of no confidence. The previous government called early election to put the power back in the people’s hands (and yall put McKeeva right back). The current Government is giving suggestions rather than moving a motion of no confidence against Mac. And, the current opposition, instead of moving a motion of no confidence to remove Mac, they want to remove the entire government. Go and read the motion again. This is the same game just different moves. bottom line- none has the B@lls to do anything of real significance.

  47. Anonymous says:

    What timing. All about Power and nothing about what is best for The Cayman Islands and their constituents. We have a mess to sort out with the Speaker of the House ,Mckeeva, and please don’t forget PPM brought him into the fold to form their Government.A Hurricane is coming and we are Mourning our Queen. Really PPM , try so show some love for our beloved Cayman Islands 🇰🇾.

    • James says:

      these comments are ridiculous. go back to marl road please and listen to Wayne’s/Sandra’s rubbish.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh, Jimmy Boy. A reformed core government that sets and administers professional policies and procedures is what is needed. None of the current batch appear capable of doing this. Too many pigs trying to feed at the trough. There will need to be a housecleaning in the top two or three levels of government where promotion and employment is a political favor and not merit based.

  48. Anonymous says:

    They once again prioritise political power over the needs of the Caymanian people. While they are plotting and scheming, we are working to deliver results for the people and doing a good job of it,” Panton stated.

    He better worry about his own people getting ready to cut his throat

  49. YoungFoot says:

    I am disgusted by the lengths the PPM will go to secure power. Do they not realize that this entire act would be unnecessary if they actually exhibited care and concern for the people when they were in office?

    • Anonymous says:

      what lengths babytoe? The lengths that CMR and PACT went to last year was quite honestly the most embarrassing pile of iguana dung I’ve ever seen. The country has still not recovered from that ugly, divisive event. Honestly, I’d be so happy to see PPM back in power, we might actually see some progress. Wayne, I like you, but your ministers are laughing at you behind your back. Cross to the other side, get rid of Mac as your passing present, and unite this country again.

      • YoungFoot says:

        For the love of all that is sensible, stop perverting the term “progress” by affixing it to statements of the PPM. You would be so happy to see PPM back in power? A real fly in maiden plum.

  50. Sunrise says:

    The public should call for a vote of confidence against all 19 elected members and call for a re-election!! Enough said!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Umm it’s “no confidence”

    • Sunrise says:

      Sorry, the above should have read: “The public should call for a vote of no confidence against all 19 elected members and call for a re-election!! Enough said!!”


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