Police seek driver who may have seen fatal crash

| 11/08/2022 | 45 Comments

(CNS): Police are asking the driver of a small sedan who was the first on the scene of a fatal road smash early Monday morning in George Town to come forward as they believe he may have seen what happened. The collision in which Aleiny Reve Villegas (20) was killed took place around 3:40am on Eastern Avenue. The police said the driver of the sedan was passed just moments before the crash by the white Honda Accord carrying Villegas and her three friends.

According to CCTV footage, after the Honda passed the small car and crashed, the driver had then pulled over nearby before running to assist. While Villegas was killed the other three woman involved remain in hospital in a stable condition.

Police are appealing for all witnesses as the investigation continues but urged the driver of the small sedan to call PC 244 Jameson of the Traffic & Roads Policing Unit at 939-5722.

Meanwhile the family of Villegas, a Cuban national who was living in the Cayman Islands, and working in a store in Camana Bay have begun a social media fund raising campaign in order to finance the return of her body to Cuba.

“We are raising money for our family to bring Aleiny Revé Village back home,” they stated on the funding page. “The money will go to transporting her back to Cuba and for funeral arrangements. We thank you all for your support and assistance during this difficult time. All donations no matter the amount are deeply appreciated.”

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Category: Local News

Comments (45)

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  1. Grgie says:

    So on a clear night at the busiest intersection in town the bogus CCTV cameras still can’t work?!!
    When we are willing to fire the civil servants who have wasted millions on systems we still do not have, fattened their own selves at our expense, and see no issue with the status quo continuing???

  2. Anonymous says:

    Was anyone wearing safety belt?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Its crazy on the roads, esp anything East of Camana Bay. Can’t wait to complete my house with office in Little Cayman and do the school runs in the Twin Otter or the Boat to the Brac

    • Anonymous says:

      What are you doing to offset your carbon footprint? LC needs zero expansion and your twin otter & boat need to find a new home

      • Anonymous says:

        Wow really ? My little 17ft with a single out board engine is not
        Going to cause any damage compared to the damn Boeing you flew here on! Perhaps you should have reconsidered making that trip and stayed your a&& where you were

  4. Anonymous says:

    Inconsiderate, arrogant people who just have to speed. ‘Nobody matters but me’. Disgusting attitude towards everyone. Look how they choose to speed on the middle lane only to get one car ahead and stop in front of the traffic lights seconds later. They don’t even seem to have a basic instinct of self preservation, asking them to think about safety of others is simply too much to hope for : they don’t give a turd. Self entitled, they often get a slap on the wrist. How does one even look at own self in the mirror after causing something like this?

    • Anonymous says:

      There again, there are those drivers in cayman that go along at 12mph in a 30mph zone …. selfish drivers too and also bear some responsibility for accidents.

      • Anonymous says:

        You need to be somewhere 10 seconds sooner than the car in front of you ?
        Speed on this tiny island has no effect on arrival times.

        It’s all in your head.

        • Anonymous says:

          Driving under the speed limit is illegal, dangerous and you can be going the speed limit or under it and still be killed……

        • Anonymous says:

          “Speed on this tiny island has no effect on arrival times.

          It’s all in your head.”

          If you think about that statement, you’ll realize that strictly speaking, it is not true. Speed is at times necessary but during general commute, not needed. By your logic, best we get rid of the cars and speed limits, just travel around in golf carts.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Rip angel

  6. Anonymous says:

    Reasonably priced Uber will reduce this by 50% guaranteed

    • Anonymous says:

      Poor taste comment this one

      • Anonymous says:

        true tho

      • Anonymous says:

        Why would it be in poor taste to comment on a policy change that would prevent a tragic and avoidable event?

        • Anonymous says:

          8:53; anything that involvers policy change in the Cayman has to please a handful of local merchants and that’s it. If they aren’t pleased its shelved or ignored entirely.

          World Class….

    • Anonymous says:

      of course it would but cig has stated they would prefer to protect the local rip-off taxi cartel.
      welcome to wonderland.

      • Reetss says:

        And don’t speak of the wannabe slick boys who tink say that a lil taxi a yard and sweet Smooth talk mean they can have any late nite tourism worker.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Family work at Caymana Bay. Maybe Mr Dart could throw in a few chips to assist the family.

    • Anonymous says:

      Works for Mr. Foster. Maybe Woody should.

      • Huokm says:

        Big business don’t care about wages salary o benefits.
        Living or not. Caymans just greedy!!

    • Anonymous says:

      She didnt work at Dart; she worked at Fosters.

      3,300 people live and work at Camana Bay.

    • Anonymous says:

      What about the family in Cuba, why they don’t help, sad times,

    • Anon says:

      Was she was on a work permit? Permit holders pay a repatriation fee for these situations, also, not sure, but isn’t it a requirement that the employer who holds the permit responsible for arranging to send the body back? I know that I have an agreement with the Philippines embassy, that if something happens to my helper, that I am responsible for paying to send her remains back.

      If she was a Caymanian, then obviously different situation

  8. Anonymous says:

    There is just far too much chaos and carnage on our roads. When will we collectively do something about it?

    • Anonymous says:

      When it gets 1% of the attention Covid does! How many road deaths since March 2019?

      • Anonymous says:

        You want to catch some attention? Use words ‘gay marriage’. That triggers loud ones and will surely catch attention of many, you can put different contents somewhere three lines down the text, but they at least will pay attention to the title. Maybe it will work. Who knows.

    • Anonymous says:

      When we are willing to fire the civil servants who have wasted millions on systems we still do not have, fattened their own selves at our expense, and see no issue with the status quo continuing.

      Automated ticketing and enforcement is mainstream across the planet. Why is it the one of the richest and smallest places on earth cannot even do that?

      • Anonymous says:

        If “one of the richest and smallest places on earth” just had real driver training and a real driving test you’d have a fraction of the crashes you do. A significant proportion of our drivers are simply not safe to drive at any speed.

        • Anonymous says:

          And that’s before you get on to then issue of being able to pass your driving test or get your vehicle through licensing by greasing the wheels.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes lets collectively do something. Banning good people from obtaining a firearm has stopped all the crime so maybe we should ban all people from obtaining automobiles.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        That is a false equivalency.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not sure it is. Whilst they are completely different subjects, the core issue is the same; the law abiding comply and bear the onus of any restriction, whilst those that don’t care aren’t affected. Look at the number of serious accidents that involve disqualified or never even qualified drivers and vehicles out of licence.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are not actually a clown, you have ascended to being the entire circus.

      • Anonymous says:

        Dude. No guns ever… but if the police actually did their job and cabs were reliable and affordable then things would change.

        • Anonymous says:

          The difference being they occasionally try and do something about people who have illegal firearms, but do jack about unlicensed drivers and vehicles unless they stumble over them.

          • Anonymous says:

            And I know a man on a wp from Jamaica that got caught driving an unlicensed vehicle with no insurance and without a driver license in a two car accident and the Jamaican judge in Cayman went soft on him as he didn’t do any jail time and was not deported.

            • Anonymous says:

              And the #+*#^^ at immigration just keep rubber stamping his permit renewals. Like it never even happened.

    • Anonymous says:

      Poorly designed road system, dreadful road surfaces, vehicles testing from the dark ages (my guess if 30% of cars should not even be o the roads), no driving test for expats PLUS young, inexperienced drivers = deaths.

    • Anonymous says:

      What they was doing out on the road at 3:40 am ?


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