Street drug dealer stays in jail after failed appeal

| 21/07/2022 | 13 Comments
Cayman News Service
Wayne Carlos Myles

(CNS): Wayne Carlos Myles (41), who is serving a 13-year jail term for selling drugs and a consecutive two-year term for pimping, has failed to get his drug convictions and sentence quashed by the Court of Appeals. Myles was convicted in November 2017 for possession with intent to supply over six and a half grams of cocaine after he was arrested on two separate occasions for selling on the street, and, based on evidence found in his phone, for dealing both cocaine and ganja over a two-year period between 2014 and 2016. All of these drug convictions were upheld in a judgment released this week.

This was Myles’ second attempt to get the convictions quashed since he was convicted and sentenced in Summary Court. His appeal to the Grand Court failed last year and his claims that he was merely using drugs and not dealing failed to gain traction.

Once again, Myles argued that a police expert witness was allowed to give opinion evidence outside of her established expertise. He also argued that he was a victim of abuse of process, claiming that the prosecution had “sat on” a phone seized from him, which he denied was his, and used the messages in it to load up the charges, which he further claimed were laid after the statutory time period.

But the appeal court dismissed all the grounds for appeal, pointing out that the Limitation Act, which Myles had relied on, was not relevant. The court found that all of Myles’ attempts at legal arguments were in reality an attempt to disguise his real complaint, which was that each of the previous courts had reached the wrong conclusion on the facts.

But the appeal court judges found that they had all reached the correct decision and upheld both the conviction and the sentece.

Myles was caught red-handed in the car park of the Lone Star in June 2016 with several wraps of cocaine in his wallet. Then in February 2017, while he was on bail, he was again caught in North Church Street with several wraps of cocaine hidden in his shoe. His phone had a long history of messages associated with drug dealing covering a two-year period. All of this evidence was used to support the charges against him.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (13)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    You know it’s hard out here for a pimp!

  2. Bow to none says:

    The average Joe or Jane might think he’s the only one involved in this? This kind of thing tracks all the way up to a certain MP, he’s neck deep in it an most likely Myles is just one of his grunts. The big operator(s) are protected because of the influential clientele they serve.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Why should this man be released now or anytime soon. You do the crime, you do the time. Who wants this kind back on the streets to corrupt our children and put them on the slippery slope of no return……all for the greed of money! You stay where you are young man and Cayman’s streets will be a safer place.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Lord knows pimpin aint easy

  5. Anonymous says:

    give us your client list and we will free you

  6. 345 Mafia says:

    Dear Wayne C Myles why don’t you share with us the names of your political clientele who were frequenting your house of ill disrepute on Mahogany way ? That was probably a better option and grounds for your appeal.

  7. Gilda M says:

    Thankful because he was a star in the streets had all the clients linedupforus

  8. Anonymous says:

    Was that photo taken at the funeral for his own self-respect?


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