Dart finally buys Brac Power & Light
(CNS): Dart Enterprises has finally acquired Cayman Brac Power and Light Company, pending approval from the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg). The sale of the company that supplies electricity to both Sister Islands to Cayman’s largest investor and landowner has been on the cards for some 18 months.
According to a press release about the acquisition, Dart is planning to explore “the opportunity to develop renewable energy capabilities in the Sister Islands” after buying the CBP&L. No details of how much Dart paid for the small power company have been revealed.
The company will continue under the leadership of General Manager Jonathan Tibbetts. Staff members are expected to transition to the new company and will be trained in new technologies as they are adopted, Dart officials said.
The release said that CBP&L had approached Dart to find a successor to “innovate and invest in the existing infrastructure and sustainable future of the Sister Islands”.
Moses Kirkconnell MP (CBW), the managing director of the power company, said the shareholders of CBP&L wanted to grow the plant’s capabilities and keep pace with the energy revolution, which ultimately will benefit our customers. “Dart’s acquisition of the assets of Brac Power and Light will provide much-needed investment in the current infrastructure and, we hope, lead to a more sustainable future for the Sister Islands,” he said.
Dart said the sale would see investment in new technology and equipment at the plant, reducing the risk of disruption to fuel supply in the event of natural disasters. Saying it was one of “the largest producers of solar energy in Grand Cayman”, Dart said it was committed to sustainable growth in the Cayman Islands and supported the goal of the National Energy policy target to reach 70% renewable energy by 2037, and to reduce per capita emissions.
“We are committed to Cayman and its sustainable future and by working together we can
make an impact to mitigate climate change,” said Mark VanDevelde, the CEO of Dart Enterprises. He added that only 3% of the Cayman Islands’ power is produced through solar capabilities. “This new venture offers a significant opportunity… to increase that output and decrease the Islands’ dependence on fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions,” he said.
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Since it is a public utility, why wasn’t it placed on the CI Stock Exchange and offered to the public? OfReg is a joke
next stop 10 story hotel -_-
Brac will soon be like Grand – if it ain’t Dart then it ain’t.
We have one eyed leaders is blind man country.
All Mo$e$ $ee is dollar$$ for himself, to HELL with Caymanians.
Who would make the infrastructure for the Brac better? The rich people of the Brac?
Moses another sell out done got what he wanted, now us Bracker’s will suffer.
Thanks Moses for selling us out to Dart!
Brackers always claiming to be left out yet don’t want change. Please explain
25000 gallons of diesel fuel those old generators burn on the Brac per day.. and people wonder why Electricity costs .60 a KWH.. IMHO this is a good thing, 4 acres of land on the bluff with solar panels and some backup batteries would power the whole island.. Imagine the savings that would be realized after the initial investment of Solar. You can invest in a lot of solar tech for what 25000 gallons of fuel costs not to mention keeping those dinosaurs running on the bluff.. Dart knows this and will invest the money to make it so the citizens of the Brac and Little will be able to afford clean electricity well into the future..
Don’t be gullible. Saving you money was not what this deal was about. You do realize you can buy your own solar panels right?
good news for the brac…caymanians and cig have never shown commitment to the brac.
at least someone thinks the place has a future.
It does, it’s just you’re not seen as being part of that future.
12.04 FYI. Cayman Brackers are Caymanians. Are you saying that they are not committed to their islands future?
They want change until it comes and then cry out. Shit or get off the pot
CIG needs to pass critical infrastructure, land, and utility acquisitions through an independent antitrust screen, and supervise irreversible transfers of control. CIG should have a 100 year plan that isn’t calibrated just to “what will make their select friends/conflicted ministers richer”. We need to look at past deals and learn that Dart doesn’t necessarily have in-house expertise, required staff, or economic self-interest in improving performance, or delivering on marketed promises, and despite the body of work, many continue to falsely assume and hope for good faith.
Will the stealing stop?
9:36 am, we sure hope so, by having strict Auditors
Do you mean private utility? Otherwise how do you think it was purchased? Also what competition are you inferring? I imagine they’ll crush the competition from all those budding small power companies in the Brac.
Mo$e$ will be the winner in the deal. The small shareholders will get shafted.
I suspect they will get what is legally due to them based on the percentage of shares they hold.
Not a chance
don’t bring reasoned facts into this!!!
The small shareholders will get a minimum amount for their shares. Mo$e$, his relatives and friends will get the profits. Let’s see who makes big purchases with what they get from it.
The Caymanian shareholders are the ones that actually approached Dart
Not the other way around
You can’t buy what isn’t for sale
Thats terrible. He now owns the Brac. Hope another Ivan comes asap!!!!!
lol how the hell are you THIS salty.
you are digusting for wanting this because of one person buying things thats for sale. you are disgusting for not seeing the pain that will impact the majority of normal people.
i hope you heal soon.
You confused dartbot.
The OP appears to be inferring that a major reversal of these actions should take place, and not necessarily a major cataclysm like that of Ivan.
Comprehension is key ya SPICY bass.
What was said has absolutely nothing to do with dart…….They simply called the commenter a loser for wishing there was a hurricane…a terrible hurricane at that. Why would anyone sane wish for that lol
r u ok? Can you read?
“and not necessarily a major cataclysm like that of Ivan.” LMFAO
the post LITERALLY says “hope another ivan comes”
clearly you are the bot here. lmao
I hope Dart can turn it around. It’s been going downhill for 25 years.
Yeah. I just hope things don’t get worse.
The styrofoam container king is now concerned about the environment. LOL. Stop making styrofoam for starters. Way bigger impact than a few solar panels in CYB.
Ken Dart has long since moved on, you should too.
Enough destruction then? He “Moved on” haha you mustve celebrated th Jubilee without thinking of the slaves…
A 2015 audit of the government’s land management scolded ministers for allowing Dart subsidiaries such free rein to the island.
maybe people should stop buying styrofoam??…..blame the user, not the maker!
Highly unlikely that Mr. Dart eats his Wellies from a styrofoam container.
A large developer who now owns and controls a public utility. How is this even legal? Guessing any competition who tries to build will get denied due to system capacity limits or have to pay massive system upgrade fees. Going green for $ure.
Its sad times we live in where most the elders don’t respect the youth of Cayman so they don’t bother passing on any heritage, tradition, birthrights, not even any local lore.
Everyone complains about CUC. Well dart just put a big thumb up their asses. How hard is it to run a undersea power cable.
NOW CUC cannot control how much power he generates. You don’t think he’s thinking, brac first. Cayman next. With CUC prices the way they are. It’s not going to be hard to undercut them and still turn an amazing profit.
Think for a moment. Why would dart want a power company in the brac. Because when he applied to generate more power, in cayman. CUC’s cronies, denied him. Now its just a matter of logistics.
Under sea power cable close to 100 miles apart.. wow you have done some research in this theory
I doubt anything from Dart will be cheaper. Look at what he did to Cinema prices just as soon as he bought that franchise!
you mean the cinema that is clearly better and has 10x the features of the old cinema? you mean that one? lol now why in the actual hell would it be the same price for better stuff? lol tell me please. lmao growwww uppppppp
its legal because it was for sale and the previous people went to ASK if they wanted to buy it so lol be more upset at caymanians that sell out.
“He added that only 3% of the Cayman Islands’ power is produced through solar capabilities.” – not what he said.
“we currently produce around 3% of the country’s power through our solar capabilities and this new venture offers a significant opportunity for us to increase that output and decrease the Islands’ dependence on fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions.” – what he actually said.
Two very different things.
Looks like Moses if getting ready to retire..
All the years of supporting DART has paid off.. Wonder if Shilling is going to buy up most of his land?
Let’s see what else on the Brac is sold off..He has more land over there than Kurt has in Grand Cayman..
PPM doing what they do best!
The greed of this man and the politicians is just baffling. What more does he plan to take from Caymanians? What more do these stupid power and money hungry politicians plan to give him?
Caymanians have nothing left. It’s a disgrace.
What did he take? Caymanians sold it for profit! He took nothing. It was at a cost. Why is it so hard to accept responsibility? If you sell it he will buy it
He is Caymanian.
He is Caymanian. Also American, Canadian, Venezuelan and maybe Belizean and a few others. Who really knows?
Psst, he is Caymanian
Can’t buy what isn’t for sale. Caymanians have been selling out to Dart for the last 15+ years.
The best joke he played was building that tunnel to build a hotel on top of. LMAO Like he is going to building a tower overlooking his property! HAHAHAHA And you fell for it.
That was merely to cover the front of his home/land.
jokes on you because that has always been the plan for the tunnel. its been in the news and very much coming in the future so lol yikes for you
God is good.
A Real Shame. Kirkonnell is a millionaire.
He could have easily sold shares to anyone in Brac, Little and Grand Cayman, and still reserved 45% for Dart.
Dart best put his own person in charge because current manager on the road constantly taking care personal business.
Looks like you need help reading!
Power & Light is a private company and the manager owns a private business. Am sure Dart is fully aware of what the current manager is doing or not doing.
If the current manager does not live up to the expectations of new ownership – then he will have to choose whether to completely dedicate himself to the Power & Light job or completely dedicate himself to his private business.
And while on the subject let us not get started on the number of government employees here on Cayman Brac who are involved with some sort of business other than there government employment.
Why can’t you have two jobs? If they don’t conflict what is the problem!
Because they do conflict
Take over CUC please! Then we can fix the efficiency issues with that and maybe save a little.
The sustainability aspect is just Dart lies to try and confuse the public. Daddy dart just wants more control.
True. The UK Monarch will soon have to report to Uncle Dart. Land is wealth. Private Land Ownership is not Crown Land. Once Dart Privatizes a majority, if not all, of the Cayman Islands under the DART Trademark & IP Rights, the last things would be to approve an official National Dart Holiday & to modify the Nationality of it’s people- to ‘Dartarians’.
Don’t forget the iconic 50 story building..
In Stake Bay
Hurry, get it sorted over there so you can compete with CUC in Grand
From one monopoly to a bigger one. Be careful what you wish for.
Competition is good remember