Chickenpox spread blamed for migrant unrest

| 23/06/2022 | 14 Comments
Cayman News Service
CDC Detention Centre on Wednesday night (from social media)

(CNS): Following news Wednesday night of a disturbance at the Customs and Border Control Detention Centre at Fairbanks, the CBC said on Thursday afternoon that the situation was now calm. The unrest appears to have erupted after more migrants came down with chickenpox, as the virus appears to be spreading among those detained by border control. The Cubans who had contracted the virus previously were being held separately at the Breakers Civic Centre but that location is now full.

CBC said the Public Health Department had told them that segregating the population at the detention centre was no longer necessary at this stage as the virus runs its course. Migrants who are showing signs of the illness are under the care of Public Health and treatment is being provided as necessary.

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Category: Health, Local News, Medical Health

Comments (14)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Probably not chickenpox, its them welts from our damn mutant monster swarms of mosquitos. I think the mosquito plane must be sick with chickenpox though, maybe Covid, maybe monkeypox, haven’t seen it since 2019.

  2. Anonymous says:

    CIG, make your press release better next time, say why.

    In this case, why “segregating the population at the detention centre was no longer necessary at this stage as the virus runs its course”?

    While I can guess some reasons, CIG press releases like this always leave me with as many new questions as old ones answered.

    Thank you.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was “no longer necessary “ because a) they had run out of places to segregate them anyway and b) by that stage they had all been exposed to the point where segregating them was too little too late.

  3. Anonymous says:

    So how long will they to be detained and what is the plan. Cannot keep human beings locked up indefinitely, they are refugees not criminals.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I bet 99% of them are vaccinated or already had chicken pox. They do vaccinate people in Cuba.


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