Health City moving towards training institution

| 18/05/2022 | 34 Comments
Cayman News Service
Health City Cayman Islands

(CNS): World-renowned cardiac surgeon Dr Devi Shetty has plans to convert the hospital he founded here, Health City Cayman Islands, into an institution for training Caymanian students to become the healthcare professionals of the future. Part of the original deal Shetty made with the Cayman Islands Government to build the hospital in East End, in which HCCI received a number of controversial concessions, was that it would create opportunities for Caymanians to join the medical sector.

With construction now underway on its second major facility, located on the edge of Camana Bay, Dr Shetty has said the internationally accredited specialty hospital will become a leading medical education institution serving the Caribbean and other countries in the Western Hemisphere.

“We do have an obligation to the government and people of the Cayman Islands, who went out of their way to help us become established over the past eight years,” Shetty said in a video message on the hospital’s Founder’s Day.

“To pay them back, we will convert Health City to be an institution for training the students of the Cayman Islands as the future dynamic doctors, nurses, medical technicians with magic in their fingers… At some point in time, we need to convert our entire Health City as an institute of medical education, nursing education, paramedical education.”

Through its Healthcare Explorers programme, Health City provides a variety of educational opportunities for students here, and a number of staff members have been recognised for their outstanding contributions.

“Our goal is to save lives and improve the quality of life for our patients,” said Clinical Director Dr Binoy Chattuparambil. “To have an amazing cadre of local talent at our institution already fits into the vision of our founder to have more Caymanians pursuing healthcare careers and we look forward to this trend continuing.”

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (34)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    From what I’ve seen at Shetty Hospital, where the standard of care is exemplary. Most Caymanian employees work at the front desk or as security, basically in places where they can’t cause any damage.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Marketing fluff to boost their stock which is traded in India?

  3. Anonymous says:

    “To have an amazing cadre of local talent at our institution already fits into the vision of our founder to have more Caymanians pursuing healthcare careers and we look forward to this trend continuing.” Nice rhetoric from Dr Binoy Chattuparambil. Vision is one thing, but can anyone tell me exactly how many students have pursued healthcare careers via HCCI over the last. . .how many years have they been here under this promise?

    • Anonymous says:

      Health City’s original agreement with CIG does not allow them to operate out of Camana Bay. CIG, Ministry of Health and Medical practitioners registration board are all turning a blind eye. We need a BVI style commission to investigate this. Hope Auditor General will at least investigate and report.

  4. Anonymous says:

    So the hospital is failing and time to change the business plan … zzz…

    • Anonymous says:

      Sure; let us downplay the importance of training Caymanians locally for the medical field. (KMT)

      • Anonymous says:

        Scary prospect unless they’ve been schooled overseas first.

      • Anonymous says:

        Training doctors to completion in Cayman is impossible: there is no medical Board for ANY healthcare profession here. Leave the early years training of doctors to St. Matthews University School of Medicine if you students want to start in Cayman, followed by overseas completion of their medical degrees to receive credible Board certification. HCCI training our future doctors and nurses. . .really? Institutional List (IL) registration has already compromised the trust in Cayman’s healthcare system, and now Shetty wants IL doctors to train the next generation of healthcare providers. . . Jeezum!

    • Anonymous says:

      How is it failing if they are investing in yet another hospital?

      • Anonymous says:

        What? Do you think their East End facility has reached full capacity so they’re having to expand? HCCI @ EE has failed so they’re trying to have more success closer to town, but it’s not about location. . .

  5. Anonymous says:

    Doctors trained at HCCI credentialed by which Board. . . General Medical Council (UK), Medical Council of India- I hope not Pie in the sky proposal, just like HCCI will become a major centre for medical tourism in the Caribbean and beyond– the third arm of the Cayman economy, which was always going to flounder and has done. When will CIG wake up to institutions making huge promises they cannot keep, and allowing them to keep vast sums of money that should go into the public purse?

  6. Anonymous says:

    The HCCI game is up. The community is beginning to understand the difference between Principal List (PL) and Institutional List (IL) registration; beginning to understand that the qualifications of doctors from India cannot be evaluated by the Health Practice Board; that specialists applying for registration to the IL do not have to show evidence of training in their specialism — what So now, HCCI will transition to become a training school for healthcare professionals? Like, we want our future healthcare providers to be taught and trained by HCCI. Thanks for the offer, but no thanks.

  7. Say it like it is says:

    The main premise from Health City in it’s original business application, under which it obtained a host of valuable concessions was that it was built for health tourism to bring in patients from overseas for treatment.I did not see any reference to competing with local hospitals for local patients. How many international patients have the treated in the last 12 months as compared to local patients?.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been an HCCI in-patient twice and a few other family members a number of times each. I remain under out-patient care of some of the specialists there. I know of only positive experiences among us. Positive, not necessarily complaint-free.

    For example, on my last hospitalization there in 2020, I got the sense that HCCI was already a training facility, among the nursing staff that is, as compared to my first hospitalization there in 2017.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t misinterpret healthcare professionals in need of supervision rather than in training.

  9. Anonymous says:

    ☢️Radiation safety Act doesn’t exist in Cayman. How can HCCI can proceed with the new facility in its absence?
    ☢️Radioactive and hazardous medical waste disposal rules and regulations don’t exist in Cayman either.
    🙈Mind boggling!

    • Anonymous says:

      True . Another judicial review required to stop these under the table deals

    • Anonymous says:

      Cancer Treatment centers must follow rules and regulations to keep patients, workers, visitors and environment safe. No rules and regulations exist in Cayman.

      RADIATION ☢️
      Safety rules and regulations for specific types of radiation treatments don’t exist in Cayman. The radioactive materials can leave patient’s body through saliva, sweat, blood, and urine and that makes these fluids radioactive.

      Proper qualifications and training for the Radiation oncology clinical team must be in compliance with rules, regulations which don’t exist in Cayman. I don’t know if licensing is required to practice radiation oncology in Cayman.

      Chemotherapy drugs are considered to be hazardous to people who handle them or come into contact with them. Most of the drug waste comes out in patient’body fluids, such as urine, stool, tears, sweat, and vomit. The environmental impact of cancer chemotherapy either through disposal of chemotherapy waste through incorrect waste management or excretion from patients following administration. IT MUST BE REGULATED. Wastewater treatment facilities remove only small amount of chemotherapy or other drugs. SHOULD HCCI have its own wastewater treatments plant that removes chemotherapy and other drugs?

      Storing, handling, administering and disposing of chemotherapy drugs must also be regulated.

      ✴️ Conclusion: Does Cayman need this kind of toxic burden no one can escape?

  10. Anonymous says:

    But their qualifications are not recognised as being equal here. How are they qualified to train Caymanians?

    • Anonymous says:

      Business getting bad up they. 5 years ago a Caymanian could not go here there to get work. Bout train Caymanians to mop?

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly. Just another smokescreen from Dr Shetty to try to mask the fact that his staff are not, as HCCI claim, “world-renown”. Healthcare students trained by healthcare professionals with questionable credentials = poor healthcare for Cayman in the future. But just watch CIG lap this BS up like a dog at the water bowl.

      • Anonymous says:

        How many Caymanian Medical Students has Health City given scholarships too? Health City why is your PR machine silent about this?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Is it true that Dart now owns a major portion of Health City?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Awesome. Long overdue.

    • Hubert says:

      Now all we need to do is to improve the public education system.

      • Anonymous says:

        Must get rid of Juliana and the entire education establishment to achieve better education in the Cayman Islands. We know this isn’t happening unless a truly independent government comes to power.

        • Sir Humphrey says:

          Or else we get a Minister of Education in the future who understands education and knows what is required to bring the standard up yo a much higher level.

          Not sure an independent government is the answer if there is no expertise in education.


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