Over a thousand people isolating with COVID-19
(CNS): The steady increase in COVID-19 cases across the Cayman Islands continued Thursday, as officials confirmed that there are now around 1,013 active cases of COVID-19 in the Cayman Islands. The rolling seven-day average has increased to 74 cases, and another 173 new cases were officially reported to Public Health over the last two days, including five cases on the Sister Islands. Five COVID-19 patients are in hospital, three of whom are vaccinated.
Positive cases reported to Public Health during this period are currently as follows:
Tuesday | 26/04/2022 | 81 |
Wednesday | 27/04/2022 | 92 |
The current COVID regulations governing the protocols, including social distancing, mask mandates, testing regimes, isolation periods and gathering limits, expire at the weekend. However, officials have said that no press briefing is expected to take place to update the country about any changes.
A public release is expected to be circulated on Friday detailing what changes the community can expect. But public officials said in the weekly report published yesterday that the mask mandate would be remaining in place, given the continued rise in virus numbers and the impact of the increasing number of people in quarantine.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
I want my 2nd Booster Shot. My 2 vaccination shots and my booster are now more than 1 year old. Protection wanes after a while. It’s not meant to cover me for life.
Go to a Private doctor and pay for it.
But those 1000 people do not include the Governor, who got out of isolation after 4 days even though the regular day you both need a clear PCR test and that test cannot be taken until day 6.
Covid in Cayman is nothing more than an extra free week off work for Civil Servants every few months.
Don’t forget the civil service excuse to also “work from home”
You must love traffic congestion downtown
More restrictions than the rest of the world (other than China) yet cases are rising. Meanwhile, cases falling around the world. Our poor babies are stuck in masks all day. What a horrible school experience.
Thank Kenny and his Carnival bottom of the barrel cruisers.
Cases are not falling around the world? Several places have gone back into lockdown to attempt to control the situation. My God, wearing a mask is not a big deal. Get the hell over it, bunch of whining brats you all are.
Crybabies and stupids
The American cultural influence runs deep with the same bunch. Imagine if owning a firearm here was easy as getting a drivers licence that would be better population control than Covid by far.
No place has gone back into lockdown. Unless you’re talking about China (come on, gimme a break). COVID is over in terms of needing to “prevent the spread”. Stop being so happy being controlled by the government.
So move to where you prefer their regulations or lack there of.
So what? Covid is now endemic and will persist, so if this is not the time to lift the mask mandate and other restrictions when will be? Raw case numbers are not the issue. Restrictions were justified by saying it was stop health services being overwhelmed. But other countries have seen massive omicron waves and lifted their restrictions anyway, and none had hospital capacity issues. There are 6 people with covid in hospital, the hospitalisation numbers have stayed low and manageable. The vaccine and the omicron profile mean cases do not translate into hospitalisations and deaths anymore like they did in the past. And for those who want to wheel out ‘long covid’, covid is endemic, you ARE going to catch it sooner or later, probably sooner, so ‘long covid’ is not a reason to keep masks and all the other pointless regulations.
Citations needed.
Undoubtedly I will receive many thumbs down for this one (yawn) but I’m glad that the mask mandate is remaining in place. Government just needs to step up and enforce it! Too many visitors are blatantly breaking the rules; some being extremely rude, and and act as if the rules don’t apply to them.
I went head to head with one bull-faced American yesterday about it. When she realized I was not going to take her shit and called security to have her escorted from the property if she did not comply she was quick to back track and apologize. I honestly hate having tourist back on island with their blatant disrespect and holier than thou attitude. It was so nice serving residents within our community when our borders were closed.
Good luck with that.
(2) A person who refuses to wear a mask or cloth face covering because of a medical
condition shall not be required to produce documentation verifying the
Did I say that I asked her to produce documentation? I did not. However, I do not have to serve her either. Our rules are that we require masks, don’t wear one, you don’t get service. Simple.
She just did not want to wear a mask because she is an American and they don’t wear it where she is from. As if I give a shit. She is in Cayman, not her home town. We have rules.
Our “rules”, as quoted above, do not require her or anyone else to wear a mask.
Documentation required to prove it otherwise they are SOL.
So discriminating against the medically exempt is part of your “rules” is it?
What is the mask mandate achieving, taking the longer term into account too? Seriously what is the point?
Follow the science:
Lockdowns do more harm than good. This is irrefutable.
Oh please
bunch of damn sissy’s
You would do well in China.
Yawn. Honestly, this is absurd. Disband Travel Cayman, unmask our kids, let us grocery shop without spray and masking. It literally makes ZERO difference. Zero.
Citations needed
Hospitalisations falling. No deaths to report. Disease endemic. Death rates below normal flu especially for the vaccinated. Other countries removing all isolation requirements. Denmark now winding down vaccination programmes. So why are these poor people now under house arrest?
House arrest? False equivalency. Grow up, crybaby.
Not being allowed out of your house with criminal sanctions for a breach = house arrest in my book. Why don’t you deal with the substantive point that this regime is now pointless rather than trying to deflect from it?
Ok. Want to explain the difference between being confined to your house 24/7 because of an imposed public health order, and being confined to your house because of a court order? Seems to me that whilst the cause may be different, the practical consequences are identical.
The government is full of COWARDS. Face the press and your people hiding only makes you all look worse.
Face the press about what? Have a complaint, go to their community office or send them an email. What do they need to face the press about
I hope the Minister of Tourism will be warning the Florida Caribbean Cruise Ship Association of these worrying developments, so their ships can all divert to Swan Island to avoid ruffling the feathers of their passengers.
What is worrisome? The fact that so many people are in quarantine from the cold and the rest of the world has figured out quarantine doesn’t have any health impact, just an economic one?
7.32pm You completely missed the drift, the comment was aimed at removing our cruisesheep.
Citations needed
Yet PACTHETIC has somehow succeeded in making the traffic worse that it was BC.