Officials watch COVID cases for potential surge

| 07/04/2022 | 56 Comments

(CNS): Public Health officials said that further monitoring and analysis are needed to understand the factors behind last week’s upward trend in COVID-19 numbers before they can say whether Cayman should expect the dramatic increase in cases experienced recently by other countries.

While the increase is still slight for the period between 27 March and 2 April, it is the third week in a row where case numbers have risen, with a positive case rate of 415 versus 384 from the week before.

The latest figures released by Public Health also show the increase continuing over the last few days. Another 82 people reported testing positive on Tuesday and Wednesday, with the rolling daily average now at 44 cases and an estimated 621 active cases.

The good news is that hospital cases remain low, with just two people currently admitted with COVID-19, both of whom are unvaccinated. To date, just 253 COVID-19 patients have been admitted to hospitals here since the pandemic began in March 2020.

Meanwhile, public officials continue to implore everyone to get vaccinated. At the end of last week, 93% of the population aged over five years had received at least one dose and 35% had received a booster.

See the latest weekly report in the CNS Library.

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Comments (56)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    How can the government website say 1 case reported on sister island as of April 11. when there are currently 20 active logged positive cases. That is an absolute fact!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Will there be a surge? Is there going to be gatherings at Easter? The answer is yes. Don’t panic, but do be sensible. (Individuals and Government.)

  3. Anonymous says:

    I went back to the office last week after two years working at home. Now I am working at home again with covid!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Acting CMO and PACT are letting ‘er rip with only 35% having received their FIRST booster. Nearly zero have their fourth, many of those closing in on 6 months past third. Omicron XE seems like it will surge to the frontline and inevitably takeover as dominant, promising many more months of this. Even if it’s considered mild in some, and long COVID/>50% elevated CVD risks entirely dismissed, are we supposed to accept being infected and sick for 2 weeks out of every other month as our new lot in life, just to allow others the indulgent freedom not to LFT themselves? We need a full-time CMO that is going to give a hoot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Considering that getting sick with Covid is non-event for the vast majority of people, and the science seems to suggest that the 4th booster provides very short-term benefits against transmission and marginal benefits, if any, against serious illness, then yes, we are supposed to just move on.

      As much as you seem to think that extra boosters targeted at original covid will help you with Omicron, you’re not correct.

      The government knows this and the only reason travel time and mask-theatre at restaurants is still here is to appease people like you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Israel, FDA, and CDC don’t agree with you on the 4th booster for over 50s. XE’s early traction suggests we have more case spikes in our future, whether we want to believe in Covid, long Covid or not. Being mindful of the needs of others is not a negative personality trait in my book. It’s strange that it’s become popular to treat thoughtfulness like gum on our shoe, when it’s really minimal effort stuff.

      • Anonymous says:

        All ye who disseminate garbage in the form of telling only part of the truth: you are deceitful and downright dangerous. The truth is that all the credible evidence and good advice from people well above your pay grade indicates that a second booster is certainly indicated for those in vulnerable groups. From and interview with with infectious disease expert Dr. Marcus Pereira, about who should get a second booster this was one conclusion. If you are immunocompromised or over age 60 or 65, I’d advise getting a second booster sooner rather than later, because the risks of COVID are still substantial. Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said that second boosters are “especially important for those 65 and older and those 50 and older with underlying medical conditions that increase their risk for severe disease from COVID-19.”
        The conclusions drawn form an Israeli study of a second booster among the elderly concluded that there was a big difference in deaths and hospitalizations from COVID between the once-boosted and the twice-boosted groups. For those age 60 to 69, people with just one booster had a two-fold higher rate of death from COVID. And for those over 80, the rate was almost 10 times as high.
        The truth is that what we know indicates that in the over-60 group and those with co-morbidities such as diabetes and obesity (bearing in mind that the combined groups comprise a not insignificant portion of our population) a second booster offers considerable protection.
        One good and proper reason that travel time and masking in public closed spaces is still here is to protect the vulnerable. Even if you do not care about those people, there are good people in the Cayman Islands who do.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds like you need to find a bigger basement to love in. Your fear is illogical and how dare you insinuate free people are indulgent for living as free people. Maybe China or Cuba is a better fit for you.

  5. Anonymous says:

    This Panton PACT-less Clown Car government is turning a blind eye towards an aspect of Covid that the UK and other countries are taking very seriously: Long Covid. (This could be because because blindness is endemic with the Clown Car and driver.) Many people I know (including my wife and myself) who have tested positive or had a suspected Covid case in the past, including those who were asymptomatic or had very mild symptoms (like us), are complaining of, manifesting, or presenting to doctors with symptoms associated with Post-COVID-19 Syndrome (Long Covid). Long Covid can present with many symptoms not present in the initial infection and can affect nearly every system and organ in the body. Long Covid sufferers are coming down with health issues weeks and even months after the initial infection. According to research done by Oxford University, over 1/3 of those identified as having had a Covid 19 infection experience symptoms long after the initial infection. The effects of Long Covid can be devastatingly debilitating in some cases. The Clown Car should recognise that the public has a right to know about all the critical issues surrounding Covid 19 in the Cayman Islands The HSA’s pathetically deficient weekly reports on infection numbers and mindless press releases by the Minister of Health fall far short of living up to their responsibilities to protect the public’s health. Are they even studying Long Covid at all? As early as October 2020 the NHS in the UK devised a Five Point Plan to deal with Long Covid. The plan included supporting further research, increasing public awareness, dedicated post-Covid information and recovery websites, and Long Covid clinics. What does the Clown Car have here to deal with Long Covid: Crickets. That is breathtakingly stupid and astoundingly careless.
    Due to their remarkably irresponsible avoidance of dealing with Long Covid, the Panton PACT-less Clown Car has again proven to be quite well deserving of that name.

    • Anonymous says:

      6:54 You are an overachiever at being pathetic. This government has done what you and the rest of the political numpties said wasnt possible with nationwide vaccination! How do you avoid long covid? Dont catch Covid at all! If you do, being vaccinated significantly reduces sickness and long covid chances. Cayman has a great covid record so get over your foolishness.

      • Anonymous says:

        Nice try at dancing around the Panton PACT-less Clown Car’s irresponsibly ignoring the issue of Long Covid. You sound like the perfect Clown Car disciple.
        Back to the issue because, like Covid, this is not going away: Can you tell us what the Cayman Islands government is pro-actively doing about Long Covid?
        What do you know about Long Covid from the Clown Car’s efforts at providing information about it to the general public?
        Can you point us to some press releases telling us how they are addressing or plan to address the issue of Long Covid?
        Can you give us any meaningful amount of timely government-supplied information about Long Covid?
        If the answers are negatory, you make my case, they are indeed pathetic. Thank you for your support!
        (Is that you Wayne? Sabrina? If you are a Clown Car member that might explain your silly response and deflecting negative attention by dancing around the issue. That is how the Clown Car handles most of the serious issues in the Cayman Islands.)

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just come back from a trip to the States. Whilst the cases are going up, hospitlizations are not. And there are absolutely no controls or mask wearing. Not even a testing requirement even if symptoms. One of our group was feeling rough, turned out to be flu. People get sick, its working through. Time to move on.

    • Anonymous says:

      New York state reports 5,763 new coronavirus cases, an increase of 56% from last week. Number in hospital up 24%, reaching 1,025.


    • Anonymous says:

      So, you went to ALL the States? Your anecdotal account is supposed to represent the medical state of the entire U.S.?

  7. Ah says:

    Go away Covid. Go into the abyss…

  8. Anonymous says:

    It is mind boggling to see people in Cayman still wear face masks, even outdoors.

  9. Wilt says:

    So? Case numbers mean nothing now Covid is vastly less dangerous for the vaccinated.

    • And even less for those that are not vaccinated, have had the virus, and now have natural immunity.

    • watcher says:

      “vastly”. Not there is a measure of data in which we can all hang our hats. Thank you for submitting this factoid.

      • Wilt says:

        23 times less likely to be hospitalised = vastly.

        • Anonymous says:

          …and then there’s Boostered = 35%, and Fourth dose <1%.

          • Anonymous says:

            Why do you not tell the whole truth? Give us a breakdown of the effectiveness of the 2nd booster to prevent negative outcomes among those over 60 and those with comorbidities. That combined group comprises a not insignificant portion of our population.

  10. Bert says:

    2022 fully vaccinated death toll : 2.
    2022 road death toll : 7.
    Get a sense of perspective. Omicron is so infectious trying to hold it back is pointless as it just delays the inevitable. If hospitals are not overwhelmed, which they are not, there is no good reason now to close society and impose mask mandates.

    • Grover says:

      Shanghai reports 24,943 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase on record, with 26 million people on lockdown.

      Bug wave soon come Bert. Better wake Ernie.

      • Wilt says:

        And? How many hospitalisations in Shanghai? Omicron is there after it has been everywhere else. So why does Shanghai’s data show there is a “bug wave” coming?

        • Anonymous says:

          Unsure about China, but here is data from NY state.

          New York state reports 5,763 new coronavirus cases, an increase of 56% from last week. Number in hospital up 24%, reaching 1,025

  11. Annie says:

    We are going to see spikes with an endemic virus, not really surprising. The metric we need to evaluate are deaths. I know many people who have tested positive in the past weeks. Runny nose, sore throat, tired… sounds like the old times with the flu. No one I know is out for more than a few days, just like the old times. Most of my friends are in the 30 to 50 year age group…and all are vaccinated, but not all boosted. I am sorry for those that lost loved ones, but, really, it is time now to remove restrictions and allow common sense and personal choice.

    • Anonymous says:

      The metrics are long term healthcare and insurance costs from ignoring long COVID, hospital capacity, deaths, economic cost of closures, social and mental costs from crisis fatigue, and political cost of not getting these nuanced issues just right and pleasing everyone.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Has government released any information on the current Covid outbreak on Little Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      Can’t have the people understanding the risks can we – bad for business

      • Anonymous says:

        And thousands of unmasked untested cruise passengers can’t possibly be a reason for increased Covid numbers, can they.?
        Thanks Kenny.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Watch this 🖕

  14. Anonymous says:

    When can we get the 2nd booster (4th COVID-19 vaccine shot)? Its been over 6 months since a lot of our 60 and over folks received their first booster shots.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Cases don’t matter. For goodness sakes – this gets more and more absurd. Unmask the kids!!! Like everywhere else in the world!!! COVID is now causing FEWER deaths than the common flu in the UK. The voting population still living in fear are stopping us from moving on with life. Decommission Travel Time (which won’t happen as it employs a significant number of voters), no more exit testing, no more preflight testing. Enough!!!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Is any of this statistically significant? I would not ask except that so much concern is expressed over such small nmbets.

  17. Anonymous says:

    vaxx after Omicron infection -> not a smart idea

    “Independent protection of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection was high and persistent health issues were common in individuals receiving vaccine post COVID-19. Recommendations of vaccinating those recovered from COVID-19 need further studies.”

    • Anonymous says:

      For all the dislikes – point to one study or data set that shows the benefits of vaccinating with the over 2 year old spike protein after an Omicron infection. And you won’t because such evidence doesn’t exist.

  18. Toby says:

    Exactly what did anyone expect when the borders were flung wide open?

    That some magical force would protect us?

    Keep yourselves safe!

    • Anonymous says:

      we had our biggest outbreak when borders were closed last oct/november/decmeber….

      • Anonymous says:

        Tes, remember Cocktail week? Right as the booster was being rolled out with delays.
        People I know who attended are still “wondering how” they got it, despite having attended several of those events. Restaurants were lax in testing their staff and customers were too boozed up to consider the risk they were taking at that point with Delta around.

      • Anonymous says:

        Borders have been open longer than that.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t think it was an ‘outbreak’ at all, it has always been here. It was testing that discovered it.

  19. Elvis says:

    Ummmmmmm…… cruise passengers and stay overs .?

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