CPA meets to hear controversial hotel application

| 06/04/2022 | 105 Comments
Cayman News Service
Artist’s rendering of aerial view of proposal in the application

(CNS): The Central Planning Authority will be holding an additional meeting this month just to hear the controversial proposed, application for a $125 million hotel and residential resort close to Crystal Harbour that has attracted a very high number of objectors.

The application by Prisma was adjourned in February over an apparent anomaly with the zone category of the canal proposed to be filled and to enable the planning department to prepare a detailed list of all the objectors from landowners that fall within the area.

The development has been screened for an environmental impact assessment and the National Conservation Council has endorsed the DoE’s findings that while the proposed development does not require an EIA, there are environmental impacts associated with this project that will need to be addressed. The DoE has also recommended that a hotel needs assessment is carried out to determine the need for hotels in this area.

The site was cleared of mangroves more than a decade ago in preparation for a development that never progressed. Therefore, the current eco-risks now revolve around the filling of the canals.

“The canal areas around the site are of ecological value as they contain seagrass beds, benthic algae and marine species which rely on these important habitats,” the DoE said. “Direct impacts will be caused in the areas where the canal is to be filled and those sections of proposed new waterways. Indirect impacts will also be caused by the excavation of the material in the boat slips and canal extension as well as in the construction of the proposed docks.

“Given the massing of boating facilities, marinas and theoretical number of boats proposed for this small area of canal, there is a potential for boating related pollution to further exacerbate poor water quality,” the DoE stated in its scoping opinion.

However, the controversy surrounding this project is the impact on the nearby wealthy, exclusive community of Crystal Harbour, where the numerous objections have come from.

The $125 million mixed-use development originally comprised a nine-storey 44-room hotel, 58 apartments, 20 townhouses, five duplexes and various amenities, including a canal extension. It is described by the developers as a step in the “evolution of Crystal Harbour”. But the residents there disagree.

According to the letters submitted, the scale of this proposed project is incompatible with their community and insensitive to their quiet family neighbourhood and quality of life. There are also objections to the variances and what the nearby landowners claim are deviations from planning regulations, as well as concerns that the project plans are incomplete.

Meanwhile, the developers have argued that their boutique hotel will enhance the Crystal Harbour community and attract a new kind of “international traveller” in line with the country’s tourism needs.

The special meeting, which is open to the public, begins at 1pm Wednesday (today) at the Compass Centre.

See the details in the CNS Library.

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Comments (105)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The wealthy burghers of Expatistan are revolting. Predictable.

  2. Anonymous says:

    10.24am I believe the poster at 8.52pm is directing his comments to the developers who already own the land.
    Come on guys develop something that is affordable to the average Caymanian.

  3. Lalique Mangrove dead Mafia says:

    Yes some low cost housing could work and housing project or two can you imagine the armour personnel carriers deployed to Lalique point to deal with stench of the poor and the rabble They would probably hire the Wagner Group to stamp out this terrible injustice and to protect their fragile little mindset and offspring. One could be imprisoned for such talk 8:52am mind your idle tongue less you be detained and disappeared by Champagne water boarding and a hot tub of boiling Krystal !

  4. Anonymous says:

    We don’t need more hotels….

  5. Anonymous says:

    Good site for affordable low cost housing. Objections?

    • Anonymous says:

      Then go try to buy the land.

      • Anonymous says:

        10.24am I believe the poster at 8.52pm is directing his comments to the developers who already own the land.
        Come on guys develop something that is affordable to the average Caymanian.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I saw earlier today a post on LinkedIn referring to Mike Ryan and his vision of bringing the ritz to cayman. Turns out it’s a link to his own website where he talks a whole bag of you-know-what about bringing the ritz to cayman. I’m personally a fan of the ritz and believe it’s a positive entity to have here…but it completely ignores the fact that he went friggin bankrupt building and running it! Who is so stupid to put on their resume the crown jewel project that infamously and publicly failed horribly?!
    I actually don’t know either way if this project is any good or bad…but Mike Ryan…is a dumbass. Full stop

    • What have you built? says:

      So 6:14… tell me what major hotel property have you built lately? Have you done any? Have you ever put together the financing and project management to get something like the Ritz property built? Ryan at least can point to several, including the Ritz. And yes the Ritz is good for Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Ritz has been a disaster for Cayman. It could have been so good, right up until a series of highly questionable elements of its development including magic appointments of exclusive realtors, even more magical status grants, and the failure to employ Caymanians (more were employed by the old Holiday Inn which was knocked down).

      • Anonymous says:

        And Ryan built Fin . . .erm?

      • Rachael says:

        Michael Ryan can’t point to several hotels. The Ritz is the only one that he as built. It lost about $400 million after being sold for $180 million. What he always fails to mention is that a Lutheran Charity lost $250 million on the Ritz. Yeah, great success Mike.

        • Where did the money come from? says:

          Can you imagine how crazy rich Ryan would be if any of his projects made a profit.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This is a non issue for the average Joe who can barely eat in this country. If you can afford to purchase/build in a hotel zone more power to you.

    Be thankful for what you have and realize there will always be someone with more money, prestige etc. lawfully ready to return the favor of building in your back yard.

    • Beware. says:

      It’s still an issue for many and therefore deserves to be addressed.
      I would also urge for consideration to wider implications.
      The more permissive this authority is the more that developers will try to push the envelope and at some point that will impact the average Joe.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Yes, fine. What we, the lowly great unwashed, want doesn’t matter. The CPA’s “meeting” is nothing more than a negotiation between those with money, and the government, who wants it. I’m sure all our lives will be “enhanced” by this monstrosity and those that come after it.

      When we look just like South Beach and cry that climate change is causing flooding (locally-caused erosion), then we can all shake our heads sadly and lament the good old days when the average person had a chance to buy a property and build a home.

  8. Hands drenched in Mangrove Blood says:

    What a Mess Limetree bay Lease hold give away pirates versus Crystal Harbour development Hypocrites Mann even the deceased Mangroves are dying of laughter. I say plant right by their back door so every time to look out of it It will remind them how much they helped F@&% Cayman!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Zoned for a hotel. Someone wants to build a hotel on it. Struggling to see what there is to object to. Don’t want to live next to a hotel, don’t buy a house next to a hotel development zone no?

    • Sir Humphrey says:

      If you take a look at all the original marketing materials there was no hint whatsoever that a major hotel was going to be built next to my house. It was marketed solely as a single family residence area. Law suits will be coming for false advertising if this is approved.

      • Anonymous says:

        4:03 pm Wrong. The land was always zoned Hotel Tourism.

        • Anonymous says:

          I can actually show you all the marketing materials from a decade ago from the developer. There is absolutely nothing saying a 9 story hotel or any hotel was going to be built and the intention was to fill the canal in.

          This will be going to court. False advertising on a massive scale.

          • Anonymous says:

            1:33 am Good luck with that. Anyone who buys land anywhere is responsible for doing their own due diligence which means, if you bothered to check the zoning, you would have clearly seen that this land was (and always has been) zoned Hotel T Tourism. And also FYI, their application no longer includes a hotel.

          • Anonymous says:

            You should have done your homework by way of due diligence.

            • Sir Humphrey says:

              How does one do due diligence to determine canals are going to be filled in? Is the canal zoned hotel / tourism?

            • Miami Dave says:

              1:54, Oh yes, the lawyers would have known 10 years ago that 5 seven storey apartment blocks would be built in the neighborhood and a canal would be filled in too.

              You don’t understand due diligence in the Cayman Islands property market. It is not transparent legally.

          • Anonymous says:

            Marketing materials mean nothing. Your lawyer who did the conveyancing should have advised. . .gonna sue him/her?

        • Hubert says:

          5:32, So are you saying that Waterways, Turnberry West and East can be all converted into hotels because they are zoned hotel / tourism too?

          • Anonymous says:

            11:37 am yes that’s correct, assuming it complies with other requirements (eg density and lot size) for Hotel Tourism zone. However, the hurdle will be with the stratas which would have to consent.

      • Anonymous says:

        If the area was subsequently rezoned or you specifically asked and they lied I’d agree. If not that would be a failure on your part to do your due diligence no? There’s literally a hotel across the street.

        • Anonymous says:

          5:43 pm Excellent and spot on. It is an absolute fact that the land has always been zoned Hotel tourism

      • Anonymous says:

        If you want control over what gets built next to your house then you need to buy the land next to your house.
        The kimpton is next to some houses.
        So is the ritz
        So is Morritts and the reef
        So is that ridiculous monstrosity that Berksoy build on Seven mile (probably the ugliest house I’ve ever seen in my life)
        Marketing materials don’t change the zoning. Pretty sure actually that this land was for sale as small parcels not that long ago and nobody bought it. Sooo tough $#!t if you don’t want it next to your home.
        The environmental objections may or may not be valid but yours holds no water

      • Anonymous says:

        Hah! Dry your eyes. Zoning is zoning.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good point, but it doesn’t take account of positions of early landowners, who owned land there before it was zoned to permit a hotel, right?

      • Anonymous says:

        This is a joke. Please don’t respond seriously. End of day humor.

      • Anonymous says:

        4:08 pm you are wrong. The 1977 Development Plan showed the entire area of Crystal harbour as being Hotel Tourism zoned land. In 1997 most of it was rezoned to Low density residential except the parcel in question now which retained its Hotel zoning.

        • Anonymous says:

          5:33 – Thank you for your correct comment.

          This is (4:08 and 4:09), which is clear that this was testing who knew what they were actually talking about.

          You certainly were on point and I salute you for that.

    • Miami Dave says:

      Does one expect canals to be filled in when one buys?

    • Anonymous says:

      But try and build an ocean front hotel product on the land right next to Crighten’s house that is zoned Hotel Tourism in Crystal and see the strings and stops that are pulled . That will never happen but this development group that includes Crighten wants to build next to a dozen or so homes and that’s OK???

  10. Anonymous says:

    Lol! Plenty folks in Crystal helped developers wreck other people’s neighbourhoods whether it be with legal assistance, financial or by doing their Quantity Surveying. Now it’s their turn to eat it.

    Build it!! That’ll teach em

  11. Anonymous says:

    all nimbys…the lot of them …most of these cryatal harbour owners are all developers themselves… the hyprocrisy! Didn’t their lawyers tell them that this area is zoned hotel tourism… so what do you expect!

  12. Anonymous says:

    maybe the objectors should ask themselves….what was there before they built there houses?….or before the sub-division was created?
    their hypocrisy is mind-boggling.

  13. Anonymous says:

    More money more problems.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I am not sure I would want creepy international travelers strolling through my neighborhood.

    • Anonymous says:

      ok …stay away from smb and camana bay then.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tough. The rest of us have to deal with over development. The NIMBYs now complaining because its happening to them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then perhaps the Cayman Islands is not for you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Fo anyone think that one day Govt will day ok that’s enough hotels/condos and 300,000 people here

    • Anonymous says:

      Got ur’ built, n fast!

      We need more development, more than Dart could ever afford.

    • Whale Rock says:

      “Creepy international travelers”? Are you living in another world? The vast majority of overnight visitors must be well heeled or they could not afford the tab to stay here. Watch out, someone may start tours of your area and drop off cruise passengers on your street to take pictures of your coveted house.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Boating community with a hotel already in existence complains about hotel development project that will have boats…ok Karen.

    Simple fact of matter is the owners of nearby homes are NIMBY’s, that’s it. Should have sold last year before the word leaked, now you’re stuck. Boo hoo

  16. Anonymous says:

    Gotta laugh at some of those objectors – high profile Dart executives are now against development when it affects their million dollar backayards.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Mr Crighton & Mr Ryan are terrific builders of high quality projects. Mr Ryan is a visionary, just look at the Ritz which he brought to Cayman. CPA forget the cry babies and lets get the fantastic project going. This will bring so many high paying jobs to Cayman!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, and just look at Fin. An abortion of a monstrosity of an eyesore of a vulgar carbuncle. I hate my eyes for even looking at it.

      And I DO know you are trolling.

      • Say it like it is says:

        12.26pm Fin has a notice on it’s “sidewalk” alongside it’s flag displays advertising condos still for sale, saying “Private Beach”. This is deliberately misleading and pure Bunkum – all they gave is a chunk of ironshore (what’s left of it),and a small seawater pool with concrete ramps either side. Where is the “beach”?.

        • Anonymous says:

          They dumped some sand on the ironshore and there is sand on the bottom of the pool.

          It is fun to kayak into it, but I’ve never seen anyone actually using the pool…

      • Anonymous says:

        It looks like 1960-70s Miami Beach deco design gone wrong.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hopefully these buildings will have these lovely flashing neon lights like FIN. I do like the colours.

    • Anonymous says:

      God Bless these men, they and Mr Dart are putting Cayman on the map!

    • Anonymous says:

      Where do you apply for one of these high paying dream jobs? Those guys think the minimum wage is already to high!

  18. Cayman’s Environmental Justice says:

    The destroyers now complain when the destruction effects them. Talk about Hypocrisy What needs to be done is an in depth story on the whole Safehaven /Crystal Harbour development saga and exactly how it came to be ! This would give Cayman and citizens a real perspective on how we got into this terrible terrible environmental situation and exactly who destroyed and wiped out most of the mangroves in Safehaven for their sole benefit . It would be a real shock and surprise to many to know exactly who these very greedy Caymanians are.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well I’m intrigued. What’s the story?

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s no secret, Dale’s father Rex Crighton. That was probably the most destructive single project to date when it comes to mangrove clearing.

        • Anonymous says:

          Environmental trolling.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yeah but you got some pretty Christmas lights to walk around for free every year in return.

        • Anonymous says:

          If you knew the entire story, then it would be seen as a real Caymanian success story.

          Not my story to tell. The narrative you know is typical information that those that are not in the know, actually know.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who are the greedy Caymanians, mate?

      • Anonymous says:

        Every single one that’s sold out and hoarded their millions rather than give back to the community. And there’s hundreds of them.

        • Anonymous says:

          That is very true. Some of these people would not be able to enjoy their wealth in modern times, because it would now have been confiscated under AML legislation as the “proceeds of crime”.

          Some of the most successful and wealthy Caymanians are guilty of this, but that’s something that’s hidden.

          The facts are the facts. Not going to point fingers or name anyone, but these people know who they are and the Cayman banks have millions of dollars in these peoples bank accounts.

      • Anonymous says:

        those that are slum landlords…

  19. Anonymous says:

    Oh well…here we go again…good luck with that…as a caymanian…i looking some other country to retire..where my pension can let me do something besides pay utilities here…u cant win against big $$$$

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t think anyone in their right mind would retire in Cayman with the ridiculous cost of living. You can live in another country, that provides several environments to live in and pay half the price for the same sort of peace. Cayman is no longer a peaceful island to live on. Take your money and go somewhere else. As a born and raised Caymanian I am looking for other places to retire.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sure take your money. You might lose half to tax when you bring it to this supposed affordable country but you can get a latte for cheap!

    • Anonymous says:

      sorry… i miss the point you are trying to make.
      so less devleopment will enable you to retire comfortably in cayman???
      please explain

  20. Anonymous says:

    So those Crown parcels in the area that have been approved for sale. What is the scheme there? PACT flogging (giving) the people’s property to which developer? Can only be one of two…

  21. Anonymous says:

    CNS can you please also carry the application of HAB Developers Ltd ( Heather Bodden family) to build 14 apartment blocks which will consist of 84 apartments
    in the residential area of Triopical Gardens/ Palm Dale- We have objected to this sort of development in our quiet neighborhood- Kenneth Bryan where are you? we are your constituents who need help..

    This goes before planning on April 13th 2022

  22. Anonymous says:

    From the civic minded crew that brought us FIN.

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