Active case numbers for COVID-19 still increasing

| 26/04/2022 | 28 Comments

(CNS): There are now an estimated 970 active cases of COVID-19 across the Cayman Islands after another 152 people officially reported a positive test over the last two days, according to the latest figures from Public Health. This includes six patients who remain in hospital, four of whom are vaccinated. The seven-day rolling average on Tuesday was 74, as the current increase in the spread of the virus here, like most places in the world, continues.

Positive cases reported to Public Health during this period are currently as follows:


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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (28)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    They not vaccinated unless boosted in my book…

  2. Anonymous says:

    “Are vaccinated”, or “where at one time last year vaccinated”? BA2 doesn’t care if there’s a QR code from early last year on the host’s phone. There is a major clinical difference today with only 35% uptake on last fall’s booster. Many overconfident vexed from early last year, at this point in time, have only very minor immunity edge over an equivalent unvaccinated person. We should expect the illness numbers to match waning vaccination immunity that everyone was warned about. Get your booster, and get your fourth dose if you’re due – or risk getting sick, missing work, and other avoidable hassles.

    • Anonymous says:

      In my opinion, those that took the jab have weakened immune systems relative to the virgin unjabbed. Natural immunity and therapeutics work much better than the dna altering drugs that public health and big pharma keep pushing.

      • Anonymous says:

        Single strand viral RNA, even synthetic messenger RNA – in this case, partial inert corona-like spike proteins for target practice – can’t alter your double strand cell DNA.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This Clown Car government is banana-republic level in regard to one very important issue that every responsible first-world government health service is addressing. The report on hospitalisations and all their babbling and government press releases leave out an ever-growing issue: Long Covid cases. The Clown Car members who are supposed to be involved with the well-being of our people do not even mention Long Covid.

    Every front-line medical professional willing to be candid with me says that they know of multiple cases being treated that are suspected to be Long Covid. Some of the symptoms are quite severe and present after even a mildly symptomatic infection. I have several friends and acquaintances who are or have experienced Long Covid multiple Long Covid symptoms after the passing of the acute stage and testing negative. When will the Panton-PACTless Clown Car stop their evil of hiding this from the public? This is beyond just bad, it borders on criminal irresponsibility. The “T” in PACT is supposed to stand for Transparent. In their (mis-)handling of Long Covid, the one thing that is transparently obvious is that the Clown Car is far far far from being transparent. They are a shamefully negligent and careless lot who are playing the fool with the health and lives of the people of the Cayman Islands.
    Research is now indicating that Post-covid issues may involve over half of those who have been infected with Covid 19 so it is impossible that Long Covid is not an issue in the Cayman Islands. But it is a ghost issue with our negligent government.
    This is from the U.S. Center For Disease Control:
    “Some people experience a range of new or ongoing symptoms that can last weeks or months after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Unlike some of the other types of post-COVID conditions that tend only to occur in people who have had severe illness, these symptoms can happen to anyone who has had COVID-19, even if the illness was mild, or if they had no initial symptoms.
    People commonly report experiencing different combinations of the following symptoms:
    -Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
    -Tiredness or fatigue
    -Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental activities (also known as post-exertional malaise)
    -Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”)
    -Chest or stomach pain
    -Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)
    -Joint or muscle pain
    -Pins-and-needles feeling
    -Sleep problems
    -Dizziness on standing (lightheadedness)
    -Mood changes
    -Change in smell or taste
    -Changes in menstrual period cycles

    Multiorgan Effects of COVID-19:
    Some people who had severe illness with COVID-19 experience multiorgan effects or autoimmune conditions over a longer time with symptoms lasting weeks or months after COVID-19 illness. Multiorgan effects can affect many, if not all, body systems, including heart, lung, kidney, skin, and brain functions. Autoimmune conditions happen when your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake, causing inflammation (swelling) or tissue damage in the affected parts of the body.

    While it is very rare, some people, mostly children, experience multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) during or immediately after a COVID-19 infection. MIS is a condition where different body parts can become inflamed. MIS can lead to post-COVID conditions if a person continues to experience multiorgan effects or other symptoms.”
    Recent reports from researchers now indicate that multi-organ effects may also follow even a very mild infection!
    My pressing questions are:
    Does anyone in government care?
    Where the hell is the news media in all of this? It seems like it is a non-issue to them, too.
    We well know that the Clown Car will be forthcoming and transparent only when and if the people and press hold their feet to the fire. It is well past time for Sabrina and the Clown Car to feel the heat!

    • Anonymous says:

      Ohhhh! GASP! Downvotes…
      My god! The horror!!
      Should I self-immolate now or visit the gas station first? All I have is Cap’t Morgan’s Rum.
      Nah! Why waste good rum?
      Cheers! (Sip sip sip)

      • watcher says:

        Nah. Self-immolation is far too speedy. Self-flagellation, however might be your huckleberry.

        Find another term of dire discontent besides “Clown Car”; that was worn out two weeks after first hearing it, and you’ve not improved upon it. It paints a picture of YOU, not the government, and inclines most people to skip reading your comment. I took the time to read it. Just thought you’d benefit from a heads up. Selah.

        • Anonymous says:

          As long as Clown Car applies, I shall keep applying it. “PACT” was a worn out lie before the Panton PACTless Clown Car finshed their first week in office. Where is your ire about that? Clown Car is not my first choice; however, the world’s languages do not contain a sufficient number of expletives to express that the contempt the Clown Car deserves. So, to avoid censorship issues, Clown Car will have to do. We good?

    • Anonymous says:

      @10:18am Good Lord, who wrote this crap

    • Anonymous says:

      Clear case of covid phobia. Get mental help asap.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Who cares. Seriously. Time to move on. Disband travel time. Stop all the testing unless you show up at the hospital BECAUSE of actual COVID. Unmask the kids. Unmask us in the grocery stores. So dumb we are still doing all this so-called “COVID management”. Cloth masks to literally nothing.

    There are zero cruise shippers or other tourists wearing masks on buses. I see it every day. Not a mask to be seen in the lobby of any hotels. Look at GAIM conference this week as well. Zero mask wearing. This is how it should be!

    • Anonymous says:

      Who cares? I should think that all the people suffering from symptoms of Long Covid would care about mitigating the chance for people to get infected.

  5. Kakaka says:

    Counting raw case numbers as if that mattered. Is this April 2020 or April 2022?

  6. Anonymous says:

    What i find very interesting is the Church’s role in all of this. Did you know that the Church is looking the other way as Government refuses to allow religious exemptions for unvaccinated persons.


    • Anonymous says:

      Inquiring minds want to know:
      What are the grounds for a religious exemption to get vaxed?
      What religions in the Cayman Islands embrace those grounds for exemption?

      • Anonymous says:

        None of your business. Inquire about something else, like what 40,000 satellites do earth’s atmosphere.

      • Anonymous says:

        Like elsewhere, there were/are fringe churches that espoused the collective faith-based “power of prayer” and the “shield of Jesus” rather than seeking the recommended vaccination. It’s been a costly wager for some. Testing God is also a sin echoed throughout Old and New Testaments, where the common thread is: expect health and safety tests to backfire.

    • Anonymous says:

      What do you mean ‘Church’s role’. My particular Church encourages vaccination so try and be more specific, rather that tar with the same brush,

  7. Anonymous says:


  8. Anonymous says:


  9. Anonymous says:

    “Surprise, surprise!” – Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

    • Time2moveon says:

      COVID death rates in the UK in March 2022 at the peak of their omicron wave were well below the typical March average for flu. We don’t wear masks and cower from each other when there is ordinary flu about do we?

      • Anonymous says:

        @11:45am..and how do you know this if the UK no longer keeps statistics on covid?

        Who gives a $hit about the UK? This is Cayman,if they had followed what the Government did here, they may have saved many lives in th eUK.

        I get so disgusted with people that throw around this foolishness pitting one country against each other in terms of policy and acting like covid is just some simple is not!

        I am from the USA. Just in my small hometown in Central Florida, I lost 5 of my family members to covid. You can spew out this crap but you have never had to watch your loved ones suffer and die, You will never understand the true pain that this virus can cause.


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