Schilling calls for conversation on tall towers in George Town

| 09/02/2022 | 217 Comments
Frank Schilling (from social media)

(CNS): The millionaire turned developer, Frank Schilling, has said that the community needs to start a conversation now about building taller in downtown George Town, because unless we plan on closing the country’s borders, more people are going to come here. Schilling is working on a number of development projects after buying land across the Cayman Islands over the last few years since selling his domain name firm, Uniregistry.

Schilling plans to build a ten-story office building between Dr Roy’s Drive and Shedden Road but has future ambitions to go twice as high.

“People often ask, who are we developing for? And while it may sound trite, it’s a genuine question,” he said, adding that, in reality, it has to be for those who will come here.

While many people fundamentally disagree with Schilling that we should be building for those who come and not necessarily for those who are here, he said that the population is going to grow because the government is not going to shut the borders, and at the moment George Town is close to one hundred percent leased.

“In order to develop the capital with more much-needed green space, we will need to go higher,” he told CNS. “We have to plan for the future as more people are coming here,” he said, noting that the Cayman Islands is extremely popular because it has a lot to offer, and George Town could be improved significantly if developers can build tall.

“Twenty storeys is not so high, especially if it’s set well back from the ocean front and it provides an opportunity to include parking in the tower rather than more ground level land, that can then be used for green space.”

Pointing out that parking is a major issue in George Town, Schilling said that in the plans for his ten-storey project currently in the works, the goal is for a supermarket and other retail on the lower floors with offices above, but there will be integral parking on at least six of the floors, forming part of the tower itself with what he described as curtain walls.

According to officials at the Department of Planning who are overseeing the George Town revitalisation project, there are over 14,000 parking spaces in the capital. Most of these are lots leased by office buildings in order to meet planning regulations, which remain partially empty most of the time and are inaccessible to the general driving public.

Schilling said that it is time to talk about going taller in the capital, given the challenges presented for developers with so little land available for new development. At the same time we obviously also need more green spaces and parking people can use.

The proposed ten-storey office block is still on the drawing board, and Schilling said he anticipates it will be some two years before he breaks ground as no planning application has been made yet. But once it is complete, he will be turning his attention to Monaco Towers, the building across from the courthouse between Edward Street and Dr Roys, that Schilling now owns but where he has ambitions to push through the ten-storey barrier to twenty floors.

While Monaco Towers is leased, he hopes that on completion of the ten-storey block, the tenants there will be able to move into the new building and he can begin work on two 20-storey towers. Schilling said that while such a project is a long-term goal, the concept of building higher must be something we start talking about now.

If the community is fundamentally opposed, he said, then it won’t happen but he stressed that the Cayman Islands population would not stop growing and people will need somewhere to go as George Town right now is effectively full.

“The only way to go is up,” Schilling said. “We need to start that conversation now. What does the future look like?” he asked.

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Comments (217)

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  1. KTLE says:

    Hey, anyone who will listen …. Members of Parliament – Planning Dept. – Central Planning Board – anyone who can make a good decision … we have to got to STOP killing our Island with all of these tall (some ugly) OVER-SIZED buildings!!! Who are we putting these structures up for? The Island is only so big – it will not stretch – so we continue to build these huge structures, meanwhile, back at the ranch, no one is considering that more people on these islands would mean more traffic, more garbage, more sewerage, more criminals (and we have a basket full of them already!), more of everything, and that’s not necessarily good – I don’t hear anyone discussing these issues!! We cannot and should not make the almighty dollar be placed on every single thought we have. Can you imagine a 20-storey building in the middle of George Town? That’s crazier than crazy!! Come on … let’s take the mask from off our eyes and see what’s happening here. Why can’t the Cayman Islands just be lovely, beautiful, peaceful islands that folks want to visit? And for those of us who complain about everything going on here, perhaps your country is calling you back home, and if we’re already home, then, instead of complaining, what are you doing to make things better? I don’t usually comments on these things but this article hit too hard. You think that the developer is thinking about the people of the Cayman Islands – I don’t think so – he already knows that, unless someone starts thinking clearly, he’s got this … money, money, money and from what I’ve ready, he really doesn’t need any more but that’s how it works, the more you get the more you want!!! We’ve got to stop being so placid about everything. Let’s make our “Yes” be “yes” and our “NO” be “no” – I’m sure we were taught that from time we were small!! Stop trying to please everyone and so making a mess of our Islands and our communities!! Yes, I know some ‘smart’ person will have a negative on this and that’s cool … you all know that what I’m saying is true! Let’s bring our country back to the beautiful, friendly place it used to be instead of being dictated to by those who are only in the game for their own gains!! That’s all for now!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Some of those ideas are brilliant. Supermarket in town with a parking garage. Okay so there’s 2 floors. Why can’t you balance the rest within the other 8 floors? And why not include residential on the top 2 floors?
    That leaves 6 floors for office space of which I genuinely don’t feel is needed but hayho.

    • Anonymous says:

      You get a building that takes up the whole site. The only way to get any green space is to go up. Lots are too small here.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Always hilarious to see the envious hating doers-of-nothing, employers-of-none and givers-of-nothing on here sanctimoniously criticizing people like Shilling and Dart via their keyboards

  4. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Islands is becoming less and less appealing.

  5. HandsOff says:

    This is a guy that made his fortune squatting on domain names, that included forcing trademark holders to pay him ransom for their domains. Being rich does not make you an expert on real estate development, community planning, etc. Hard to believe that all of a sudden he is thinking of the greater good. A leopard does not changes its spots. These development plans he has are first and foremost good for him.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Small Caribbean Island geology is not the same as of coastline of Miami. Not everything that is built in Miami can be built in Cayman.

    The Cayman islands are formed of marine limestone and dolomite that was uplifted during the late Miocene epoch. Due to the Islands’ location, the Cayman Islands do get earthquakes.


    – Review of “The soil investigation report” that concludes on bearing capacity of soil must precede all discussions.

    – Review of “The risk of damage to existing buildings from deep excavations and/or the use of heavy vibrating equipment in proximity to existing structures” report must precede all discussions.

    – existing buildings owners should be aware of
    📌the vulnerabilities of their buildings to impacts of construction vibration
    📌minimum building code requirements for protection of their properties
    📌they have a duty toprovide access for installing monitoring and protection measures
    This can be further defined through legal contracts such as a license or access agreement between adjacent properties.

    – High rises must be constructed to seismic codes. 💰💰💰💰

    – High rises must be constructed to hurricane codes 💰💰💰

    – High rise buildings ESPECIALLY in Cayman, present unique challenges not found in traditional low-rise buildings; longer egress times and distance, evacuation strategies, fire department accessibility, smoke movement and fire control.

    • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

      10 storey buildings are enough in the Cayman Islands.

      We do not want to become South Miami Beach or Dubai.

      Didn’t Dart talk about a 50 storey building at Camana Bay a few years ago?

    • Anonymous says:

      We are not a strong foundation so it would be terrible to start building like we are.

    • Anonymous says:

      Any excuse not to build. Blame the igneous rock

  7. Anonymous says:

    Frank is running out of things to do with his money. Although, a giant 50 foot life sized dinosaur would look cool in Cayman!

  8. Naya Boy says:

    A Weirdo living on Cayman Time Not Good I have a 1972 Pontiac I need fixing up can you help me Frankie ??

  9. Anonymous says:

    Could we start a petition to get a Ministry and Department which would do planning for the future?

    Basically, they could survey the people of Cayman and ask them what their idea of prosperity is, could look at projections of traffic and population, could safeguard the environment, could make sure that there is the best use of land possible, and could make rules for development to meet the needs of the people and not the wealthy landowners.

    It would be really nice to have government focused on planning.

    • Anonymous says:

      We already have a Ministry of Planning, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure – which has historically done very little in terms of forward planning. We do have a Department of Planning – but the purpose of this department remains a mystery to me – unless it is to penalise middle class and working class property owners for every minor infringement while allowing wealthy developers to make a mockery of our planning laws. And this lofty exercise you are talking about was done in 1998. It was called Vision 2008, and included feedback from ordinary people and subject matter experts in all areas of life – and it was solidly ignored by all subsequent administrations.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just start a petition.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was called Vision 2008 and ended up on a shelf like most other reports in Cayman.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Cayman should close it’s borders. Or install a limit on work permits. Once we reach a certain number, we shouldn’t give out anymore until that number starts to decrease, then we open applications again. We’re too small to have hundreds of people coming here every year. But cig makes a lot of money off permits so I doubt this will ever happen. And also, it’s not that Caymanians are opposed to our country being successful and wealthy, it’s just that we know we won’t get ANY piece of the pie.

  11. Anonymous says:

    sound slike a logical, level headed suggestion….hence won’t go very far in cayman.
    we live on island fulle of CAVE people. Caymanians Against Virtually Everything.

  12. Cayman Matrix Smith says:

    Those like Mr schilling Came to Cayman to enjoy and benefit from all it has to offer . They are no longer satisfied now so let’s Destroy it.

  13. The aduacity says:

    “Twenty storeys is not so high”

    Tried jumping off it?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Mr Schilling bought an old lemon known as the CIBC building and now wants a return on his investment. This isn’t Monaco, every developer’s favourite strawman argument that land scarcity means the only way is up does not stand up to proper scrutiny. Land is here is only scarce because of oligarchs’ greed. Frank and his ilk’s avarice not George Town’s skyline is what needs to change.

    • GT East says:

      Let’s finish what’s all ready started some of these projects right now are years behind schedule due to rising cost of construction
      and the population is stuck living on a construction site for the next 20 years . The impact on the community in terms of true benefit is debatable.yes going up is good and development is good but at what cost .just the impact on the waste generated on a 20 story construction project is off the charts …construction industry and the real estate needs to be regulated properly .$1.2 billion in sales last year and fed by a construction industry that’s basically the Wild West
      Good luck Frank welcome on board

  15. Anonymous says:

    Nothing personal against Frank Schilling but this is the same mistake that is played out over and over in every society. Humans just can’t seem to figure out that raw growth and expansion are the all-time great Ponzi scheme.

    More people, more buildings, and taller buildings always translates to more destruction of nature and a larger canyon between the rich and poor. Why can’t we as a society commit to quality over quantity? Is there no way to both grow a healthy economy AND invest in quality of life for all Caymanians? Is there no way we can avoid paving over every inch of Grand Cayman?


  16. daniel johns says:

    Hey, here’s an idea Frank, take your windfalls, and take them back to where ever you originated from, as we the people do not want to overly develop any more of these Islands,, George Town and Grand has turned into a concrete jungle, and now you want to do the same thing on Cayman Brac.. Just take your money, and go somewhere else, where you may be liked ….

    • Anonymous says:

      Looks pretty ‘liked’ by our govenment in the photo with Kenny boy and Andre

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes. Go home and let the cadre of secretive clubby local developers quietly sneak up and develop without speaking about it openly in the community. We’re stupid here and like it that way. The less we know and discuss things openly with advance notice, the better.

  17. Anonymous says:

    It’s funny… we protested against a cruise port that was going to destroy some coral reefs that we cant eat and most of us have never seen.

    But we say nothing about 20 storey towers or buildings over bridges that will permanently change the face of the island and all of us will see.

    Where is our government, why are they not saying no. Enough is enough.

    • Anonymous says:

      “destroy some coral reefs that we cant eat and most of us have never seen”

      Speak for yourself landlubber. What do think shelters the fish along our shores that we eat, bikini bottom?

      Oh and don’t worry judging by the comments on here and the blatant disregard for locals i’d say the protests are coming very soon.

  18. The Plastic Population says:

    Yazz predicted this back in 1988. Spooky.

  19. Anonymous says:

    How dare you! Who are you to call for a conversation on anything? You rich people are immune to rising costs and couldn’t care less about the impact that your self serving schemes will have on our Islands for ever more. You came here because you liked what you found. Leave it alone.

    Where is our government? WAYNE, KENNETH, CHRIS, BERNIE, we voted you in to protect us from PPM over development schemes. Put an end to this madness. What happened to Cayman and Caymanians first?
    Or is it that you support him over us? Don’t think we didn’t see you at the opening of his Starbucks like old buddies.

    • Anonymous says:

      God help us from these greedy rich people. They come here, like it and want to make it the same as everywhere else. First thing they do is align themselves with like minded locals who only see the gravy now and do their bidding for them with the politicians. Who is he to initiate discussions on our future because he has a few dollars? Development policy is the prerogative of we the people through our representatives. We need our district councils to be in place now quickly so we can select people from the councils to carry the mandate forward by being represented on the various boards. In that way there will be a voice of the people.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’d like my elected representative to show his face. No office, no meetings. Who is it? Well, no other than Sir Alden, who completely ignores his constituency!

        • Anonymous says:

          Yup! Sir alden is as MIA as the crews that could fix the dilapidated park he started and never finished. The hurricane blew over the cabanas and they still sit on the ground broken.

        • Anonymous says:

          That is because he is so busy getting that crappy park he spent our money on fixed up!

      • Suarez says:

        Thanks Joey. Your companies might have benefitted from the policies pushed in your time as planning minister but the effects for the rest of us are just snowballing and causing more misery.

        Wish we had representation that truly had the long term interest of Cayman at heart.

  20. Anonymous says:

    So you want to know if Caymanians are opposed? We Brackers are absolutely opposed to the development of the cut, Buccaneer’s barcadere. A Mediterranean style marina makes no sense on a Caribbean island.

  21. Anonymous says:

    “The only way to go is up”

    Uh, no, you can also go East to reduce the pressure on the infrastructure instead.

    “Just pave more roads then”

    This na Miami!

    “Fine, I’ll leave”

    Finally, maybe once the market cools off I’ll be able to afford a home for myself instead of competing with millionaires right out of high school.

    • Anonymous says:

      Never heard of supply and demand. The natural way prices come down for housing is if there are more houses than people wanting them.
      Government could build and sell to lower income earners at cost. which to their credit, NHDT has been accomplishing, until the hypocritical environmentalist stopped their plans for off Linford Pierson HWY. They all have houses, so now development should stop. Poorer Caymanians are not important enough for housing I guess.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stay away from the eastern districts, please! Up here already getting too much development. We just need to slow the roll on all this overdevelopment (especially since it isn’t benefiting Caymanians).

    • Anonymous says:

      Won’t happen. I see a small condo in your future. Rented.

  22. Anonymous says:

    We need to develop vertical low income housing like the government run tower blocks in the UK.
    Just learn from the mistakes made then. Cladding comes to mind!

    • Do What is Right says:

      No, no, no, no, no. I worked on some of those buildings and we do not want them in Cayman. Rather aim for mixed and integrated neighbourhoods so that you don’t foster and perpetuate the low income slum tendency.

    • Anonymous says:

      Have you ever seen the Russian embassy in HaBana, Cuba? It was designed by Russian for the Russian climate. I understand from the Cubans that it is incredibly hot and I can see it is very ugly and out of place. Those UK buildings are designed for British climate and British culture and everything has its place just like the lovely castles and old churches over there or should we also build those so it looks more like the UK and we wouldn’t have to worry about being original or adapting to the specifics of our enviros.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well done I’ve forgot to think about the environment when they designed the new high schools & airport. Let’s make them open planned, high ceiling air conditioning money burners.

  23. Bobo Fett says:

    He said the quiet part out loud.

    “People often ask, who are we developing for? And while it may sound trite, it’s a genuine question,” he said, adding that, in reality, it has to be for those who will come here.”

    Colonization, bobo

  24. Anonymous says:

    Whilst I don’t necessarily agree with Mr Schilling, I do applaud him for putting himself front & center and not hiding behind his lackeys & bulldozers

  25. Anonymous says:

    Mr Schilling I praise you developer types ambition but what about this thing called infrastructure ? 🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚒🚗🚙🚕🚗🚙💦💦💦🚒🚒🚒

  26. Anonymous says:

    Someone should make a video showing us where these 14,000 public, not private, parking spaces are downtown.

    Continued development without addressing roadways and traffic problems is foolish

  27. Anon says:

    When is Government going to bring in Property Tax to wealthy property inveztors and developers? To at least bring in some revenue for Caymanians. It’s a no brainer! The rich are flying in, buying up all the property and land tax free and then leaving. Most of the properties are empty half the time.

    Tax properties over a million in value then this could be used to help develop housing for young first time buyer Caymanians who cannot afford to buy their first home on their income due to increased prices.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tax real estate for ex-pats in general no matter what the value. Your plan will open the door for corrupt property valuations to avoid taxes altogether.

      • GT Easdt says:

        So many properties are now bought by companies that’s really hard to get your head around …we have to be very careful where this island is heading ….who would have thought Hurleys Roundabout would be the most sought after area to live couldn’t make it up

  28. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Shilling, please stop trying to do us favours by trying to make us into something that we are not and that we do not want.

    Enjoy your stay with us, but please stop developing.

    And stop funding these unsuccessful wannabes simply because you can!

  29. Anonymous says:

    Anybody remember Crown World or Oasis Land? Now we got another one Uniregistry Hot Air Talking Machine

    • Anonymous says:

      Oasis is run by a well-known east end Caymanian. Hate to break that one to you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Haha. Nice try. He is only an employee who happens to be a silly local. Next time your passing thru Southport, England ask to speak to the real owners.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Nowadays the “Cayman dream” is about paying rent.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Given a studio at Lime Tree Bay is up for rent for CI$2,000 I doubt you’ll get your CI$1,500 deal in GT anytime soon!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep, and within 6 months it will be vacant again like all the other LTB apartments. Leaking roofs, dated furnishings, dirty electricity supply and a water supply that they turn off every week because they can’t get to the bottom of the disgusting variation in water bills that the tenants end up paying for because of shoddy work.

      I would advise anybody to avoid LTB like the plague or at least be very careful.

  32. Anonymous says:

    What Cayman really needs is a coming together of some or all of these developers that have made their fortunes here to build affordable living and energy efficient communities with green spaces, bike riding paths and other community related activities, not the boxes that government or Frank Hall builds that are organized like reservations, but real homes with different floor plans and options and spaced out not 10 acres of the same type homes.

    Government and the Developers could provide the land for these developments and offer these homes at cost plus a small profit to Caymanians with the condition that these homes have to be kept for at least ten years and if not they must be sold to another Caymanian.

    Caymanians can no longer can afford the type of homes with yard space and in family communities. Caymanians want their dignity back. They don’t want to live in Crystal Harbor or Vista Del Mar, they just want an ordinary middle class home where they can raise their children in safe and clean environment. They don’t want to live in substandard housing with hundreds of other people who can’t afford to pay their bills and the places become rundown ghetto type places.

    I know this is pie in the sky but maybe just maybe some of these developers that are getting older in their years would like to leave behind a legacy that future generations can look back at them and see how they helped the people of these islands rather than leaving behind a legacy of nothing more than cementing over the islands.

    Just a thought..Frank Shilling, Ken Dart, Dale Crighton, Ergun Berksoy, Fraser Wellon, Brian Butler, James Lagan. Morne Botes, Paul Pearson, Ken Thompson, Naul Bodden, Matthew Wight, Stefan Baraud, Joe Imperato et al..I am calling out all of you..Can you imagine if each of your were to build ten homes each? You have all made an enormous amount of money on the backs of the people of these islands. Wouldn’t it be nice if we heard an announcement from all of you collectively that you were coming together to give back to these islands who have made you millionaires and billionaires. Leave behind a good legacy, people will respect you for that..

    • Anonymous says:


      While this sounds good and would be not only good for Cayman and these developers they would never do it. They do not have the empathy nor do they even care. It is all about profit and what concessions they can get from the Government. These guys build and then expect the Government to put in the necessary infrastructure to support their development even after the Government has given them millions in concessions to build their developments.

      Giving back for them might be donating a few hundred dollars to Jasmine or the Beast Cancer Social event where they can dress up and go to the RItz for dinner where most Caymanians cannot afford to go. If you are looking for Developers to give back, it won’t happen not in my life time or yours.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is EXACTLY what these developers are trying to do. If we continue on the path we are on with small houses sprawling into the horizon, there will be nothing left here. The idea of going UP is to avoid going OUT. I know you want a home with yard space and a quarter acre but that does not equate with dignity. And for every you and the 50 or so people who upvoted your comment on this incredibly polarized far end-of-the-spectrum, there are thousands of Caymanians here who do not. They work for Ken Dart, they work for the law firms, they work for the banks and they likely support you or your business. They want the home in Crystal harbor, a condo on the beach our the top of a high rise. They aspire for more. While that may be uncomfortable for you its true and its human nature.

  33. Anonymous says:

    I’m in agreement with progress. But 20 stories is for cities with no options. This place has 60,000 + people. Not millions. Yes let’s do 20 stories in 2199 when it’s needed. Until then. Lets do less than 10 and keep the place as quaint and beautiful for as long as we can. If you want a big city feel, go there. There are plenty. But this is Cayman, not Miami or Tokyo. If you want it to be like that, the easiest way to get those results is to go somewhere else. Simple. Take that mentality somewhere else. Thats not what I personally think Cayman needs. It will make it feel like a gross people filled city. And that’s not fair to those who don’t want that.

  34. Romero says:

    When did he become a “developer”? What did he ever develop?

  35. Anonymous says:

    Why not Cayman Towers? Monaco Towers sounds so pretentious.

    Anyway, I am happy to see a developer willing to do something in GT. Just not sure this is the right project.

  36. Anonymous says:

    These developers are so full of crap. They all sell this “go higher to create greenspace” BS but all they do is maximize their site coverage and double their height. Nothing green gets saved and nothings left to make green. The only way this green space idea works is if one parcel goes higher while the next stays empty. Thats never gonna happen as every greedy developer wants to maximize his own land.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Just what Cayman needs..another wealthy developer. Thinks there’s enough folk trying to wreck this island thanks Frank

    • Romero Outtahere says:

      What has this “developer” ever developed?

      I want to have a conversation about making movies. I am not a movie producer!

  38. Anonymous says:

    Gawd no! NO more cement.

  39. Lillian says:

    When and where/how is the conversation going to take place? We know y’all just buy out the politicians and the Island is yours. Not one “developer” has invested in Caymanians unless they are paper Caymanians who are aligned in your thinking.

    Trying to make here like there while getting rid of the people who always been here for generations. This is very concerning as “developers” who love what they find here should work with what we are and develop that. Something new and suitable for the size and without demolishing the land to create “green space”! We have our unique green space, we are small and should remain exclusive. We do not need to follow any models or whims of the over affluent who are bored!

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe all Caymanian passports are made of the same paper. If yours isn’t, maybe it’s fake.

      If developers do not build any more housing, you will become like San Francisco, and not the good parts..

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you Lillian
      “ People often ask, who are we developing for? And while it may sound trite, it’s a genuine question,” he said, adding that, in reality, it has to be for those who will come here.”
      That quote from the article tells me everything that I need to know about this man. Our conversation could be very quick and simple.

    • Anonymous says:

      This piece by Kayla Young shows that the conversations you’re asking for have started, and little has changed.

      “Cayman Gone”

    • Bobo Fett says:

      Ramen noodles, the new national dish come soon

  40. Anonymous says:


  41. Anonymous says:

    “The only place to go is up” . Just like the tenant costs will be in the future tower. Cayman now firmly in the most expensive places in the world to reside , no end to the escalation of this in sight.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Has anyone checked if Frank held up his obligations under his concession agreement with the Government?

  43. Angry says:

    Please jump in your helicopter and just go. Don’t come back, just go.

    Mr Johnny come lately can always move on to the next spot and isn’t as impacted by the consequences of poor decisions. He should not have more say about our capital than the majority of those who will have to live with the negative effects.

  44. Anonymous says:

    BTW, anybody know when Dart was actually present on GC last?

    • Anon says:

      He was here in the last week or two. I saw him on his helicopter at Camana Bay going off to Little Cayman.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Frank…please leave now! This place isnt for you

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed – competing with Dart? Seriously doubt it – the area west of West End Park, Cayman Brac that stirred up controversy will become overgrown and forgotten in a short period of time.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is now. Look around you. No stopping the train now.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians want the borders closed!!! We are overwhelmed in our little country and we can not even afford to buy a 1 bedroom apartment (forget the 2 bedrooms).

    Y’all have gentrified my little island and I’m going to have to find somewhere else to live. I pity the Caymanians who are too poor to leave and too poor to live here.

  47. Anonymous says:

    When is enough, enough ?

  48. Ken Wannabe says:

    Don’t worry folks. All talk. He’ll soon blow through his little windfall.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t underestimate him Ken. He also seems human unlike Dart.

      • Anonymous says:

        Talked with him on Brac – strikes me as a snake oil salesman. . . . reminds me of Shane Timothy, Mirjana Mirjanic – need I name more and more and more.

        • Anonymous says:

          He been here a long time Always been good in the town. Used to drop off packages at Fedex himself.

    • Anonymous says:

      What’s the issue if he wants to “blow through his little windfall” in Cayman?

      I currently live on SMB, and wish there were more options in GT. I would gladly spend CI$1500/m for a luxury studio apartment in GT, but they currently don’t exist.

    • Anthony says:

      Not everyone is jealous and stupid like yourself.

    • Anonymous says:

      Last time I checked he was worth $500 million and not even a Billionaire and his ex apparently got a bag of money as well. He will soon run out of $$ the way he ljves.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Our new national hero!

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