The price of progress in technology

| 20/01/2022 | 28 Comments

Speaking about innate immune system ability to prevent and fight natural, created by nature, health hazards… the body’s own defence mechanism. All biological systems at the cellular and biomolecular levels are sophisticated mechanisms honed to perfection by millions of years of evolution. These mechanisms work almost perfectly in Nature, as designed by the Creator or Universe. Nature doesn’t make mistakes – but people sure do.

Now let’s see what is happening with Mother Nature on Planet Earth, besides chemicals pollution exceeding life sustainable levels.

For some reason homo “sapients” have been created to have the ability, using their own brains, to “improve” things, some call it progress, which resulted in the current state of the natural environment on the planet Earth, which is not natural anymore, but polluted by all kind of things and energies, poisoned, augmented beyond recognition and destroyed.

Today’s children and all future generations will never see the night sky we used to see. Space junk and tens if not hundreds or thousands of satellites have changed the night sky forever. Even if they paint it dark, it won’t be the same sky that existed in pristine natural state for millennia.

Then there’s atmosphere that protects us from cosmic harmful rays. Do you know that a single Virgin Galactic suborbital space tourism flight, lasting about an hour and a half, can generate as much pollution as a 10-hour trans-Atlantic flight?

All rocket motors burning hydrocarbon fuels generate soot. Solid rocket engines, such as those used in the past in the boosters of NASA’s space shuttle, burn metallic compounds and emit aluminum oxide particles together with hydrochloric acid, both of which have a damaging effect on the atmosphere.

The biggest problem is that rockets pollute the higher layers of the atmosphere — the stratosphere, which starts at an altitude of about 6.2 miles (10 kilometers), and the mesosphere, which goes upward from 31 miles (50 km).

“You are emitting pollutants in places where you don’t normally emit it,” said senior scientist at the Chemical Sciences Laboratory at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “ We really need to understand. If we increase these things, what is the potential damage?” (See here)

Let’s move on to 5G. Not a “tinfoil man” laughing matter anymore. Modern technology advanced extremely quickly.

Imagine life with no smartphones, tablets, GPS, Bluetooth, or social media. Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? But that was the reality just twenty years ago.

Today our gadgets are doing things that were deemed impossible not that long ago. Our lives today are so much easier, thanks to these brilliant innovations.

But, there’s a downside to this. The growth in technology has caused the man-made EMF pollution in our environment to grow even denser. And we’re now being exposed to more electromagnetic fields than ever before. Electronic gadgets like cell phones, laptops, tablets, Bluetooth devices, and WiFi routers, which we use every day, emit massive amounts of electromagnetic radiation.

Also, with the installation of 5G infrastructure being almost complete, we’re on the verge of 5G being our new standard network. And since it will operate on frequencies nearly ten times higher than 4G, it’s a no-brainer that the general population’s EMF exposure is set to increase exponentially, once more.

These exposure levels are a concern. Why? Because there’s an already large and ever-growing body of research showing that EMF is harmful to human health. That’s why there’s strong opposition to 5G.

At one point in time, technology was an oasis that protected the human race from the dangers of the environment and allowed us to progress. But now we’ve abused it. Our environment is so inundated with technology, especially in big cities, that nature has become the oasis in which we can protect ourselves from the dangers of our environment.

So, up until now we could protect ourselves or rejuvenate our health, to a certain extent, by living a healthy lifestyle and minimizing the crap we put into our bodies. But many scientists believe that 5G is the turning point, and there’s little to nothing you can do to protect yourself from these frequencies without getting the heck away from them… if we can.

By the way, The only device that can detect 5G is over $100,000 – but that’s far from our only warning sign of dangerous EMFs.

This was originally posted in response to this comment on
Chemical pollution exceeds safe levels for life.

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Category: Science & Nature, Viewpoint

Comments (28)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Re-entry of satellites into the atmosphere could amplify damage to the ozone layer

    “According to research signed by Aaron Boley, an associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of British Columbia in Canada …

    We have about 60 tons of meteoroid material hitting us every day,” Boley told “With the first generation of Starlink [the constellation that provides satellite internet from SpaceX ], we can expect more than two tons of dead satellites entering the atmosphere every day. But while meteoroids are mostly rocks – made of oxygen, magnesium and silicon, these satellites are practically made of aluminum, an element that meteoroids have in only 1% [of their composition].”

    The problem with this is that burning aluminum generates aluminum oxide – also known as “alumina” – which can trigger effects as yet unknown to us: “Alumina reflects light at certain wavelengths, and if you pour too much of it in the atmosphere, you will end up creating a spray effect that will eventually change the albedo of the planet,” Boley said.’

  2. Anonymous says:

    “Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G” Published online 2021 Sep 29.

    “ Organisms are electrochemical beings. Low-level WCR [wireless communications radiation ]from devices, including mobile telephony base antennas, wireless network protocols utilized for the local networking of devices and internet access, trademarked as Wi-Fi …, and mobile phones, among others, may disrupt regulation of numerous physiological functions. Non-thermal bioeffects (below the power density that causes tissue heating) from very low-level WCR exposure have been reported in numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications at power densities below the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) exposure guidelines [14]. Low-level WCR has been found to impact the organism at all levels of organization, from the molecular to the cellular, physiological, behavioral, and psychological levels. Moreover, it has been shown to cause systemic detrimental health effects including increased cancer risk [15], endocrine changes [16], increased free radical production [17], deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage [18], changes to the reproductive system [19], learning and memory defects [20], and neurological disorders [21]. Having evolved within Earth’s extremely low-level natural radiofrequency background, organisms lack the ability to adapt to heightened levels of unnatural radiation of wireless communications technology with digital modulation that includes short intense pulses (bursts).
    The peer-reviewed world scientific literature has documented evidence for detrimental bioeffects from WCR exposure including 5G frequencies over several decades”

    3.1. Blood changes
    3.2. Oxidative stress
    3.3. Immune system disruption and activation
    3.4. Increased intracellular calcium
    3.5. Cardiac effects

    5. Conclusion
    There is a substantial overlap in pathobiology between COVID-19 and WCR exposure. The evidence presented here indicates that mechanisms involved in the clinical progression of COVID-19 could also be generated, according to experimental data, by WCR exposure. Therefore, we propose a link between adverse bioeffects of WCR exposure from wireless devices and COVID-19.“
    “ WCR exposure is a widespread, yet often neglected, environmental stressor that can produce a wide range of adverse bioeffects. For decades, independent research scientists worldwide have emphasized the health risks and cumulative damage caused by WCR [42,45]. The evidence presented here is consistent with a large body of established research. Healthcare workers and policymakers should consider WCR a potentially toxic environmental stressor. Methods for reducing WCR exposure should be provided to all patients and the general population.”

    One would normally say if the conclusion (truth) of a particular experiment is at a certain level of probability, then the hypothesis is accepted.

    • Anonymous says:

      6:38 – at best with everything you’ve come up with, ‘plausible’. You seem determined to press your agenda and mainline anything that leans towards posturing from your podium, – kind of reminds me of Reggie Lewis, ignored opinions until he found one that fit his purpose, – just saying.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Radiations and male fertility
    Studies reveal that the exposure to cell phones, microwave ovens, laptops, or Wi-Fi produces deleterious effects on the testes, which may affect sperm count, morphology, motility, an increased DNA damage, causing micronuclei formation and genomic instability, as well as disruptions in protein kinases, hormones and antioxidative enzymes. Such effects were found to be responsible for infertility due to an over-production of ROS in exposed cells. Studies suggest that the abnormalities reported due to RF-EMF-exposure depend on physical parameters such as duration of the exposure, distance to the source of radiation, power density, and depth of the penetration. Unfortunately, current studies are unable to suggest a true mechanism of how RF-EMF radiation affects the male reproductive system. Therefore, more studies are necessary to provide better evidence of RF-EMF radiations emitted from cell phones, microwaves, Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi-connected laptops, which can be provided by in vitro and in vivo studies in combination with physical bio-modeling. Moreover, very limited research is available on protective measures, which actually worsens the problem as the electro-smog pollution is constantly increasing and one could then expect even more health problems including increased rates of male infertility due to such kind of radiation. On the other hand, possible protective effects of various antioxidants should be elucidated. Yet, this would only address the problem at symptomatic level.”

  4. Blah says:

    The writer needs to wear a tinfoil hat. They can be protected from EMF dangers while they watch Fox News and read crap this is based on on Facebook. And the rest of us will be able to steer we’ll clear of them in public.

  5. Anonymous says:

    what about the technology of ‘clean water’ OP instead of this crap about 5G

    ‘Every two minutes a child dies of a water-related disease.’ The world is a pretty messed up place but surely a good start would be with fundamental priorities

  6. Anonymous says:

    “We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology.
    That’s a clear prescription for disaster. Carl Sagan.”.

    Carl Sagan was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator.

  7. Anonymous says:

    “Air pollution from reentering megaconstellation satellites could cause ozone hole 2.0′

    “When defunct satellites burn in the atmosphere, they leave behind chemicals that could damage the ozone layer and affect how much light Earth absorbs.”
    “When defunct satellites burn in the atmosphere, they leave behind chemicals that could damage the ozone layer and affect how much light Earth absorbs.”

  8. Anonymous says:

    Dear god. What utter drivel.

    • Anonymous says:

      The moral of the fable “Monkey and Glasses” comes to mind:
      the ignorant scold and criticize what they are not able to understand

      • Anonymous says:

        Nope. Just a case of not arguing with idiots; they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. There is just so much wrong with the “Featured Comment” it’s hard to know where to even start.

  9. Anonymous says:

    “Nature doesn’t make mistakes” What utter nonsense. Damaging cellular mutations happen all time. DNA changes and sometime not for the better. Ask anyone who has suffered with any form of cancer. The human body is not a perfect cellular system by any means.

    • Anonymous says:

      Reading comprehension problems?

      Environmental factors, whether linked to lifestyle issues such as smoking and diet or exposure to carcinogens in the air and water, are thought to be linked to an estimated 80% to 90% of cancer cases, according to the National Cancer Institute.

      Ever heard of epigenetic? Epigenetic modifications are induced by the environment .

      Several lifestyle factors have been identified that might modify epigenetic patterns, such as diet, obesity, physical activity, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, environmental pollutants, psychological stress, and working on night shifts.

      So when a man changes natural environment from pristine and healthy to toxic and polluted, it not nature that mistakenly allows cancer to develop, but a man who allowed detrimental changes to happen.

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re arguments are weak 4:59 and verging on delusional. The brand of misinformation you’re peddling contains some truth with whole bunch of inaccurate statements, pretty irresponsible really

  10. Anonymous says:

    “These exposure levels are a concern. Why? Because there’s an already large and ever-growing body of research showing that EMF is harmful to human health. That’s why there’s strong opposition to 5G.”

    I’m unaware of any peer reviewed studies. Can you please provide a few links? The studies I have read strongly affirm the non-ionizing radiation emitted by all of our various wireless technologies, including 5G, and none of them are dangerous as they lack the ability to disrupt our cells via electron interference.

      • Anonymous says:

        Did you read those links in full? Or did you just Google search, paste and feel satisfied? Having now read those links, they don’t support a position that any wireless radiation causes adverse effects. Do you have any other links? To actual studies this time? Perhaps vet them before posting this time?

        • Anonymous says:

          “ There are three points that should be emphasized. Firstly, the evidence regarding health risks from environmental factors may not be unambiguous, and therefore informed judgements must be made. Furthermore, there are gaps in knowledge that call for experienced evaluations, and no conclusion can be reached without value judgements.
          Secondly, paradigms are defended against the evidence and against external assessments by social networks in the scientific community.
          Thirdly, the stronger the impact of decisions about health risks on economic, military and political interests, the stronger will stakeholders try to influence these decision processes.”

  11. Anonymous says:

    Interesting comments, but:

    “Imagine life with no smartphones, tablets, GPS, Bluetooth, or social media. Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? But that was the reality just twenty years ago.”

    Not quite.

    — First smartphone was the IBM Simon, released in 1994 (28 years ago)
    — GPS has been in use since 1974 by the US military (48 years ago)
    — Bluetooth was introduced in 1998 (23 years ago)

    “Also, with the installation of 5G infrastructure being almost complete, we’re on the verge of 5G being our new standard network”

    Nope. No 5G licenses have been granted and thus there is currently no infrastructure on island.

    I’m not going to wrap myself in tinfoil anytime soon, but you do you 🙂

  12. Anonymous says:

    Are you concerned about the earth, the atmosphere, universe or the people. The realty is the first three will fair just fine as it has for the past 13.8 billion years, – the people a very small, minute, selfish, greedy part of the equation. If we choose to annihilate ourselves despite the warning signs the Universe won’t blink, carry on. 🪐

  13. Anonymous says:

    How do I know you’re wearing a tinfoil hat? Based on which problems you site mainstream evidence for and which are merely an appeal to “many scientists”. (Forget claiming something is a “no-brainer”.)

    • crz says:

      How did we get to a place where microwave radiation is used for communications?

      “The Zapping of America: Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk” book – October 1, 1977 (if you find it)

      This book tracks the history that is crucial. Readers that criticize it saying it is “outdated” fail to recognize the importance of knowing how we got here. Right now (2021) a lawsuit against the FCC exists because it fails to take all non-industry science into account in creating exposure limits from 1996. Again, how did we get here?
      The times may have changed but the scenario and players really haven’t. I came from the the peace and “we shall over come” generation and have arrived to the s***t its “too late now ” realisation. Brodeurs book is as relevant as the day it was written.


      The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life by Robert O. Becker.(1998) An alternative veiw of the workings of the body neglected by conventional medicine.

  14. J|) says:

    I don’t get why people are so scared of 5G. It’s still within the spectrum of non-ionizing radiation. At most it will heat the surface of the skin by a fraction of a degree.

    The sun hits us with actual cancer-causing ionizing radiation at magnitudes greater wattage on a daily basis from the beginning of human history, yet no one seems to bat an eye at this.

  15. Anonymous says:

    A smartphone can detect 5G, and way less than $100K. It may not provide a spectrum breakdown but there is software (hackware) available that provides signal intensity. Most high end routers also include a feature like this too. BTW a full body RF blocking condom is better than a tinfoil hat😉

  16. Anonymous says:

    “These exposure levels are a concern. Why? Because there’s an already large and ever-growing body of research showing that EMF is harmful to human health“

    Credible research? Can almost hear the dog whistle…

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