CUC office closed as staff in COVID isolation

| 06/01/2022 | 26 Comments

(CNS): The number of staff members isolating as a result of the spread of COVID-19 has forced CUC to temporarily close its customer service office to the public. CUC said Thursday that its North Sound office will remain close until 17 January “due to increase in the number of customer service agents who are currently in isolation as per Public Health guidelines”.

CUC customer matters will now be handled virtually, officials said, as they warned of increased processing times and delays in response. “We apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding at this time,” the company stated in a press release.

Hospitalisations in Cayman for COVID-19 remain low, with just four people currently admitted according to the latest figures from public health.

However, the estimated number of active cases is growing and quarantine rules for people likely infected with the Omicron variant have become more strict, which has caused an increase in the number of people forced to isolate and quarantine.

The current rules require anyone who tests positive with a suspected case of Omicron, as well as all of their household members, to lock down for two weeks, regardless of their vaccination status, and there has been no indication from government officials when these rules will be relaxed.

The introduction of the stricter rules for those infected with Omicron and their family members was in response to the high transmission rates of this strain as well as its ability to infect the fully vaccinated.

While the Cayman Islands vaccination rate for two doses is now more than 80%, less than a quarter of the population has been boosted and probable Omicron cases have exceeded 600 in less than a month.

Evidence is increasing that although Omicron is more infectious, it is far less virulent, with a much lower risk of those infected getting very sick.

CUC customers are asked to use the website, or email or call 949-5200.

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Category: Business, utilities

Comments (26)

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  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    Customer service can’t WFH? Seriously?

  3. Anonymous says:

    COVID-19/Omicron positives got entire household laid-up in the house for 14 days.

    FLOW-C&W also experienced the same fate, a few times last year.

    Time for deep cleaning the premises, so the Company can welcome staff back to work on January 17, 2022.

    • Anonymous says:

      I read earlier that COVID-19 positive cases have since temporarily shuttered yet another local business.
      Today, RBC Bank (Main Branch, George Town) is also closed, until further notice, for deep cleaning/(sanitization).

  4. Anonymous says:

    Overreach in the isolation guidelines! It is completely UNNECESSARY for persons to isolate if they aren’t Covid positive. Requiring an entire family to isolate for 14 days due to someone else’s positive result is asinine!!!!

    Wasting resources (tests and lab staff’s time/energy) to PCR test people after a positive lateral flow test is ridiculous. It doesn’t matter what strain it is! The only reason for this is because CIG wants to push fear/control with “statistics”.

    We aren’t in a “Covid-free bubble” anymore and yet CIG is requiring protocols that might have made sense in March 2020, pre-vaccines.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wasting lots of government money on unnecessary COVID-19 responses and isolating large portions of the population rendering unproductive and without adequate income to survive Caymans’ high cost of living.
      Perhaps, that US$400Mil, 30- Year U.S. Treasury “Bullet” Bond that Premier Panton & his Administration is negotiating to finance govt loans restructuring & past/present capital projects will also include reparations for pain & suffering of citizens & monetary losses associated with the mishandling of the pandemic. There’s been alot of lost time & lost wages in 2 years, that many people would not have experienced in a decade!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I have paid online for YEARS, so I thank their customer service team for their dedication and wish them a speedy and full recovery. If we have smart phones and computers, then we should all use technology and help curb community spread.

    • Anonymous says:

      As a tenant they won’t even send me a bill by email.

      Typical backwards over staffed Cayman monopolistic organisation. Which badly needs competition to improve

  6. Anonymous says:

    covid/omicron is a dream come true for many in the workforce…
    mild cold symptoms and automatic 2 week paid leave from work. very nice way to start the new year!

    stop the madness of isolating people for 14 days with covid!….science tells us they are most infectious for 3-5 days…

  7. Anonymous says:

    I suggest they consult the civil service who has robust COVID 19 policies in place.

  8. Sheriff says:

    And this pandemic has been ongoing since 2020 why aren’t they prepared to work remotely. Guess that’s asking too much.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Every Business must have Continuity Planning to ensure the capability of an organization to continue the delivery of products or services at pre-defined acceptable levels following a disruptive incident.

  10. Sharky says:

    This is shocking news, there must have been a short in the customer service office. Sparky needs to trace the fault asap and restore current to the staff.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I honestly can not tell the difference with CUC customer service whether the office is closed or not.

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