Coastguard rescues Boxing Day boaters

| 30/12/2021 | 24 Comments
Cayman News Service
Cayman Islands Coast Guard vessel (file photo)

(CNS): At around 6:20pm on Sunday, 26 December, while on patrol within the North South, the Cayman Islands Coast Guard (CICG) received a report from the 911 call centre of a 20ft vessel in distress in the vicinity of Duck Pond. Officers were able to contact the boat directly and were told by the occupants that shortly after they launched their vessel at the Rackley ramp they had begun encountering engine issues and were adrift.

The coastguard located the boat near Patrick’s Island canal entrance and towed it safely back to the ramp. The captain and passenger aboard appeared to be in good health, according to a release by the RCIPS.

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  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    This was a simple towing operation. There are private companies that do this in other countries, at a charge to the vessel owner. This was an improper use of government assets and resources at the expense of the taxpayers. Great job!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Alden’s CICG trying to justify their existence.

    Ladner Watler, RCIPS Marine Unit and private boats been doing this service for many decades.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This post is a complete joke. The operator of the boat should be fined for not having correct safety equipment on board. An anchor and I bet life jackets were missing. Why is this even news. Rescues boat in 6ft of water a few hundred feet off the dock. What a joke.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thank God for CIG.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Tea and medals all round. Lunch with Liz too.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Total jokers! Who on earth thought this warranted a press release. Are they going to get medals? If it was anything tricky they would have had to call for professional assistance from others as they always do.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hey Deputy Gov., awards are due for this rescue. Chop, chop!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Big Wow! Call me when they do an actual rescue at sea!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Thank goodness they appeared in good health after experiencing an engine failure in shallow water in a tropical climate, yards from shore and having to endure ten minutes of inconvenience. Just imagine what would have happened if left to the prevailing wind blowing them into the shoreline!

  11. Anonymous says:

    No anchor on board?

  12. Anonymous says:

    This is news why? If they had drifted another 400 yards, they would have been at Harbour House. Twice I have towed boaters back to their launch ramp. I didn’t feel the need to do a media release. How many boats and people do the Coast Guard have now, what exactly do they do.

    • Anonymous says:

      New Coast Guard and especially the new Regiment are very likely used as cover for clandestine operatives to enter into the Cayman Islands, disguised as training the troop or officers. I don’t trust them.

  13. Sheesh! says:

    Not exactly a news story is it? What next, Fire Service save cat stuck up tree?

    • Anonymous says:

      Only in America. Cayman cats have evolved to the point where they can climb back down out of trees.

    • Flushing Meadows says:

      5.38pm Well that gives them something to do in the absence of fires at the Dump. Another issue, almost every day I notice these recently purchased Tanker Trucks costing well over a million dollars each are being used for personal transport requirements. Every day I see them outside commercial establishments (restaurants, supermarkets and other businesses) and they are sure not delivering water.

  14. Jokers running wild says:

    Yep, thats all they can do too. Rescue a boat within swimming distance of shore, in calm shallow water and ONLY in broad daylight. Can’t do nothing else. The four amigos they got trying to run the CG are jokers with no experience or knowledge, besides being able to bull the COP/Gov’t they can’t do nothing else.

    All the experienced officers were pushed out because THEY ACTUALLY knew what they were doing. Hence why the CG has not done ditto since they were pushed out.


  15. Anonymous says:

    That’s almost 300 ft off their Hirst Road clubhouse dock. Well done!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Bit desperate if helping those with engine difficulties in Duck Pond is all our Coast Guard can come up with by way of achievement. And why wouldn’t the “captain” (of a twenty foot boat?!) and passengers be in good health? They were drifting in Duck Pond, not exactly in peril on the sea.

  17. philip says:

    So they looked out their windows and noticed the boat adrift 400 yards away from their HQ, round of applause for them.

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