Eight people in hospital with COVID-19

| 03/11/2021 | 186 Comments
Cayman News Service
Lions Centre Vaccine Clinic

(CNS): A patient suffering from COVID-19 in Cayman Brac was transferred to Grand Cayman overnight, increasing the current admissions from the virus. With another 115 positive tests recorded between Monday and Tuesday morning, the number of active cases has increased to 1,299, though the exact details of how many more infected people are symptomatic was not released Wednesday for Grand Cayman.

Just 19 people in the Sister Islands have symptoms out of 73 cases, which includes two on Little Cayman. Public Health officials said none of the hospital patients are on ventilators and the patient who was moved from the Brac was doing well with the help of supplemental oxygen.

The continued increase in cases is still closing government offices for deep-cleaning, causing staff shortages in the private sector and locking down families with unvaccinated members. There is also concern that, as cases increase, there will by a corresponding increase in those who become more seriously ill, putting pressure on the Health Services Authority, which is already struggling to deal with testing and vaccinations.

According to global statistics, Cayman’s infection rate per capita is now quite high, though this is largely due to the significant level of daily testing. Government conducted 1,115 PCR tests over the latest 24 hour period reported on.

While Cayman is now in the grip of uncontrolled community spread of the Delta variant, around the world the virus continues to impact nations differently, with some seeing death tolls rise again and others seeing cases fall.

At least five million people have died as a result of the virus, according to official WHO statistics, though many experts believe this is an undercount. The United States remains the worst impacted country, where more than 770,000 people have died after contracting the coronavirus and some 47 million people have been infected.

The UK has also seen more than 9 million people infected and over 141,000 people have died as a result. And while its high vaccination rate had seen hospitalisations and deaths fall recently, the UK saw its highest number of daily COVID deaths reported since late February yesterday.

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Comments (186)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Ignoring natural immunity (either acquired or innate) is the strangest policy in a 20 month+ effort of very strange polices.

    There are loads of reports (not just pre-prints you sofa google doc’s!) that evidence natural immunity is at least as effective as that by vax, and that it lasts longer

    The fact we are boosting inside 6 months of having sometimes 2 jabs tells you this. There are growing reports of people with antibodies to covid19 12-15 months since infection.

    Why we would vax anyone and not test for antibodies first is questionable policy and can only lead to the answer that this is not about taking a vaccine but more about being brought into a system of control by digital movement ID’s (your vax passport).

    Sure, sounds tin foil hatty to a lot of you. But it is perfectly logical – ignoring natural immunity is bizarre and wrong. The vaccines don’t prevent transmission or illness, that is unarguable. So they may limit it. Why get them IF you have natural immunity? It is not good practice nor sensible policy.

    Very strange times.

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe having had Covid is not the same as natural immunity. Evidence shows that a wider breadth of tools to protect yourself and your family is best. Had Covid, get the vaccine anyway, then you have a more robust protection.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think I did have COVID in late October (or early November) 2019, but (very reluctantly) got the first two jabs (Pfizer).

        Only did it to protect elderly family members and young family members.

        If it was up to me, in the sense that there would have been no family and loved ones to protect, I would not have gotten the first nor second jab.

        Commonsense is important, which is not so common anymore. I believe in vaccines, but do not trust Alden McLaughlin, Wayne Panton nor pharmaceutical companies.

        Just to clarify, I don’t trust Jon Jon Seymour either. I wouldn’t trust him to get a simple food order right.

        Minister Turner, let’s see what you got. Don’t be afraid of the task, because the only thing to fear is fear itself.

        To the PACT, PPM and Jon Jon, you have until 2025 to prove your worth. There’s going to be a lot of changes.

        Thanks to the last 2 decades of inept leadership, young multi-generational Caymanian professionals are going to step up to he plate and take almost all of your jobs in the next election.

        I would look at it like this: at least try to do something for your legacy — like Wayne is incompetently doing— because you are going to be replaced.

        Your job is only secure for four years, but you idiots think there’s a monopoly on it.

        Time is longer than rope. Wait until your pitiful political careers are over and most of you all are replaced by Caymanians that view it as being public servants (taking a pay cut, not pay raise and bribe opportunities).

        Last thing, the Masonic or Mechanics won’t help you. Those days are done.

        Maybe you all can keep “traveling East” and never come back to the capital.

        Hope this was enlightening.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hilarious that people comment saying the economy was thriving without tourism and we should stay closed until 2030 or whenever, could have miraculously kept Covid out, and should keep quarantine, you don’t get it. This island is 50 per cent expat, who are Kate bet the financial services industry and generate 80 percent of government revenues. You can’t realistically make expats quarantine and their visitors quarantine when many haven’t seen their families or travelled for 2 years. Cayman would collapse.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Reading these comments makes you realise how blessed Cayman is! Surely there can’t be anywhere else in the world with so many virologists and immunologists imparting their wisdom on CNS feeds! Add to that the people accurately predicting how COVID will develop here in the weeks and months to come. Yes we are truly blessed to have so many experts here.

  4. Anonymous says:

    106 now dead in Bermuda. Up 2 from yesterday. They had a spike in new cases a few weeks ago. They are “safely” reopening as well. Just a little ahead of us. So much to celebrate.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh do shut up aboit Bermuda. It’s not comparable to cayman in any way. Go post your comments on a Bermuda message board. It’s getting very tiring,

    • Anonymous says:

      Full steam ahead here, no matter that massive iceberg of Covid that is in clear view. #deathculture

  5. Anonymous says:

    I spent 6 weeks in USA since August. I met vax’d and un’vax’d. I’m vax’d 2 shots but not sure that gets me anywhere next year, right?!

    I tell you this. very few people know why they’ve taken the ax. I was in Carolina (N&S), i was in LA, i was in Nevada (Reno)…i was in Chicago, St Louis, Atlanta and all over Florida….i met NOBODY who thought the virus was a problem

    I met loads who wondered why they got jabbed. And loads who did not get jabbed.

    I met people. Who want to live normally and dont care about you being jabbed or white or famous. They just want to meet you.

    Can we get there guys?

    • Anonymous says:

      You probably did not meet any of the 770,000 dead or the 1.5 million with long Covid. I prefer that we do not get there.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeap – everyone has moved on…except you know…CI.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m happy you spent so much time with ‘clueless’ americans. I am an american in Ohio and I try my best to stay away from those you mentioned. And yes, there are a lot of ‘clueless’ americans! ‘Can’t fix stupid,’so I don’t waste my time trying.

  6. Fishermen says:

    I know what would protect me from getting Covid? Pack up goods, food, that last me like 5-10 years and go deserted place and deep sea fishing.

  7. Anonymous says:

    When will the vaccine be available in Cayman for children aged 5 – 11?

    Alternatively, if the vaccine will not be offered, children aged 5 – 11 should not follow the same restrictions for “unvaccinated” if they are also being restricted from access to the vaccine in Cayman.

    (I fully understand that some families will choose not to vaccinate their 5 – 11 year olds. This is a question on behalf of families who would choose the vaccine given the current rules and restrictions.)

    • Anonymous says:

      Everything I have read supports natural immunity as the best immunity and young kids seem to do very well with covid. For this reason I will choose not to vaccinate my kids, but challenge anyone to a convincing argument.

      CNS: Here’s a good base for the debate – How good is natural immunity?

    • Anonymous says:

      By the time that day gets here, they will all have had the ‘rona anyway.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not sure why anyone would dislike this comment as surely should be the decision of the parents?

      • Anonymous says:

        particularly when the government is effectively locking many of those with kids up on the island- as many cannot afford to spend the extra two weeks in quarantine

      • Anonymous says:

        Not necessarily. Not if their kid sits next to my immuno-compromised kid. Many vaccinations are mandatory. Why not this one?

        • Anonymous says:

          I dont think the debate is about mandatory vs optional. Really whether they are available at all- currently it is not even an option.

      • anon says:

        particularly when the government effectively locks those with children under 12 on the Island with 2+ (likely 19 days now) quarantine which is not feasible for many.

      • Anonymous says:

        The like/dislike is fickle at best. Are people disliking because they think it is true or because it is false? I have conducted my own social experiment on CNS by saying the same thing different ways with very polarized like/dislike count. I wouldn’t let it even bother you, the point is to get your opinion/message out. Unfortunately there are an awful lot of ignorant comments. Covid has certainly divided the people and it isn’t pretty.

      • Anonymous says:

        I know many parents that cannot think their way out of a paper bag.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Two weeks since Cocktail week! The people who got infected then are out soon. Hope they stay their ass home and not contribute to the spread all over again.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I would think there are millions who are immune to covid via BCG vaccination. Many countries still administer BCG to newborns, while many stopped recently, meaning their adult population BCG vaccinated.
    Since BCG offers protection to TB unrelated viral infections, it was hypothesized that BCG vaccination could also offer protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection in some individuals that have initial defective antiviral responses. BCG vaccination might be associated with a decrease in the incidence of sickness during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The BCG Vaccine for COVID-19: First Verdict and Future Directions

  10. Anonymous says:

    Triple vaxxed Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti test positive for COVID

  11. Anonymous says:

    A vaccine passport won’t do anything. Vaccinated can still get covid and pass it on.

    You do know that, right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone knows that. But vaccinated won;t get seriously ill or fill the hospitals

      • Anonymous says:

        Simply not true. Vaccinated have died. Unlikely, but definitely not a ‘won’t get seriously ill’

        • Anonymous says:

          Your statement isn’t entirely wrong, but it is misleading. The UK ONS published a report on 51,000 deaths from Covid over 6 months, 640 out of those deaths had been vaccinated and around 300 were counted as ‘breakthrough’ cases. So if you want to base you argument for not getting vaccinated on the 600 out of 50,000 as ‘see you can still die’ then go ahead, but please don’t discount the vaccine as being worthless.

          • Anonymous says:

            True. Except in Bermuda the ratio is the equivalent of 9,000 out of 50,000.

          • Anonymous says:

            How do make so many assumptions based on that comment. There is not one shred of anything supporting not getting vaccinated, it is simply pointing out the previous comment is not factual. Where do you get the ‘vaccine is worthless from’? Boy people can talk some crap.

          • Anonymous says:

            Its mis-leading only because you read into it what isn’t there.

    • Anonymous says:

      But are 60% less likely to get it or pass it on….You do know that right? We all know you didn’t!

    • Capt Obvious says:

      Do vaccinated people pass it on at the same rate?
      Do they share the same risk of serious illness and death?
      You do know it’s the most effective tool we have right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccination reduces viral load thus decreasing infectiousness, which us why it’s important to vaccinate and get booster at 6 months. You do know that, right?

      • Anonymous says:

        Are you sure about that? Probably best to check the latest data before posting this.


        *Obligatory statement: I’m not an anti-vaxxer. It is obviously better to get the vaccine than not as vaccinated are less likely to get seriously ill and die from covid.

        • Anonymous says:

          Okay so that UC Davis study is a pre-print. Which means it has not been peer reviewed. Quite a few times during the Pandemic a pre-print study has come out and been posted all over the interwebs. Often they initial findings are questioned/modified after peer-review.

          Further so this study deals with the viral load among people who have been infected. We have lots of other studies that show vaccinated people are much less likely to get infected. Also even in your link the researchers are using language like wide variance in viral loads and saying that while vaccinated people can be carrying similar amounts of virus it did not address the transmission of the virus.

          There have been multiple other peer-reviewed studies showing that vaccinated people clear the virus faster than unvaxed, so the total viral load over time is lower.

          Basically all of these studies that stand up to peer review tell us that you are better off being vaccinated.

          • Anonymous says:

            I don’t think the invaded know what ‘peer reviewed’ men’s sadly. I bet if I surveyed half of caymanians they couldn’t define the term ‘peer reviewed’. I blame the education minister,

            • Anon says:

              No need for you to make racist statements

            • Anonymous says:

              It’s fine that most people (Caymanians or expats) don’t know what peer reviewed means. We are having an anpnymous conversation on a message board. I know what it means and I linked that study even though it’s a preprint because it’s very recent. You’re too stupid to recognize the value of a debate about a particular point and instead manage to smear Caymanians with pathetic spelling and grammar while you’re doing it. Congrats. Thanks for contributing.

          • Anonymous says:

            Your last statement is true. This study specifically concerns viral load. I agree that it’s a preprint and not necessarily correct but this isn’t the only evidence. I just chose it because it was current.

      • anonymous says:

        No they carry the same viral load.

    • Anonymous says:

      the rest of the educated world is not foolowing your advice for some reason….
      you are just another anti-vaxxer who won’t admit it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccines greatly reduce the chances of getting it and passing it on. Vaccine passports are appropriate. They reduce spread and save lives.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please read “No, Vaccinated People Are Not ‘Just as Likely’ to Spread the Coronavirus as Unvaccinated People”


      • Kurt Ma says:

        This is not a good scientific source to point people to. It is a pop news piece.

        • Anonymous says:

          But it links to its sources and eventually if you go through the back links you can get to more science-y sources.

          DO you think everyone is ready willing and able to go to academic journals on this.

          If they were some guy claiming to be a doctor on Facebook wouldn’t be able to convince people to treat themselves at home with horse pills!

    • Anonymous says:

      You do know that you are either ignorant of all the facts or deliberately obfuscating them to push your anti-vax stance, right?

  12. Anonymous says:

    So? Why is this even news anymore?

    • Anonymous says:

      Because if thousands get infected, the 2 to 5% requiring hospitalization, and the 0.5% that might die, become real names of people in Cayman, not just a theoretical construct.

      (Bermuda had hundreds hospitalized and 80 deaths since September 15th — thousands and a small percentage had bad outcomes)

  13. Anonymous says:

    The power of big business and their lobby partners are on full display for the world to see.

    The one thing that is certain in the Cayman Islands is the fact the it does not matter who wins elections as the same group is always in charge irrespective of the outcome of any election.

    While the Premier has released multiple messages where he has bemoaned what he says is fake news about a potential lockdown, the reality on the ground is that nobody believes for a second that the PACT administration has any intention of taking the country back into a lockdown. We all know that there is almost nothing that will stop the PACT administration from further opening the border on November 20, 2021.

    • Anonymous says:

      Quite a turn around from when he said out of concern of constituents the border would be closed until the end of the year. Now the constituents and the outbreak are of no concern to him it seems. The end of the year was a sensible decision but in this case the lobbyists won.

      • Anonymous says:

        What does it matter? You do realise there is more chance of a tourist catching it here than in the USA OR nearly any other place.

        • Anonymous says:

          What does it matter? Look up ‘suppression’.

          • Anonymous says:

            Look up …..Learn to v with it!

          • Anonymous says:

            Oh please… Do you feel suppressed by speed limits? Do you feel suppressed by drinking and driving laws? Do you feel suppressed by needing to get a driver’s license to legally drive? One of the basic functions of an effective government is to insure safety for many, due to the ignorance of the few.

      • Anonymous says:

        Every now and then you get a little bit terrified?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Using a vaccine passport system could slow the spread and prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed in a few weeks. Also a vaccine mandate for the civil service. Better than doing nothing.

    • Dot says:

      No to vax passport Yes to mask, avoiding crowds and sanitising. This is the advice from WHO on how to end the pandemic

  15. Anonymous says:

    Bring back 14 day quaratine please.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you want to go back in live in 2020 for the next 10 years or longer?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes please. Fewer dead people and a stronger economy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes the bit where we came out of lockdown and we didn’t need to mask or have sticks shoved up our nose due to being in contact with positive travellers. That extended into most of 2021 and only came to an end with the ridiculous 5 day quarantine period.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Kenny’s traffic calming plan working though.

  17. Anonymous says:

    When will we have access to this drug –

    “The UK has become the first country in the world to approve the first pill designed to treat symptomatic Covid, the BBC reports.

    Having been approved by the UK medicines regulator, the “gamechanging” tablet – molnupiravir – will be given twice a day to vulnerable patients recently diagnosed with the disease.”

  18. Anonymous says:

    maybe they should only admit people to hospital that really need it…instead of the current gang of drama queens?
    dr lee has sais the people in hospital are mainly there as a ‘precautionary measure’.
    if you don’t need oxygen…you should not be in hospital for covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      That is what Outpatient Centers, in the US at least, for. Outpatient Centers provide monoclonal antibodies treatments and some oxygen support.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Doctor Brown, can you please tell the Caymanian people how many
    people who are hospitalized with Covid were vaccinated

    • Anonymous says:

      Why do you want to know? Triple faxed LA Mayor is COVID positive. But being positive doesn’t really mean having symptoms.

      Ignorance is a blessing in this case.

      A centipede was happy quite,
      Until a frog in fun
      Said, “Pray, which leg comes after which?”
      This raised her mind to such a pitch,
      She lay distracted in the ditch,
      Considering how to run.

  20. Anonymous says:

    The virus
    ⁃ we have become more health conscious
    ⁃ Our health and well being is our own responsibility.
    ⁃ Money can buy you everything, except life.
    ⁃ with money you can change the world.
    ⁃ The opportunity to right the wrongs
    ⁃ The opportunity to change.

    Critical thinkers should inspire others to see good in everything.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Get vaccinated and move on

  22. Orrie Merren says:

    This is quick community spread of COVID. I hope hospitals are able to cope with patients.

    My prayers go out to those inflected with COVID and their family and loved ones. Wishing the best of health and blessings.

    Protection of people is paramount, which is important in any society, because there’s nothing more valuable than human life.

  23. Anonymous says:

    So in the time of a health crisis where does the Premier go – well to an overseas climate conference of course.

    We are supposedly in lean economic times, yet the Premier and government are just spending unnecessary money on a trip. Ah, hmnn have you of things like Skype most honourable Premier.

    LOL at the hypocrisy.

  24. Anonymous says:

    This was expected as soon as the buble burst.
    With all these numbers here public health should not insist on some verifiable vaccine certificates etc.
    We should accept vaccine certificates from all countries as they do from us.
    Nobody is going to come here with false certificate as it is free all over the world.
    It is more dangerous to him to come here without vaxed rather him.
    That will reduce on too much beaurocracy of vaccine certificate verification.
    Preboarding testing negative should be adequate. No need for quarantine.

  25. Anonymous says:

    I dont know why the Compass keeps providing this misleading statistic. Yes, there have been 4,654 boosters, but many, many were given to people under 50. In my office, I know of 10 people under 50, perfectly healthy, who just showed up and got boosted. They arent turning anyone away — no shortage of vaccine.

    “Additionally, 4,654 (representing 24% of those over the age of 50) have had a third, or booster, dose.”

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you know they are not excluding those people from that number? And the people with notes from doctors? Of all the things we can complain about you’ve landed on this? If the boosters are available and over 50s are slow to take them, then let people who want them get them. Why should we have vaccination clinics sit idle? We should be getting shots in arms as fast as we can. At this rate we are less than a month away from a full hospital.

    • Anonymous says:

      What is your point??
      Perfectly healthy people who want to stay healthy and keep working = give it to them! Why hoard them?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Our active cases and trajectory are where Bermuda was on September 8th. About 10 days later, the accumulation of cases led to a few hundred hospitalizations (during the peak, 79 were in hospital for Covid on one night).

    Sadly, 80 people have died there of Covid in 8 weeks, two more announced today.

    When thousands get infected at once, this “dont worry, it is just one half of one percent who succumb to to Covid” results in almost 100 deaths.

    I am not saying we can do anything about it or we shouldnt try to move on and live with it, I am just providing facts. My sister is a nurse in Bermuda. About 20% of deaths were in fully vaccinated, some very young and healthy (whose bodies mounted too strong a defense — so called “cytokine storm” — whereby the healthy lung tissue is attacked and damaged by the body’s inflammatory response).

    “Two more deaths from Covid-19 logged”


    • Hubert says:

      11:41, What you do not grasp that even if you are fully vaccinated you are still vulnerable with underlying conditions such as obesity, diabetes, asthma and cancer.

      The stats from Canada and the U.S. clearly show that vaccinated people who died had underlying conditions. I am just providing facts.

  27. AZM says:

    “Dr. Brown said, “There were five babies under the age of one year, 14 per cent were one to 18 years and one percent were over the age of 70. Most of the cases are in the workforce.”

    While most would consider the thought of babies having COVID-19 to be alarming, with the Delta variant it is actually becoming quite common for infants to contract the virus.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the rate of new cases of COVID-19 among babies and children younger than 4 years old in the U.S. recently surpassed the rate of new cases among adults older than 65 (although the number of deaths among the children remains very low).”

    Are you XXXXXX kidding me with this downplay and spin; its lie listening to the bullshit the Trump admin used to spew …. It is absolutely not ok with me!!

    Babies!! Don’t all you ‘its ok folks’ accept that that’s a price you are ok with paying, along with the exponential increase in community transmissions?

    And the gov/news puts a positive spin on the problem …. Shame on PACT, shame on you all who see profit over safety, and Cayman Kind in some quarters is pure rhetoric bullshit …. It’s Cayman Greed, stupidity, and XXXXX ignorance ….

    So, where exactly are all the religious institution that could be an influence on policy?

    Haven’t heard/read anything about these concerns. No, they are more concerned about the fact that gays/lesbians can love each other; they say its a sin, a perversion of gods word …. but, they ignore the other imperative that says cheating, “coveting”, and XXXXXX like rabbits and having kids with multiple partners is ok.

    I am really XXXXX pissed about this news, cant wrap my head around the fact A) its happened, B)doesn’t seem very many folks in Gov are concerned, (C posts here seem to indicate its acceptable risk..

  28. Anonymous says:

    Shout out to the police helicopter crew that did the Cayman Brac transfer, the bulletin seemed to miss that point. Thank you once again for stepping up.

  29. Anonymous says:

    At least half of them for no good reason.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Welcome to the world with Covid Cayman! It’s one thing to be incompetent with politics… Incompetent with enforcing laws… Incompetent with re-electing women-beaters… Incompetent to pass laws protecting our reefs, beach access, pollution, education, and on and on.

    Covid can/will kill, and Covid will have LONG-lasting health affects for those with minor symptoms. So, go ahead and neglect what is known. You have a little bit of 7 mile beach left to bury your head in. You elected clowns, and the circus came to town. Enjoy the balloons.

  31. Anonymous says:

    1300 cases with 8 hospitalizations? So a 0.6% hospitalization rate? Sounds like a bad flu season.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well we can’t get a flu shot either as HSA doesn’t have them for some reason.

    • Anonymous says:

      Revisit this comment in 10 days….hoping not, but when thousands get infected, these small percentages could mean quite a few hospitalizations and deaths of real people.

      • Anonymous says:

        Percentages are all that matters. If absolute number of deaths is important than we should also ban diving, cars and alcohol.

    • Anonymous says:

      “So far so good” says OP while we continue to fall further into higher cases.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ya, exactly. So far so good. In fact so far it’s going great. Our hospitalization rate is lower than the global death rate. And Dr Lee said most of the hospitalizations are out of an abundance of caution.

        • Anonymous says:

          and it takes 10-14 days for the latest surge in cases to become ill enough for hospitalization.

          Seen the world over.

          So the current 8 hospitalizations (if that) are the effect of the positive cases from 2 weeks ago, which was under 100 infections.

          So now we at over 1,200 cases, we can look forward to close to 100 hospitalizations by 18 November.

          • Anonymous says:

            But, but, the Reopen Cabal and government said we are reopening safely no matter what November 20. Surely they would not place us in danger for tourism dollars. The wealthy and business cabal values human life over dollars, right?

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t think it is ethical to report persons hospitalized out of an abundance of caution. What is it a hotel? It’s dangerous because if someone genuinely needs to be admitted, what happens then? A sudden and full recovery?

      The other issue is not being able to report asymptomatic. Perhaps that box has now been added to the forms. But really, no one initially knew to add that as a category?

      Everything is true and everything is a lie. Yes covid is real and can be dangerous. But the hysteria in the reporting is also real and does tremendous harm. The beauty of Cayman is its so small, we pretty much know the truth anyway. Like the truth about the two “covid” deaths we’ve had. Both very ill persons. No one who assisted them, got ill, sorry I mean suffered from covid.

      I guess the press has forgotten the boy who cried wolf.

  32. anon says:

    How many hospitalised are vaccinated versus non-vaccinated?

  33. Anonymous says:

    All entirely foreseeable and foreseen. We took an economy which, save for tourism was thriving, and destroyed it. On purpose. Short sighted idiocy. In a couple of weeks it will be murderous short sighted idiocy.

    • Anonymous says:

      We’re actually still closed to tourism…

      • Anonymous says:

        No we are not….But they have to isolate!

      • Anonymous says:

        No. We’re still closed to tourism, for which the tourist don’t want to quarantine. Not the same thing. That was working great for most of us, and now that’s done.

    • Anonymous says:

      Uh, we’re actually still closed to tourism…

    • Anonymous says:

      “elections have consequences”

    • Anonymous says:

      you are mixed up. And how not closing down would have made numbers better, Einstein?

      • Anonymous says:

        We could have stayed closed. Tourists could have been allowed through quarantine. The economy would have continued to grow. And no one would have died.

        The die has now been cast. The price will be much too high.

        • Anonymous says:

          And when would we open in 2030 when covid is still around?
          Live with it.

        • Anonymous says:

          We are still closed!!!
          This outbreak was caused by residents (Caymanian/Expats/Property owners). Who knows but it sure as heck was not tourists!!!!

        • Anonymous says:

          It isn’t tourists which are causing the community spread. When the borders open on November 20, the tourists coming in vaccinated will not have to quarantine and they will have a negative PCR test. Those unvaccinated will still have to quarantine. Their chance of catching covid from a resident is more likely than a resident catching covid from them.

    • Anonymous says:

      And we were ignoring a world wide pandemic hoping it would go away. How long would this economy thrive with stipends? Prices rising, people unable to pay bills… yeah thriving economy. Complex issues need complex answers. From what I read people want the easy answer. Let me tell you… there is no easy answer.

      • Anonymous says:

        Construction, development, real estate, retail, professional services, local bars and restaurants, all thriving. Lots of opportunities for most stipend recipients to re tool and re-train. Few jobs for locals in hotels. No prospect of cruise ships (thank God). We have let the virus circulate to reach equilibrium with the rest of the world. We could, and should, have remained different. We had something to sell, and large numbers of investors lining up to buy it. Now we have nothing special. Indeed, we are worse than the rest of the world when it comes to Covid rates. Soon people will begin to die. Those businesses that were doing well will struggle, and the planes full of tourists are not going to come. The risk of them getting stuck from a negative PCR is too high.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yup! Rum Point, Kaibo. The Wharf all thriving together with the staff they have let go.

          • Anonymous says:

            Useless over priced businesses with lousy food and service anyway

            The price of capitalism….

            • Anonymous says:

              And refusing to cater to the local market.

              • Right ya so says:

                @ 2:18pm that’s OK. Don’t understand why we’d want to pay for overpriced crappy food & service. I very happily spend my money elsewhere on better food & service.

            • Right ya so says:

              @ 4/11 1:09 Agreed. Awful food, lousy service and overpriced. We’re not really missing out with them closed, are we?

          • Anonymous says:

            Any good investment portfolio stays clear of hospitality, it is always one of the first industries to suffer in recessions. We are not dependent on it. It is supplemental to our economy. Those restaurants are not out of business they are just closed. Cayman is flooded with restaurants but the better ones and fast food ones remain.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop exaggerating. Our economy is not destroyed. certain industries are struggling while others are flourishing. Drama lover.

      • Anonymous says:

        And so to hell with those struggling? Not a business owner are you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Two weeks ago certain restaurants were full for the weekday lunch trade. Today, empty.

        You understand their business has in large part been taken by an overzealous tourism industry. They are making other businesses pay the price of their “safe” reopening (which by the way is most definitely NOT safe).

    • Anonymous says:

      For God’s sake, will someone think of the economy?!

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