Cops renew call for witnesses to barroom killing

| 26/11/2021 | 19 Comments
Cayman News Service
Detective Superintendent Peter Lansdown issues appeal in September

(CNS): The senior police officer investigating the mass shooting on 9 July that killed Wayne McLean and injured five others at Vic’s Bar, George Town, this summer has renewed the appeal for witnesses. The only suspect charged in the case walked free yesterday after the prosecutor abandoned the prosecution because, he said, new evidence made a successful conviction very unlikely.

Superintendent Pete Lansdown said there were many people in and around the bar when the shooting took place who could have seen what happened and he urged them to come forward.

“This incident is still an active police investigation and we continue to appeal for witnesses to come forward and provide information to the police that may assist in this investigation and bring justice for the victims who were badly injured and the family of the young man who was killed,” Lansdown said in response to CNS inquiries about the status of the murder investigation.

“We know that on the night in question there were two shooters, and that a large number of persons were present at the time the incident took place. Any information, no matter how small or how insignificant it may seem to you, may be valuable to the investigation. We appeal for any information about this or any other shooting incident to be provided to the police.”

Ezekiel Nelson Carter (36) was arrested and charged around two weeks after the killing, based largely on CCTV footage. In court yesterday, prosecutor Greg Walcom explained that the crown was dismissing the charges after a report by an orthopedic specialist had pointed out that a condition know as hitchhiker’s thumb, which it appears had led the police to link Carter to the shooter in the video, was by no means a unique feature and is shared by many people.

While Carter has been released and the charges against him have been withdrawn, Lansdown said the investigation and the evidence already gathered allows for a prosecution to be resurrected if and when new evidence comes to light.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the RCIPS Major Incident Room at 649-2930.

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Comments (19)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Does the RCIPS have the technology to track cell phone ‘pings’ and prove who was there? If not, why not?

    That little 4 year old girl in Australia was recently rescued from her kidnapper this way.

    I find it hard to believe the police have done ANY real detective work to solve this case. I hope I am wrong.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Many officers from one of the most corrupt places in the world too.

  3. Anonymous says:

    How is that investigation of some of the most egregious Cabinet Status grants coming?

    You are a farce, not a force, and sure as hell not a service to anyone but your own.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sad, very sad indeed

  5. Anonymous says:

    RCIPS can’t even find and pull over the 1 in 5 cars driving around past 8pm on a Friday night without their lights on.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Typical RCIPS – arrest first (only for PR purposes, of course), ask questions later. Ooops, sorry Cayman public….we’ll try again!

  7. Anonymous says:

    OK. I’m just reading the hitchhiker’s thumb thingy so it will take another five minutes before I become another resident CNS expert on the subject. However, can I ask a question about this CNS article from July? Specifically

    Possession of an unlicensed firearm carries from 7 to 10 years in prison, which is more than some people get for murder.

    When police are unable to recover a firearm, they charge the person with possession of an IMITATION firearm, so we know that police have recovered at least one AK47 or whatever type of machine gun that was used in the murder. Why isn’t that charge being pursued?

    CNS: This is a very reasonable question, however, I may not be able to post the responses if they are specific to this case. Technical answers will be OK, I think.

    • Anonymous says:

      I viewed the footage a while back. The weapon appeared to be an automatic Glock 18c handgun with an extended magazine. Extremely expensive and illegal gun even in the US.

      • Anonymous says:

        And a full automatic sear – which is what makes it illegal in the US. Listen to the audio on the neighbouring CCYV. Cyclic rate of 1200 rpm – more than most machine guns.

  8. Anonymous says:

    with this kind of backdrop, grabbing at straws, recognition of failure, delay to prosecute, and then withdrawing the case, this is the kind of thing to make movies with, – oh they already have, Official Secrets maybe. Respectfully at this point Mr Lansdown, you’ve lost momentum but more importantly (yet regrettably an understatement) the confidence to assist. I sincerely hope however you succeed.

  9. Anonymous says:

    “New”, sorry-just-getting-around-to-looking-at-this, 6 months old evidence. Cheers.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps the RCIP could address the elephant in the room? We, the law abiding public, do not trust them.

    We used to, and want to, but the intellect, levels of professionalism, and dedication to duty and integrity have been too lacking, for too long. We perceive too many in the “”Service” be inept or corrupt. The standards are far too low. The rates of successful prosecution, are far too low. How much are we paying them to achieve so little?

    There are many excellent officers, but the Department appears incapable of spotting illegal tint in its own carpark. Photographs of lawbreaking are apparently “insufficient” evidence to warrant action. Drugs get taken from the evidence locker. Robust enforcement of even traffic laws appears beyond capabilities. There is a perception of an overt refusal to act on even simple things happening under their nose. I should not be able to observes law breaking every time I drive.

    Against that background, I am supposed to trust the RCIP to protect me and my family against murderous lunatics with guns? Not this Donkey!

    • Anonymous says:

      You have some salient points but in all fairness they don’t actually protect anyone, they show up after.

      • Anonymous says:

        They might as well be insurance adjusters.

      • Anonymous says:

        And usually at great pace whenever the words drugs, white powdered substance, tightly wrapped bails, smoking spliff have been reported. Gunshots, hostage, home invasion, bar room shootout, not so much.

    • Anon says:

      Add to this the alomst endemic abuse of overtime – work one period claim it four times – this STILL hasn’t been dealt with. RCIPS couldn’t detect a chold stealing candy. Witnesses aren’t going to come forward. Intelligence and proactive policing stops shootings – they’re practically incapable of both.

      • Anon says:

        Not sure what a chold is. Know a dick head when I read one though.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yup. If raiding the public purse with impunity is standard operating procedure, why would we expect them to take issue with persons stealing pension monies or even robbing a bank?

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