Data reveals mild, short-lived vaccine side effects

| 08/09/2021 | 39 Comments
Cayman News Service
A COVID-19 vaccine shot is prepared

(CNS): Up to 23 August there were no reported admissions to hospital in the Cayman Islands for side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine and no deaths associated with its administration, public health officials have confirmed. According to data collected from the vaccination forms submitted by people coming for their second dose, as well as calls to the HSA’s Flu Hotline or to practitioners providing care, close to 24,000 people reported some kind of side effect.

“Anyone who received a vaccine can submit a report,” noted Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez. “Most of these reports of side effects are self-reported and therefore unverified with little to no evidence that the root cause is the vaccine.”

The most common complaint, reported by 13,596 people, was pain where the vaccine was injected. Other people reported head and muscle aches, fever, chills, fatigue or a combination of those things, which are all very common after any vaccine. “Duration of side effects is varied; no life-threatening side effects have persisted,” officials said.

Public health officials have released a chart documenting the self-reported side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines that were administered between 7 January and 23 August. During that time 99,886 doses were administered to more than 51,000 people, but less than half of them reported any side effects at all. 23,864 people reported 38,038 instances of side effect, since some said they had more than one.

However, Dr Williams-Rodriguez noted that the data is unverified and cautioned that people might deliberately misinterpret it to amplify COVID-19 misinformation.

“But we ask that the public examine the bigger picture. If they do, they will see that the risk of complications is much higher after a COVID-19 infection itself than the risk of an adverse reaction after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine,” the public health expert told CNS with the release of the information.

He explained that a possible causal relationship is best analysed by looking at frequencies of diagnoses, not symptoms in the general population and then in the subgroup of interest, which is hard to do in a small jurisdiction.

Explaining the data, officials said that the category ‘other’ on the graph related to 71 instances of symptoms that are vague or non-specific and not easily placed in groupings. They appeared to be neither severe nor significant.

However, the anti-vaccination campaign remains persistent if relatively small in the Cayman Islands. The vaccination coverage here has stalled at around 70% of the population, which is high compared to many other countries, but Cayman is unique in that it has kept the coronavirus away for more than a year through closed borders and tight quarantine protocols.

Plans to lift those tight isolation rules for travellers in just over a month are causing concern because of the extreme likelihood of community transmission after 14 months since the islands’ last case.

Those who are vaccinated are far less likely to become severely ill or die as a result of contracting COVID-19. Fully vaccinated people are also less likely to become infected, but with the Delta variant, the risk of breakthrough infections appears to be increasing.

Vaccinated individuals who become infected can spread the virus as easily as the unvaccinated, which presents a serious issue for children under twelve and vulnerable people with medical conditions who cannot be vaccinated, as well as those with compromised immune systems.

Government must now decide whether lifting the quarantine restrictions for economic reasons to help the tourism sector recover is worth the risk of a potential outbreak of the virus in the community that could lead to serious illness or even deaths among the unvaccinated or vulnerable population.

Anyone experiencing side effects of the vaccine can contact or call 947-3077.

See the public health Vaccine side effects data in the CNS Library.

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

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Comments (39)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why are people assuming the worst if get infected and assuming everyone is unhealthy.
    Is thought process block?

    • Anonymous says:

      Have you ever actually looked at some of the large individuals walking around here?

    • Devon says:

      The vaccine is our best source of defence. The anti vaxers in Cayman who are spreading rubbish will be attending quite a few funerals the sad thing one funeral might be their own.

      Come on Cayman let’s aim for 100% vacation.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Of the travelers infected, how many are seriously ill and or hospitalized?

    • Anonymous says:

      A previous article says 13 with symptoms and no hospitalizations

      • Anonymous says:

        They should analyze this group to see if any will require hospitalization. They should also have data from those who were previously infected.

  3. Anonymous says:

    In other, late breaking news, study reveals that fish do indeed fart underwater.

  4. Tony Stank says:

    Big pharma and capitalists approve

  5. Anonymous says:

    So 2 people had myocarditis, 2 seizure and 1 blood clots, according to the chart.

    • Anonymous says:

      So less injuries than a week on the roads

    • Anonymous says:

      And they all just made that up and self reported this to skew the results in favor of their own narrative. Not one person was hospitalized. How did the person know they had blood clots exactly? Yeah, there you go. Utter nonsense.

  6. Anonymous says:

    “… no life-threatening side effects have persisted…”

    How one to interpret this statement? If side effects are life-threatening, people hospitalized and in ICU. Life threatening side effects don’t resolve on its own.

    Do they mean “people with life threatening side effects received treatments and the symptoms subsided”?

  7. Anonymous says:

    «Most of these reports of side effects are self-reported and therefore unverified with little to no evidence that the root cause is the vaccine.” 🤬😡🤯

    I AM THE EVIDENCE!!!!!!!!!’

    So basically they say people are idiots and don’t know what is happening with their bodies, when it happening. They just suddenly start feeling crappy, but there’s no evidence that it is vaccination related, even when they just got the jab.

    How vaccines manufacturers and scientists would improve vaccines if reported side effects are basically dismissed as people’s imagination ??????

    • Anonymous says:

      Would you care to release your medical reports for your hospital treatment for these dangerous side effects you shout about? No? Didn’t think so. Having a sore shoulder for a few hours isn’t a side effect, it is exactly what is supposed to happen. Idiot.

      • Anonymous says:

        You have no idea what you are talking about. And nobody wants to come forward publicly because your attitude is the same attitude at large. It’s disgraceful.

    • Anonymous says:

      You nailed it. Every side effect can be related to anything, except the vaccine of course.

    • Anonymous says:

      The manufacturers currently have blanket immunity from damages as a result of side effects from this vaccine, so there is no incentive to improved the formula to counter adverse effects in relation to their current formulas.

      When the Phizer vaccine is marketed under Comirnaty, my understanding is that they will have liability for side effects.

      So it is in the best interest of Phizer to vaccinate as many people as possible while this blanket immunity is in effect, before the Comirnaty formula is on the market and they can be subject to liability.

      However, as these companies use shell companies to protect themselves from these claims, compensation payouts will be unlikely.

      In relation to the current liability, the Governments have been required to accept liability for side effects, at this time. It would be interesting to know if the CI Government is now liable for side effects or if the UK accepted the liability for our shots.

      • Anonymous says:

        What complete and utter tosh. Want to explain how a change in brand name leads to a change in liability. Is this some new legal principle you have devised, unknown to the law as it currently stands? Whilst you are about it you can no doubt explain your findings on the corporate structure of Phizer [sic] that led you to the conclusion that they are risk insulated against product liability, and for that matter the apparent inconsistency in asserting that they are immunizing as many people as possible in order to avoid a liability that you say they are protected against anyway. Passing lightly over the fact that it was their choice to rebrand, which would be an odd choice if they felt it increased liabiy, and it’s not their decision how many doses are given pre brand change. Could it just be that you are not vaccinated, don’t want to be vaccinated, and would rather prefer to believe in some Illuminati like conspiracy between major drug companies and governments than accept that your refusal to get vaccinated is based on fear rather than rationality, or is simply selfish?

  8. Robert Mugabe IV says:

    Short term data…….
    Short lived side effects……..
    Let’s see what the long lived side effects are.
    Oh hang on, we won’t really know that either because of the third jab.
    The triple vaxxed will be blaming the single, double and non vaxxed for us still being locked down for the New Year the way things are going.

    • Anonymous says:

      so how many years do you have to wait before something is safe for you???
      covid vaccines went through the same testing process as every other drug. fact.juju fact.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The article states that “Vaccinated individuals who become infected can spread the virus as easily as the unvaccinated.”
    Important to note that a study from Singapore “looked at vaccinated and unvaccinated people infected with the Delta variant. The researchers found that while viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated workers are similar at the onset of illness, the amount of virus declines more rapidly in the vaccinated after the first week, suggesting vaccinated people are infectious for a shorter period of time.”

  10. Anonymous says:

    Seriously, 13,596 people reported pain at the site of the injection? That’s like asking hypochondriacs if they are feeling ok.

  11. Anonymous says:

    No shit. We probs paid some consultants a few million to tell us the blatantly f’n obvious

  12. Anonymous says:

    Maybe they are mad about the publicity that the anti-vaxers seem to get, such as multiple appearances on the Governments own radio station?

  13. Anonymous says:

    anti-vaxxer still won’t accept the data. they have never belived in science anyway.
    trying to rationalise with them is like banging your head against a brick wall.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Why are 50% of people who read this article mad that data revealed only mild, short-lived side effects when taking the jab? You all want side effects so it will give you more to complain about? Or maybe give you a reason not to take the vaccine? Unbelievable.

    Get the jab. Open the border.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bro not everyone can take the vaccines and children under 12 as well. I tried to book a weekend staycation and they are all fully booked! So why the rush in opening the borders?

      • Anonymous says:

        3/4 of the hotels and condos aren’t even open- that’s why anything open is booked. Have you seen airfare? Get the border open so there’s competition and prices should hopefully go down. ( probably not in Cayman)

    • Anonymous says:

      Because there’s a whole tonne of idiots on this small rock.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am pro vax and border opening, but out of interest how do you know what 50% of people reading this article were thinking?

      • Anonymous says:

        Im God. I know everything.

      • Anonymous says:

        The ‘how do you feel after reading this’ bar is currently showing 50% red frowny face.

        Of course, that’s a self-reported index so subject to the same inaccuracies as the HSA data. 😉

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