Ex McAlpine boss to chair CPA

| 01/07/2021 | 164 Comments
Cayman News Service
Ian Pairaudeau

(CNS): Ian Pairaudeau, the former managing director of McAlpine and currently a construction consultant, has been appointed as the new chairman of the Central Planning Authority. The board’s new members were published on the government gazette Wednesday, revealing an entirely new line-up. The one board that the whole community was expecting to be replaced since the PACT Government came into office includes four women but almost no one overtly from the conservation community. The new members have development, building, insurance, business, planning, real estate and architectural experience but there is no direct appointment from the National Trust or any of Cayman’s green organisations.

The new deputy chairman is Handel Whittaker, the former owner of the much loved Calico Jack’s beach bar, who stirred up controversy in West Bay in 2018 when he sought permission to dredge the seabed in Barkers.

The new members will take their seats from 2 July and they are scheduled to hold their first meeting on 7 July. There is a packed agenda with a diverse set of applications, including the Cayman Islands Football Association’s new spotlights that face objection from neighbours and a controversial application to turn an area of mangrove in South Sound into a construction storage site, which the Department of Environment is urging the CPA not to approve.

Cayman’s runaway development, especially the impact of coastal development, was a key issue on the election campaign trail, and Premier Wayne Panton has placed climate resiliency at the centre of his policy agenda. While the planning law itself and the regulations will need to be changed to really address the country’s excess development, the CPA plays in significant role in whether or not damaging projects get the green light, especially when it comes to the waiving of regulations.

It is not yet clear who on the CPA will reflect Panton’s promised agenda in this line-up of people who have made or still make their living largely in areas directly or indirectly related to the process of development, although less directly conflicted than the last board. It also remains to be seen how much the new planning minister, Jay Ebanks, who was also linked directly to the development and construction sector in his pre-political life, will support Panton’s efforts to green the economy and put climate resilience at the centre of future policy.

Meanwhile, the National Roads Authority, another critical board when it comes to Cayman’s greener future, has been partially changed. Now chaired by Alric Lindsey, who has been active in conservation campaigns, this new line-up does include more people with green credentials, including Anna Peccarino, a local lawyer and advocate for the environment and one of just two women out of nine appointed members. Dane Walton and Andy Bodden, who owns a heavy equipment company, have both been retained.

See the new CPA here and the new NRA here.


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Comments (164)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    An active construction consultant appointed to head CPA board?

  2. Anonymous says:

    The issue is not the Planning Law but the use of precedent. There have been so many bad decisions made by the CPA over the years and those decisions can now be used by applicants to ask for the same treatment, no matter how egregious.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Enough connection and corruption! We should demand to have their qualifications public. Who, when, how and on what basis were these people chosen for one of the most important influences in Cayman’s critical future???

  4. alaw says:

    Anon It is not easy to find somebody, that is a NOBODY!

  5. Anonymous says:

    In the selection process just wondering if the time was spared to check the criminal history of any of the appointees. (IF ANY OF THE APOINTEES.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly! How is it an ex con can be put in a position prime for corruption?

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s madness so many conflicts how can Christine Maltmann be on the board with her husband Norm Klein representing clients in applications and appeals this is a joke.

        • Anonymous says:

          9:01 am Well she’s a qualified and retired professional planner with many years of public and community service in Cayman. If you actually know her, you would also know that her integrity is above reproach, so IF these conflicts exist, you can rest assured she will recuse herself. How do you expect any board member NOT to have a single conflict, especially the ones who actually have the qualifications and experience to do the job, like Ms. Maltman? The bigger challenge is to ensure that conflicts are properly declared and dealt with, which appears not to have occurred with previous boards which is why people are rightfully upset. Give this board a chance to prove themselves.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ask Kurt Tibbetts about that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Minister Jay Mac Bush! Way to go North Side.

      • Anonymous says:

        How is it that all of NS knows about this new minister’s history and he is still appointed as Minister? Unbelievable!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians just cannot seem to help themselves. For the life of them. Even with so many genuinely trying. But then not really…

    Hide and watch. And they’ll be like “why does this keep happening to us? Wah wah”

    Sorry to say this but “You can’t fix stupid”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your appalling sentence structure and grammar proves that you definitely cannot fix stupid @ 2:52am.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well gahhhlee, …… Nobody is perfect!

      • Anonymous says:

        Sentence sTruCTure? Do you not understand that some people type the way they speak?
        Was the sentence sTruCTure too hard for you to comprehend?
        Didn’t realize grades were being given out here.
        Poor thing… Ooow I’ll bet you don’t like ellipses either!! LOL!
        Have fun reading some of the comments where people actually speak patois! I mean, most of us can seem to understand what is being conveyed.
        I’ll bet you’re fun at parties.

  7. Anonymous says:

    You don’t need construction experience to decide whether a condo is too close to the water, or whether zoning should be waived to allow tall buildings, or whether filling a swamp for apartments is going to flood the neighbors. The important decisions are not really for experts to decide, they are for people.

    • Anonymous says:


      The problem however is that such an approach might make it harder for special interests to operate.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you can’t read or understand drawings, then you cannot make an informed decision.

    • Anonymous says:

      You realize there are such things as Planning Laws and Planning Regulations right? So whilst the unqualified or unfamiliar person may be able to make the aforementioned “decisions” you refer to, they will run the risk of having multiple applicants in line for appeals if such decision are not in line with regulations. And without members of the Board being at all versed in these Laws and Regs, they will be completely dependant on the advice, recommendation or ‘direction’ of members from the Planning Department which kind of negates needing the Board.

      There are some terrible regulations that have somehow ‘manifested’ over the past 8+ years that need urgent review.

      The CPA meetings should be live streamed and FULLY minuted so that the public can see who supported or fought various ‘questionable’ applications.

      Those nominated to the Board should have been fully vetted before they were even considered by caucus or Cabinet.

      Also, if any member is caught not recusing themself, they should be immediately recalled and replaced.

  8. Anon says:

    This board messed up.

    Contractors – lawyers – restaurant owners – insurance brokers – gas station owners make it up.

    Is anyone actually ABLE to do the job? lol

  9. Anonymous says:

    ALT gets replaced as chair, something I never thought we would see in his lifetime, and people are still not happy. Instead of chucking rocks at the people selected it would be refreshing to see posters offer up suggestions of who could be appointed that has sufficient understanding of the issues but doesn’t have any background or links to construction or development. Crickets, I bet.

    • Anonymous says:

      9:23a – WTF?? LOL
      “refreshing to see posters offer up suggestions of who could be appointed”

      This is a done deal dingdong. And ain’t nobody asked us who we would suggest.

      Your comment is ridiculous.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ok put it another way. Who do you think should have been appointed, who wouldn’t have been greeted with the same complaints that they were either ignorant of the issues or conflicted? Hmm? No – easy just to bitch about who is appointed from the very shallow pool of qualified talent. Caymanians just love tearing each other r down – you could appoint Jesus Christ himself to the the CPA and someone would still complain.

        • Anonymous says:

          They seem to have bypassed the “qualified talent” and replaced it with political favour payback.

          • Anonymous says:

            Let’s hear about the qualified talent that was bypassed. I didn’t realise we had so many experts in Planning out there who are available to sit on this board.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I know Ian. And I know that he will be fair and objective in his role as Chair.

    Ppl that are hating on Ian most likely have an undercover interest or ulterior motive.

    I stand 100% by Ian.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Reminds me of my favorite Who song. “New boss, same as the old boss.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Handel has zero relevant experience.

      Christine is ex-Dart and still a full force supporter of everything they say and do. She will never disapprove.

      Ken Ebanks same as Christine.

      I get that Cayman being so small means most people will have some connection that could be questionable but sheesh can we have ONE board that isnt clearly to Dart’s benefit before anyone else?

      NRA board just as bad, what relevant experience does Alric have?

      • Anonymous says:

        NRA board just as bad, what relevant experience does Alric have?

        Supporter of PACT?

      • Anonymous says:

        To be fair it’s hard to see how anyone can have both relevant experience and no connection with developers, suppliers or construction firms. Where board members are connected to any individual applicant or stand to benefit from a decision in any way they should simply recuse themselves from that decision.

      • Anonymous says:

        Kenneth Ebanks is not Ken Hydes. He is a former director of planning who often was ignored for his progressive approach.

        He actually understands the development plan and the need for it more than probably any other person in the Cayman Islands.

        Very good pick.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wasn’t Handel owner of Calico Jack’s too? and the North Side connections bit obvious…. maybe they’ll leave Barkers and head to North Side

      • Anonymous says:

        Some comments are so far out of depth. Do you actually do any research before lashing out against people you don’t know? Alric is literally a CPA (A state-licensed accountant and a Qualified lawyer) and has worked in the financial industry for many years. Some of you barely scraped through high school and bought your way through college. If Alric does not have enough education and experience to satisfy you all then God help us.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Who does the vetting for the board? I just googled this one with an ongoing case in the courts for falling to pay pension since 2017.

    Gillard Mclaughlin..


    Handel Whittaker

    Here is another one that is Pro-Port and wanted to dredge Barkers to put in a bar, both are things that the majority of the people didn’t want during the PPM regime. In his position could he influence these again? Isn’t he one of DART’s proteges as well.



    and this one..

    Peter Campbell..


    I could go one but my take on this is when you go on these boards you should go with clean hands..I support the change in the board 100% but vetting needs to be done before appointing.

    In spite of all of this, I am so grateful to see the old board go. Cayman could not stand another 4 years of that rubber stamping group led by Al’T.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t see anything wrong with the three you are talking about? Handel has lots of experience plus a degree in Economics. Peter and Gillard both have substantial experience in running businesses and in construction.
      One day in the future when the population goes past 100,000 people we will be building piers in Grand Cayman. We need piers now for cargo ships and new piers for gas and diesel terminals. Barkers is in the North Sound. We have been dredging many different areas from Morgans Harbour to Rum Point. We are going to keep growing either through cruise or land based tourism. Only until Cayman finds some other industry like building cars or boats or going to Mars we will continue.

      • Anonymous says:

        @11:51 Do you read my post..For the very reasons you speak of is why they shouldn’t be on the board..

        Your thinking sounds exactly like the PPM, build build build, destroy destroy, destroy, and let’s get the population up to 100K.

        You just don’t get it..We don’t need the port nor do we need to dredge the North Sound..Don’t you want to leave something? If we destroy everything what are the tourists going to come here for? Are we going to do drive by tours of high rise buildings on Seven Mile Beach?

    • Plain talk says:

      You and your 38 conct holes need to get a life the Peter Campbell you are getting to is not the same person . Neither is the Kenneth ebanks.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The scary part is this board was named after 10 weeks of contemplation. Presumably lots of names were put forward, discussions held, and then they selected those whom they believed to be the best of the best. God help us if they ever have to make decisions in a hurry.

  14. Anonymous says:

    This is really great news. I don’t know all of the people on the boards but I am pleased with the ones I do know.

    • Eye Wander says:

      Must either be a developer or someone who wants to do something truly horrible to a plot of land they own.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Someone must have been debrained on the selection of the deputy chairman. Short memories of the Barkers plan.

  16. Anonymous says:

    while we’re here: All members of the Development Control Board of the Cayman Islands Government (One has to wonder why the sister islands are operating a separate governing body for planning applications if we are “The Cayman Islands”, but that’s another story) Capt Edgar Ashton, Mr. Paul Connolly Bodden, Mr. Garston Grant, Ms. Zanda Mclean, Ms. Jeanne Teresa Tibbetts, and Mr. Miguel Martin should answer to the public why they recently approved an 81 Lot subdivision in Little Cayman West, despite the numerous environmental concerns. Franklin Investments Ltd 83A-167. (The Chairman declared an “interest” and left the meeting).

    The National Conversation council clearly outlined that the absence of a Development Plan for both sister’s islands cast doubt on the need for such a massive development at this time. The proposed subdivision is adjacent to National Trust Conservation land and will have a direct impact on it. Lands and survey produced a map showing over 1,337 undeveloped lots under 2 acres currently in Little Cayman. If anyone was in the market to purchase land, these lots would’ve been bought first and developed already. Many existing subdivisions exist in Little Cayman, some dating back to the 1970s have fewer than 7 homes in them, and none are completely built out.

    The Development Control Board went ahead and approved this subdivision with standardized, diminutive conditions. With no concern for the environment and the protected species that may be lost forever due to this unnecessary development. And the character of little cayman being changed forever. Before generations of old and new Caymanians would’ve had to opportunity to experience the unspoiled, tranquility offered there. People, wake up and act now before they decimate the entire Cayman Islands in the name of greed.


    • Say it like it is. says:

      8.17pm Was your ref to the “National Conversation Council” deliberate?.

    • Blue Topaz says:

      Chairman is Chief officer Stran Bodden Daddy need i say more same same old shit going on!

    • Anonymous says:

      I have often wondered why the Brac and Little Cayman have a separate Planning Board. Can anyone explain the necessity of that? Why do those two districts always command so much more separate legal entities than other districts.

      Is this another good ole boys club that needs to be broken up?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Please explain the new chairman relationship with Bronte Developments

  18. Anonymous says:

    Does Ms Maltman, a close friend of Mr Panton’s chief officer, Ms Ahearne from their days in Planning together when Kearney Gomez promoted them both, still work for Mr Dart? She’s very bright and maybe a straight shooter but perception is everything, nuh true?

  19. anon says:

    What is Handel’s experience in planning apart from menus and new cocktails?.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Is this the same Peter Campbell who was involved in CIFA?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Why is he no longer at McAlpine again?

    Just asking for a friend.

  22. Anonymous says:

    As coined by CNS – the OBN (old boys network) is at work again – another PPM recycled and conflicted, with wifey at WORC to boot.

    Step right up, come on in, contracts this way – building approvals and permits that way.

  23. Anon says:

    Una na see nothing yet. Wait till they announce HSA, CIAA, Cayman Airways and Public Transport.

    Oh what a time….

  24. Anonymous says:

    Here comes the dock. Here comes the destruction of more mangroves. Hope they are not taking their eyes of that storm possibly heading this way.

  25. Anonymous says:

    u mean a l thompson no longer is…world war 10 soon happen….glad to see wayne y them making change…keep up goid work guys…

  26. Anonymous says:

    Comedy gold from PAC.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I think its time we amend the constitution allowing the public to recall boards, this new committee is horrible and full of political favors.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Look at the bright side we have more women on the boards.

    • Anonymous says:

      Someone has to make the sammiches.

      • Anonymous says:

        disrespectful much? Is that what you think of women?

        • anon against ignorance says:

          4.21pm and 4.33pm Please understand tongue in cheek comments, they are for humour not for fact, and are not meant to be taken seriously.

          • Anonymous says:

            When people used to make racist jokes, black people were “not supposed to be offended” because they were “just for humor”. Whether it’s racist jokes or sexist jokes, it’s not funny.

            • anon against ignorance says:

              7.40pm Plenty of black comedians make “racist”comments on blacks just for humour and get plenty of laughs from black audiences. Get off your high horse.

            • Anonymous says:

              Remember “All in the Family,” in the days before the politically correct “Woke” culture? Was it funny? Nine seasons, including five ranked at #1, would seem to indicate it was. I get that SOME people have evolved beyond making fun of stereotypes and differences, but that doesn’t make this type of humor any less funny. It just makes it less appropriate for the times. But… the 2:47’s comment can be taken as more than just a shot at women; it’s a satirical comment of our society. Frankly, many in Cayman – particularly those in the construction and development industries – would think exactly the way the poster commented and I dare say there’s a few on the board that think that way. Luckily, this board has some strong women who, if asked to make “sammiches” for the male members, would give them a proper “sammich” in the face. I smiled at 2:47’s comment because it WAS humorous social commentary – no respect to women intended. Feel free to make a similar type humorous comment about what the men at the planning meetings might do now that they’re in mixed company and can’t just be a group of men.

          • Anonymous says:

            @5.21..Obviously you are not a woman..tongue and cheek comments (as you call them) like this demeans the value of a woman. To see now that the number of people agreeing with your original post is growing says a lot for the men on this island.

            All I can say is, thank God there are some women on these boards now and I hope they hold these men to account and stand up to them when face with rude and demoralizing comments that yo ant them find so funny.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yeah, about as funny as making jokes about minorities. Insert the word black instead of woman and see if its still such a chuckle. The “oh I was only kidding” defence – really?

      • Anonymous says:

        The fact that as of now 13 people have given you a thumbs up says a lot about how low we have sunk to say these things and treat women with such disrespect..Shame on every one of you!

    • Anonymous says:

      Not nearly enough. 4 of 14 is lip-service to diversity. So much for that policy position from the Premier.

  29. Anonymous says:

    I hope they know that the Caymanian population is getting smarter about what is going on. (the older generation expected/thought that the best interests of the island were being looked after)

    Hopefully the Developers hay day will take a backseat but with the connections of the new board… Who knows.


  30. Anonymous says:

    Are you joking? This board is a joke with all the conflicts. This board will allow more runaway development only this time it serves them and their cronies. I wanted to keep an open mind and give PACT a chance but you can forget it now. Jay Ebanks should not have become a Minister to begin with. Wayne is aware of this but needed numbers to form the government. 4 years can’t come soon enough

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s 100% better than the last one we had which was all developers and contractors and headed by the largest hardware store owner..now that’s what I call conflicted.

      There are lot of the developers $hitting their pants today. Poor old Al’t’s rubber stamp has been thrown in the garbage, never to return.

      Hopefully there is enough in this group to keep the ones that might be tempted with backdoor deals and rubber stamps like the other one.

      It’s a great step in the right direction but there are a few on there that I wouldn’t trust as far as I could throw them..We will have to watch this one very carefully.

      • Anonymous says:

        No tempting needed…staff and reps appointed to the board. Ras shit crazy and people are clapping their hands about this being a change, seriously our people are so dumb.

    • Anonymous says:

      Must be horrible living in your world where basically you live for every 4 years and in between the only joy you get is when you say “can’t wait for 4 years”

  31. Anonymous says:

    This is DEEP STATE and it smells full of McKeeva and DART. Will Mr. Pairaudeau resign now from the CAA board? Will Buildings go up as high as touching the clouds and will Barkers be destroyed. So Mr. Bernie Bush, is this how you are going to save Barkers? Your own daughter……as a member??Very disappointed in this selection.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Wow! Transparency? Just wait until Airports Authority Board and other Boards are named – same Lodge bros!!

    Different day, same shite!!

  33. Anonymous says:

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. A sad day for sustainable development in the Cayman Islands.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Still political…Handel supported Jay. Dane supported Wayne. Gillard supported Bush…on and on and on. same b&^&^ s$# different day.

  35. A boar hog with 2 teats is better than this!!! says:

    Well, well well. What a lineup of wanna-be contractors who will no doubt be looking to appease themselves. Are any checks done on these persons to see if they would potentially have any conflicts, or are complying with local legislation. Heck, one of the members listed was on the court list just this week for not paying pensions. And isn’t one of the members the daughter of a SITTING Minister? The circus has just come back to town as this board is no better than the previous. I have confidence in the Chairman and hope he reigns in his members however, the fact still remains that he truly has a number of uncouth contractors with him on his board.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, the only one on the Court’s list longer/more frequently than him for non-payment of pension is the owner of a certain restaurant on Eastern Avenue.

      I’m guessing that Dart is going to get his wish of dredging off his property in Barker’s for a tourist swim area now as well.

      At least everyone knows they voted to protect the environment. We just didn’t know from whom.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are forgetting a certain restaurant owner on the waterfront who is up there in court appearances himself.

        • Anonymous says:

          Correct. On every talk show and can’t pay his bills.

          • Anonymous says:

            Wonder where the lodge he was forming for women is? I was part of this initially and left shortly after joining some 2 years ago as he was spewing pure and unfiltered BS. The man would lie Jesus off the cross.

          • Anonymous says:

            Government holding functions there, at the expense of the people.

      • Anonymous says:

        The certain restaurant on Eastern Avenue now has a relative in very high political office, so dem goin be alright.

    • Anonymous says:

      One of them has a history of planning violations.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not just a daughter of a sitting minister, but also a CIFA coach.

    • Shill stacked again says:

      Dart has also got one of their chief influencers on the board now. And do you really think Mr. Pairaudeau will recuse himself when Dart/McApline projects are on the agenda? The lineup is looking to be worse than the last bunch of shills.

  36. Anonymous says:

    same dog, different leg action

  37. Anonymous says:

    Minister of Planning Ebanks got his special friends appointed to watch his back and look out for his friends.

    • Anonymous says:

      Let us be real, this Minister(Planning) needs any help he can muster to get as he is lost beyond measure. Just look at his demeanor and appearance in pictures he takes. Totally clueless, and most of all lacking basic knowledge of the position.

      Albeit the help will be to a financial benefit as opposed to an educational benefit.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wicked and more wicked before elections heard that Jay could not read. Then I heard he was a drug man. Well that did not work out for the ex-politicians people saw through it. The man is enthusiastic and willing sit down and stay off the keyboard you guys have spread enough lies.

  38. Anonymous says:

    What happen to Jay’s consultant Mario?

  39. Anonymous says:

    New agendas have been exposed with these appointments. Will anything change?

  40. Anonymous says:

    Very disappointed in Wayne and PACT of lies they are almost as bad as Alden’s PPM. Now we will see if developers control this board like how KT and his friends did. Handel Whittaker as deputy surely takes the piss

  41. Anonymous says:

    Swamp is full because the politicians here are wholly self serving

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