Archive for July 13th, 2021

Governor and premier to speak at Pride parade
(CNS): Governor Martyn Roper and Premier Wayne Panton have accepted invitations to speak at the historic ‘Cayman Pride’ parade, scheduled for the 31 July. The first ever official celebration of Pride in Cayman will include a street parade from Seven Mile Public Beach to Palm Heights (Tillies restaurant), where the Rainbow Flag has been flying […]

Vaccine rate remains stuck at 64%
(CNS): There was no change again in the national COVID-19 vaccination rate, when officials released the latest figures on Tuesday showing that just 41 people got their second dose over the last day and just 42 stepped up to begin the course with their first shot. The needle on the national rate has not moved […]

Gardeners asked to help feed the ‘blues’
(CNS): A change in landscape and development pressures have led to the loss of more than half of the wild spaces that used to provide food for the animals at the breeding centre, according to Blue Iguana Conservation, a National Trust for the Cayman Islands programme. As a result, a new initiative is being launched […]

DoA ordered to stop taking personal info
(CNS): The Department of Agriculture (DoA) has found itself on the wrong side of the Data Protection Law and is now facing an order from the Office of the Ombudsman to stop taking the personal data it has been collecting from customers without a legal basis and to delete it. Following a complaint last year […]

Local athletes head to Japan amid COVID emergency
(CNS): With the XXXII Olympics Opening Ceremony less than two weeks away, the Cayman Islands athletes who will be competing at the games will soon be on their way to Tokyo, though the Games will be held without any spectators due to the city’s fourth COVID-19 emergency. In an effort to contain another surge of […]