Archive for June 30th, 2021
Vaccine rate slows as teen take-up remains low
(CNS): Just over 150 people stepped up to get their first COVID-19 vaccine over the last day, as the rate for both doses stagnates at around 63% of the population. Figures released by public health revealing the take-up across different demographics shows that parents are still not rushing to take their kids to get the […]
Brunch focus nets just nine drunk drivers
(CNS): Operation Quaker, the RCIPS’ latest road safety and enforcement campaign, focused on drivers leaving Sunday brunch events this weekend, which resulted in just nine people arrested for driving under the influence. Officers at road blocks and on patrol also issued 54 speeding tickets and dealt with 27 other traffic offenses, such as using a […]
No women on new Cayman Turtle Centre board
(CNS): Cabinet has appointed three new directors to the board of the Cayman Turtle Conservation and Education Centre, but despite indications from the premier that the PACT Government was going to diversify the boards, there are no women, young people or even new faces among the appointed directors. Kenneth Hydes, who has served on the […]
Carbon offset plan to protect local mangroves
(CNS): The National Trust for the Cayman Islands (NTCI) has partnered with Island Offsets, a newly formed non-profit organisation, to enable companies to offset their carbon footprint locally through the Trust’s Land Reserve Fund as part of a project to tackle climate change globally while protecting local mangroves. Local companies, offshore entities domiciled here and […]