Veteran cop heads for Sister Islands

| 07/04/2021 | 17 Comments
Cayman News Service
Inspector Ian Yearwood

(CNS): Inspector Ian Yearwood has been appointed as the new area commander for the Sister Islands, taking over from Acting Inspector Kevin Bogle, who has returned to uniform policing in Grand Cayman after his two-year rotation at the helm of policing in Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. Yearwood, who took up the post this week, brings a wealth of policing experience, having filled the duty Inspector job across the most districts in Cayman.

He has headed up the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit, Community Policing Unit, served as marine commander in the Joint Marine Unit and was the aide-de-camp to the governor.

Yearwood joined the RCIPS in 1999 after spending nine years in the Royal Barbados Police Force and has 30 years of policing experience.

Police officials said he will spend the first few weeks on the job doing a thorough assessment of policing coverage and performance and the community needs to ensure effective policing on the Sister Islands. With reckless driving and the subsequent serious collisions a priority on the Brac, he will be drawing on his experience in the traffic unit to devise a plan of action to reduce the crashes and encourage better standards of road behaviour.

“Road and community policing is my passion and has been stamped into my career over the years,” Yearwood said. “It is my belief that community policing is the heart of policing the closely knitted communities of Cayman Brac and Little Cayman and I intend to do my part to ensure that the officers under my command for the next two years work towards building a stronger bond with the community, which will hopefully encourage communication and discourage the occurrence of crime.”

The new police boss will be making visits and patrols to get to know members of the community on an individual basis and encouraged them to also visit him and discuss their ideas and concerns. He has already completed the hand-over process and been introduced to key members of the community, such as the district commissioner, the deputy DC, the head of the Sister Islands Customs and Border Control, Cayman Islands Fire Service, Public Works Department and the Port Authority.

Yearwood has also met with the principal of the Layman Scott High School and intends to meet other members of the community in the weeks to come.

Anyone interested in speaking with him is invited to call the Cayman Brac Police Station at 948-0331.

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Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Inspector Yearwood!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Over 30 years of policing experience. WOW! Welcome, Inspector Yearwood!

  3. Southern Cross club pirate says:

    The only significant impact on Drugs in the sisters islands was around end of 1999 when the RCIPS attempted to stamp out drug trafficking and drug use in Cbrac and little Cayman by the then Drug Task Force with drug bust and a cooperation between Brac Customs and Immigration and brac Police. Unfortunately certain powers in Grand Cayman tried their utmost to thwart these efforts and disrupt this cooperation. The irony of this some of those same individuals i now see in leadership positions in the police and the now newly formed CBC! what a real shame.

  4. Pointer says:

    many have come with there big talk and left with a big walk and yet the Brac remains the same only the names change. The most significant change to policing in Cayman Brac & little Cayman came in 1999-2000 under the District commissioners Ms Jenny Manderson and MR Kenny Ryan respectfully.

    • Anonymous says:

      11:21 an, agreed with Ms Manderson, but Ryan ah ha ha

      • Mumbichi says:

        Just the opposite. Mr. Kenny was and still is, of the people and cares about the people. He was always approachable, and you could walk into his office and air your grievances, and he would make time for that. I respect him.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Ian!

  6. Anonymous says:

    There ain’t no laws in the Sister Islands.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Welcome Inspector Yearwood,

    You will probably see some familiar faces on Brac, being those who have over recent years come from Grand Cayman to deal drugs, party and live life off of government.

    You noted Road policing is a passion. Right now the spot checks at varied locations during the day seems to be working.

    But I would encourage you to put forth the same effort in the late night hours. Only a handful of places for people to party and loiter around at night.

    Police here are way to easy on noise from bars and it is very easy to see drug dealing that goes on, either in the parking area, inside, or at the outside tables – not gossip just facts.

    As for Little Cayman, it is not hard to see who are the ones that providing the island with drugs.

    I truly believe that the RCIPS is way too soft on crime here on the Sister Islands – stiffer penalties, more stringent enforcement of existing laws and more focus on the drunks, drug dealers and associated riff-raff.

    Yes, I will give the police credit for shifting around the Brac, and getting people to slow their speed down just by their presence.

    Do think the same approach at night, being near the places where people gather would be a good idea. Harassment? No! Police should be entitled to follow a vehicle leaving a bar.
    Police should be able to park near such an establishment just to observe. Police do not, repeat do not have any such presence at this point …. people know it, hence the late night drunk driving, the loud noise, the speeding.

    Remembering back to the days of the Covid curfew, when all the activity at night was stopped – crime virtually non-existent (except of course for the curfew breakers including one of your own officers) and at night their was peace and quiet.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This man is charge up. He good though.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Welcome to the Brac, Commander!

  10. Mumbichi says:

    Welcome, Sir. Traffic isn’t our most pressing need on the Brac, however it is certainly one that requires your experience and attention. Acting Inspector Bogle did us all a huge service by setting into motion a series of actions which, while enforcing existing law, also greatly curtailed antisocial behaviour.

    There is currently much less fighting in the bars, less drunk drivers, less cars and motorcycles racing around the island. The Brac has begun to feel safe again.

    We hope you will maintain those ideals, and we welcome your new ideas also!

    I look forward to a time when the entire law-abiding community feels enough trust to work directly with the RCIPS, as we did decades ago.

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