Last week ‘left a stain’ on Cayman, says Hew

(CNS): The member for George Town North appeared reluctant to put the election behind him when he stood to make his debut address as a member of the opposition on Friday. Joey Hew said he had been “characterized as the villain” in the recent campaign, as he pointed the finger at, but did not name, his opponent, Johann Moxam, and what he described as the “keyboard warriors jacked up on caffeine in coffee shops”. Most MPs, as they addressed Parliament either for the first time or in new jobs, spoke about unity and working together and their willingness to get past the bitterness of the campaign. However, Hew made it clear he wasn’t ready to forgive.
He said the last few months was one of the most arduous periods of his political career, as he blamed the influence of the “unregulated” world of social media for confusing the people.
“The final days of the campaign and the six days following the results exposed the ugliest side of politics and our people. The hatred and aggression towards each other… left a stain on our country,” he said. “I endured relentless attacks on my character, my family life and my integrity,” Hew said, adding that his constituents had not been fooled and had reelected him.
Hew outlined what he saw as the achievements that he and the previous government had left behind. He said he would continue to support them, even though several are not supported by the current PACT Government, especially the relentless road programme, the way that the review of the planning law has been going, and the direction of the National Energy Policy.
Barbara Conolly was also short on forgiveness when she accused her opponents of attacking her and her supporters, describing the things said as “almost unbearable”. She also aimed to score some early points against PACT when she made a jibe at the four women sitting on the government benches, asking them, “Is she supported?” — a reference to the reemergence of McKeeva Bush in the speaker’s chair, despite the trouble his conviction for assault on a woman had caused.
Conolly was, however, part of the government that created the dilemma that Wayne Panton, the new premier, had found himself in as he tried to put together a government that reflected the election result.
Panton responded directly in his own speech, which rounded up the adjournment debate Friday. “Yes, of course she is still supported,” he told Conolly, referring to Bush’s victim. He outlined the obligations he faced and what had to be done. He pointed out that Bush has acknowledged what he did and apologised for the transgressions, and said that going forward his government will be trying to set the best possible standards as a serious aspiration.
Check back to CNS next week for more details of the first speeches of the new Parliament, which has now been adjourned. The date of the next sitting has not yet been set.
See the proceedings on CIGTV below. Officials have acknowledged the sound issues and if a better quality video is made available, CNS will replace it as soon as possible.
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Category: Local News
I know for a fact that Mr Hew and the PMM had their supporters issue “keyboard attacks” on their behalf. Reference the 3 minute voice note that was sent out the Sunday before elections that claimed that the independents couldn’t form a government. Now they are forced for 4 years to watch that they can. So don’t fall for the victim hoods of these PPM members. You’re where you are cause you’ve refused to listen to majority of the people on this island who want a better way of life and not have our islands taken from us by special interest groups. Where was Ms Conolly’s shouts for disapproval when it was asked by serval persons to remove Mr Bush from his seat? Weren’t you following along with what was “best” for the country at the time? Please, girl sit down and get comfortable. I would recommend that they all work together and ensure all in these islands are put first before themselves. Please, please improve our education system!
God bless them all.
Geez they start listening to the people when they get kicked out….Wayne won’t make the same arrogant mistake.
Disgusting. Bush only became remorseful almost a year later amd because he really had no choice. never ever should he had beem given the seat. Sabrina and Issac even worse. Ran as independent went to ppm back to independent. I guess this is what the people want. Juliana hates the LGBT education in cayman is at its all time low…Unity no I think stupidty
“Wayne won’t make the same arrogant mistake”.. Well let’s look at the facts..Wayne financed PPM for many years and was a member and supported them until March 2020.That means he was a part of all the over development, part of the poor education etc that so many blame PPM for and fail to admit Wayne’s participation. The 2014 planning law changes that Sammy spoke about, Wayne was the Environment minister at the time. At the time of McKeeva’s drunken assault Wayne claimed he was parting ways with PPM because they failed to speak out against Mc. On Friday two days after the election when the 2 sides were deadlocked,he had a choice support Mc,or PPM he choose Mc. Maybe that was part of the plan all along. But please stop this ‘Wayne wouldn’t do this or that’ crap. I’m not buying it.
I’m so tired of this PPM are whining losers.
You’re an idiot…his choice was to support the greedy PPM or support the PEOPLE! The pathetic PPM enabled Mac again.
A priviledge one talking about a stain on society because things didn’t go quite as planned. I would like to say where the real stains are but I’ll remain respectful!
I’m proud how my people stood up to the special interests and the privilege few! Now is the time for this administration to put policies in place that will benefit the country and not just the special interests and the privilege few.
Hi 7:02pm, I remain imperfect!
Cry babies. Once you decided to run, there are very few things that are out of bounds. Suck it up you dopes.
And Mac? He has been disgracing the country of course. But then practically all politicians care more about being elected than about the woman assaulted. Just a pawn in the game.
The pubic that have endured decades of maladministration are certainly entitled to their thoughts. These were shaped from years of broken promises and misplaced trust. Hopefully Unity’s stain on our history – including addition to two sanctions lists – can be reversed in weeks/months ahead and not permanently stain us as a territory..
Are Wayne and Chris now cutting back their raise of pay from 16 % to 7.7 % like the rest of the M P’s or they glad Alden raised it, so they can get it now ?,
Are they in the spirit of the PPM going to ignore the people’s suffering and give themselves an additional raise and maybe more loser rewards. Oink Oink PPM
We live in the era of easily offended people who are weak in mind and body.
collect 4 more years Joey, we throwing you out next election, and I voted for you.
12.34pm We live in an area where good manners count for something and nastiness is not the norm. Seems like you like the nastiness where you come from.
Moxam please continue your community voice, we are sorry the Sheep tried to keep PPM in power, but you can still be our hero, thank YOU.
Alden did absolutely nothing for his constituency of Red Bay for the past (4) years, this is shown by the approved HUGE & insane development about ready to be shoved down that quiet neighborhood area behind our Lighthouse School???
Recently: Alden appointed Developers to the National Conversation Council (NCC) on 2021 and Fred Burton is OUT? **please explain this….
Wayne, we hope your first clean-up job is “Planning Board” and “NCC” (Wah???)
and then please immediately please LOOK at the mess at Turtle Farm, CINICO, Credit Union, and HSA….Your “Authorities” have been running wild with privilege and PPM power.
Their hiring practices have negated the tourism work-permits that left during Covid while locals are unemployed? and your Authorities are stuffing their pockets with Ex-Pats (see Linkedin recruitment 47 applicants from overseas CINICO to check?) and with soooo many qualified and univarsity degreed Caymanians, this reliance on cronyism needs an Audit. You want Cayman first? then plan succession for these jobs to Degreed Caymanians and cull the Civil Service and Authorities = employment problem solved.
Time for a clean sweep and chuck those cronies OUT. I see a LOT of Board and Leadership changes coming, that is awesome!!!
Too many cushy paychecks need to be examined and see if they “really are promoting our people” or just padding their jobs and their paychecks???
Wake up:
Credit Union
Turtle Farm
Your questionable practices are going under the microscope under WAYNE!!!
Caymanians first- No reason under pandemic we are seeing so many work permits approved?
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO WAYNE!!!
Agree!! Put all hiring of ALL authorities CIMA, HSA, Maritime, CINICO and Credit Union in centralized HR section at GAB under DG. Terminate contracts of any HR employee and leave the HR in each authority to deal with admin matters, kill two bird or three…. decrease nepotism, unfairness, hire only Caymanians, decease monies spent on all these HR personnel who only do payroll and attendance anyway, highly overpaid.
I keep wondering who is flying in this week and it saddens me to see a dozen expats on the FB chat rooms each day asking about nannies, cars, duty-free shipping, which means we are still hiring without question from overseas???
People, Our Tourism product will take years to bounce back and we have suffered a civil service bloat for years (votes= ppm) so now is the time to re-train, Reject expat cheap work-permits, Promote vocational scholarships and WORC programs and tell our Authorities at CINICO, Turtle Farm, Credit Union, HSA, and Civil Service to hire locally!!!
These Boards have served their own selfish agendas for too long. All Boards and CEOs need an executive audit WAYNE…
The Cayman Airways and BA flights should not be importing labor as passengers.
Re-tool and reduce the bloat. Time to manage and not pander to the whims of the powerful.
I also think it’s time to raise the minimum wage. Some expats are willing to sacrifice for a few years for $6/hour, but it’s not a living wage for Caymanians. You want to hire Caymanians in the hospitality industry, in bars and in stores as it was 20 years ago, then we need to be able to pay our people a living wage.
Don’t get me wrong — we need expats, but there are entry level jobs which our people should be filling, instead of NAU dependency.
F&B industry is VERY lucrative but is not the easiest work to do. It is hot and thankless for the most part. But it also carries no social weight. which is why Caymanians shy away from it. Trust me, if you are any good at F&B, you will make well more $ than the hourly wage it pays.
And another concept/sector that is lost here is the value of your teenage working part time at a fast food restaurant. I did this in high school with several others from the same school. We actually had fun at work and made our own spending money. It instills a good work ethic as well. But people here see it as a degrading job only fit for ex-pats.
People on chat rooms asking about nannies aren’t likely to be coming in for vocational jobs. Financial sector is booming – but re tooling hospitality workers to the financial services industry not an overnight task.
Oh please please add TAB!!! Tourism Attraction Board to this list!
Now THAT’S worth looking into, 4:52 pm!
Credit Union is not Govt it’s a bank credited by govt employees
Hello I would like to get my 2 cents in as well about McKeeva Bush = But first I would like to say Congrats to the present Government and today I can Breath freely again = Now back to Mckeeva – I was one of his worse critics and always said why don’t he just get off his high horses and apologies to the Young Lady he Assaulted and to the citizen of this Country = As everyone is well aware off until recently = after reading his “DETAILED APOLOGIES” and signing to the Code of Conduct and agreeing to give 10% of his salary to the Crisis Center = My take on the 10% salary – I now see a different McKeeva = The person that posted without letting the Crisis Centre know first hand you were wrong and if you had went about it in a different way we proberly would have had a different results = McKeeva messed up Royally and I feel he has come to the Cross road in his life and now realize that he isn’t the POWER HOUSE that he once was = Always remember out of Negatives we can learn from our BAD CHOISES and put life in a different perspective = If we don’t give someone a chance to make that Change then that is wrong = Don’t generalize and say McKeeva will not Change -You and I don’t know he won’t = Maybe he’ll be able to help other men to make a change in their lives and this island will diffinately be a better place = Just give Him a chance = Don’t think for a minute that I condoned what McKeeva did or anyone for Beating on a woman ” He or they are ” WRONG WRONG WRONG ” I reach out to McKeeva to give me a call at 916 / 0754 or and I would gladly come and talk to him = God Bless these island
Dexter Layman Ebanks
About 3 or 4 weeks ago in a campaign meeting he denied hitting a woman…his continual lying denial doesn’t sound repentant to me. I think you’ve been taken in Dexter…he’s still the same disgusting, selfish and deceitful sociopath he has always been.
I second that!!!!!!!!!!
Ph-f-f-f-f-t! Leopards do not change their spots……….. and neither do politicians!
“I now see a different McKeeva”.
We need more forgiveness thank God he finally did it as it was the turn of the tide we needed at the right time certainly we need a Crisis Center but they need to help the men as well as women or visa versa if the women are the reason as they are destroying too many families with there one sided approach
All in the Caymanian Government have lost all respect from all except for the ignorant. Which is what they were rightly counting on. Now comes the time of ignorant comments before the lining up to kiss the feet. Just like last time. And the time before that. And on and on. Nothing has changed here except the names on a few doors.
Joey clapping back at those that oppose him shows exactly the kind of person he is.
You put yourself in a position to serve the people Joey. It’s not about YOU, it’s about US. Clearly, you don’t understand that.
Before you comment any further take the time to view the video of all the speeches. In particular listen to what Chris, Julie and Bernie had to say.Listen to Chris and Julie tell how their mothers were dragged into the mud. Not only Joey was unhappy with some of the happenings on the campaign trail.
Joey said last week left a stain – I agree even though I cannot see the Speaker’s chair in the photo.
You wasted your vote!
ppm only for rich…look at the 12k a yr pension they passed in law. …i happy wayne y boys in..maybe poor caymanians can get somewhere now…..
Dear oh dear. Who knew politics could be so mean to me?
Really? Not so much sore loser as whiny baby
After 8 years I’m pretty sure he’ll have seen more and worse that he could’ve spoken out about
Am sure he’ll be ok sitting in opposition doing little and getting a fat pay check..probably won’t even turn up to half the sessions
Ms Barbara, showing the way as PPM’s upright protagonist, who would have thought 🤷🏻♀️
“…keyboard warriors jacked up on caffeine in coffee shops”. WOW!
What kind of politicians resort to insulting electorate? Not mature politicians for sure.
Did McLaughlin set an example?
It’s almost challenging them and their smart words to a fight.
YES! A very bad example.
The EMPTY CHAIR TO THE LEFT OF MR HEW speaks volume of a sore looser. Will he work from his FARM via ZOOM SO HE DOES NOT HAVE TO FACE THE PEOPLE ? DID ANYONE SEE HIS FAMILY THERE FOR THE SWEARING CEREMONY?? I didn’t but inquiring mines want to know ? You can’t do wrong and get by Al my friend you won but you lost 😠
He’s at a funeral numb nuts!
Great job Mr. Panton!! Now leave an unforgettable history of being the best Premier. I trust in your judgements, just remember to put your people first, please!!! We are some of the best persons in the world.
These two showed us their real personalities today. What a bunch of sore losers!!
Barbara sat over the other side for four years and even filled in for McKeeva when he was on break. In neither of these roles did she say or do anything yet she decides to throw this hissy fit today which in my mind was totally embarrassing. She went on social media and taunted Wayne and “all those women” whoever they were that were killing her about supporting the woman..and then she gets up and makes a fool out of herself today..where was her voice before?
I was so proud of Wayne how he calmly and politely answered her. I am quite sure she was expecting a pissing match like Alden would have done but we now have a calm and cool Premier and I don’t think she was expecting his calm demeanor.
As far as Joey, come on, you need to go into the halls of Parliament to criticize your opponent and blast everyone that didn’t support you. What you and Barbara should have done today was come into the house like civilised people, congratulate the government and pledge to work with them for the betterment of the country instead you used to spit piss at them and the country.
We now know what to expect out of these two useless politicians for the next four years..
Got stains?
Call Hew’s janitorial.
once they get in to public office all of sudden they think that they somehow are better than the rest of us. Just look at Barbara before she was in office. she would say hello, but now she is stiff as a board, won’t look your way. My goodness the woman is full of her self. Who do you think you are ? Any way Joeeeeyyy He acting like he so educated doesn’t take much brains to be able remove a stain, just check your supplies at your cleaning and janitorial company or call the university we’re you got your PHD.
Hew has zero o levels and zero college degree. How can we expect him to value education when he has none?
The lodge helped him get this far and daddy dart
Hew said, adding that his constituents had not been fooled and had reelected him’
that’s one assumption Mr Hew, the other is they had been fooled and hence your reelection. I guess what it comes down to is, – ‘who is it that’s really doing the fooling ?’
I agree 2:55 pm. Lick your wounds, put on your big boys’ and girls’ pants, and get on with being the best representative you can be.
Heaven knows the majority of you will get paid way more than you actually deserve.
So work with each other for the love of country and its people leaving your self-interest at the home, bar, or wherever else but NOT in Parliament.
Its all about the money and more money, but the more you got to leave when its your time to go under, the harder it will be for you, for you can’t take it with you, and that will hurt bad
But it won’t hurt for long!
The real stain on Cayman is the last 8 years of horrendous PPM policies
We will never be able to fully quantify the damage done to the lives of hundreds of Caymanians economically and socially because the PPM was too busy or too occupied chasing big money and doing the will of the rich instead of tending to the average person
The PPM have a problem being challenged in any format which is why Mr Hew thinks that a few mean posts on facebook, Johann being confrontational and adversarial during the campaign and callers to local radio shows having the audacity to criticise him are the end of the world as he knows it
Bunch of spineless, sellouts who think they rule via divine right who spent too long locked in smoke filled back rooms singing their own praises
Enjoy the next four years on the other side Mr Hew
We’re all off better for it
Their polices have been stupid, short sighted and a time I think self interested….their damage has a long tail!!
Mr Hew is a family man, and had been a friend of mine for decades. Ive seen first-hand his efforts to improve the lives of all Caymanians, in particular the ones who are poor and increasingly disenfranchised.
Most of these insults come from people who probably dont even know him.
He’s respected by many. He would never get drunk an assault a female, for example.
Mr Hew is calm and focused. He doesn’t deserve this vitriol. We should remember no one is perfect, and perhaps concentrate on useful suggestions instead of finger pointing.
Sorry, last week did not leave a stain on Cayman. It was the PPM that left a terrible stain on the Cayman Islands.
Hew and Cry. Bye
Happy to see them take a back seat. Borrowing one of Mac words what a bunch ’bragadocious’ useless blowhards! Hope their donors can wait ……that wa ya get!
They are all upset because the power trip for them and their big boss Alden has come crashing down. What about the fancy dances and hollering of Sammy’s dead? You cry babies should just resign but then you would not get that cushy paycheck. Hew was drunk on the power just like Roy & Alden.
Guess Jon-Jon will be crying crocodile tears soon!
Happy to see them take a back seat. Borrowing one of Mac words what a bunch ’bragadocious’ useless blowhards! Hope their donors can wait ……that wa ya get!
Jog on!
Geez Joey you seem to have worse things to say about keyboard warriors then the ones that get drunk and beat a young woman in her public work place…should we call those ones Joey’s warriors? What happened to you were a good guy.
Who did Wayne make speaker of the house again? Oh that’s right! The woman beater! Don’t look now but your hypocrisy is showing.
Because of the slimy greedy PPM poached from an agreed government and again opposing the wish of Caymanians…I would have said “their people” but they are not Caymanians and only care about themselves….disgusting human beings.
There is a stain and it’s the dishonorable speaker.
It does not matter where Bad Behaviour is coming from, it is never acceptable!
Mac is The Stain on all of us.
The power went to his head.
Wow the kettle calling the pot black. Did Barbara stand up when fool fool Jon Jon was taking jibes at the LGBT community. No she was laughing with the rest of them. No spine. Did she stand up and make a statement against the abuse Bush inflicted on Livia? No she did not. So just swallow your pill and enjoy the view from the back.
Left a stain Joey come on what can be a bigger stain than the people being robbed through concessions, what can hurt more than not knowing how much we were being sold out for, what hurts more than preferential treatment for some and not for ya own people. Enjoy your relegation and think back carefully of how you all have set us back by these actions of nenefotting others more than your own people. Think on these things and if you have any heart or conscience you will see the error of your policies in the areas mentioned.
The only thing transparent about most politicians is their thin skin. So sensitive and easily damaged.
But they love to get up in that house and attack members of the public while protected by parliamentary privilege.
Wah wah wah. Bunch of whiners. Each whiner was slinging it as much as the others.
Reminds me of the donkey whiner that cried because people made fun of him with his singsongy poems and preaching about the moon during lockdown.
Thhhhhhhhhank you…..
This country is definitely not the forgiving kind
HE BEAT A YOUNG WOMAN IN PUBLIC!! and they said and did nothing.
Welcome to Cayman.
A west Bay woman told me categorically….and angrily…two days before the election that he did not do any of the things “they” are saying about him. When I think about that, I have to say that Mario deserves credit for coming so close.
Yes! Mario did extremely well……especially considering how many utter buffoons vote in WBW and still refuse to believe Mac is guilty.
4:14-Would you forgive if it was your mother or sister that was savagely beaten in public? And yet the batterer continues to remain in power. That’s beyond third world…
A truly Christian nation.
Wayne Panton said the Speaker has apologized for his actions. McKeeva apologized long before the matter was even in the hands of the police. So please stop trying to fool these poor people. You are just getting more political miles out of this regrettable event and making the Speaker an even bigger unrepentant Hero
4.10pm What Bush said right after the attack was he could remember nothing of the incident, what he said after that was she attacked HIM and he was only defending himself!. Are any of these blatant lies an apology?.
And on the election trail he even said he had never assaulted a woman and that there was more to the story. As for getting political miles out of the event, don’t you recall Alden first saying he could do nothing whilst the case was outstanding, then saying he could do nothing because it would bring down his government. Then Roy saying Wayne should go with his conscience and not deal with Bush, and in consequence the PPM coalition should be handed power as the majority? You are either as dumb as a bag of rocks 4:10, or perhaps you are trying to “fool these poor people “.
Yeah let’s just forget a political leader beat a young woman at her work, the rest of the government did and said nothing, then his penalty by the court was effectively grounding at home.
Barbara should be the LAST person taking jabs at women regarding “is she supported?”. She literally sat back, in silence, this entire time.
The elected women said NOTHING so do not speak now. Yes, it is sad, we had to go back to power-king MAC to get the PPM out, but it worked and the people have spoken.
Do your best Wayne, we support you!
Every time Barbara opens her mouth, she confirms how incapable she is as a politician. All she has ever done in the past 4 years was to be a yes person for Alden and Hew, making herself look so ignorant. Should never have been reelected, such a waste of our money.
You areluckly still there. Sit and hush.
Reading the last sentence in this article it appears that the solemn commitment to an enforceable Code of Conduct for elected officials has now become merely an aspiration. That was fast.
Politician complaining about dirty tricks. Amazing.
Smith Barcardere 🤣🤣
I’m glad MP Hew finally said his piece. He remained calm and collected throughout his clean campaign, which is far more than we can say for his opponent. And he’s correct, the days following the election left a stain on Cayman.
It is unfortunate that the XXXXX was reelected, his reality as he put it yesterday, speaks volumes. A party loyalist, who thinks it fine for a government to disrespect its people, like his unity government did for years and when the people speak out for their rights, you think it is damaging the country’s reputation. What effect do you think being placed on the black/grey list, has on us as a nation? You are not fit for purpose and it is sad for the Cayman Islands that the likes of you and Barbara were reelected.
They can dish it out but can’t take it. BTW, What exactly did Conolly do to support her?
I do find it hard to sympathise when Alden Mclaughlin has gone out of his way to characterise me (and other environmental activists) as the ‘villan’ using his leadership platform.
Mac is in that chair because of YOU poaching from an agreed government….you again fought your people’s wishes…first it was a port and then a non-PPM government. You lost those and also all respect when you did and said nothing about one of your coalition beating up a young woman.
@Joey Hew – YOU are a stain on Cayman.
3.29pm You are a classic example of whom he was talking about.
Lol more coffee?
I’d love to know how the hell Babs got reelected. Quiet as a mouse for months and full of it now. Sit down please
Another JU JU
Boo hoo Joey and Barbara. Your fiasco with Smiths Bacadere left a stain on both of your characters.
Barbara.. you as a woman have the audacity to ask “Is she supported ?”
Your silence on this issue spoke volumes to the women of Cayman.
Enjoy your next four years as an elected official. I’m sure it’s your last.
Chris Saunders complained, Bernie Bush complained, Julie complained others complained but somehow got left off this list. Hmmm
Couldn’t agree more, disgusting behaviour by the keyboard warriors. I think we cut the internet here or price the paupers out of using it, everyone will be happier if Sandra and CMR goes the same way as Jabba the hut and her awful page I’m a Caymanian where are my rights
You should be thicker skinned if you’re a politician…like armour if you’re a politician that ignores the people and think it’s all right for politicians to trample on the rights (and bodies) of your citizens.
Did you seriously say “Price the paupers out of using it”?? What an arrogant person you are. You’re exactly the kind of person that Joey caters to.
So, you believe that only the upper and middle class should have access to freedom of speech? You probably believe that only the poor have concerns. Boy, are you wrong. Just look at the last election. Did you learn nothing?
BeaumontZodecloun don’t you mean “Did you learn anything?”. Because ‘nothing’ is EXACTLY what they learned!
Barbara why don’t you see how bad it was what you and your coalition did…this was a young woman who I’m sure hasn’t healed from what happened to her…this country was her home and she was unsupported by its leaders. This wasn’t a little thing so instead of trying minimize or deflect attention from your reaction, or lack thereof, show some repentance…explain and apologize for your inactions. Otherwise just continue to keep quiet about the subject!
PPM – sore losers, unna sound too much like Trump bitching, groaning, crying and complaining about how you lost.
Get over it PPM, you all can spend more of your valuable time with family, friends and constituents – as you no longer bear the burden of running the Majority government business.
Try to put on a little better face than what the former Deputy Premier had one the other day at the outdoor swearing in ceremony. Mo$e$, you truly need a lesson in humility and try not to always be worried about taking everything with you in your casket when it is your time.
3.09 Some PACT supporters sound more like Trump supporters; anything they do is ok. Seems like its ok just because its not PPM. Be careful in 4 years time you might come to regret not holding them to a higher standard than that.
I thought it was only me who noticed.
And where was Barbara when McKeeva plead guilty, hiding with the rest of the PPM. Deal killer for a lot of us. But, not at all happy that JA Bush is speaker, no excuse he’s a loser and has been misbehaving for decades.
3:09PM what you say about Moses is very true. He seems to have completed disappeared from the public eye:
1. Not named on any committees.
2. Not named as one of the PPM leaders.
3. Not made any public statement congratulating the incoming government.
4. He seems destined and content to be another Eugene at this point – just sit in his seat and remain silent.
Remain silent??? Maybe that would be the best thing.
What is wrong with these people??? Once person was never more embarrassed to be a Caymanian as when there was a political process by her house….now this guy saying political aggressions showed our ugliest side.
For me it was when the PPM remained silent and did nothing when a high ranking coalition member BEAT THE SHIT out of a girl at her work place and the government did and said NOTHING!!!!
Someone’s angry they aren’t in a cushy job any longer. Moxam should be there instead of useless hew.
But you see, 2:55, Johan the Saviour, is NOT there and, NEWS FLASH, the electorate rejected him and voted for Hew. Another news flash, that’s how democracy works, it’s not decided by posters on CNS or any other social media. Geddit, bobo, or do I have to run through it again for you?
Unless we have a national vote where every Caymanian voter decides who gets in, then this OMOV bullcrap is not true democracy.
It never was!!!
Someone worse than Joey? That’s hard to believe!