CAL staff in quarantine after ‘celebrity’ mask breach

| 22/03/2021 | 88 Comments
Ron Perlman on board a CAL aircraft with an unidentified passenger

(CNS): A Cayman Airways crew is currently in quarantine and some staff members have been suspended from duty after a breach of COVID-19 protocols aboard a Miami flight this weekend, when staff and passengers removed their masks in order to take pictures with actor Ron Perlman, who was on the Saturday flight. Cayman Airways Limited (CAL) issued a press release acknowledging that passengers and crew were caught on camera without masks in the cabin. The airline is now working closely with Public Health to determine the impact of the rule breaking and an investigation is now underway.

CAL management sought to reassure the public, stating in a release that all active Cayman Airways crew for international flights are fully vaccinated, and special safety protocols are in place to ensure that airline staff can perform their function with mitigated risk of contracting and transmitting the virus.

There has been no indication yet from Public Health how many people on the flight were carrying the virus because the test results have not been released. However, past test results demonstrated that the Miami flight continues to bring home residents and travellers who test positive on arrival at the airport despite previous negative tests.

Everyone on board will now be in quarantine for 14 days since the new reduction in quarantine for those who are negative on arrival and who have been fully vaccinated does not come into effect until today.

However, in the face of the continued strict protocols regarding the admission of travellers from overseas, there has been consistent public concern that the rules are not being applied equally and in some cases sanctions are not being applied.

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Comments (88)

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  1. Mike says:

    Anonymous seems to be a schizophrenic having so many arguments among his self on this topic

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why is this even in the news? Who is this loser anyway?

  3. Anonymous says:

    1 to 5 comment on crucial issues: environment, education, corruption….

    and close to 100 on this?????????????

    You, people of the Cayman Islands, are really something else, not in a good way… I pity you.

    • Anonymous says:

      We kinda like little punks like you!

    • Just saying. says:

      @23/03/2021 at 8:55 am – Thanks for the pity! Now that you’ve gotten THAT off your chest, you can go back to dodging bullets at the supermarket, at your place of work, at your church, at school, at the movie theater, at concerts, etc., etc. etc.

      But we’re the ones that should be pitied. Got it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes please do not move to the US or UK. It is way too dangerous for ignorants.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, 1:03, because there are no crimes, drugs, guns, gangs, or political scandals in Cayman, right? Of course not, your educational system is top- notch.
        Can I sell you a nice piece of swampland next?

        • Anon says:

          @27/03/2021 at 2:30 pm, yes we do have problems here in Cayman. But the point is that you can come here and enjoy life safely. Try doing that in your home country where your life can be taken away at any moment.

          • Anonymous says:

            Kind of like driving on the roads in Cayman – life taken away any second

            • Anon. says:

              Really? We don’t have many traffic fatalities in Cayman, so you’re pushing nonsense.

              Driving in Cayman is a piece of cake compared to driving in your home country, where people are slaughtered in road rage incidents, slaughtered in disagreements over parking spaces, slaughtered like animals in your twisted, gun-crazy society. But that is what you came here to get away from, isn’t it? POS.

    • Anonymous says:

      You people in the Cayman Islands @8:55 3/4 of the … holes posting on here are your kind and no class. Talk about cussing ya brothers and siestas and cousins, huh.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Everyone can take off the mask to eat and drink. Everyone can take of the mask to wash your face. Show some bit of intelligence people. Taking off your mask momentarily for a good reason is What everyone does. Getting raked over the coals because you did it for a different reason shows the lack of reason in the world today.

    • Anonymous says:

      It does when you know you are exempt from quarantining and are allowed to freely circulate in the community (a concession to flight attendants because they are first and foremost safety professionals and have agreed to adhere to the strictest protocols).

      What that flight attendant did made her potentially every bit as dangerous to the community as Skylar Mack.

      Dumb move!

  5. Anonymous says:

    There are bigger things to worry about people, notice the plane is empty, you don’t think the employees take their masks off for a break when we aren’t on board. How about thanking them for a job well done so far. Put your big boys/girls pants on and deal with people.

  6. Commissar Danilov says:

    Old Koulikov at it again. Always sticking his head into the line of fire.

  7. Anonymous says:

    All that for a guy “famous” for sticking a couple of Sausage McMuffins on this forehead.

  8. Anonymous says:

    A sizeable portion of the global population has become such a sad and pitiful lot. The world has turned into a rat ship.

  9. Anonymous says:

    They both have their masks under their chins, probably pulled down for 15 seconds for the snap. But it’s posted online, so someone must pay. You people hyperventilating need to work on getting a life.

  10. Anonymous says:

    hell boy!

    • Anonymous says:

      Ron Jeremy rocks!

      I don’t understand why the flight attendants posted their pictures.

      Who breaks the rules and then posts the evidence?

      Come on CAL you are better than this.

      I expect an public apology from the flight attendants.

      I understand that the flight attendants previously worked in the private sector but that shouldn’t be an excuse.

    • Anonymous says:

      Papa Koulikov.

    • Anonymous says:

      When they I.e the breachers come outa quarantine, lock all a dem in one cell for one week and fine them 10;00.00 each, that will teach dem rasa.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Even more reason to GET YOUR VACCINE CAYMAN!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Ron Who? He family to Joey?

  13. Anonymous says:

    And pray tell under what protocol is he being allowed to enter?

    No wonder some of us are being sent London!

    • Dorcas Nelson says:

      Exactly what I was pondering. Do we need to be rich and famous to circumnavigate the proticals? Rules are rules. They apply to everyone. Including me and You.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Can’t comment on the other story, but Cayman has never participated in the World Cup…

  15. Anonymous says:

    Aren’t there more important things to worry about?

  16. Anonymous says:

    And CAL if they have any kahunas will sack the flight attendants for bringing the company into disrepute … I suspect not though

  17. Anonymous says:

    Who the hell he think he is, he is just a next edat that don’t care about others

    • Equal treatment? says:

      Can’t be a very successful celebrity flying CAL and not private. Remember rules only apply to some.

  18. Anonymous says:

    suspended with pay????

    • Anonymous says:

      but of course….its our civil service where there no such thing as accountability

      • Anonymous says:

        2:49. For the 100th time. CAL and other Government owned companies and Statutory Authorities are not part of our world class civil service. Zzzzzzzzzz

        • Anonymous says:

          No. Its just that the taxpayer gets to pay for them. So forgive us in assuming that maybe they should be accountable.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I would risk it for Angelina Jolie but Ron Pearlman nah BoBo.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Would be understandable if it was Ron Jeremy

  21. Anonymous says:

    The flight attendants should be in fact must be, named and shamed.

    • Anonymous says:

      And fired.

      • Anonymous says:

        Jailed for two months. But is seems like they are all escaping the penalties. other than Mack.

        • Anonymous says:

          Interesting point. If I recall correctly, Skylar Mack had already had covid not that many months before her trip to Cayman, which I assume was the reason she did what she did (not that she tried to justify her actions later in her TV interview mea culpa). The flight attendants presumably did what they did on the basis that they had already been vaccinated. If an irresponsible 18 year old could be made an example of, then surely the same rule should apply to Cayman flight attendants who certainly should have known better.

        • Anonymous says:

          And Vanjee

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree as they are the first residents person will see when coming to Cayman on CAL therefore the likelihood of them catching anything (not only COVID) is even greater.

    • Anonymous says:

      So the vaccine doesn’t work ? Or did the goal post move again , so now it’s two masks and how many vaccines before we have slowed the curve enough lol

  22. Anonymous says:

    Oh the horror..

  23. Anonymous says:

    But the rich and famous cant have covid!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Don’t blame Ron Pearlman, he will be quarantining regardless. The CAL crew messed up.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly! Why is everyone so mad at Ron Perlman. Jeez – They asked him for a photo and he obliged.
      People up here thinking he the one wanting photos of them!

      These people need to calm the eF down. Now you’re jealous of an actor… Get over yourselves. Worry about something that really matters like the upcoming election instead.

      Signed – RELEASE THE VIDEO

    • Anonymous says:

      But will he? If he is flying in for a production rather than a holiday, do you think that’s getting held up for 2 weeks pending his quarantine? Remember the past dispensations when essential workers on the airport project weren’t in quarantine. Wouldnt surprise me if there was a “bubble” around these two move productions underway, and Ron’s joining one of those. However, I am sure a simple statement from Dr Lee will resolve any doubt on the matter.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Honorable Health Minister Seymour will get this straitened out right after he gets an autograph!

  26. Anonymous says:

    I love the quotes on “celebrity”. Who tf wants to break protocol and risk everything to take a photo with Ron friggin Pearlman, who is terrible in everything he’s ever done?!

  27. Anonymous says:

    All should be brought in fron of a judge immediately including Mr. BIG shot who obviously don’t give a flying fart about our rules and regulations.

    No right of privilege for ANYONE cabin crew or celebrity.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Dat wha ya get for mugging with Hellboy.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Of all the celebrities you’d risk your job for…

  30. Anonymous says:

    Everyone spies on everyone…is it cultural?

  31. Anonymous says:

    Seriously. I think we are going stupid, with covid.

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