Seven COVID-19 cases in latest travellers

| 25/02/2021 | 28 Comments

(CNS): Seven travellers have tested positive for the coronavirus, according to the daily test results reported by Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee. There are currently 31 active cases of the virus among the 904 people in government quarantine and home isolation, one of which is symptomatic. Cayman now has a tally of 438 recorded cases of COVID-19 since testing began last March. No vaccination figures for Thursday have yet been released.

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Category: Health, Health Insurance

Comments (28)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Comments on the effect of opening to tourism in other parts of the Caribbean – now some of the highest rates of infection as the new variants spread

    – From the Guardian

    In Jamaica, which won praise for containing its coronavirus outbreak last year, patients now overflow into corridors on chairs and stretchers in some hospitals, prompting the Caribbean nation to open three emergency field hospitals.

    Reuters reports:

    While global new infections start to decline, a handful of countries across the Caribbean, including the larger islands of Jamaica and Cuba, are suffering their worst outbreaks since the start of the pandemic following social gatherings over year-end, quarantine violations by visitors and growing complacency.

    The number of total confirmed cases has almost doubled in the first two months of the year in Jamaica. It has risen around fourfold in Cuba, eightfold in Barbados and around tenfold in St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, according to Oxford University’s Our World in Data database.

    In one of the most tourism-dependent regions of the world, authorities have had to reimpose lockdowns and curfews, while reducing flights and hiking quarantine restrictions, further delaying a revival of their fragile economies.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Interesting report in the Guardian out today on existing vaccines which we in Cayman have access to and the South African variant. Basically the report suggests that existing vaccines are unlikely to be a solution by themselves without maintaining strict public health measures.

    AFP Reports:

    A more transmissible coronavirus variant first identified in South Africa late last year fuelled the country’s second infection wave and delayed the start of vaccinations in February.

    Studies have shown the variant to be more resistant to most of the existing vaccines than the virus’ original form and other mutations.

    Vaccinology professor Shabir Madhi, lead investigator on the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine trial in South Africa, said the local variant and a third wave of infections expected later this year were likely to hinder inoculation plans.

    “We need to recalibrate our understanding of what we can actually achieve with Covid-19 vaccines,” Madhi told a virtual panel discussion.

    “The notion of getting to herd immunity…at least with this first generation of Covid-19 vaccines, is extremely slim.”

  3. Anonymous says:

    I am not taking this vaccine

  4. Anonymous says:

    When is Dr Lee resigning or being striped of his OBE?

    • Anonymous says:

      When Mac resigns.

    • Say it like it is says:

      8.37pm Dr Lee is the architect behind our remarkably successful campaign against Covid 19 and more than a lot of Caymanian recipients he earned his OBE.I suggest you aim your twisted remarks at the Caymanian(s) behind the vendetta against Mr Banks who pressured the good doctor into actions against his better judgement.

      • Anonymous says:

        Have you been in a cave and just got out? Dr.Lee has lost the most valuable thing in one’s career-his reputation.

        As for an architect, please………

        • anon says:

          12.39pm Remember it was a Caymanian caveman that put him in this position, when will he be identified and punished?.He is more guilty than anyone yet so far he has escaped scot free thanks to his contacts and nationality.Please look up architect in the dictionary and go back to your daub and wattle dwelling.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dr Lee is worthy of his OBE, please appreciate our cautions have given us freedom and health.

      These cases can be detected up to 14 days after arrival due to viral load and incubation time – 10 days quarantine will not keep the variant out of our community.

      If you are in Tourism, Re-train and welcome
      Back to the days of (1) Holiday Inn, most of us locals preferred it that way instead of ten story brand hotels.

  5. JD says:

    Pre-test, Arrival-test, Forced 14 day isolation, Then post 14 day, and again if your returning to USA. Why Go? I heard the forced 14 day does not even guarantee they release you.

  6. Anonymous says:

    If the tourist has been vaccinated and has the protest and test on arrival just have tourists wear masks in high traffic areas and be done w/ the quarantine.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Is it jus me, or is it that the incidence of positive cases amongst travelers seems to be increasing despite the pre flight PCR test requirement.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is NO way that many should be positive after testing negative on pre-testing. An occasional positive that was negative on pre/test, due to low viral-load at the time, is expected but this seems like a high number and always in clusters of 5-7.

      This is something that Dr. Lee and Alden should be addressing.

      CNS, you are the one news outlet that asks all the smart questions! If you get a chance, ask about these!

      Is there a pattern to where the positives were pre-tested? If so, is it fraud or did we pick bad labs to be on the approved list?

      Are these samples being run through too many cycles by HSA thus giving false positives?

  8. Anonymous says:

    And it is suggested borders to open in April and eventually no quarantine? It only takes one positive to mingle with the community!! Please let’s make sure of community vaccinations before this happens

  9. Anonymous says:

    The cusp of the third, and projected worst wave so far, is not the time to relax emergency health and safety measures.

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