Miller: Snap election no benefit to voters

| 11/02/2021 | 101 Comments
Cayman News Service
Ezzard Miller MP

(CNS): The “unnecessary snap election” will be of no benefit at all to voters but it will cause a catalogue of problems for all stakeholders and the public, Ezzard Miller MP has said. Disappointed that the governor allowed this “politically expedient change to Cayman’s fixed election calendar” when he had no need to, he noted that there is precedent for a governor to refuse such a request. Miller also raised concerns about the work that Parliament should have been doing in its last weeks.

Miller told CNS that he and other members had been assured by McLaughlin and several of his ministers that there were definite plans to hold a meeting, if not two meetings, this year before Parliament was dissolved. But McLaughlin had already begun to deny that he had planned a meeting even before his decision to call the snap election.

However, Miller said there was work to be done. For example, Miller said he was concerned that important reports by the Public Accounts Committee, which he chairs, that would have been made public at a final meeting of Parliament will now not see the light of day before the next administration, hiding evidence PAC has uncovered of misuse of public cash until after the elections.

“PAC has at least two important reports that need to be tabled before the Parliament is dissolved. These are the reports on the airport fiasco and the Turtle Centre mess,” he said. “There were also indications that there were additional laws that needed to be amended to facilitate international compliance by our important financial services. Then there is the badly needed amendments to the Registered Land law and the Prescription Law to preserve the public right-of-ways to the beach that have been circulated but deferred from two previous meetings.”

Miller also said that there should be a report to Finance Committee regarding the movement of funds in the budget to facilitate COVID-19 measures and the government’s election spending on road improvements and social programmes.

“All of this work appears to be getting sacrificed on the altar of political expediency because the premier thinks he has a better chance of winning in April rather than May,” Miller said.

Making it clear that he is prepared to fight for his seat at any time, Miller said it was the voters that were being shortchanged. He said those young first-time voters who were on the draft list because they will turn 18 between 14 April and 26 May will now have to be withdrawn.

In addition, there could be some serious issues relating to postal ballots because the Elections Office is going to face objections from candidates about sending out postal ballots based on a draft register, as this means unqualified voters could get ballots and wrongly disqualified voters will not. He said this could most affect those people currently stranded overseas because of COVID-19 but entitled to vote.

Miller also said that the earlier date will mean that fewer people will be vaccinated by Election Day, adding to the COVID-19 risk and increasing the need for the Elections Office to keep the full protocols in place. It is also likely that fewer candidates will run, he said, all of which is for no good reason for anyone other than the premier’s Unity government.

On top of all that, it puts the civil service under pressure, as they will need to produce the public finances report several weeks before Election Day and will have less time to prepare the Strategic Policy Statement (SPS) to support the new government’s 2022/23 budget, which must be completed within three months of a new government taking office.

Miller said that removing the speaker would not have caused the government to fall and there was no need to call early elections. The last time Bush was the subject of a no confidence motion, which happened in 2012 following his arrest in the credit card case, he had called for an early election after his front bench turned on him. But instead, Governor Duncan Taylor refused and allowed the remaining UDP members, loosely supported by the opposition, to roll on for six months.

In this case, the government only needs to hold together for a matter of weeks and it was in much less danger of collapsing than the UDP administration in 2012.

Miller further noted that suspending the government and bringing the election forward does not actually remove Bush as speaker. While he will have no official speaker duties, he still retains the office and all of the benefits and trappings. He can continue to campaign under the prestigious office and represent Cayman as such.

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Category: 2021 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (101)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Yet nothing will happen. No accountability! Disgusting!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    No confidence in politicians. Many are Lodge members doing the bidding of their masters.

    COVID has provided opportunity to become a dictatorship. Cayman is no longer a democracy.

    Christians are treated with least respect of all. All are supposed to be equal under the law.

    • Anonymous says:

      See you soon on the battlefield, Alden!!!! Hope you are ready for what comes next? Life is short, but political life is shorter. It’s time to act, not fold. Let’s see what you are made of, because I know what I am’

  3. Anonymous says:

    They vote Caymanian culture and they cry that they have Caymanian educated. Nash those teeth. You have just what you wanted and deserve. Your choices will deal with you. The bill keeps growing and will soon be due. Next up vote in those who will take the blame. This is the short sighted future you choose.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Miller is controlled opposition.
    He says shit and does nothing, yet he is happy to rub shoulders with Alden at the Lodge.
    The whole bloody system stinks worse than a sun-baked cadaver.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are absolutely wrong and know nothing.

    • Cayman Calypso says:

      Now i know you are talking pure $#@! He is not a member of Alden’s lodge but i tell you what your political boss is lodged up and it is pretty obvious you are suffering from bad case of uncontrollable verbal Diarrhea!

    • Anonymous says:

      Like an opened can of sardines inside a car left out in the hot sun.

    • Anonymous says:

      Miller is a numpty.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Lodge controls politicians and gives nothing back. Caymanians wake up. You are being taken advantage of and doing nothing about it. Thanks for nothing.

    • James says:

      Miller is a national disgrace, a laughing stock who literally has not achieved a single victory. Here’s a challenge – name ONE THING Miller has done that had any practical use for the Islands?

      He is content just to whine. Please do it on someone else’s dollar, not the public purse string.

      • Anonymous says:

        Like I said. Controlled opposition.

      • Anonymous says:

        1? Okay. The Health Services Law.

      • Anonymous says:

        ONE thing – Ezzard is directly responsible for controlling AIDS impact in Cayman in the late 1980s by enacting Government’s preventative and control policies as EXCO Member for Health. Had you ever bought a condom before that time? You had to find a selected store which carried them and then whisper to the attendant who stored them under the counter! That’s just one measure in many in the fight against AIDS, which Ezzard implemented.

        But I’ll give you TWO more, for free! Ezzard banned smoking in public buildings (eventually led to ban on smoking indoors everywhere). Don’t you think that had any health benefits?

        ….and three, Do you have health insurance – 80% paid by your employer? Guess who was Minister for Health when that was enacted? Surprise! Ezzard Miller!!

        Ezzard has a “raw” personality, yes, all his life. He’s not a charmer! But he’s no crook, he’s not corrupt and he has genuine care for Caymanians in general, not a select few who can continue to “prop” him up! I wish I had Ezzard to vote for in WBW!!

      • Cutta says:

        I won’t get into all he has accomplished or tried to achieved but I know what he has never done imported illegal drugs and sold it to our children!

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s fairly simple; your first 4 year term is probation. If you didn’t achieve anything beneficial for the people of Cayman, your time is up. Worse if you’re a long term, zero benefit MLA (now MP….NEXT!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      4 years of doing nothing in Cayman seems to be grounds for tenure. Watch all the DUI gremlins from regimes past that scramble now to raise the $1000 refundable nomination fee. I’d gladly front the $1000 to nominate a ChingChing for our district. As irritating as it would be, at least I could trust it. Such is the pirate politics of the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Entry level unqualified people put on probation. If you elect and overcompensate people who do nothing, you have no one to blame.
      If this time even one person who didn’t condemn violence against women is elected, you have no one to blame.
      I bet not many, if any would do that publicly. Even Compass removed one and only comment they originally posted on “Bush” article (2/12). Why? Is the entire island so intimidated?

  6. Anonymous says:

    No politics benefits anyone, let alone voters.
    Have never voted, never will.
    Until the system is changed to benefit the people, I am out.
    You vote criminals and Lodge thugs in, you deserve the consequences.
    Do not blame me.

    • Angus says:

      A snap election does not always have to benefit the voters. Look at the snap elections in the UK.

      People need to understand that the Premier runs the country and the Governor governs.

      The people elected this Government and the Government must have its way.

      Don’t blame the Governor he gave the people what their Government wanted.

      Come on folks. It’s not that complicated.

      The more I read these comments the more I understand how ill-informed CNS posters are.

      • Anonymous says:

        So true Angus.

        Snap elections are an important part of democracy.

        I am looking forward to this election to be over and for Roy McTaggart to begin his tenure as Premier.

        I expect no more than 3 changes in Parliament.

        Eden son wins
        Bernie loses big time
        Arden loses

        Wayne might beat Al. But that is a long shot.

      • Anonymous says:

        @ Angus: Up yours!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Morals and character: 0
        Selfishness and greed: 1🤭


    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      The system sucks, however we can and will blame you, because you don’t participate. You don’t vote, you don’t matter.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wrong. Spoiling a vote is the right of every voter. If there is no box for “other” then we should nominate a district rooster in the next two weeks and see what happens.

      • I lost faith in humanity long ago says:

        What? Non voters don’t matter? We have the right to criticize the government the same way you have the right to vote.

        If the sheep can’t have their way through the thin veil of democracy anybody and everybody is to blame.

        What happens when the politicians “you” elected fail to meet expectations?

        LET’S BLAME EVERYBODY ESPECIALLY NON VOTERS! Even though they don’t matter!

      • Anonymous says:

        You totally missed the fundamental point. Just because you subscribe to this inherently unfair system, it doesn’t mean that everyone should.
        You see life through your eyes and I through mine.
        Everyone matters.

  7. Anonymous says:

    The problem is WBW. The rest of us voters can rail all we want but if they have no shame or care about the man’s corruption, what can we do?

    • Anonymous says:

      The narrow permissive spectrum of deficient standards that restrict candidacy is what suspends good governance in the Cayman Islands. It keeps being said every four years that we need to amend the Elections Law, but nobody cares enough to do it.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Ezzard don’t look like he in a hurry to do much.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Looks like the Governor does what the Premier wants him to do.

    Is the Governor working for the UK or Alden McLaughlin?

  10. Anonymous says:

    What a cry baby. It’s all politricks and a fair and legal tactic. Get over it and run your campaign. I for one am glad we will have less time to have to put up with the lies and deceptions of campaign season. Ezzard is most interested in his own continued employment as a fat cat on Easy Street. Don’t let him fool you into thinking he has any higher moral standards than the rest of them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Geez I wasn’t aware he was convicted of beating a young woman in her public place of employment or even supporting such a POS verbally or through silence.

  11. Anonymous says:

    And still silence from the Governor and UK…now beneficial ownership is embarrassing to the motherland but beating women and frustrating the democratic process seems just fine.

  12. Anonymous says:

    “reports on the Airport fiasco and the Turtle Centre mess” best thing I have read in a while … LOL

  13. Anonymous says:

    Ezzard Miller, no benefit to voters.

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean no benefit to the corrupted!

      • Anonymous says:

        Ezzard has done nothing to stop institutionalized waste and stealing as the perennial Chair of PAC. He hasn’t triggered any investigations by SIPL, Ethics Committees or RCIPS FCU. Nobody’s been fired. No project leaders, CIG department heads, and certainly no Cabinet Ministers. Can anyone name one instance? Just one? It should be easy to name a whole bunch if he is actually the Public Accounts Committee Watchdog we should be so grateful for. Just sayin…

        • Anonymous says:

          Ezzard all mout. Always has been.

        • Anonymous says:

          To 2:16pm: I invite you to listen to the house sittings. If you do, you will realize that PAC recommends strong actions be taken and the government then issues something called the government minute to say whether or not such actions will be carried out. The buck stops with government, so if someone is not fired or prosecuted, look at government.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I can’t believe Compass is giving Bush, a convicted criminal, a platform to “excuse” himself and attack his victim.
    Pure madness 🙉🙈🙊

  15. Anonymous says:

    It wasn’t intended to be a benefit to voters….it was intended so Alden and his Pig Posse didn’t have to directly support Mac the woman beating keeper of the secrets and spoil what is left of the political careers.

  16. Protestor says:

    How can we form a effective protest? How can we fight this?

  17. Activist says:

    How can we mobilize a protest?

  18. Anonymous says:

    You can’t make this stuff up. Read the two quotes below and compare:

    Ezzard, PAC chairman:

    “There were also indications that there were additional laws that needed to be amended to facilitate ** international compliance ** by our important financial services.”

    Aldart, Premier:

    “But it will create rancor in our community and likely amongst members of my Government. Without question it will be a massive distraction from the critically important work we are engaged in, which ranges from dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and efforts at reopening the economy while
    keeping Cayman safe, to addressing the continued threat of ** EU blacklisting **,”

    Tons of rancor has been created by this, especially in the civil service where the deadlines have been brought in way earlier than anticipated.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Between the incumbent and the three options they have, NS would be smart to keep what they have and take the next four years to identify and encourage a worthwhile candidate. Their incumbent may not have the best social skills, but he respects his role as representative. The options are seriously lacking.

    • Anonymous says:

      6:20 Could not agree more. Ezzard may have his faults but he is certainly the better option and at least he has been taking a stand and not staying silent on important issues. The other “potential” if you can even refer to him as that is well known to be up Aldart’s behind and is his next “yes man”.

    • Anonymous says:

      For some reason, there are those in North Side that believe Ezzard should be replaced because he “isn’t good at socializing”. Ridiculous. I wish my MP would spend less time partying and more time being an effective Representative like Mr. Miller!! If the people of North Side replaces Mr. Miller, we are all screwed.

      • Anonymous says:

        Since when is “social skills” the same as “spending time socializing” ?
        Surely social skills are important soft skills that are key to interacting well with others, such as knowing how to speak to people.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Arden won.

    The government will be dissolved this weekend.

    More than one way to skin a sow.

  21. Dra Flex Man says:

    Wotch yo back bredda EZZ big money$$$$$ flowing up yah inna the district even Mama handing out big Bill$$$ yah so Money cyann Done!!! Everybody gettin Tequila dollas to wote inna next electshan even da Big Truckman a pay we too!

    • Anonymous says:

      The thumbs down to this comment clearly do not understand what is being discussed and implied. Those of us in the district know that a lot of vote buying under the stand is going on in favor of Mr. Tequila Sunrise

    • Anonymous says:

      Take the dollars and vote for Ezzard anyway!

  22. Anonymous says:

    People need to pay attention to the points Ezzard made on this!

    • Anonymous says:

      People who pay attention to Ezzard are part of the problem, not the solution.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t like Ezzard one little bit. But I think you would struggle to name one MP who has done as much as him to challenge the government on their expenditure or breach or parliamentary standing orders or the constitution… you know, the stuff that’s meant to keep them honest.

  23. Kaibo SandCrab says:

    Dear MR Miller there is a concerted effort by Cayman Kai Guard Gate builders and certain extremely well funded powers to have you removed from your post in the district of North side. This effort is so desperate and so urgent that they are willing to engage unsavory and dodgy characters who are nothing short of political prostitutes willing to do just about anything to get the votes and please their political paymasters. The district will suffer a virtual environmental catastrophe and so will these Cayman Islands and will be the new eastern playground for Bababushka and Alden Cohorts.

  24. Hutland voters association says:

    Yes 8:51pm when do you plan to hold your first public meeting ever and produce your manifesto or are we back to the drugs an alcohol drunkfest beach shindig to convince them of your expansive agenda in the district.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Grumpy old guy always complaining

  26. Anonymous M says:

    May I add, they extended the territory’s existing Covid-travel restrictions through at least April 15 as part of ongoing efforts to curb the spread of the disease. That means one day JUST AFTER Elections (the 14th), our borders will open up to international travellers. Hence, Alden’s government won’t get the blame for a Covid variant outbreak. 🤔 It looks like the Governor is depending on Alden to upkeep a decent like government to push FCO interest. He wants Alden to get back in … Very clever I say

  27. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    No, it won’t be a benefit, especially in the 8-10 districts in which only the incumbent is listed as running.

    It won’t be a benefit to any of the people running against incumbents in ANY district.

    It may be legal, but it is also disgraceful.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Oh the things we do to ensure McKeeva remains in power.

    Can’t make this $hit up!

  29. Orrie Merren says:

    “The Legislature and the Cabinet shall uphold the rule of law and judicial independence”: section 107, Cayman Islands Constitution Order 2009.

    “All decisions and acts of public officials must be lawful, rational, proportionate and procedurally fair”: section 19(1), Cayman Islands Constitution Order 2009.

  30. Anonymous says:

    We, the voters in the various constituencies, need to reach out to those who have a proven track record of integrity and are eligible to run for office, and encourage them to do it. We deserve better representatives than we have today.

    • Anonymous says:

      And where will you get them from 9:11? The pool of eligible candidates is very limited and all those bright Caymanians we would like to run are either already doing very well indeed in employment so have no need of the cushy MP salary or are too liberal and not “Godfearing” enough. This leaves us with the usual failed civil servants, failed businessmen, realtors, gardeners, bus drivers, gas pump attendants, social philosophers etc that we have already over the last 50 years had enough of.

      • Anonymous says:

        You left out the fact that there are many intelligent and capable people to run in every constituency but they DON’T want their names integrity tarnished by entering Cayman politics!!

  31. Anonymous says:

    Oh ye of 201 votes. 34%. Your time is up.

    • Anonymous says:

      How much does a vote against Ezzard go for these days?

      • Anonymous says:

        You all will Regret voting against Ezzard as for who I hear going contest him just remember when you have to sit up in the house you on your own mama and daddy wont be able sit and read and write for you and try tell ya how pronounce big words ya pun ya own up in there bobo. Ezzard KNOWS THE LAWS AND STUDIES THE LAWS. We need highly educated folks NORTH SIDE DONT BE SO FOOL GO AHEAD AND VOTE FOR EZZARD HE STILL IS THE BEST MAN FOR THE JOB

    • Anonymous says:

      OMOV will cause victories with even less votes this election!!!

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