TCI prisoners moved to HMP Northward

| 26/11/2020 | 12 Comments
Cayman News Service
HMP Northward

(CNS) Government officials revealed Thursday that two high security convicted criminals from the Turks and Caicos Islands have been transferred to HMP Northward for a temporary but unspecified period as a result of challenges with TCI’s prison estate. No details have been revealed about the men’s crimes but they were housed in the damaged high security wing and are not the “category of prisoner who would warrant transfer to a UK prison”.

Officials have not said how the men arrived here, but they were handed over from the TCI Prison Service staff to officers from HM Cayman Islands Prison Service at Owen Roberts International Airport Thursday morning. The prisoners will be managed in accordance with the COVID-19 precautionary arrangements at HMP Northward and will remain in isolation pending negative test results after 14 days in quarantine.

In addition to COVID-19 protocols, officials said the necessary security measures will be in place at HMP Northward to ensure the safety of the two prisoners as well as the community at large.

Speaking of the capacity of the prison here to manage these men, Prison Director Steve Barrett, who previously headed the prison at TCI, said he was very open to providing support to the sister prison service given the pressures they are under. “The prisoners we received will be subject to a period of assessment and the outcome of that will determine how we manage them going forward,” he added.

Officials said in a statement that this is a temporary situation until the security situation at the prison in Grand Turk enables their return. Meanwhile, the cost of the prisoners’ transfer and stay is being paid for by the TCI government.

The prison estate in Grand Turk was damaged during hurricanes Irma and Maria in late 2017, which was exacerbated by a subsequent fire to the high security wing that resulted in the demolition of that accommodation. The rebuilding work has started but is in its early stages, officials stated.

TCI has also experienced a rise in serious crime, which has driven an increase in the number of prisoners in custody, placing additional pressures on the staff to maintain safety and security.

Governor Martyn Roper said said he was pleased that because of the quality of Cayman’s prison service, it was able to “support a fellow Overseas Territory grappling with a difficult set of circumstances”.

Officials added that British ministers approved of the transfer, which is permissible under UK legislation, and under the circumstances Premier Alden McLaughlin was also content for Cayman to offer support.

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Category: Crime, Prison

Comments (12)

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  1. Anthony says:

    H M P IS a joke everyone who lived there know it and it’s the first prison I ever heard of that a prisoner breaks into the prison get rid of officers like XXXX and clean house most of all BUILD A REAL PRISON why can’t these two break out of that dump man at the things I’ve seen it would fill a book

  2. Anonymous says:

    It is called being a kind and friendly neighbour! Why shouldn’t we help T&C at their time of need? Caymankind at its best.

  3. ELO says:

    I can’t believe some of the comments here. One overseas territory helping another. Turks and Cacos paying for the use of Cayman facilities. For a “Christian” island there such negativity.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Neighbours helping neighbours. Nice.

    It would have been nicer, though, if the press release had spoken of the capacity for Northward to not not just manage these two, but to house them, i.e., the ongoing overcrowding at Northward. Still, its only two, so the gesture outweighs the ongoing issue.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Leave some room for Sandra.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t our prison over crowded as it is as well? Jokers

  7. Anonymous says:

    Rob a bank…see the world! Hasn’t HMP Northward been filled to a state of critical overcapacity for decades? How is there now space for journeying offenders? Ascension, Pitcairn, Falklands and Monserrat reservation desks down?

  8. anon says:

    Sadly some Caymanians can still be classed as local rednecks.This is only a temporary situation to help out a fellow UK territory whilst their high security unit is rebuilt.There were no complaints from these same rednecks when some of our most dangerous prisoners were sent to the serve out their lengthy sentences.

  9. Anonymous says:

    “Why doesn’t England take them? Who is paying for them?”

    Maybe read the article?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Lots of ways to bring the c-virus to Cayman

  11. Anonymous says:

    Seriously? Now we are expected to take prisoners from our overseas territories? Why doesn’t England take them? Who is paying for them?

    No details were given about their crimes??? Seriously we are importing prisoners now and not letting the public know what they have done.

    I have been wondering why Alden and the Governor have been avoiding having press conferences. Now we know and they are running scared that they may have to answer some hard questions..

    • Anonymous says:

      Ummm, the Turks are paying…
      Perfectly nice gesture for now. They will reciprocate in the future.

      Perhaps we can find a way to pay a third country to house our non Caymanian prisoners. Maybe even the Turks could build a prison to house foreign prisoners from all territories. Business for the Turks and savings for Cayman.

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