CMR owner admits swearing during protest

| 17/11/2020 | 61 Comments
Cayman News Service
Sandra Hill

(CNS): Sandra Hill, the owner of Cayman Marl Road, has pleaded guilty to the final charge in a list of cases prosecutors have pursued against her recently relating to posts on her website. Hill has admitted she used bad language while reporting on a land dispute protest last year. But the crown has now dropped another harassment charge against her over a podcast where allegations were made about a woman abandoning her family.

Hill (47) is still waiting to be sentenced in connection with a conviction earlier this year in the Grand Court for abusing and harassing on an ICT network. That related to a podcast on the site and social media in which she accused local businessman Matthew Leslie of being a sexual predator.

As a result, any sanction Hill will receive regarding the latest conviction of disorderly conduct for swearing at Wilson Mendoza, who is involved in a well-publicised land dispute with former minister Mike Adam, will be decided after the Grand Court case.

The social media reporter told CNS that she had admitted the allegations regarding the complaint by Mendoza, explaining that in the heat of the moment her “potty mouth” had taken over and she accepted that she was wrong.

But Hill said she was pleased that the crown had dropped the harassment charges against her over a podcast feature that was broadcast last November. The show focused on a Honduran father whose wife had abandoned him and their children to come to the Cayman Islands.

The man had accused his wife of various transgressions, including immigration offences, and falsely claimed she had HIV. Hill said she had invited the woman on the show but she had declined, and on the night of the broadcast the husband also failed to appear. Hill said the live show then became a discussion about the broader subject of moving on from failed relationships. But Hill had repeated some of the false allegations on the broadcast that had been made by the husband.

The wife then filed a complaint and Hill was later charged with harassment. However, the CMR owner has continued to challenge the decision by the director of public prosecutions for criminalising complaints of defamation.

Over the years Hill has had numerous conflicts with police that she has described as baseless. Hill recently said that she has faced some eleven criminal cases over the last ten years, most of which were thrown out, and has described the harassment that she believes she faces from police as bordering on a vendetta.

The trouble for Hill appears to have started when she challenged officers who arrested her in 2010 after she was accused of stealing what she had believed was a stray dog. The case was eventually thrown out but Hill (née Catron) had challenged the police’s use of the law in the case and caused some embarrassment for the RCIPS.

Over the years Hill then became embroiled in numerous conflicts with the police, where she claimed they refused to follow up complaints she made but attempted to prosecute her on the flimsiest of grounds. Using her law degree, Hill has often defended herself and in one successful judicial review had an unlawful police warrant thrown out, which led to major changes to the JP system.

However, the apparent feud between Hill and law enforcement escalated when she became involved in the campaign for a child sex offenders register. She pressed to breaking point the rules in Cayman that prevent the media from naming sex offenders because of a risk it could lead to identifying victims. While Hill has been a vocal advocate of the naming and shaming of sex offenders, it has popular support and is a legitimate topic of debate. Nevertheless, the issue put Hill back in conflict with a whole new department of the RCIPS.

More recently, the police have been focusing on Hill’s postings on Cayman Marl Road. They have on three occasions now used criminal law to press charges against her for issues that would under normal circumstance be expected to be dealt with in the civil courts.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (61)

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  1. Patricia Bryan says:

    Any journalist and legal-minded/educated person knows that there are ways to “call” someone “out”, to advocate, and to report in the words of George Jones “the vold hard truth”…without slander, defamation or hostility.
    Being passionate and diplomatic about issues are different ways to go about concerns of society. Words and how they are composed to form what we want to get across can be and are very powerful. And there are so many words in the vocabulary and more to our human tone that reporting can be done passionately but diplomatically and even truthfully. Journalist and legal-educated persons know this. I am not referring to anyone and his/her reporting merely saying. It is not hard to do.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Lock this menace to society up and throw away the key.

  3. PS says:

    She uses her platforms to seek revenge. She doesn’t care who she hurts or how she goes about doing it either. And when people disagree she deletes posts and makes up more lies that her ignorant, mostly unemployed, miserable, generally unhappy with their lives followers believe. Her content is self serving and extremely biased that does nothing to improve society. There is a reason that no one else does this…because it’s wrong and the people who feed her information are cowards too afraid to do it themselves. The DPP laws have been put there to protect the general public from people like her and we should all hope that they enforce them accordingly.

  4. Anonymous says:

    this woman is a disgrace and a freaking joke !!!! why do people even read and play into the garbage that she post….half the time she has to go back the next day and correct the lies/inaccuracies that she posted the prior day…smh CMR waste of time like the sorry editor

  5. Anonymous says:

    Most of the negative comments and personal attacks on Sandra are being made by those crabs you keep hearing about.
    You can tell how pissed off those crabs are by reading the escalated verbiage used. Tiny minded people. Trying to get away with what Sandra calls out.

    • Anonymous says:

      no it’s trash. For a little while I appreciated when she tried to call out the pedophiles, but then she went astray…shame!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Sandra calls out those that thinking they can slink away like the good ol’ days.

    Only thing I would say is how good it would be if she would get BOTH sides of the issue.

    There was a one sided story she posted about an incident at Royal Palms between a server and a ‘local’ patron. She posted the ‘local’ side but nothing from the servers side. I was disappointed in that because I got both sides (I know both people). In that instance, the local was out of line and overzealous without hearing out the servers side. Making unfair and untrue accusations. (the local also lied about her occupation, trying to throw some weight around, but that’s none of my business)

    • PS says:

      That’s the point the “other side” doesn’t get to say their side and more to the point they shouldn’t have to. And when they try she makes up more lies to bolster her opinions, because that’s what they are. We all know that the main purpose of her platforms are to destroy reputations and embarrass people simply because she feels she’s entitled and is seeking some sort of perceived revenge. Then she goes to court for harassing people, wastes the public’s money, the court’s time, and has to apologise and settle. If she really wants to do “good” then publicly apologise to each and every person that has suffered unnecessarily as a result, remove the nasty posts and blogs, shut down the CMR platforms and use her voice for real good and not to exact revenge. Not self serving, biased content that does nothing to improve society and only seeks to destroy it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Her targets generally richly deserve it.

        • Anonymous says:

          Pretty sure this is Sandra responding above. The only one who deserves it is her. Also shows that she doesn’t understand that it is against the law to harass people using an Itc network. The fact that she doesn’t understand that means that she needs to go to jail because she will continue.

  7. Anonymous says:

    oh boy, I could not care less

  8. Anonymous says:

    calm down!! this offence carries a max $300 fine and no jail time. waste of everyone’s time. DPP office really needs to get their act together. If they had caught her with weed she would have gotten a harsher punishment. wowow

    • SSM345 says:

      If found guilty you no longer have a clean police record which is pretty much what every single employer in Cayman wants from their potential employees.

      Provided you are then good for the next 7yrs; it can then be removed.

      Unemployed for 7yrs is a pretty big deal in most peoples books.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please get your facts straight a DUI where you pay a fine and have your license taken away does not go on your record. She has pleaded guilty to an offence that carries a fine and it will not go on your record. Please research and know the law… This is also why Kenneth Bryan ( although found guilty of an offence) was still able to run and win a seat in the LA. The offence was not put on his record to be held for 7 years

  9. Anonymous says:

    Sandra needs to move CMR to a .com, instead of using .ky, and register it to a Delaware shell corporation. It’s the Cayman way and would make persecuting her more difficult.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Hypocrites everywhere.

  11. Anonymous says:

    If you ask me, I will decry Sandra, but you know I am clicking on those CMR headlines. I know you are too.

  12. Anonymous says:

    If the charge was unfair or unreasonable, all she had to do was contest it…

  13. Anon says:

    Sandra is simply a XXXX cyber bully . She wields CMR alike a sword throughout the community
    She has no class no regard for her poor victims. She plucks up stories that are baseless spreads false rumor and doesn’t give them an opportunity to defend themselves.

    And when people object she simply removes their comments from from her site ! She brings out the worst in people with her twisted view. Her uneducated low life followers are the worlds haters and bitter of anyone else success
    And shame on the companies like miracle brokers who support her financially and some so called MLAS

    Shame on the government for not having sufficient laws and procedures where she can call people peasophiles / sexual predators without any evidence

    And shame on the RCIP for not policing private information being passed onto her
    She destroys lives for simple clicks
    Karma is a bitch and I can’t wait for it to come crashing down . She represents all the bad things about the world we live in
    She needs to look at her family and maybe wonder what it would be like for them to be put in the same situation of her victims

    • Anonymous says:

      Anon @ 18/11/2020 at 8:36 am

      You nailed it; I agree! As well as those MLAs trying to get brownie points to get those uneducated low life followers to vote them in.

      Only real criminals use and support her outlet.

      • PS says:

        100% correct. I for one am registered to vote and will not be voting for any one of the political hopefuls that use her vile platforms to get their message out. If you use her for this purpose then you are just like her!

  14. Anonymous says:

    A life of hatred. What does it get her?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Sandra Catron, the darling of the Eastern Star, is totally impervious to the effects of the law.
    Her “news” site never exposes the real criminals and promotes gossip.
    I stopped listening to her ignorance a long time ago.

    • Anonymous says:

      What do you mean “ darling of the Eastern Star”, do you mean the female version of the Lodge? I’m not sure how they would allow her?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup. We all wanna know why Sandra ain’t blasting that one.

  16. Anonymous says:

    So shes been to court more times now than the Speaker of the House for physically and verbally assaulting someone?

  17. Anonymous says:


  18. Anonymous says:

    So our politicians can beat women, but poor Sandra can’t curse!

  19. Big Pappa says:

    Well, let’s see how this goes. Piss off the authorities and Hell hath no fury than an authority scorned… They will chase and beat you down til you learn your lesson that they are the big shots, they have the money, the power, and the Lord on their side, and you better not cross them.

  20. Anonymous says:

    she is what she is…and she has crossed the wrong people in recent times. lets just say cayman will be better off without cmr….

  21. SSM345 says:

    “used bad language”.

    Freedom of Speech much Cayman? Only place on planet Earth that adults have to use children’s words to get a point across incase it offends the wet fart its directed at.

    Effing lunacy; carry on Cayman like we in 1634.

    • Big Pappa says:

      They carry on like that when it’s in their interest to do so. Wanna get Sandra, ok, let’s see how many charges we can dig up from our antiquated books? Oooh, using foul language – that’s a good one, let’s go get her boys.

      • Anonymous says:

        This has to be an abuse of the process of the court. You can’t have laws for some and not others. I regularly use abusive language especially when driving, to other drivers. Here is a state in the Western Hemisphere in 2020 where I could be arrested for it!!! Is Cayman a police state? Only Caymanians can answer this question and they should.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah you support her until it’s your turn to be publicly harassed and humiliated before you even see a court room.
      Sooner she gets banned from posting on her platforms the better.

      *from someone who hasn’t been victim of her clickbait gutter “news” yet*

      • Anonymous says:

        Pretty easy not to end up on CMR actually. Are you worried?

        • Anonymous says:

          You should be sandra. Cayman and its people are better than you and your despicable posts and will not stand for it much longer. We are tired of your assaults on the decent people of these islands. Be better and could save us Caymanians the embarrassment of counting you among us.

  22. Anonymous says:

    karma soon come for sandra…

  23. Anonymous says:

    Try leave Sandra alone

  24. Anonymous says:

    What happened to freedom of speech, if she didn’t threatened anyone then this should have never went before the courts.
    She may have a law degree but their ignorance to the constitution is upsetting.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you please show me exactly where in the Constitution you are allowed the right to curse someone using foul and degrading language?

      Your ignorance of the the Constitution certainly shows, the Constitution is a vertical document – it speaks to relationship between the citizens and the government NOT between individual citizens

      • Anonymous says:

        Fool, one’s freedom of speech is drafted within the constitution just as anyone’s right to life and liberty and once it’s not threatening violence or deemed a hate speech, then I have the right to say what I want and tell you about your stinking ignorant ass. learn your rights dip shit, this is the new world and not that shit hole you spawned from.

        • Anonymous says:

          10:16 you better learn our constitution and not America’s.

          If anyone’s country is a shithole it’s yours. Laughing stock of the world, so before you throw stones make sure your house is in order.

          There is freedom of speech and there is decency, two vastly different things. Verbally attacking someone and using foul language to do so doesn’t fall into freedom of speech.

  25. anonymous says:

    Really, This went to court? Caymanians must have nothing else to do. While there are crimes in the streets you take up ethics court case for what ? Bad language, give me a break

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s because this woman is a menace to society and everyone is at their whit’s end as to how to control her psychopathic tendency to want to destroy others’ lives. If anyone on the island needs assistance from the mental health centre being built in East End, it’s her.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone else goes to court for it why should you get a break? Glad people realise how tacky you are.

      • SSM345 says:

        Why are adults going to court in 2020 for swearing at someone though; that’s more the point; kind of negates “freedom of speech”.

        I am not condoning Sandra, I just know what its like having been there for the same thing 42elewenteen times before because I said “sh*t” or “f**k” in the presence of police…..and it wasn’t even directed at them.

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe this is more than just swearing (just used bad language), court document read.

      Particulars of Offence

      Sandra Teresa Hill, on the 27th day of September 2019 at Lissa Lane, West Bay, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, did use threatening, abusive or calumnious language, accompanied by such behaviour, to persons publicly such as would tend to provoke a breach of the peace.

      “Persons” Plural, more than one.

      • Anonymous says:

        …aaaand was dropped. Because it is invalid. But keep posting that until just maybe it will come true.

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