Archive for July 14th, 2020

Latest COVID-19 tests all negative
(CNS): Test results for COVID-19 reported Tuesday were all negative again, after a near two week stretch without any cases of the coronavirus being confirmed was broken yesterday with two positive cases. Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee said the 190 tests conducted over the last 24 hours were all were negative. Cayman now has […]

Cops arrests suspect coke dealer
(CNS): A 53-year-old man from George Town was arrested Friday on suspicion of dealing cocaine following a police raid at an address on Rock Hole Road. The bust was based on concerns from the public that drugs were being sold from a specific premises. During the search officers found an undisclosed quantity of cocaine and […]

Ministry waits on invoices to pay health insurance
(CNS): Health Minister Dwayne Seymour has said that people who are depending on their health insurance being paid via government’s Health Insurance Premium Payment Assistance Programme are covered, even though not all premiums have been paid. Problems with the assistance scheme were revealed by CNS Friday, and it is still not clear what has gone […]

‘COVID’ pharmacy closes to allow for expansion
(CNS): The Health Services Authority’s temporary Smith Road Centre Pharmacy will be closed on 1 August to allow for expansion work that will pave the way to move the hospital’s main pharmacy there permanently. The stop-gap pharmacy was opened in April in order to help manage the dispensation of medicines to CINICO and other patients […]

George Town man charged with GBH
(CNS): A 41-year-old man from George Town is facing serious charges after an assault in Rock Hole Road last month. The suspect has been charged with assault GBH, as well as consumption of ganja and refusal to provide a sample of urine. The man is accused of assaulting another man, whom he knew, at a […]

Woman charged with GT break-in
(CNS): A 41-year old woman from George Town appeared in court Monday, charged with burglary in relation to a break-in seven weeks ago. On Tuesday, 26 May, while curfew was still in place, a business on North Church Street was broken into and items taken. Police have not released any other details about the case.