Airlift continues with flight to Canada

| 17/04/2020 | 182 Comments
Cayman News Service
Governor Martyn Roper at Thursday’s press briefing

(CNS): As evacuation flights begin this weekend taking expats stuck here to the United States and Nicaragua, Governor Martyn Roper has confirmed that a flight will be leaving here early next week to airlift people to Canada. However, this is being organised by the Canadian government and will be for Canadian nationals only. Those wishing to get on the plane must register online here (Registration of Canadians Abroad) and click on the link “online registration”.

The governor is asking other foreign nationals who want to leave for other countries to call the travel hotline, which remains open but calls are increasing all the time. Four people are manning the hotline on weekdays from 9am to 5pm and people who cannot get through are asked to keep trying.

Meanwhile, the Chamber of Commerce is now getting involved in the repatriation and evacuation efforts and is asking people to contact them about potential airlift. It appears that the Chamber will be passing this information to the governor’s office.

Members should email details of their employees or former employees who need to leave to info@caymanchamber.

See Thursday’s press briefing below, set to start where the governor gives an update on evacuation flights.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Only Ignorance knows everything about everything. An intelligent person only knows himself/herself.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Flight to Canada today Canadian $1000 according to Google flights a flight today from Miami to Toronto is U$84 unfortunately Canadians can no longer fly into the USA. This is what happens when the Canadian Government gets involved in anything!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I just stopped in to get a taste of the bigotry, homophobia, racism, xenophobia and general hate you find on the island… or as they call it here some “Cayman Kind”. Never ever disappointed 👍 You always see the true nature of people in these anonymous comments. Anyway, safe trip home to the Canadians who are leaving. We’re sticking it out because the government won’t let the dogs leave with us. Be well! 🇨🇦

  4. Anonymous says:

    It is threads such as this that empowers the ignorance of Caymanian people. Your stupidity shines in moments like this. Please, keep going. It’s amusing…

    • Anonymous says:

      The ignorance of the Caymanian people comes through when I see the Minister of Health and Minister of Education at press conferences. Cannot believe that a society would elect these people and furthermore, make them Ministers.

      Very 😢 😔 😞 . Can’t say I find it amusing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Also let’s Canadians racism and hatred for any opinion that doesn’t match their own shine through.

  5. Anonymous says:

    10:48 I am not a great fan of Piers Morgan (an opinionated gasbag) but he has hit the nail on the head with his advice to Trump. He spoke on CNN (sorry right-wingers not Fox News) and the clip is on YouTube. Try to download it please.

    • Anonymous says:

      You should have at least tried to finish the extreme LOW education they are offering. I mean, it is at least free
      Can I have my order supersized now
      And if you want, my car needs washed
      Thank you

    • Anonymous says:

      4:38, No doubt that Trump’s daily briefings make him look bad. Especially, when he starts yelling and patronising female reporters who are asking very legitimate questions about his pandemic policies.

      The briefings are a political gift to Biden as it shows a President becoming unhinged.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Like some folks always calling the talk shows would say, the question that needs to be asked is. Why do the Government have to feed and repatriate so many work permit holders, is it not the responsibility of their employer to do so.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Canadian work permit holders are not being repatriated by the CI government – they have to pay for their own plane tickets and the planes are coming at the expense of the Canadian government as they will only have return fares and will be coming empty so the tickets purchased will not cover the full expenditure. Canadians have a been provided with a $5,000 loan for any emergency travel and expenses and are being given $2000 a month income in Canada if they are without a job – as are all Canadians who are unemployed. I believe the extent of the help being offered here is for permit holders who have lost their jobs and have no income – can sign up to get one meal a day. We (or at least Canadians) would do the same for a stray dog – so not really sure what you are upset about.

      • Anonymous says:

        I wish you and your countrymen the best.
        Just remember, Cayman Kind is filled with extreme anger towards anyone other than their own lazy feed-off- the government kind
        You all are all better off back in sweet Canada than staying on a 3rd world uneducated rock

  7. Anonymous says:

    The Canadian economy is on the verge of complete collapse. The incompetent prime minister doesn’t help.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you implying that Canada’s economy is worse than any other country? All countries are on the verge of economic collapse. A new “Great Depression “ is upon us all, so don’t put Canada our there as the only poor long suffering nation.

      • Anonymous says:

        Bluntly, yes. National debt per capita is among highest on planet at $41,617 per person. It’s already >65% of GDP. Add your respective Provincial and Municipal debt on top of that and do the math. eg. Ontario is an additional $45,891 per person, four and half times that of California – the poster-child for brokest states in the USA. All of these stats are from Fraser Institute, circa 2018, long before Trudeau’s current COVID handouts.

        • Slacker says:

          Gave away your credibility when you quoted “Fraser Institute”.

        • Anonymous says:

          Good job, you know how to google in order to find things.
          Sooo smart!

        • Anonymous says:

          What 10:22? American national debt per capita is $70,000 USD per person according to the IMF. The Fraser Institute figure is CDN $$$.

          You probably think Trump is a fiscal conservative.

          • Anonymous says:

            And the best president ever because he’s looking out for the common folk. PT Barnum was an amateur compared to Trump and his circus clowns.

        • Anonymous says:

          You do realise that the Koch Brothers Foundation gives a few hundred thousand every year to the Fraser Institute. The Koch Brothers put nearly a billion $$$ to elect Trump in 2016.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sad to report WTI May future front month is trading at less than a dollar today, down 95% just in today’s incredible session. The planet is awash in oil that can’t even be stored. CAD will undoubtably get clobbered next and where will it level out…50 cents…25 cents…10 cents USD? Trudeau is pressing ahead to build a pipeline to transfer oil that *literally* nobody wants.

        • Anonymous says:

          It is important to remember that a year ago the situation regarding your last line was the exact opposite. Trudeau did what the Alberta oil and gas industry wanted him to do. However, you are correct that the CDN $$ is in for very rough times a the rise in oil prices will be very slow with Saudi Arabia and Russia duking it out with their oil battle.

    • Anonymous says:

      Every economy is, not just Canada. Idiot.

    • Anonymous says:

      The situation in America with a madman and incompetent President is far worse than in Canada. Next week, 20 Governors both Democratic and Republican are going to let loose on the President for dereliction of duty. They need tests, swabs and reagents and after 3 weeks of asking and supplies not coming they are totally fed up with Washington.

      The happy talk every day from Trump is no longer working with so many dying and being sick. Canada’s situation does appear to be much better but they have challenges too but they have far more tests and supplies.

      • Anonymous says:

        More Trump bashing liberals.

        • Anonymous says:

          5:14, When you need tests, swabs and reagents to determine who has the coronavirus and where it is, simpletons do not understand that it is not a conservative versus liberal issue. It is simply common sense.

          Though Trumpsters do their very best, with conspiracy issues and ignorance attempt to turn it into a political issue.

          Now 5:14, get back to trying to find Hillary’s e mails. Keep looking.
          Check out the place in Little Cayman that makes the occasional pizza. Could be there.

          Hillary visited there once.

      • Anonymous says:

        Do you even realise how stupid you are.

        In the US the responsibility rest with the state for everything you just cited. To simplify this for you, it is the State’s Governor’s responsiblity to make sure this is all in place. Not the federal government. But hey, why not just deflect blame to cover their complete incompetence.

        As for Canada they are blindly following everything the WHO (China) says. Your statement on testing and supplies is completely wrong. How do I know. My brother works in health care. PPE ran out long time ago.

        • Anonymous says:

          But you do realize that last week, your “stable genius’ said that the federal government had all the power and authority on the health /issue then 2 days later, he said the exact opposite, saying the state’s had the power. Talk about a confused buffoon.

          Of course, rather than take accountability for anything, such as what the hell were you doing in February about getting PPE he was too busy playing playing golf and having election rallies.

          Got to always find someone to blame. Individual states, China, WHO, Obama, Hillary.

          The golden Trump rule, Accept responsibility for nothing, it’s always somebody else’s fault.

        • Anonymous says:

          There is absolutely no comparison on the PPE supply shortage in NYC, New Jersey and Michigan and Canada. My father is a doctor in NYC and my sister is a nurse in Toronto.

        • Anonymous says:

          10:20, Here’s the question for you. There were over one dozen senior American doctors, researchers and epidemiologists working for the WHO.
          Are you trying to tell me they said or did nothing? Why?

          I find it very hard to believe they informed no one in Washington.

          Really can’t believe they were part of a massive cover up.

          Inclined to believe that Trump needs a scapegoat and the WHO is the easiest one to find. Sure look forward to seeing the Americans working at WHO interviewed. Though Trump probably has a gag order on them.

          But Trump people and FOX feed conspiracy theories every day. Anything is possible in Trump’s America.

        • Anonymous says:

          STOP getting all your news from FOX. It’s limiting your mental capacity.

      • Anonymous says:

        Welcome to the party, so nice of you to to have taken your head out of the sand and use up some air. However. the world is much better when ignorance such as yours remains silent. There’s enough stupid out there and we don’t need yours.
        Please do not replicate

        • Anonymous says:

          10;43, Just watch Trump’s press conferences every day and see ignorance abound. But of course, if you believe everything Trump says then it will not make any difference.

          The man demonstrates every day that he is very sick / demented. Calling for insurrection in Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia is beyond words at a time when those states have a serious health crisis with hundreds / thousands dying.

        • Anonymous says:

          This ain’t no party buddy. 43,000 people dead in a couple of weeks is not my idea of a good time.

          I know facts really hurt. Hope they don’t kill you if you ever accept them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unlike the Cayman economy? With tourism dead and the world about to see a crash in financial services consequent on the greatest depression since the 1930’s?

  8. Andrew says:

    Oh boy, this comment section is a cesspool of hate on both ends.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hate yes, stupidity and sheer ignorance from the finest on the uneducated rock, yes…absolutely!!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Just came for the xenophobic comments. Wasn’t disappointed!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Good news.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Get the Pride Ridden Canadians out of Cayman. So sick of hearing how great Canada is, if its so great stay there.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Canada is a great country but the weather is crap compared to Cayman. That’s why so many Canadians come here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah you tell em! Those pesky Canadians taking all the bartending and serving jobs that the Camanians so covet!

      • Anonymous says:

        I am amazed how many bartenders and waiters and waitresses are from Canada in the Cayman Islands. Why won’t Caymanians take those jobs?

        • Anonymous says:

          Don’t like the hours, don’t like working for tips, dont like split shifts – basically, why work your nuts off when you can get an office job, preferably in the civil service, where pay is better and its 9 to 5 at worst.

          • Anonymous says:

            Then perhaps Caymanians should stop all the whining about the Canadians. After the depression, which is coming there will be a lot less office jobs available and the civil service will have to be cut. Then Caymanians might have no choice but seek the sort of work a Canadians seek in restaurants and bars.

        • Anonymous says:

          Caymanians are generally more aware of their rights to benefits, aren’t dazzled by exchange rate/tax free sunshine, have immigration security, and, bluntly, aren’t as disposable, even as unskilled uneducated menial employees. They are also not scouted/recruited by entrenched rural-redneck staff who, it would appear, hate them.

          • Anonymous says:

            And, you should add, are much less inclined to physical labour or hospitality work, which they conflate with servitude. In other words, they’re prone to laziness and entitlement.

      • Anonymous says:

        They take our women too. Build the wall.

    • Anonymous says:

      So, true they come here with their ‘we are better than you attitude’ and can never stop talking about how they do things in Canada. There are a few I would like to see on these flights too.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe they have that attitude because they are prepared to do jobs Caymanians would never consider such as bartenders, waiters and waitresses.

      • Anonymous says:

        No, They just come here to have fun and do jobs that your uneducated people cannot do. You know like bartending and the sorts . Fun jobs for them, while you sit back and collect checks from the government and find yourself in uneducated homes. Yeah I can see how that’s a problem.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Sending back the Americans and Canadians will leave you only with the poorest of the poor. Good luck.

    • Anonymous says:

      @ Anonymous 18/04/2020 at 7:12 am – nobody is “sending back the Americans & Canadians” you twit – they’re being very politely asked to go home IF they’re unemployed – when it’s sorted they can come back. They’re better off at home unemployed than unemployed here. Those of you complaining about not having been given “enough notice” to get your life in order before you go home, are you even serious?! You’ve had weeks to get ready, the writing has been on the wall since February.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you send them all back your economy may slow down and you will actually have to read your Rolex watches from oil lanterns. What would you do then. We know you don’t have electricity in your homes let alone airconditioning. Could you imagine you might actually take responsibility. Who could you blame then?

        • Anonymous says:

          …and the nonsensical Canadian exit rants continue. Canadians asked for these flights to be arranged (for a variety of reasons). You don’t have to get on the plane if you don’t want to, or take others desire to leave so personally. Nobody resident (of any originating nationality) will miss the garbage you’re typing, that’s for sure.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oooo ok, because only Americans and Canadians are rich or well off. The brains on you ppl never ceases to amaze me.

      • Anonymous says:

        FACT: I worked in an office that was dominated by three nationalities: Caymanians, Americans and Canadians. Some of the Americans and Canadians had PR or Status. Nevertheless, guess who owned all the nice new cars/SUVs in the parking lot while other were driving used cars and junkers? That’s right: the Caymanians, who also owned nice homes and rental properties. It’s a myth that Americans and Caymanians have disadvantaged Caymanians, I can tell you that right now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yet it’s your countryfolk that lead the wails for emergency access to their pension assets, at the bottom of the market…go figure.

    • Anonymous says:

      Canadians will get 2k a month for 4 month from their govt if they apply. There are restrictions and fine print but it is better that their govt helps them rather than ours.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Just like Ivan, “stuff” isn’t important. Being with your family at this time is.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Socialism works. Good luck!

    • Anonymous says:

      Universal health care works. Just look at the health stats.

      • Anonymous says:

        The average emergency room admissions patient waited more than 18 hours for a hospital bed in Ontario in January – long before COVID-19 was even on the radar.

        “Canada ranks last on number of hospital beds, wait times”

        • Anonymous says:

          The numbers on wait times are seriously distorted by Metropolitan Toronto where the pressure is immense due to the huge numbers of immigrants from the Caribbean and other places.

          • Anonymous says:

            Not really, and spare us your racist inferences…it’s too many people (regardless of origin), for outpaced infrastructure…and not just in Toronto.

            • Anonymous says:

              Outpaced infrastructure is what you have when you have such excellent economic growth. The hospitals are victims of that growth in Toronto.

              • Anonymous says:

                …”growth” fueled by 25 years of no questions asked hot money real estate money laundering. The RCMP just disbanded their Financial Crimes Unit and hasn’t had an FATF inspection in years.

                • Anonymous says:

                  But Revenue Canada increased the size of their audit group by four times last year. So many Canadians down here are being audited now. I know of 3 people hit by auditors.

          • Anonymous says:

            Numbnut leave Caribbean people outta dis!

            This is a debate between Americans and Canadians.

            Your downright snide, racist and false remarks are not necessary.

            I wonder what Caribbean men ever did you?

            • Anonymous says:

              Not sure why you are upset that one million people of Caribbean origin live in Canada. They are part of the wonderful Canadian mosaic. It is just a simple fact.

      • Anonymous says:

        Canada’s healthcare must be the worst in the world. Goodness. I really believed that there couldn’t be anything worse than GT hospital. But there is! Any Canadian hospital.

        • Anonymous says:

          You an American Trumpster 2:27?

        • Anonymous says:

          If you have no first hand knowledge of something shut the ** up. the Canadian health care system is just fine thank you very much. Some of the best hospitals in the world.

          • Anonymous says:


          • Anonymous says:

            I have firsthand knowledge and I am the original poster. If I knew that the Canadian healthcare system and the education system was such garbage, I would have never left the Cayman Islands to go to the fake land of milk and honey. I would have stayed my backside in the Cayman Islands as that is the real land of milk and honey. Canada is a cesspool and the healthcare system in Canada is where you go to die.

        • Anonymous says:

          Depends if you have money and adequate insurance, because if you dont in Cayman you are going to be way worse off than having to wait 18 hours.

          • Anonymous says:

            Fantastic, beat your retreat then! Buh bye! Sheesh. It’s like you expect Cayman to beg you to reconsider your cheap-ass departure debate and offer you a retainer of some kind…f@ck yourself right off back to pogeyland, and thank you very much! Your self-righteous presence is literally the last thing Cayman needs right now.

          • Anonymous says:

            The CIG has a long track record of picking up millions in unpaid HSA receivables – and that’s not a boast, it’s just the bitter pill that befalls the nice people of these islands.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I heard tickets are $680.00 CI is this true ?!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes. Price is $1,000 CDN.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah, not bad, versus the alternative of no flight at all, during a global pandemic.

        • Anonymous says:

          BS. The Canadian government gave the 2 airlines hundreds of millions of dollars. How do they repay the public. Charge 3 times the normal fare for repatriation flights. And no social distancing on these flights as there are on all domestic ones. All the seats will be filled.

          • Anonymous says:

            Maybe you should shop the dates and fares on other carriers…oh wait, there aren’t any because we’re in a global pandemic emergency and the borders are shut and you are trying to get on an intercontinental flight carrying passengers one way and too dense to appreciate the true opportunity cost of your own predicament. Can you afford to wait out a vaccine by maybe end of 2021 (per Bill Gates estimate), to pinch $200 on your one way airline ticket, to get to a country where you can immediately qualify for pogey online? There’s no cure for this kind of stupid.

          • Anonymous says:

            Empty one way? $1000 not bad for that actually – challenge you to find a one way airfare to Toronto for $300 in normal times.

          • Anonymous says:

            Wrong audience to whine to about squandered subsidy of national carrier(s).

          • Anonymous says:

            OMG, why would you feel you have the consumer power to haggle a one-time diplomatic emergency relief flight? McFly your naive ass out please…buh bye.

        • Anonymous says:

          Especially since the flight had to fly down empty, and will not return full.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Canada no better off than Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Canada will be a statistical top 10 horror show within a week or two. They have no handle on the virus, low compliance on restricting the movements of people, and Trudeau is dolling out freebies that will cripple taxpayers for the next century. The average wait time for a normal hospital bed in Canada was 18 hours during the best of times – months before COVID-19 started. ICU beds and ventilation per 100k among the lowest in industrialized world because greedy politicians have packed cities with condos and not scaled up other critical infrastructure.

      • Anonymous says:

        Everyone is an expert – now.

        • Anonymous says:

          I assume so

        • Anonymous says:

          Those that think Canada would be a better place to go through their COVID-19 family experience, should get off CNS, and expedite their departure plans to get there. Best of luck to you.

      • Anon says:

        @4:53pm – read the news much? In B.C. where I live our health experts have been on top of it since the middle of January when it first occurred. Our curve has been flattened (or bent) and our hospital system has barely been used – about 350 people in total admitted.
        Next time you post make you sure you check your facts.
        FYI – tax payers everywhere will pay for this for a long time. At least in Canada we have a diverse economy not just focused on finance & tourism. Cha!

        • Anonymous says:

          Diverse economy. Marijuana, bitcoin and uneconomical oil. How’s that working out with your .70 dollar. 😂

          • Anonymous says:

            Really? Canada will be just fine, more natural resources than almost any other nation, most fresh water on the planet, vast plains of wheat and corn, much more literate and educated workforce per capital than the US and lots of great minds working on positive solutions. Great contributions to space exploration. And better yet, we actually have trading partners that want to deal with us – especially with out 70C dollar – that’s why Toronto plays the part of New York in so many films – so much cheaper to film in Toronto, that’s why my clients have world class IT and design work done from Toronto and immediately are provided with 30% savings. I for one hope the border with the US stays closed. Great ports from Vancouver to Halifax and roads and rail (not aging infrastructure) from coast to coast. Oh and that pulp for the 3M masks comes from BC – so we’ll be manufacturing in Canada now.

          • Anonymous says:

            That’s a great rate compared to the past.

            Lap it up Canucks!

            • Anonymous says:

              The “rate” is consistent, That disparity in pricing is what makes it attractive to purchase goods and services from Canada and to choose to do certain types of work from Canada. Yes, this epidemic will mark the beginning of a new era for Canadians, with the national focus shifted to creating, designing, manufacturing and producing all things MADE IN CANADA. Have the technology, the literate work force, the raw products and natural resources and a highly motivated populace with a united interest in doing whatever it will take to reduce as much dependence on anything produced in the US and China with pride.

        • Anonymous says:

          Fine maybe not in BC but Onterrible aka Ontario has extremely horrible healthcare and while the emergency rooms are currently empty it is because everyone is too scared to go to the hospital right now because they fear they will get Covid at the hospital.

          Canada’s only real way of making money is immigration. BC/Alberta does have oil and I can’t remember which province wanted to separate otherwise if immigrants weren’t bringing money to the land they think is milk and honey, the country would be broke. BC is mostly money laundered Chinese money. So depending where you live, the hospitals will be at best, clean

      • Anonymous says:

        4:53, You obviously work in the private health insurance area.
        Any statistical analysis between Canada and the USA shows better life expectancy, better infant mortality and on top of that, the American people pay 4 times per person more on health than Canada. Compare any statistical area over the past 10 years and one finds the Canadian health care statistics far better than in America.

        60% of all people who went bankrupt in America last year went bankrupt because they could not afford health care, while no one went bankrupt in Canada last year because they could not afford health care.

        Having recently experienced the health care system in Canada first hand, related to cancer and with my father related to hip replacement, I must say that in British Columbia the system was magnificent.

        Facts matter to everybody except Trumpsters. Get your facts before you read the American health Insurance lies about what they describe as “the disastrous system”. It simply is one big lie but there is a reason why they fully support Trump and his litany of lies and distortions. The reason is massive profits every year.

        • Anonymous says:

          Who said anything about the USA? But since you brought it up in hyperventilating comment, I’ll bite.

          People travel from around the world, including Canada to receive state-of-the-art and timely healthcare in the USA. Canada does have cheap drugs though you can largely thank Americans for subsidizing R&D while Canadians more or less enjoy a free ride. Your analysis is full of fallacy that others can google if they have time.

          • Anonymous says:

            12:05, You are correct. If one has an unlimited amount of money with a gold plated health insurance plan, and can afford to pay co-pays which have gone up 10% a year for the past 10 years, then the American system is state of the art.

            Basic drugs such as penicillin which have been around 20 or more years are generic in Canada and cost nearly 70 to 80% less than in the U.S. The American Pharma industry lobbies hard to keep generics at a minimum so they can maximize their profits. They make it very difficult for lower income American people, particularly the elderly from getting lower cost antibiotics and insulin from Canada.

            Why do so many Americans travel to Canada to buy drugs?

            Then the final question to ask is why do hundreds of small Canadian biotechnology / pharma companies that have received millions in Canadian Government R & D support through the years keep getting bought out by big U.S. companies? Don’t think you understand who is getting the free ride.

            Please spend more time doing research before making claims not based on facts.

            • Anonymous says:

              uActually you don’t need a gold plated expensive plan to have good health insurance in the US. You do need to be smart with your plan and not buy the “gold plated” package. Smart people select a plan with a high deductible and use what they saved on premiums to put in a savings plan. Saves up to 50%. That way you don’t insure yourself for the sniffles, but are covered for catastophic events. Urgent care for the sniffles, flu, ear ache, sore throat, minor injuries etc is about $60 and you get to see the doctor in only a few minutes. How’s that work in Canada if you use the government run clinics? My understanding from reading is it’s not so pleasant.

              Health care costs in the US have not increased 10% each year for the past 10 years. It’s about 4%, you were close though only off by a little more than 100%.

              Big Pharma net profits are roughly 16% which translates into dividends for millions of pension plans held by ordinary working citizens. You could cut the profit margins to zero and presumably cut drug prices by 16% as well (I still don’t think anyone will be satisfied with that and certainly won’t solve the problem) but then aren’t you giving with one hand and taking with the other?

              So atorvastatin prices fall from .66 per pill to 55. cents..Not exactly a game changer..and that’s a non-profit but still subsidizing Canada…


              Penicillin is actually cheaper in many cases when you buy it in the US.
              $.36 in Canada for a 300mg pill

              $.27 in US for 500mg pill

              You are correct about Americans traveling to Canada to get some medications that are cheaper. Insulin is the favorite example because so many people depend on it. The orignial iteration of insulin (developed in Canada) is no longer used. Insulins have been improved upon over the years and each improvement gains a new patent. The way Canada and other countries negotiate with drug companies is to say, either you sell us the drugs at an impossibly low price or we will steal your patent and make it ourselves and you lose the market completely. Not very creative but effective. The drug companies don’t care because Americans are sucking it up and paying higher costs which is by proxy subsidizing foreign markets. I think you will see that change in the coming years with Trump on the case. It’s gone on for many administrations but we know how Trump feels about unfairness with trade.


              To your final question, I suppose if Canadians are willing to sell their companies for a profit then it certainly is not free.

              Enough research for you?

              • Anonymous says:

                So what happens to the 50 million Americans who have ZERO / ZERO health insurance because they cannot afford it especially those with pre-existing conditions?

                Oh I get it, we just let them die.

              • Anonymous says:

                WOW. You really did buy the Trump line hook, line and sinker. Bet you believe anybody can get a test for the coronavirus in America just like Trump said 5 weeks ago.

                Yes, all those Democratic and Republicans Governors are making everything up about the flaws in the American health care system.

                • Anonymous says:

                  My only question for the fans of the US health service over Canadian services. What is the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the US?

                  • Anonymous says:

                    I thought you were worried about healthcare, not money. If someone goes bankrupt due to medical bills, doesn’t that mean they received healthcare?

                    Are you happier when someone goes bankrupt because they lost their job?

                    The 2 bubble flow chart mentality on so many topics including what we are dealing with now is sad.

                    • Anonymous says:

                      How does the high bankruptcy rate due to medical bills fit in with the American Dream fairytale?

          • Anonymous says:

            The commentator above made a comment about socialism and implying that Canada was a socialist state. Every major western country in the world has universal health care except the USA. They are not all socialist.

            It is a disgrace that in a country with so much wealth such as the USA there cannot be universal health care.

          • Anonymous says:

            No good if you are poor, lose your job or are part of the 60% of Yanks who can’t take a financial “shock” of more than US$600.

            Best health care is in Europe, Germany, Sweden, Austria and even France has a fantastic system.

            Yet all those who go bankrupt in the USA due to lack of affordable, socialised healthcare will continue to vote for Trump. I blame their even worse education system. Yeah I know about all the New England Prep Schools and Ivy League Universities… that works for the top 2% only….

          • Anonymous says:

            The cost of a vial of insulin in Minnesota is $320 while the same insulin in Canada under another name is $30.

            Wonder why Americans travel a couple of times a year to Canada for insulin? Not sure how you think Americans are subsidizing Canadian produced insulin as insulin has been around for many decades.

            Suggest you Google American manufacturers of insulin and look at their Annual Reports for profits in 2019. You will probably call your broker right after and buy some of their stocks.

          • Anonymous says:

            You forgot to the word wealthy. Wealthy people travel to the US for state of the art medical treatment. Regular everyday middle and lower class Americans struggle.

        • Anonymous says:

          “Having recently experienced the healthcare system in Canada …” I’m guessing you are new to Canada.
          I’m born and raised in BC and I can tell you for a fact things aren’t that rosy. How long did you father have to wait in pain before he got his hip replacement surgery scheduled?
          My mother needed to have knee surgery and she had to wait 17 months for a slot. And that was over 10 years ago and every year the waits for surgeries get longer and longer.
          Canadian healthcare is fine for everyday issues, anything serious and you are looking at serious problems.
          I cannot speak for American healthcare because I am not familiar with it.

          • Anonymous says:

            My father waited 48 hours for hip replacement surgery in B.C. Damn good by any standard. As for breast cancer surgery, of which I had 2 operations within a 5 month period, I could not possibly expect better.

          • Anonymous says:

            I am certainly not new to Canada. My experience and my families experience utilizing medical facilities in Penticton and Kelowna in the British Columbia Interior has been superb over the past decade.

            Having said that, I have heard that there is a lot of pressure on the health system in Vancouver in large part due to the large number of immigrants that moved there and Vancouver’s dramatic growth the last 10 years.

            In B.C. one does not pay health insurance premiums as there is an Employer Health Tax of 1.95% on businesses with payrolls over $1.5 million per annum. The employer tax pays for the health care system.

            My families experience has been related to cancer, hip replacement, cataracts, childbirth, and a few smaller medical issues. Our experience was good.

            • Anonymous says:

              “…. my family’s experience….” possessive not plural….

              • Anonymous says:

                No smart ass. Not correct. If you pluralize family you get families. I was referring to my family, my husband’s family and my son’s family. 3 families.

                Time to get a life 2:04.

                • Anonymous says:

                  Unfortunately, you are still wrong. When indicating possession of multiple families, the correct grammar would be families’.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m an American who has visited the Caymans probably six times loved it every time America does have a fallback called the emergency room no one is turned away

            • Anonymous says:

              Alas, this is the wrong time to boast about long-held medical assumptions. Over 41,000 Americans that attended the best emergency rooms with the best care on the planet, are now sadly deceased. Best of luck to us all.

      • Anonymous says:

        Remember Canadians can’t stand to hear any thing negative about Canada. So don’t ruffle their Loonie.

        • Anonymous says:

          Unless its Albertans complaining about BC, or Ontarians complaining about Quebec, or just about anyone west of Ontario complaining about Trudeau. But other than that, no Canadians don’t like to hear negative comments about their country. Do you like when people not from where you are say negative things about your country? I didn’t think so.

      • Anonymous says:

        and where are you from exactly that makes you such an expert on Canada – Canada will NOT be a statistical horror show in a week – quite the contrary.

    • Anonymous says:

      3:52 the point of the flights is to get people home who have lost there jobs. Canada has laws in place to financially help it’s people. Also many Canadian nationals might have family who are in a position to help them through these difficult times. It may seem heartless but if people without a job stay here they become a drain on the Cayman purse. There’s only so much money the government can pay out without crippling it’s own people. I’m not being heartless of hateful it’s just the state of things atm.

      • Anonymous says:


        • Anonymous says:

          Go home Canada. Yes, I guess 1 million people of Caribbean origin in Canada, including many Caymanians can’t be wrong.

          ONE LOVE 2:14. Come visit us one day.

          • Anonymous says:

            7:49 because those Caribbean people couldn’t get into the UK or USA they had to settle for Oh Canada.

            • Anonymous says:

              You obviously have zero understanding on how the points system that Canada utilizes for immigration. In fact the stable genius wants to implement the same program for America.

    • Anonymous says:

      That may be true but Canadians have free health care and can switch jobs easily if need be rather than having to apply for permits if their jobs cease to exist here.

      • Anon says:

        @10:02pm – Canadians have free health care? No! We pay taxes which when you break it down does not equate to free health care. Until January this year we were paying a monthly charge for health care.

        • Anonymous says:

          Who is we? In Canada in the majority of provinces there is no monthly charge for health care and in those provinces where one pays, it is negligible compared to American health insurance costs which are incredible and God help you if you have a pre-existing condition.

        • Anonymous says:

          In America, one pays taxes as well as huge health insurance premiums and big co-pays too. Certainly not a wonderful system unless one has a great salary.

        • Anonymous says:

          We also pay taxes on everything in Cayman except income! By law we pay a monthly health insurance fee plus we have to pay at the hospital/doctor. Worst case scenario for long term treatment here it will cost a fortune whereas in Canada you will pay nothing for your treatment at the time of being treated or has that changed? Yes you pay income tax but it won’t amount to the many of thousands of dollars for a hospital stay in Cayman where you pay hundreds of dollars a month for insurance and have no source of income because you’ve lost your job.

        • Anonymous says:

          I notice no mention of jobs. Lol

          That is because your salaries in Canada are pennies on the penny compared to what you get in Cayman. You would have never reached the position nor the salary level if you stayed in Canada. Keep your mouth shut.

          • Anonymous says:

            Absurd. Canadians live a much higher standard of living than Caymanians. It’s a special kind of ignorance you have here Lol! People don’t come here for the money, they come for the weather. Period.

            • Anonymous says:

              Agreed about the standard of living, but escaping taxes and the favourable CI to CAN exchange rate also play a big part of why Canadians come here. When oil was soaring and the Canadian dollar was on par with the US$, I know several Canadians who chose to go back home exactly because the exchange rate difference between what they were earning here and what they could earn there wasn’t worth what they lose in standard of living by not being in Canada – despite the taxes! Good luck to all my Canadian friends who are leaving!

        • Anonymous says:

          If you give me the choice between Canada’s or the UK’s NHS I will take them over America’s huge health insurance premiums, never ending increasing co-pays, and constant battles with American health insurance companies when one tries to make a major claim especially when one has a catastrophic health problem such as cancer.

          In America, profit is what now drives the whole of the health sector and Americans, except those with wealth or high paying professional jobs, are paying a huge price.

          As Trump fights in court to further weaken the public aspects of the American health care system, we are seeing the slow and steady decline of the over all health of Americans.

  17. Anonymous says:

    How in the world people who spent 1-10 years here supposed to repatriate if
    “…one carry on [allowed] not exceeding 11″ x 16″ x 24″ and two checked pieces of luggage (55 lbs. each not exceeding linear dimensions of 62 inches). No additional pieces or overweight/oversized luggage will be permitted.”
    Are they supposed to leave their stuff here?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes. They can always send for it, sell it, or come back for it in future.

      • Anonymous says:

        They can put it on Ecay.

        • Anonymous says:

          Have you seen the notice in scary right now,? They are telling people to arrange the sale if their items, then wait for the (months/years) until we are allowed out of our houses to meet to exchange said items. Who is going to hold a car for you for a year while your buyer waits a year to pick it up? (Ir any other item)-ecay is not recommending any exchange of anything now. They talk about it being “fun to browse during our lockdown” as a sort of hobby. “Just window shopping “- 😒

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep. Unfortunately that’s the deal with evacuation flights. Pack the biggest duffel/Rubbermaid you’ve got with the stuff that means the most to you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Storage locker

    • Chet Oswald Ebanks says:

      Hi, My answer to your question would be yes or sell what you can, give the remainder to a charity or friends. I learnt many years ago growing up on Cayman Brac to do without lots. For example when one generator went down.. Half of the island got electricity for 6 hours and the other half did without. back and forth till, the other generator came back online. Please material things we have accumulated are just that. They can all be replaced, later as needed. The Cayman Islands is in the same position as any other country in the world. Trying to do it’s part, mind a bit late, but finally helping it’s own people. When The Cayman Islands opens back up. Hopefully many of you can return to find employment. Am not being hatefull or being rude, just speaking what is true. If you have a home here, am assuming the banks will do their part. But The Cayman Islands Government can’t continue to foot the bill for everyone here. It is high time a Government elected by it’s own people reap some benefits. Instead of always getting broken promises.
      The Caymanian people have been made to feel like we are strangers in our own country. Whatever, whoever dosen’t get what is happening world wide must then be living some place else but Earth.

      We have Caymanians many are school children going hungry, the elderly. Just read the article that the principal of Sir John A Cumber Primary School did. Our children are our future, and we all Caymanians and Government have to do it’s part. We have to live here. I have been told many a times before. Your Caymanian, you have no place to go. So in a world pandemic as this. The best place to be is your own country. I for one am happy to be home surrounded with my few family, friends, loved ones. Even if it has to be done via the internet like WhatsApp. It’s high time a Cayman Government help it’s own Caymanian people. Cayman has developed throughout the past many decades, but every Caymanian Government elected. Has taken the power to enrich themselves with the oh so powerfull green dollar. It’s about time a Caymanian Government elected by its people, the registered voters and citizens take care of it’s own people.
      I will end by saying this again because I know the unknown annoymous posters, some will have something downgrading to say. But I am one Caymanian who will continue to speak up until the powers that be start to listen. God Bless The Cayman Islands and it’s people.

      Thank you kindly,

      Chet Oswald Ebanks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ask a college student, they know how it’s done.

    • Anonymous says:

      And if It was a hurricane coming, what do you then if you need to evacuate, come on people use your brain, if that is still available for use.

    • Anonymous says:

      3:42, Are you a dumb Canadian or what? Put your stuff in a storage locker like all the other Canadians are doing. Then when you come back next year, everything will be there.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes stupid…’s a PANDEMIC!

    • Anonymous says:

      Be a grown up and choose your own adventure: (a) whittle it down to something portable, (b),store it, or (c) box it up for a moving or courier company.


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